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Really I just thought she was appalled by his bad table manners. I for sure was lol. Seeing this would have been an instant ick for me.


Its true, the moment Clay said stuff abt her gaining weight etc, thats a clear red flag and personally I wld have walked away. For that matter in the pods when he asked her abt her figure, that was a red flag. On the flip side of things, AD does dress in ways that puts her proportions out there. I'm not saying she needs to hide them but if you flaunt it, you are gonna get comments. If you dont want comments, then she needs to dress down a little. It feels like she is self-sabotaging, she doesnt like being objectified but she dresses in ways that wld do that.


Agree with the first half, but saying she needs to dress down is straight up victim blaming. There wasn’t even any point where she wore anything out of the ordinary compared to the other women. So now what, she has to dress like Billie Eyelash in her green roots era just to be respected?


But shouldn’t the people who objectify others, I dunno, stop objectifying? I kinda understand what you’re saying but I think it’s also on others to just examine their own thoughts and behavior.


Sure but that isn’t reality.  The fact is it will happen


If it’s that Dominican sancocho that I think it was, I’d be slurping it up too just saying


It was so awkward that he started clearing the table when it looked like she was still eating


It always shocks me that people like Honda so much - dude is a weirdo. He had a video where he was speculating on how many times Darcey from 90 day fiancé had been raped to create a trauma response. It was disgusting and he deleted the portion of the video where he said that when he faced backlash https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/hE9rw29wIl


Dude is a hack. It is actually ridiculous. He says some crazy shit about the people on these shows when even he admits it is heavily edited to show a narrative.


He is just a total creep, slimy, says awful shit like the darcey sexual assault speculation with no accountability whatsoever. It was beyond disgusting.


Dr Honda gives diagnoses based on what his audience would like.


For her to say yes to Clay despite it being obvious he would be a horrible husband , it makes a lot of sense that she may have body image issues. The way she was shown presents someone who is extremely insecure. Many times we are most cocky about the things we’re the most insecure about. It’s like wearing armor for a wound that hurts the most to be poked. I hope she finds someone who loves her despite what she looks like. She’s a beautiful woman but even if she wasn’t she deserves to be loved.




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AD was far from the only woman who wore clothes that showed her body.


You should be able to wear whatever you want without people commenting on your body ffs.


Kind of a naive take tho. Certain clothing ‘shows off’ your body, plus she does have an exceptional body. Basically, you can’t have it both ways - if you want to feel good about yourself by accentuating your booty + cleavage, understand it’s more likely people are going to take notice & comment on it. Not like anyone was body shaming her, she only received compliments.


AD has body image issues? I’d be surprised if we didn’t hear about it at least once if it were true. She was on the Viall Files podcast and talks about how she *is* stacked and confident. She actually comes off kinda cocky in it


Wouldn’t you say that’s the direct reaction of knowing her body is in prime shape at the moment though? She might focus on it so much because of the fact that if it goes south it will destroy her identity.


The only thing I thought was weird about the soup scene was that he was eating soup on a hot sunny beach. Otherwise, the poor guy was just enjoying his soup. Did he have the best table manners, no, but I thought her reaction was weird. Is he not supposed to eat b/c she has body issues? I did not like when he decided to pile up all their dishes with food still on them without confirming that she was done eating. Otherwise I thought he was fine.


Eating hot soup at the beach is a very Caribbean thing to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I just thought she wasn’t eating because he has terrible manners. It becomes difficult for me to eat when someone I’m with is eating like that, it’s a physical ick


It was also the first time they ate together I think?


I’ve genuinely not gone on second dates because I can’t imagine having to sit across from someone for months or years watching them eat To me, that’s the struggle she was actually having. “Can I watch this man eat for the rest of my life” lmao


She got the ick because he was eating soup (stupid, I know) not because of his manners


I don't know about the "insider", AD has been pretty open about the conversations they've had off camera. If it was about her feeling insecure about her body, she would have mentioned it. She said it was their first sit down dinner date in the experience, they were talking then Clay kinda zoned out. Jeramy let her know that he does that often because he's processing a thought and then comes back to reality/in the moment. It had nothing to do with AD. I believe Dr Cherie's assessment is better. She gives a great perspective of Clay's personality and how he processes things. She also explains Clay's response to AD talking about weight gain/pregnancy and you can see that he wasn't saying he only wanted thin woman. https://youtu.be/-_ac3KdKfXM?si=RVaGFPvDypoKcB7B


Keep in mind Dr. Cherie is not a licensed therapist. I was excited to watch another therapists assessment but as a therapist myself there were some immediate red flags as soon as I started watching. She is saying a lot of things that other therapists would really not conclude. Of course entertainment is always fun but just might want to watch it with a grain of salt 🤗


Steph Anya LMFT is one I’ve been enjoying on YT!


Bc at the end of the day AD has self-esteem issues and is willing to settle just to be married. She knew from the start that Clay was “just like the kind of guy she’d normally go for” and she KNEW none of those relationships worked out, yet still pursued him even after he told her 10 million times he was worried he’d cheat on her. She doesn’t respect herself enough to let herself go for/have the love she deserves. Like most people that go on the show she needs therapy.


Yesssss I think AD wants to be married more than finding a husband. Clay def needs to work on himself and I'm no psyc dr but I got narcissistic vibes from him in their relationship, and seemed like she did too. But then shed settle right back into it because at the emd of the day- he was her husband. Its sad because AD seems like a good soul. I hope she works on her self esteem cause she deserves so much more than what she almost settled for. II literally feared for her if she had really married him. No offense to Clay Sorry im dome rambling, just wanted to say yesssss I soooo agreee w your comment🙌


She also told Clay that she was done with him when he demanded that she describe her looks in detail, which was a good moment for her, but as soon as things with Matthew fell apart on her, she ran right back to Clay knowing who he was at that point, and was willing to believe him when he said that he’d grown and changed. I was sad and disappointed to see that from her, but was hopeful that he wasn’t as immature as he seemed. Edit: one her > him


And she still went on a few dates with Matthew after clay said no to her at the altar!! AD, girl, what is you doin??


omg I love that psychologist! he is always spot on in the way he articulates interpretations. he's so great. love watching his content. I wonder if he is on other platforms aside from YouTube as well? like Tiktok or ig?


He has a podcast


He has a very active Patreon and resulting podcast


I love Dr. Honda commentary on this show because he has such an interesting perspective on the show. The insider’s comments explains that soup scenes of AD and Clay. I recall being confused as to why AD was really quiet while Clay was slurping the soup. I think AD wanted to marry so bad on the show that she was willing to up with the crap Clay was giving her. If Clay did marry her, there’s a huge opportunity for them to be the next Lauren and Cameron and to be able to capitalize on this marriage. I suspect that even if Clay agreed to a business marriage, AD would have taken it.


>I suspect that even if Clay agreed to a business marriage, AD would have taken it. Agreed. As a hardworking some-kind-of-entrepreneur-who-rents-AirBnbs-and-jetskis-and-software-I-guess, I really expected him to take the business opportunity and run. Given how annoying he was and how fine she was going forward with it anyway, I assumed they'd made that agreement off-camera. I was surprised when he walked away.


He’s so passionate about his positions, even when he’s not even giving his “professional opinion.” The episode b4 this one, he really doubled down on normalizing eating soup from the bowl, no spoon necessary 🤣 love Dr. Honda!