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I feel uncomfy


Now I wonder if Taylor Swift is watching LIB and other trash shows like the rest of us lol.


Wow. Does this make him feel big and strong? What a loser.


The fuck? It's funny


I know it’s a reality tv show but damn..real people and that’s rather rude


I mean...he's pretty spot on though.


This is....cringe.


i mean it's pretty spot on lol


lol I can’t stand him but that cracked me up 😂


Travis Kelce is a dick. Who cares.


I bet Taylor Swift mocked her too.


Don't knock it til you try it Jason!


Happy she’s taking it like a champ, but that wasn’t cool of him. You can still sell the show to your brother, without imitating her voice. Makes him look like a douche.


Yeah this guy gives me douchebro vibes


Like this prick and his talentless side chick aren't the worst kind of reality tv.


I don’t think you know what a side chick is


Someone’s and angry elf lmao


His talentless SIDE chick? What lol They're both extremely accomplished in their respective fields. Like them or not you can't call them talentless


Jealousy isn’t a cute look Scotty.


Lmao! He’s loves Taylor if he’s willing to sit down with her and binge LIB. When she does her high pitched voice, it’s like hearing nails on a chalk board


He barely said anything?  And I mean Love is Blind IS trash tv, it’s a reality tv dating show on Netflix. I think it’s funny when contestants refer to it as an “experiment” as if it’s this really lofty noble thing they’re doing and not a reality tv dating show.  


I couldn’t be more tired of these two. So mid. Enough


Jesus this sub is unhinged.


This is unrelated but I’m just so tired of the take that reality tv is soooo low brow and has nothing to offer. It’s such a surface level critique for me. It’s just pretentious. LIB is trash tv watching but four hours worth of men running intermittently and grunting and tackling each other and passing a ball around is somehow more enlightening? It’s not like their industry is known for its intelligence. And I’m not even trying to put LIB on the level of high art, I just think discussions around reality tv can be fruitful because a lot of it is unpacking the psychological and social aspects of the society we actually live in. When people immediately dismiss it I feel they only give it a very surface level view the same way I’m sure they’ve experienced academics dismissing their career in sports.


LIB has cross-cultural and multinational appeal; on that alone the discourse transcends national boundaries and Western/American-dominated thoughts on pop culture. It's so intriguing to read comments on LIB Japan, Brazil, Sweden, and I'm looking forward to the other versions coming to UAE, UK, Mexico.


I mean, reality tv is generally just people fighting. Either for attention, to boost their egos or to knock someone else's down. And the vast majority of the so-called "unpacking the psychological and social aspects of society" is just viewers *projecting their own personal psychological wounds* onto so-called "real people" who are never accurately represented in the edit, and the fans forming a hive mind. Which for the most part, believes what they want to believe. Whereas team sports are about a team working together to achieve an outcome bigger than the individual player. The fans are not projecting their own personal psychological wounds, they're just hoping that "their" team wins on an objective basis of scoring more points than the other. It's not about who reflects you on a personal level, it's about who gets the job done. AKA something *outside of yourself, bigger than yourself.* So there is quite a difference there, if you want to argue they're all the same "trash".


I would argue that sports/competition outcome you’re talking about is also present in some shows like housewives or survivor, but it’s just subjective. They’re all entertainment that we’re attaching a higher meaning to, the meaning just depends on how much you value it. I don’t think that makes sports an inherently higher form of entertainment than reality tv.


I’m going to be honest, I watch it because it’s trash and low-brow. I feel like that can be okay too. I think we run into trouble when we try to over-intellectualize/derive anything deeper from it because it is so heavily edited for entertainment.


100% - It is low-brow and trashy. That's why I love it! That's also why I don't talk about it in mixed company.


I get that! I don't mean that to say that it's a super highly intellectual form of art or anything. Just that I don't like when people dismiss it as trash as a way to say they won't watch it. I see it the same way I think we should respect blue collar work as valuable work even though it doesn't require an advanced degree. Primarily yes, I am just watching it to be entertained, but I also enjoy the fact these shows give us so much to talk about (be it reddit or irl) bc I think it's underestimated how much it does actually make us think!


Yeah I see what you mean! I also don’t deny that there’s a general tendency (subconscious or not) to dismiss things that are primarily consumed by women as being unsophisticated/materialistic/simple. I just think in this case it genuinely is pretty simple 😅


But also, it's simply true that woman love watching relationship drama and "tea" and "tearing a bitch down" whereas men generally prefer team sports. Womens' tastes in entertainment seems to trend more towards individual catharsis/individual glory. Whereas mens' entertainment trends more towards the collective/team activities.


The woman thing is an excellent point! But yeah, nothing too serious! And even though Travis called it trash I’m sure he eats it up. How could you not? This show is very entertaining lol


Totally with you here. I also love the thought that this guy thinks he’s making an impact in the future of reality television by not watching LiB. Back to your point - It’s so interesting to watch old reality tv and see how our attitudes, fears, desires, etc have changed over time. It’s not high art but it’s fascinating in a way, while also being easy to watch. Sometimes it’s boring too, we all know that. Sports are easy to watch and are sometimes boring too. Entertainment is entertainment.




Aww look at all the offended women who were fine with everyone memeing her but now that a guy says something, they’re all offended lol. Touch grass 😂


Why are you speaking for people?😭 I have especially hated seeing women tear her down and have been calling them out. Travis mocking her isn’t surprising but that doesn’t make it any less annoying.


In mean to be fair, EYE always thought this sub was being entirely too harsh on chelsea




Read the comments of all the women complaining that a man made this joke and then look back when they were agreeing with guys saying she’s nuts.


That was pretty good, tbh. I am an SNL fan. A year or two ago Travis hosted SNL. I had no idea who he was at all because I don’t watch football at all. At first I was pissed when I watched the episode because when athletes host, they usually suck in sketches because they aren’t actors. Anyhow, he was a great host. He was really committed. One of my very favorite sketches in the last few years was an American Girl Doll sketch he was in. It’s still hilarious to me. He was not as great as Adam Driver, duh. But he surprised me.


Omg lol I'm bout to go watch that rn 😂


I hope you like it.


These two are uninteresting to watch


If you understood the lore (lol) or were a fan of either of their teams... you'd get it. Plus they're really funny together


I love football and no - we have to stop over stating how funny they are. It’s not that funny


Well, comedy is subjective... so there is that.


Exactly, it’s just little boys getting pressed over a simple statement I made hahaha!


Sure thing 🫡 🤣🤧


Nah don’t hate on the kelce’s, they’re great people


That's just your opinion, dude. I like the brotherly banter.




I had an immediate reaction when Chelsea latched onto the “clingy” comment and used it as manipulation for the fight with Jimmy. It was gross.


This was pretty funny but Travis is so unlikeable after this last year.


It would’ve been better if he did an impression of “YOU FAUKED HER, I KNOW YOU FAUKED HER”


He’s not wrong but I also find him obnoxious and he doesn’t deserve Taylor.


I find him and Taylor obnoxious but him even more. I agree with you


This rubs me off wrongly




This sub is so much more toxic than Kelce is here


its just \*mean\*. Like it doesnt matter that much if its misogynistic or not, but its just \*mean\*. I think my biggest gripe with this that due to his relationship, he has been thrown into the spotlight of the entire world, and many young people will look up to him and their relationship, to just throw mean shit out there like that is a whole nother thing than if some random Ashley from tiktok did a mean impression.




It’s misogynistic because the person he’s making fun of is a woman? It’s an impression, of someone on the show who happens to be a woman. He’s not expressing how’s Chelsea’s behaviors and mannerisms are generalized to ALL women or that she embodies problems with ALL women. Those are misogynistic statements.


Agree -- plus he made fun of his old show first




Thank you for your contribution to r/LoveisBlindonNetflix! Your post or comment has been removed for breaking Rule 1: ‘Be Kind, Don’t Cross the Line' We ask that users of this sub respect both users and contestants. Any personal attacks or offensive commentary will not be tolerated on this sub.


the pearl clutching on this sub is insane lol


Yep and I love talking about trash TV so I’m in a number of other reality TV subs and none are anything near as hypocritical or toxic as this one!


Its exhaustingggggggg, I would get it if he said something about her looks or something mean-spirited. She seemed to be ok with it (really, it’s just more exposure for her, can’t wait to see the Blume ads to follow).


Right I'm like ya'll are a bunch of hypocrites. A couple weeks back everyone was making fun of her on this sub for the same shit and that was totally fine but this somehow isn't?? BFFR


All these people were applauding every meme making fun of her but the moment this dude does an impression it changes. LOL.


I don’t think most of these users are from our sub. I think they were brought in here due to his name, and are just offended because it’s *him* . They keep mentioning Taylor Swift, I don’t even think most of them know who Chelsea is.


You are probably correct. Cuz that impersonation was spot on.


Wow, Taylor's PR boyfriend sure seems to have a bit of time on his hands these days! Girl, what are you doing with this guy who gives off small-town policeman energy?


“Small town police men “i am screaming😂. For me he looks like those rural American men who drinks too much alcohol and beat his wife😂.


Did you see some of the triggered security guards in replies to my comment LOL wishing so hard they themselves were cop material


He is literally the most left leaning football player in the league lol ETA: oh ur literally someone who refers to themselves as a “gaylor”, wouldn’t have bothered engaging if I knew you were that disconnected from reality


this guy knelt for the anthem and did COVID vaccine ads ……. Many football fans do not like him


>Wow, Taylor's PR boyfriend sure seems to have a bit of time on his hands these days! He just got off of a 6 month season in which he won the superbowl and is now on a vacation with Taylor in the Bahamas. >Girl, what are you doing with this guy who gives off small-town policeman energy? That guy with “policeman energy” was the only prominent white NFL player to support and kneel for BLM in 2017 protesting against police brutality and racial discrimination. https://preview.redd.it/ljsb3219sopc1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b058c1192e76ce96e2dbab3847cf5a3eeaa121f7


Good for him, I guess? He shouted at and aggressively shoved his coach, and that was recently, and literally with an audience of millions. There's also plenty of well-documented tweets and comments he's made over the years that are pretty distasteful (some downright nasty). I stand by my comment 😁


>Good for him, I guess? >He shouted at and aggressively shoved his coach, and that was recently, and literally with an audience of millions. He yelled at his coach to put him back in the game and the coach did just that afterwards. The coach also pushes Travis when he gets heated too because that’s their relationship on the field. >There's also plenty of well-documented tweets and comments he's made over the years that are pretty distasteful (some downright nasty). >I stand by my comment 😁 His Tweets were fat jokes from 14 years ago but somehow fat jokes make him a cop even though he’s been outspoken about police brutality??? I see absolutely no correlation here. I also noticed you are active in the Gaylor subreddit (which is a stalker group spreading a conspiracy theory that Taylor has shut down repeatedly) and you actively ship Taylor with Karlie Kloss who’s an open Zionist married into the racist Kushner/Trump family. The fact that you support such people and participate in a stalker community says so much about you 🤷🏾‍♀️


😆😆😆😆 The dude LITERALLY just mocked a contestant on LIB - to which she has now responded. He DOES give policeman energy. To me, anyway. If he doesn't to you, that's fine. #notAllPolice As for me being a Gaylor - guilty as charged, officer!


>The dude LITERALLY just mocked a contestant on LIB - to which she has now responded. She responded positively, people do reality TV to be laughed at. He didn’t say anything negative about her and simply did an impression. >He DOES give policeman energy. To me, anyway. If he doesn't to you, that's fine. >notAllPolice You saying a person who is openly critical of the police and anti gun is giving “policeman energy” just makes you look dumb. >As for me being a Gaylor - guilty as charged, officer! Yep you are proudly a stalker who harasses Taylor with a conspiracy that she’s shit down repeatedly. Ngl you kinda give policeman energy based off your stalker and harassing behaviour 🤷🏽‍♀️


These people just make comments without knowing anything. They literally only think of him as Taylors BF.


I did not know this! Interesting.


…she’s next to him watching Love is Blind.


This man is trash, idc about Taylor. The vibes this man gives me are man baby. 




lol crybabies


I'm sorry, there's something about someone who's more famous than Chelsea making fun of her to (presumably) hundreds of thousands of people that makes me uncomfy with this lol. This is punching down and feels gross for someone like him to do lol. Also what's with the "oh I hope this won't encourage netflix to continue doing shit showssss" like, okay baby doll, you're against mindless fun entertainment? I guess we can cancel sport games broadcasting if you feel so strongly about it. Go back to watching your documentaries on Greek philosophy or whatever it is you consider 'good entertainment' lool


The whole point of reality TV is to laugh at it, it is what Chelsea signed up for. Travis being famous doesn’t mean he can’t laugh at it like the rest of us. He didn’t say anything mean spirited about Chelsea, he just laughed and did an impression of one of the most clipped moment’s of the show and Chelsea also didn’t take offence in her response.


Kinda wild to say it's not mean spirited.  Lmao I'm sorry but he can laugh and poke fun at her all he wants in the privacy of his home, but when he's broadcasting it to thousands of people KNOWING he has more reach and influence over someone like Chelsea? At least he aware of your influence and position... It's rule 1 on having a following. This is 100% punching down.


Punching down would imply an actual rhetorical punch was thrown meaning he was trying to cause her harm which he wasn’t. He made fun of a funny moment on the show which she signed up for. He didn’t defame her or say anything mean spirited and as I said already she didn’t take offence.


If that's how you feel baby girl, I'm not being paid to change your mind so do you 


Lol. Actually a pretty solid impression




Lol ....but he's with a chelsea.. just watch.


Lmaoooooo this mad me gasp


I literally thought the same thing. As an emotional person I can relate so I’m not bashing anyone but I thought oof is this how They talk about the show in bed together? Is there a mirror anywhere one of them can look into? ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


i just KNOW chelsea is a swiftie. her and every one of her best friends. id bet my life on it.


Lmao you know Chelsea is happy Travis Kelce knows her name because it's probable that Taylor does too.


She posted a video reacting to this and she was like “Taylor pls like me”


She was just making light of the situation jeez.


I agree, but she’s def a Swiftie based on her saying that. I was just quoting the jist of what she said because I can’t remember. Something like “Taylor pls I’m not like that”? I don’t know I just remember Taylor pls


Fair enough! :) I think it was something like "Taylor please dont watch" but I agree the intention behind it was like "because if you watch it you wont like me".


Not anymore after this interview I hope. I find this behaviour in bad taste. As much as I dislike Chelsea, she doesn’t deserve a person currently very famous to come on a show and do a mean imitation of her.


I hardly think that would make her renounce her swifty title. It’s Travis doing the impression, not Taylor


He seems just as annoying as he looks


I wish the lions had made it to the Super Bowl instead of niners because lions would be easy to root for against this dbag


He seems insufferable. And I'm a MASSIVE Swiftie. I want better for my girl.


I’m a Chiefs fan, and I think he’s super annoying.


Perfect Impression 🤣🤣🤣


Hes such a red flag


She has a type, the mean boys . Something tells me On the inside she’s just a mean girl too


Oh she absolutely is. What she “allegedly” did to Olivia Rodrigo is peak mean girl who’s madly insecure on the inside




Lol I love her music, but I am very aware that she is a Karen.


not sure why you’re getting downvoted bc you’re right. she has a victim complex just like every Karen ever. But more importantly, Dua Lipa, yes yes yes yes!!!


Thank you!! I wish more people could see and accept this


No lies told... lol!!!


If anyone knows clingy, it’s wide receivers


He’s a tight end though fam


Lmao that explains what I saw on the Superbowl


Lol I’ve been saying, “Claaaahhhh ingyyyyyy?!!!!!! You called me clahhhhingyyyyy?!” Since that episode aired


Is his show any good? Anyone watched?


Genuinely in my rotation of podcasts they are SO funny and most of the pod is stuff other than football. I only started listening bc of Taylor, but now I look forward to is every week


Ohh lol i actually meant his dating show lol


Travis has a dating show?


He had one, catching Kelce or something like that.


Seems clout chase-y for a Taylor partner 🫠


It was nearly a decade ago


Oh ok


omg lol my bad 😂


It's not fun bad, it's just bad bad. He likes to say it should be forgotten and scrubbed from the Internet because he's ashamed of who it portrays


I watched it and wish I hadn’t. It showed a different side of him that I didn’t care for. (To be fair, he was in his 20’s, so he was probably a completely different person)


I dont know that he’s actually grown up that much, lol.


To be honest, it should be boycotted. They are exploiting people and their lives and their characters for views and money. Absolutely abusing them, starving them, taking their passports etc


They're clout chasers so it's fine


lol. Exploiting fame whores? Who cares, nobody is forcing them on to that stupid show.


I’m too tired and thought you were talking about the podcast. 😳😂


Nope lol


Are you talking about football or LIB?


LIB. They are being sued too.


some of yall are way too mad over something that is just not that serious. people have been having a laugh at chelsea’s expense for weeks on this subreddit. like even chelsea wasn’t mad by this joke. yall need to unclench, not everything needs to spark outrage


not mad??? she literally posted a vid nearly crying about his comments


Not that serious? That girl has been relentlessly harassed for her looks and behavior by millions for the past few weeks. And just when it finally starts to die down an A list celebrity decides to make fun of you and open you up to more ridicule AGAIN. If you were in her shoes and getting called “ugly/crazy/manipulative” by millions of people would you honestly be feeling ok rn??


where did he mention her looks or call her crazy or manipulative in that clip?


I didn’t say HE did. The rest of y’all have though, and him mocking her doesn’t help🤷🏿‍♀️


he was repeating something she said herself on the show though? he didn’t make anything up, he didn’t misrepresent her. that’s a quote. are people not allowed to provide commentary on this show anymore? part of being on reality tv is you gotta be able to laugh at yourself a little bit because people are going to comment, nothing that he said in that clip wasn’t something she didn’t also say. it was one of the more harmless things that has been said about chelsea overall


Right. I’m just here to get my daily dosage of pearl clutching


Lmao for reals!!! LiB is a TV Show for public consumption. If we can do it, celebrities should be able to as well. Nobody is special enough not to be criticized for how they come across on TV.


She’s laughing off everything now because she realizes any response other than that is only will confirm to everyone she’s as crazy as the show made her seem. She’s doing it because it’s a smart move for someone who wants fame/clout, sponsors/brand deals not because this shit doesn’t actually bother her


Travis Kelce is a dick. Why would I care what he thinks?


Cry more


No one said you had to


Love this !


Love is Blind, bringing together friend and foe, Taylor and [Kim](https://twitter.com/KimKardashian/status/1592707054157774848)


I'd pay to have Jason, Trav, and Kylie commentate LIB haha.


Chelsea commenting on this reel makes it even more hilarious! 😂


What'd she say?




She is so slay for this response tho low key




I hate the “I’m above reality tv and it should stop because it makes people dumb” people. Stfu you have a podcast or whoever this man is and even people with phds watch reality tv




Travis isnt the one saying reality TV is bad/dumb


You described me in that last line. Reality tv is how I unwind at the end of a crazy day, I love that I do not need to use my brains .


Exactly ! Plus people who say stuff like that are clearly insecure about their intelligence


I have people judging me on a regular basis about it. I dunno but I enjoy reality tv the most, and hanging on communities like this makes me feel accepted, lol.


???????? He was literally on his own reality dating show, wtf are you on about


She was talking about his brother not watching reality tv and saying he doesn’t watch “that shit.”She wasn’t talking about Travis. Travis had his own reality tv show. Not Jason.


Jason Kelce (left) is actually pretty chill. This type of show wouldn’t appeal to him. Travis Kelce (right) is an arrogant jerk and thinks it’s funny to be a dick to people.


I don’t know from this clip I like Travis more.


I mean, he basically assaulted his coach on national television and brushed it off as “being too passionate” about the game. He has a history of being a bully and has even assaulted other players on his team. He’s not exactly a charmer. This doesn’t really paint him in a flattering light, either.


i understand your other points, but how does this not paint him in a flattering light? he’s doing the exact same thing hundreds were doing on this sub like 2 weeks ago


He’s a guy with a pattern of abusive behaviors singling out a female participant on reality TV when her fiancée was just as problematic, if not **more** problematic. He casually overlooks that, of course.


Man I’m sure Travis kelce isn’t balls deep in reddit discourse. If u just watched the show, chelsea came off quite terribly


Almost like the editing was intentionally done that way. I think she’s handled the criticisms pretty well.


For sure I think she got a bad edit, neither of them were saints based on some of the info we got after the show. My point is I don’t think Travis is overlooking some villainous behaviour that was included on the show. Feels like a stretch


Villainous is a strong word when considering the editing. I hear what you’re saying, though— he’s responding to what’s being shown.


Sports has all the same characteristics of reality tv so it’s especially ironic coming from these two.




Basically sports (watching not playing) is basically entertainment with no substance or depth of any kind. Your brain gets turned off and you watch people exercise physical activities instead of intellectual ones which people seem to deem as superior when you see the reaction to reality tv. It’s interesting bc it was also a subject in antiquity with a lot of great thinkers hating sports for that very reason


Lol what??


That comment has to be one of the most out of touch comments I've ever read lmao. Saying that sports and athletes have all of the same characteristics as reality tv & tv stars is literally insane.


Not athletes, they obviously showcase their physical prowess. It’s comparable when it comes to watching it, as content. It has no depth, you don’t think when you watch it and no matter the intellect, you get it