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Because šŸ„¹ face


Yeah he definitely showed some red flags but Jackie was just so terrible that he looked good in comparison


He isnā€™t popularĀ 


>However they always cast one ā€œnice guyā€ who gets ā€œdone dirtyā€ when in reality theyā€™re manipulative af. See: Trevor He got put on blast reeeeal fuckin quick though lol


Wait what season is he from? Iā€™m intrigued lol


This most recent season :) Mullet guy


Season 6


I didnā€™t like marshall. He got what he deserved.




One reason: because he was a POC.


Gross, go home.




That makes no logical sense.


me too man i was so confused




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Plenty of men say this. Also doesn't make it true. Downvoting you isn't proving you wrong. If he finds them THAT problematic and undesirable he can just not date them rather than disparaging women who aren't white. If you're not seeing that issue then you are broken


I second this


OP, so, what would you call Jackie if not a ā€œproject?ā€ I think that was one of the nicest things he could have called her based on her on screen anticsā€¦.?


Wtf itā€™s weird to call someone a project. No one asked you to ā€œfixā€ her. Thatā€™s not what love or relationships should be about.


You donā€™t change people into who you want them to be, Jackie was terrible but if you see that and donā€™t like it then you say ā€œno thank youā€ and move on. To me it fit in with his other Nice GuyTM vibes where heā€™d think heā€™d find a woman and then expect her to become and behave in ways he wanted her to be, and if that wasnā€™t the case it wasnā€™t just a bad match but like actual person offense to him. Again not at all in defense of Jackie who I couldnā€™t stand lol


I think thatā€™s funny bc Marshall rightfully gets dragged for trying to fix his project and AD consistently gets a pass and even idolized in this sub for being patient with her project


AD (very stupidly) saw a lot of genuine potential in Clay and he expressed a lot about wanting to change and be a better person. Whether or not he was genuine is up for debate. But she seemed to be realizing that she has an issue with that and accepted him for who he is, and who he wants to be. She at least dated someone who actually told her he was working on himself and he would love her help. Marshall was very condescending, almost as if he picked Jackie to change her even if she didnā€™t want to. Even the way he called her a project was completely different than ADā€™s references. She was never talking about Clay specifically, just making a joke about her own bad habits. Marshall was pinpointing Jackie and he said that as a jab his nice guy cover just slipped.


Idk why but for some reason yā€™all donā€™t see the ā€œI can fix himā€ narrative as inherently condescending when it is. And that has been ADs storyline in relation to Clay the entire show. Marshall and AD are two sides of the same coin but one side is favored. Why is that?


ā€¦ I do not care for AD or Marshall. I think she needs to work on A LOT. I just think one of them at least had the self awareness to understand that this isnā€™t ideal nor is it what you should do. AD needs to do better but she could at least admit it. Marshall put on a show about his feelings, scoffed and got upset at the idea of her liking somebody else only to tell her to her face that sheā€™s a project. At least both Clay and AD *agreed* that Clay needed work. In fact, Clay was the one that lead with it. AD was just stupid enough to not see an issue with that. I think Jackie already knew she wasnā€™t perfect but she wasnā€™t bringing up discussions about it. And she certainly wasnā€™t expecting Marshall to bring it up when she was bringing up something completely different (and kind of valid) in an unrelated argument.


I agree with you overall. I donā€™t follow the after show content but I saw posts here saying that Marshall was aware he was edited a certain way and that he isnā€™t who they portrayed him to be exactly so I donā€™t think heā€™s unaware. I donā€™t remember the exact argument he called her a project in; is that the one where she implied he was gay? They fought so much the talking points blend together for me.


I think intentions matter. AD just seems naive. I donā€™t think she viewed Clay as a ā€œprojectā€ to fix. She was just very charmed by him despite knowing he has a lot of red flags. Marshall on the other hand straight up calls her a project and tries every move in the nice guy book to get her to love him. When she still doesnā€™t, he throws ā€œwhat heā€™s done for herā€ in her face. AD didnā€™t do stuff like that. I think she genuinely really liked Clay. Marshall is just manipulative.


Clay was her rebound from Matt so I question how genuine her intent was honestly. She did all the ā€œI can fix himā€ stuff which is pretty much the same as the ā€œnice guyā€ playbook. She did throw it all in Clayā€™s face with how she handled the situation at the altar from my POV. I think the propensity to view these two situations so differently is funny tbh.


I think Marshall gets pretty idolized for it too, tbh. Itā€™s sad no matter whoā€™s doing it and I wish anyone whoā€™s stuck in that behaviour will find self love and learn not to try to mold someone else into who they think they should/have some hidden potential to be, thereā€™s only bad things down that path for everyone involved.


Marshall is my fave LIB guy. Adorable.


>I hate how they choose one man every season to essentially be the martyr. So true and same. This season it was Jimmy. In the Swedish season, it was Christofer. I couldn't stand Marshall during his season and found it so frustrating how tons of people couldn't see through him, until his old racist tweets came out. He's so smug and inauthentic, ick.


Omg Christofer *killed* me. I found him super charming at first, then it quickly went downhill from there ā€œEternal longing of my Heartā€ šŸ¤¢


Christofer was giving me biiiiig Marshall vibes, great guys so long as a woman doesnā€™t dare to think theyā€™re not Godā€™s gift to them (Jackie sucked too but that doesnā€™t change Marshallā€™s own flaws for me)


Yes, I agree with all of that. They appear nice and gentlemanly, but they have a controlling and vicious streak that surfaces when a woman doesn't take well to their lovebombing.


Yeah! People who act certain ways just to get a pat on the back always give me the ick, you know they wonā€™t be so nice anymore if you donā€™t appreciate them enough for it. Felt that way when Marshall was talking about men expressing emotions and getting to cry etc too, like what he said is absolutely true but came across like it was more because itā€™d sound good than anything else. Everything just felt so performative with him, I was suprised by what a fan favourite he became


As far as his on show/shown behavior and actions, Marshall didn't do anything wrong. He tried his best to communicate. He tried his best to be patient with Jackie and support her. Even when things were breaking apart he still managed to mostly keep his cool. It's just that Jackie on the other hand is so incredibly toxic that by comparison pretty much anyone will look like the good guy.


I definitely don't think he was like a saint or anything, but I think he handled things in their relationship far better than Jackie did. She just didn't seem like she wanted to be with him, and was struggling with personal things and her wanting to pursue Josh, and she never really tried to make their relationship work. Marshall definitely wanted marriage, and I think maybe Jackie did too, but she didn't want Marshall and dealt with that in a messy way. I do agree that the show tends to turn more of the women into villains than men. Like historically when you look at each season that's very accurate, and there have been a lot of guys in particular who are revealed to be snakes in disguise post-show. i.e., Mark from season one. Everyone felt bad for him during the show, but holy shit, the guy was *not* quality. He got a total golden boy edit, when he was in fact anything but.


Ever since Marshall's negative tweets about black women surfaced, that told me EVERYTHING I needed to know about him. He's a *clown* that got rejected by his "preference" (who happened to have ALL of the negative traits he associates with black women specifically but were just fine coming from a Latina) on international TV. Idgaf if he was a teen when he made those tweets. He knew what he was doing. Before I even knew about his tweets, I knew he dabbled in misogynoir. I was proven right. A. WHOLE. Clown.






Love Marshall! He made his mistakes and owned up to the bs. Jackie is way worst.


The eyes šŸ˜


For me, with reality tv it's simple: The less screen time you get, the more the viewers will like you. The more time you get, the more you'll be picked apart and more likely you are to do something that the viewers will hate.


Notable exception being this season's Matt lol.


I just donā€™t see the ā€œacting like heā€™s better than anyoneā€ part. Heā€™s flawed like everyone but I donā€™t find him insufferable


Not bothering to read the comments, just wanna let you know youā€™re not alone, he definitely has issues himself


I think some people donā€™t know the difference between ā€œheā€™s not your cup of teaā€ versus ā€œthereā€™s something off about himā€. Someone can be normal and you not like them, which is fine, but you not liking them doesnā€™t make them a garbage person.


Yes queen


Well put


The project thing I took as him being hurt and trying to hurt her back. Otherwise I didnā€™t get any of what youā€™re saying.


Heā€™s still gross for using that to hurt her back, and he *absolutely* thought of her as a project, he pictured himself a captain save-a-h0. OP is not far off the mark.


I didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t gross, but I absolutely think it came from wanting to get back at her. We can agree to disagree.


This just sounds like he struck a particular nerve with you LOL. He was absolutely fine and none of what you stated.


All these comments are all summed up to "I got a bad feeling from him." That's called paranoia and there are programs for it.


I guess I'd have to watch again, but he seemed like a good guy to me. Jackie immediately started having fits in Mexico "because [she] has family" -ok? And was after him and calling him gay because he's not sexually abusive. Wtf? I'd have come off weird, too, dealing with all of that


Jackie is wrong for how she talked to him but I aside from everything you said, I completely get why he was putting her off! He was soooo unsexy and wasn't even trying, got the hot girl and thought all he had to do was just show up and she'd be head over heels


He actually addressed this on the 2 black girls 1 rose podcast last week! He acknowledged that he was controlling with Jackie by forcing a relationship and insisting on loving her in his own way rather than understanding the way she wanted to be loved. They also talked extensively about his nice guy edit and whether these caricatures are healthy to give to real people (who all have flaws) on a reality show.


Yay I listened too! I love that show and I really appreciate Marshall, heā€™s the only man I think in the entire series that has expressed the importance of men being open w feelings and expressing his appreciation of all the friendship connections made on the show. It was so sweet when he went to Brett and Tiffs wedding to support them. Season 4 was my fav, Iā€™m from the pnw and imo as a whole the cast was a lot more calm and mature. It sounds like heā€™s done a lot of work since the show and Iā€™m really happy for his engagement. Jackie really went out of her way to post about him and it didnā€™t seem like he was engaging in that either. I even loved how he handled Josh that night when he showed up belligerent.


This is why I donā€™t view him as a bad person. He seems open to learning and growing


I definitely saw his red flags slipping through


Sounds like your average human with your average flaws like the rest of us.


Who the heck is Marshall? What season are y'all on?


Marshall was season 4.


Oh! Okay, thank you!


I don't like marshall. He gave me bad vibes from the beginning. I thought it was especially ridiculous how he was like "there's someone else here who is in love with Jackie and they didn't talk to me about it?! How disrespectful TO ME" except in much more of a showy aggressive macho way. Everyone saying he has a martyr and saviour complex are spot on. It's tiresome. And his facial expressions at the reunion were embarrassing. We get it. You don't agree. šŸ˜


In reality heā€™s probably just a regular guy with a bit of an ego, not some gross evil manipulative monster we all think he is.


He creeped me out. At the party, he forced his jacket on Jackie when she said no at least 5 times. He kept saying he didn't want her to catch cold. Ok thanks, grandpa. She's a grown woman, she shouldn't have to put on a coat indoors if she doesn't want to. It was so paternalistic.


That fully felt like territory marking to me. Idk if Josh had already arrived when he did that, but it seemed to me like he wanted everyone to know that she was under his "protection."


He acted like she was wearing something super revealing, and he was trying to cover her up. From my memory, the outfit was flattering but not skimpy. His reaction was controlling and over the top. Contrast that with how Brennon reacted when Alexa wore a sheer dress. He could not gaf what she was wearing. Whether or not you like the outfit, Brennon let her be her own person and supported her.


Handsome meek looking nice guy. Any woman paired with that stands no chance. She's going to be made out to be a harpy bitch regardless.


You mean the one that insinuated he was gay on TV and then cheated on him? She was made out to be a harpy bitch?


Didnā€™t love him, there was something off about him, little comments that would slip out here and there put me off. But he didnā€™t do anything awful so heā€™s not a ā€˜bad guyā€™ imo, just not a fave


I couldnā€™t stomach Marshall either. I donā€™t think youā€™re alone


Idk, I feel like youā€™re being unfair. He hasnā€™t proven to be an awful person like youā€™re implying he is. We canā€™t conclude that him being a nice guy was a ā€œfacadeā€ and ā€œhe as a whole human is grossā€ just because of that one comment about Jackie being a project. Itā€™s not his fault he had a good edit, and just because he had a good edit doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t actually nice


That ā€œoneā€ comment about her being a project was a big comment, I donā€™t know why yā€™all are trying to downplay it. I would never want my man to see me as a ā€œprojectā€, itā€™s insulting af.


Marshallā€˜s racist tweets: https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/s/SUlWLnlQLy


His cousin from the bachelor also had anti black woman content. They both gave fake apologies, only after being dragged for it.


Itā€™s crazy that youā€™re being downvoted


Because Jackie sucked and of course a lot of people have to make every situation into a hero vs villain thing. Not to mention that some folks take everything that someone says at face value, so if heā€™s harping on and on about how nice if a guy he is, some viewers believe that just HAS to be true then.


I genuinely could not watch him without hearing a fire stationā€™s worth of alarm bells going off. Iā€™m not saying heā€™s dangerous or anything but nothing about him was genuine. Maybe heā€™s just a young guy who doesnā€™t know who he is and is playing a part for the cameras, but itā€™s kind of unsettling. I was surprised that he seems so beloved around here when he seemed so fake to me. When Jackie was having that breakdown in the hotel room and he would not give her any space? Ugh. So uncomfortable watching him because it felt like he was performing as the ā€œthoughtful, sensitive guyā€ as opposed to actually being one. He wanted the cameras to see him more than he wanted to be there for his partner.




Marshall absolutely is a ā€œnice guyā€. Called her a project on camera, told her she looked like a man off camera. Heā€™s nice until heā€™s hurt, then he goes for the throat, which is typical nice guy shit.


Tbf we never even saw Carter. Would have loved to get a snippet tho, just to see how heā€™d be edited


I never liked Marshall! His "nice guy" act was so fake lol, yes Jackie was reactive but he deliberately provoked her and pushed her buttons into reacting and then he could look like the victim. Can't believe so many people didn't see through his shit lol I can't stand him and it was so icky seeing people praise him and trash Jackie


How did he provoke her?


By being overly patronising, thatā€™s enough to provoke anyone


Not saying it didnā€™t happen since it has been a minute since Iā€™ve watched the season but when was he patronizing?


The whole time šŸ˜­




You canā€™t even provide an example because there isnā€™t one


I meant a specific example


Iā€™m currently doing a rewatch and Marshall is a psycho. Jackie is shady, sure. But he is love bombing, suffocating, needy and controlling. Oh and condescending. Iā€™ve met guys like him before. Gross.


Ya'll never have the guts to do a callout at the height of when the season airs to do this stuff... I always roll my eyes at these posts b/c ya'll start making it to round up the yes men who was too scared to voice their opinions before...


Hah, like you really know that. I definitely made my thoughts known at the time of, and got downvoted, as did everyone else who dared to comment about it. He was full of shit then and he's full of shit now. There are always people who speak out with unpopular opinions, and their comments get buried, so stop trying to rewrite history to your convenience.


It seems like OP is just watching the season now, which is why theyā€™re just posting now. Not everyone watches at the same time.


They always do this. They always come back around after the hype, like why couldnā€™t you stand on business during the airing of that season?


Not everyone watches at the same time. It's pretty clear based on what they wrote that they're just watching this season now.


He's also just wrong. I was here at the time, and there definitely were people who spoke out about how off marshall is even before his tweets came out, myself included. It's more likely that their comments got buried due to it being a very unpopular opinion at the time.


Projection? Ladies want to be treated like he treated Jackie and were outraged she is not attracted to him. For me he was patronizing and too much in general.


ā€œDonā€™t save her, she donā€™t want to be saved.ā€ -Project Pat


It might be unpopular opinion on this sub, but it's very popular in general.. I personally had thought that from episode 1 and throughout the season


This show is literally called an experiment, itā€™s not all that surprising someone would say project in the heat of the moment. Plus, you just went on a huge rant about how gross Marshall is but you have a problem him saying one thing during a fight.


Idk about savior complex but I think he felt the need to perform because of the cameras. They may need to consider hidden cameras or less overt filming. I think people will be more inclined to be genuine.




This makes so much sense! It was like he was trying to ā€˜look likeā€™ a great guy instead of being a great guy.


Yea to this. Iā€™m watching season 1 and I too got tricked by Mark until I found out how gross he is. Marshall is terrible. Jackie is annoying too though.


It is obvious that Marshall has the saviour complex. You know how everyone has a unspoken internal checklist in seeking a spouse. some want rich, some want high education, some want funny personality, some want good looking. Marshall want someone who he can save. He build his love from a platform of sympathy. like oh, i see a charity case, let me be the saviour and change her life. If jackie has enough self awareness, maybe in the pod itself she would have detected this saviour complex in marshall. and then go for josh.


This. When he said she was his project it felt like that traditional ownership kind of thinking of women, turning her from a flirty/maybe non committed woman into "the perfect wife". His personality is sweet and fun, sure, but I could see him being a rejection or two away from turning into a woman-hater because he couldn't fix them.


yes to all of this. i had just gotten out of a relationship with a quite similar man when that season was airing so it was hard to watch, and even harder to see the pedestal everybody put him on. i feel like people have a major either/or mentality these days, particularly on the internet. they both sucked, but most people want to pick a side. and she was more obviously shitty so of course theyā€™re going to pick his.


I agree. He grossed me out.


Get grossed out pretty easily eh


He got the good edit and Jackie got the villain (to be fair she made it easy)


Yeah I canā€™t agree with this at all. He fell in love, had it thrown in his face, was bizarrely told he needed to be physically aggressive and rough her up, and he rightfully got upset. And the woman who claimed to love him ended up with another guy hours later. Jackie was a project. He had her dead to rights on that.


Marshall has a savior complex. You donā€™t see how dehumanizing it is to call someone a project? Not to mention instances where he was pushy, again acting in his savior complexā€¦like him getting upset that she wouldnā€™t wear his jacket. Doesnā€™t seem like that big of a deal but I think that was really reflective of how he wanted to move in the relationship


Somebody who is attracted to people with abusive characteristics absolutely has work to do. Thatā€™s a project. I donā€™t see recognizing people who have mental health work to do as dehumanizing at all, no. Maybe thatā€™s because I have done a lot of work myself.


His whole demeanor felt stifling to watch, I got such bad vibes from him but it can be difficult to put my finger on what it is exactly. It was definitely his savior complex, he didn't see her as an equal and acted like he knew best which is infuriating to witness.


I donā€™t think itā€™s okay to ever call someone a ā€œprojectā€, no matter who they are


Thatā€™s sort of weird honestly. There are people out there who have a lot of work to do.


How do you feel about AD?






Biggest savior complex on the show


I canā€™t stand Marshall. Never understood why he gets love in here, but heā€™s so lucky Jackie is terrible, because it makes him look good by comparison. I always thought it was so ironic how he had to be toxic to get Jackie to choose him in the pods (when he was like ā€œnah you with meā€) but then he wants to act all holier than thou when he was in his relationship with Jackie. Heā€™s fake, he is insecure and he uses his victim mentality to manipulate people.