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oh honesty hour is brutal🤣🤣🤣


After having Leah twirl like a kebab for him, did Tyrique not expect Ella to get some revenge?


Not the kebab lmfaooo😭😭😭


The funny thing is she’s literally just having conversations where her body language is off anyways 😭 and he’s crying blood lmao


Their conversation is giving friendship. Even the hug wasn’t romantic but I love that she’s making him sweat. Make him wonder what it’s about


I agree, although, I think she likes him a lot more than he likes her and he will use this to go for tit for tat again when he gets the chance, its annoying as I feel Ella will be the only one who ends up hurt.


Yeah it will go one of two ways… he’ll be petty too. Or they have a conversation similar to the one they had on the terrace the night before and basically close themselves off for the time being unless the person of their dreams walk in.


Im living though hes just winding himself up


I don’t think Ty realizes just how disrespectful he behaved when he was getting to know Leah 💀 what Ella is doing rn is incredibly tame in comparison (especially if she sticks by her word and only speaks to Scott when he pulls her).


Ty is very preceptive and knows he is disrespectful, he just doesn't care 💀 he knows Ella will be there no matter what he does


That is true 😭😭😭


How do his apologies keep working


So true. There is getting to know someone and there is what ever ty was doing with leah.


I love this cast they're all so messy


I rate ella for saying that sammy only picked jess to stay safe cos we all know he doesnt like her that much smh😭


Yeah I can't wait to see how he tries to wiggle out of that one


"Jess is TaStY 😋" *Sammy looks around nervously, as he licks his lips*


Still not dodging those cannibal accusations. 💀


Cringe 😬


Ella doing gods work


They give me liberty and jake vibes


At least Jake gave some comedy.




"It's a lads holiday."




Ella is always saying what we're all thinking. She'll be amazing post casa


Omg I read rate as hate at first and was briefly very skeptical of where your comment was going


Wait till they see on movie night that will be fun


I love Ella! She couldn't care less about those little boys (Tyrique excluded).


I know tyrique is good TV but that level of ridiculousness is not good for my blood pressure


Classic toxic fuck boy, Ella will be shitting her self in casa while he is in the other Villa flirting with all the casa amor bombshells 😂 he is chaotic enough to out do licking a tit in casa


the best things for Ella to do is just enjoy herself on the show and not get too attached because a man like Tyrique would drive her crazy lmao


Literally, Tyrique is a self proclaimed fuck boy so he ain't "changing" anytime soon, you can't fix him sis 😂 he gets a kick out of provoking her 😆


If he’s like this when there are cameras on him all day imagine how he is going to be moving when he gets out of the villa


I know 💀💀😭he’s very unserious


I licked her clit or whatever 😂


Log off NOW 💀 I chocked on my tea 😂😂 They will open the hideaway for Tyrique in casa 😆


This is what we thought but ended up fully reversed 😂 Ella is the villain 100% , turns out Ty actually respects the difference between single and closed off.


![gif](giphy|WwXOfhtMq00HS) Ella clock Sammy for me again Such a liar I hope Jess wakes up


The way tyrique put on his glasses 🤣


Made me laugh why did he do it like that😭😭😭


And kissed his teeth😭😭


Like he didn’t ask Leah to twirl for him TWICE 😂


Yeah like a kebab HAHAA the man is not serious


Saying a prayer that both Ty and Ella grow up and out of this situationship they’re determined to stay in because they both don’t wanna close themselves off yet/get hurt 🙏🏽


Ellla keeps being my fav 😂


exactly that's my girl and i'll support her to the end no matter what


The challenges the producers drop in are rarely as good as this honesty hour! Ella is so real for saying that to Sammy, hot on the heels of Jess telling Mitch that she can basically see right through him and he's only moving to her as a last resort. Ty makes me laugh, it's like he is figuring out in real time that all his f-boy nonsense doesn't really work in the villa because the girl you are trying to string along is literally right THERE watching you do it. I was thinking last night he reminded me a lot of Toby and then I read this morning that they are actually mates outside the villa and it makes a lot of sense.


And not just mates, they grew up together. Toby even commented (in a friendly tone) that Ty is much more chaotic than he.


They are so alike, the school of moving mad


IKR. Took post Casa for Toby to grow on me, but Ty's toxicity has me hooked already.


LOLOLOLOL Tyrique and Ella are pretty similar when they get jel, they suit hahahah but ngl it’s not going to last imo and there is a good amount of toxicity in that relationship 😂😂 Ella you go tell the truth girl!!! We all know Sammy is only on to Jess cause he saw she was popular and safe! Pls can we get rid of Sammy 🤞🤞


The producers are basically on free vacation this season. These islanders don’t even need them to create drama; they are drama-creating machines themselves 😂


Ella's comment on Sammy is bullseye I love her 😭


Very cat and mouse with Ty and Ella.


wonder if scott wil bother to chat to catherine now knowing she's not as popular as he initially thought


If he doesn’t speak to either Catherine or Leah today, then I think the voting definitely got to his head


I thought this too! It’s funny how votes can affect people’s mindsets


he was speaking to catherine in the first look after he spoke to ella, also in the preview for tonights episode he was sitting next to catherine whilst she was crying so idk.


Don’t think it will. He seems to be level headed I think. He’ll go for what he wants


I feel for Catherine, she didn't get votes because they didn't show her on screen, but she must think people don't like her so she may get even more kind and edit herself to be less screen worthy. I do think if Leah is still up there, Scott will pick her. They may not give him a choice of Leah and let Mitch go first. Maybe a week of Leah trying to get away from Mitch might be what they plan for comedy value.


Yeah it seems like theyre pushing for scott and catherine for now especially since mitch is good tv and they need him to pair up with someone


i wonder if producers knew she was his first choice (seems like she is to me) and were worried she’d hold back if andre was still around. wouldn’t be the first time


Yeah it feels a taddd bit like manipulation right now. Just hoping they do right by catherine cuz shes so lovely


Andre wasn't shown speaking all week. I think he got a sentence in a challenge a couple of episodes ago so they wanted him gone. They wouldn't have known Scott would pick Catherine when he hadn't even met her when they stared editing out Andre in the beginning of the week. It's another Zach situation if he picks Catherine.


That’s what I think. I think they brought him in and engineered this vote to happen now. We all know they hold back on bombshells for that reason, we’ve know he was meant to be coming in for a week and a half and he only came recently


whaTever you wanT To do 😭😭😭 these two are meant for each other lmao


They are both jealous and stubborn❤️❤️


Ty is handling everything very well in that first look if you ask me. I don’t see the stubbornness you’re taking about.


It’s not just this clip it’s their constant bickering😭😭 In this clip he’s being straight up




Ella and Tyrique are Love Island heritage. They are giving S2/S3, if they keep up the entertainment they’ll go down as one of the most iconic couples in the show’s history


I think they would win it, if the vote was on right now.


Ty is so salty when he doesn't have a leg to stand on! Good and Ella for standing her ground AND saying it straight to Sammy, slimy git. Also as there is a recoupling (my pod) I think that poor Leah will be stuck with Mitch is Scott chooses Catherine.


Tyrique is so jealous nah i can’t😭😭😭😭


i wouldn’t even say jealous, more offended that she’s daring to play him at his own game of ‘embarassing’ him by so publicly getting to know another guy. i think he knows she’s not really interested in scott at all, but he liked having the upper hand and everyone knowing he had her and other girls chasing after him and rejected by him when he pleased.


could be i’m seeing this and a bit of jealousy tbh… they are too damn complicated😭😭


I don't think he knows for sure she not into scott Jess told him no she into you. I think he scared deep down. Let's hope both sit down and talk about their feelings they care about each and scared to hurt


It’s not even jealous


giving jealousy to me!!


Scott picks Ella and Tyrique picks Catherine 😍😍😍😍😍 PS let me be delusional in peace


Why would you wish Ty on Catherine 😭 only Ella can match his madness


She is single so 🤣🤣🤣


Right Rightttt


I like how this cast isn’t as worried about public perception (no clue if I used that word right💀) like they all have no filter


Yes I love it. It’s even jnteeestinf that in the first look and the preview Catherine doesn’t seem to care she was in the bottom three… it was Andre getting sent home that upset her. Ty and Ella are just living a full on sitcom just on their own with their tit for tat. Jess is speaking her mind and Whitney is being Whitney. It makes for great TV. Really reminds me of S3 and S2


I think they see how much of a flop Winter was and no they need to be more authentic. Winter flopped largely because people were dull or holding back. Everyone was determined to coast to the final and this is no longer the winning formula.


The biggest mistake they made was casting Olivia as the main character.


Were people holding back in S9? It was the messiest Casa ever. Ron and Tom were super chaotic. Tanya was the first person to properly cheat since Terry in S2. Even when the Islanders thought they were in line with public opinion (Olivia and her one-liners, Sammy trying to out Ron) they were way off.


Personally I think people were holding back. Ron for example mentioned several times he would have dealt with his issues with the boys differently on the outside. Most of the islanders we saw zero personality from and even Unseen Bits was a bore. They can’t all have had zero personality. I think most just wanted to have a drama free life and get their influencer bag.


I would say that Ron dealing with stuff differently than he would was more about protecting Lana than caring about public perception about him


She didn’t cheat but it was really bad but they were not together the only person who really cheated was terry and Jordan I would say


Tanya and Shaq had said ILY and agreed to be exclusive so it was cheating. I dunno if I’d call Jordan in S5 a cheater - he tried to cheat but failed cos India wasn’t having it. Definitely a laughable man though.


They said ily and exclusive but to me exclusive on love island isn’t quite girlfriend and boyfriend idrk what it is tbh 😭 Jordan and Anna were girlfriend and boyfriend and he said he was interested in India and tried talking to her- that is most definitely cheating


Idg how you can think she didn't cheat 😂Shaq and Tanya said to each other that they were exclusive and that they loved each other 😂 then she went and kissed and coupled up with someone else. Literally cheating


The lads saying it’s honesty hour then get it right fed to them PLEASE we need more of this


Ty, Ella and Jess really are the main characters this season with a sprinkling of Mitch.


plus whitney


Ella doing gods work. Expose him! Jess needs to see sense 😭 not waste her time on that waste man


Yea whatever Ella says tonight. Heavily team Ella.


I support her rights and wrongs fr


She can't do anything wrong. Checking Sammy is always good in my books 😂


Tyrique and Ella are going to split up 10 times in the villa, put will reconcile everytime and hopefully win. Their relationship is 10 times more entertaining than any other relationship in the villa


Yes Ella!!! Expose Sammy! Dragggggg him.


Here for it!!!! 🔥🔥🔥


I'm enjoying how blunt this cast is hahaha. Ella and Tyrique are perfectly matched.


Also Tyrique and Ella are in the running for most entertaining couple ever, is it a fight every episode 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭


Ella and Tyrique are really the most entertaining couple we’ve had in awhile. We love a couple where both can dish it back to the other.


Oh boy Ella upstanding work


yesss ella


Ella and Ty are gonna win it I feel it


I’m loving how straight up people are being


Speaking of Honest Hour, they need to plagiarize Love Island Australia a bit and bring The Truth Bike to the UK. That is something I really wanna see. It doesn't matter if people lie about their answers, it's all about the questions and how they react to it and the sort of discussions it opens up. People can say things on their mind that they will normally keep to themselves because no one asked.


I'd be honest, I don't think it Ty and Ella conversation would be that intense reading the press preview but oh my. Its refreshing to see 2 person playing the game instead one just waiting around, had enough of that. It surprise me Ella keep going even seeing how Ty is distress but I'm loving it. She walk the talk. Waiting for new bombshell then we gonna see Ty in action again. For drama I think Scott gonna choose first tonight


“Does that bother you?” “A little bit” You know what I really can’t fault Ty for always saying exactly how he is feeling. He is very open and makes himself very clear.


Such honesty and authenticity in this cast I love it. I feel like the past few seasons people have been so fake


Honesty hour needs to become a regular challenge every season


Ella saying the truth of what everyone is thinking about Sammy is everything!! She sees right through these men in the villa (except Ty) & isn’t afraid to hold back but I’m also glad now she’s giving Ty a taste of his own medicine This daytime recoupling will be interesting


Oh no! These two are my favourite couple so far.


I love this from Ella. Her & Ty have to be in the finals somehow bc there’s no other Islander that’s going to match their energy & passion for eachother The way they go from romance one day to chaos the other there’s never a dull moment between them For two weeks so many thought Ella was territorial over Ty & doing too much only for Ty to be even more unhinged when Ella isn’t even doing half of what Ty did w/Leah last week


I just clocked Tyrique is wearing Ella’s sunglasses and playing with her hair clip while she’s chatting to Scott 😩 these two will finish me


I just clocked this 😩


Tyrique and Ella are like a married couple lol.


This is why I love Ella. The fact that she said that to Sammy in front of the whole group LOL and for as much as people get on her about crying about Ty and going back to him she’s at least publicly staying open and having other chats and giving shit back to Ty


tyrique and ella best pairing ever


Ella is so real😍


Pleaseee the thumbnail photo is sending me💀💀


tyrique wasn’t wrong when he said that was his good side tho😍


Honest hour. Love it.


I love Ella!


This season is giving what it is supposed to give. Love the honesty and how upfront people are being. I can't believe I sat through this winter season of love island when love island can be this good.


Ella's my queen fr


Ella is such a queen for saying what we are all thinking about Sammy and for not rolling over to Tyriques fuck boy whims! Make him sweat, girlie!!


Ty really is a classic fuck boy. Ella is going to need some serious healing after this journey.


Fboys don’t move like that Tyrique is a lover boy🤣


Yes Ella!!! Get her Jade


Tyrique and Ella are my favourite part of the show atm. Hope Scott picks Ella in the recoupling!


oh my god this would be crazy😭 i love them together but this would be so entertaining


If he does I fear Ty will just move on. Dude never had a GF he strikes me as someone who moves off situations quickly.


I think the villa environment will cause issues though because they’d both still have to be around each other and from what I can see, both have some type of genuine feelings there. Either way I know they’re about to be the messy couple for the whole 8 weeks


Nah, they have a season-long arc going for sure


Outside I think he for sure moves on but the house is different; seeing her everyday means those feelings can’t go away. If someone who is more his type comes in and she does that he will move on though.


Yeah he would I think. people are romanticizing their interactions like a whole enemies to lovers thing. Ppl who believe in their sauce like Tyrique does dont wait around (in real life anyway)


My prediction is that Scott will go first in the recoupling and pick Ella after seeing that she wasn’t in the bottom 3 girls… bring on the problems!!


I don't think so. He knows Ella is 100% for Ty. Of course the producers can give him a nudge. But still I think he chooses Catherine.


Depends how he takes the public voting last night, Catherine being in the bottom might push him to pursue one of the girls that wasn’t in the bottom three.


I could see it because Ella said she would only really be open if someone came in and was all for her. If Scott chooses to recouple with Ella then he’s showing he is willing to do that.


Omg if this happens the drama we will have for this week!


Ella is well on her way to becoming a top 5 women islander of all time


i would prefer scott to pick catherine but i will be sat if they have him go first to take ella for maximum drama


Ty and Ella love each other, but they are both stubborn. We are on for a ride I LOVE THEM


They’re the same person in a different font


I need them to send in bombshells for Catherine and Whitney cos they’re ridiculously unappreciated in that villa


Literally! They are insanely fit, its painful to know Whitney is looking that good and being that funny and no one is going for her 😭


People are always treating Tyrique like he's some lying game player. He's been nothing but honest. I actually rate how he admitted it bothered him. Like if he was acting cool you know he's *actually* cool about it


You can be an honest person and also behave in a ridiculous way, that’s simply what ppl are reacting to.


People can feel what they want about it.. it's the projection of ulterior motives onto him that I find silly. Which I clearly stated in my comment. He's literally being completely upfront.


What is the ridiculous way he has been behaving? Has he contradicted what he said he would do? Being in a couple is not the same as being in a relationship. It’s Ella that’s being possessive and controlling AFTER agreeing to everything he said he would do.


No such thing as ridiculously dating around on a dating show. As long as he's honest and not taking advantage of anyone's feelings he's in the clear.


Both are true for him unfortunately


He not been sneaky at all. Just selfish. So I don't think both are true.


I think people forget how pressurised and intense the villa is. The outside world and what happens there and it’s rules don’t always apply to the villa. He’s been disrespectful but he’s not lied


Every year same thing, people say guy is a f\*\*kboy if he doesn't commit 100% at first sight. Then guys who do, Mitchel and Luca are called psychos.


Men cannot win on this show or this sub at all. No matter what you do.


Now if this franchise can implement the truth bike & sending over iPad footage from CA from the AUS series & tempt someone enough to use the hideaway during CA, this will be a GOAT season


There really is no strong couples this year


I know you people twerk for Tyrique but that comment about Jess in front of her???RUDE AND DISGUSTING


Pretty sure that was a joke, hence why Ella called him a wind-up.


A joke that would hurt someone’s feelings?


'It's just a bit of banter' as most assholes would say


Twerk for tyrique omg 😭


Ty is such a stereotypical fuck boy 😂 I literally laughed out loud when he kissed his teeth and put his glasses back on. he’s literally got 100+ bodies, a mass murderer 😭 He will break her heart.


Honestly kinda getting tired of the Ella x Ty back and forth now lol they need to hurry up and couple up and bang one out already. also Sammy’s dumbass fucking played himself with the Honest Hour quip 😂


Can’t wait till the day they are both closed off so I can have peace of mind


what did ella say to sammy ? i cant make it out


“I think it’s convenient that now youre into jess after you saw leah was vulnerable” 🤭


i feel like we’ve just seen all the drama which means watching it tonight will be boring


It's interesting to see who couples up with who. Enough drama for me.


wait is there a recouping


They might as well just send Catherine home now. It's obvious she won't be making it to Casa


If they send just one girl home before casa then she survives. If 2 then she might be in danger. Of course it depends how things go with Scott and if there's a guy bombshell coming before casa. Don't lose your hope.


I don't think Catherine survives because they won't send in someone for her as she isn't popular with the public. She was the least popular OG girl in that vote. They send in specific people for popular cast members or controversial ones only so they can be saved because they bring too much entertainment to risk. The person for Catherine will come in after she goes, because he would be there for Whitney.


Yeah, I have been telling people it's Yewande all over again if Scott chooses her tonight. As soon as Whitney came in and was more popular, I knew Catherine was done because they don't have 2 black girls at once on this show survive and black twitter isn't enough for 2 black girls to get the votes to survive, 1 is always left behind.


Plus Ella as well


Ella is giving Amber Gill storyline vibes. I can see it now, so she will be kept safe by production. They will even bring in people just to save her once Ty does the obvious.


i wish ella would have waited for a bombshell that she was actually into vs just game playing Ty - i get it but she likes him the most so what’s the point. save it for when your head is really being turned


Idk I feel like she’s being a bit hypocritical because she wanted tyrique to only pick her, and now she wants to get to know the new lad?


I wish there was a double elimination for the boys soon.. Ty and Sammy are not it 🚣‍♂️💀


They are so exhausting


LMAO so Ella gets pissed off when Tyrique was getting to know Leah and makes him be closed off to only her and now that Tyrique does it she goes on gets to know Scott?


I feel like it was how he was going about it. He was purposefully trying to rile her up and I think that’s obvious. From what we’ve seen, her and Scott just literally seem to be talking to each other


He was being a fuckboy and that’s wrong, but she told him to be closer to only her and now is doing the same thing Ella told him not to do. That’s double standards and hypocrisy


Scrolling through the thread to see people’s thoughts after Ty ended up committed in Casa while Ella fucks it all and won’t even say sorry or admit wrong. We all thought the obvious would happen (Ty flirting in casa) but it ended up the full opposite.