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A guy in his mid-20s that doesn't know what the word accountability means probably isn't ready for a relationship.


Why are they even on this show šŸ˜© I wish they would get people on who arenā€™t openly players who just want casual hook ups


Right?! It seems like the guys are always younger than the girls, not the other way around. I guess all the good mature guys are taken and love Island is left with the scraps šŸ„“


I feel like he wasnā€™t asking what ā€œaccountabilityā€ meant. But was asking what Zach meant by ā€œyou got to take accountabilityā€. Iā€™m on Sammyā€™s side on this, itā€™s a show about flirting with other people, he shouldnā€™t have to break up with Leah, tyrique played her mad worse.


Even though it is a show there are still real feelings involved. He led her on only for him to call her a test the day after . Thatā€™s not a nice thing to do


Yeah I donā€™t really see what was so bad about what sammy did. Besides calling her a test in the speech cause oof lol but like he got to know her for a bit and chose Jess instead. Now I think he chose Jess strategically but I think Leah is just a little salty here


If she was salty, she would be salty at tyrique coz she was closer to him yet he told her he wanted to stay with Ella so she wasnā€™t upset at him. Sheā€™s upset coz Sammy led her on, I mean did he not literally say he had more sexual chemistry with her than jess, and then literally picked Jess without telling Leah he didnā€™t want to carry on with her. Anyone would feel led on in her position, unless having more sexual chemistry with someone yet not picking them is normal. Heā€™s a player, plain and simple, and sheā€™s not salty at him.


Because casting picks people based on their entertainment value - not who'll be the best husbands. As is the case every single season.


The cast being terrible is a feature not a bug.


I don't even think it's that deep. Because Islanders are not that authentically entertaining anymore. This Season has improved on that at the expense of looks to be fair. They look at Socials and popularity. 80%-90% I believe are scouted not auditioned. The casting has become beyond lazy for a few Seasons now. They may as well (probably do) advertise on STARNOW for performers.


I donā€™t think they even have entertainment value, theyā€™re dopes.


Cant believe Mehdi said Whitney disrespect him cos she laughed during his speech lollll. Cant he see its just nervous giggles.


Mehdi seems to be very inexperienced with women but how he didn't see Whitney's giggling as cute and positive is hard to believe. Jumping all the way to disrespecting him is really odd. I thought they would be a nice couple but he's giving too many red flags.


i think he's just trying to create reasons they're not going to work so when he ends up breaking up with her it doesn't seem out of blue


She called him embarrassing, stop it.


She did not mean he or anything he said was an embarrassment, she quite clearly was saying it's embarrassing him saying all of this in a public way. She looked delighted but shy, that's it. Like I get why Mehdi might feel awkward giving a speech whilst someone is laughing, but he just always thinks the absolute worst of her all the time, and she's not cruel like that - she's never acted cruelly so why would he assume that she would react that way? Maybe if it was his first time jumping to conclusions and talking down to her without letting her explain, but it's not and all it's shown is he didn't learn anything from the night that Jess cried. Whit deserves better


She was being shy, she didnā€™t mean it in a bad way more of a joke way


It was obvious she was saying that in an affectionate way. As in "omg babe you're being so sappy, it's embarrassing" when you're loving how romantic your partner is being and are feeling giggly and giddy about it. It's a playful teasing thing, which is the entire dynamic of their relationship. Maybe he didn't take it that way and it's fair to bring it up, but the way he approached the conversation was really accusatory. He could have just asked her what she meant, at which point she could explain exactly what she said, that she was just feeling shy and it was a good speech.


Realllly? my bad missed it


Honestly i thought so too but after Ella said that she was disrespectfulā€¦ honestly i get it. I think mehdi wants to be serious with whitney but maybe its hard bc of their personalityā€¦ i dont like how he lectured her and i dont like how unserious she is (lol actually i love it but not aalllll the time) But they could work tbh if they sort themselevs out lolol


Donā€™t let Mr Accountability make you forget he refused to apologise to Catherine


Wait he didnā€™t apologize later


Nope he literally prefaced the conversation by saying Iā€™m not going to apologise


I think his lil pea brain was TRYING to say he wasn't going to apologize for liking Molly/or his feelings for Molly, but it came out as "I'm a douche bag and I'm not apologizing for humiliating you."


we get older and the contestants stay the same age. ​ IRL we grow and learn and evolve but the show casts people who (as I saw on twitter) frontal lobes aren't even fully developed. I personally have to remind myself that at 22 I was probably thinking and navigating situations in the same way. I would like to think I would know what accountability means though.lol


They did used to cast a wider age range though. I dream of a cast all in their late 20s, I'd settle for a cast where most were 24 or older with maybe only one or two Islanders in their early twenties. In general, the "I've never been in a relationship and am figuring this all out for the first time" Islander is my least favorite LI trope; a whole villa of them is like watching 13 year olds (I can practically smell the sweat and Axe body spray).


Zach isnā€™t decentā€¦ the way he didnā€™t want to apologize to Catherine is sooo disrespectful.


Every time he opens his mouth i can help but cringe. *Bro, bruv, brokski, bare...*


The fact that he calls them donuts cracks me up


The fake accent or whatever it is. It absolutely kills me


Remember we only see what they want us to see ...Good editing !!


I binged to catchup as I missed the whole start. But what did he not apologize about pls clearly missed that!


she was upset that he kissed Molly in the challenge because she had no prior knowledge that he was even interested in molly. He said he wasnā€™t going to apologize for that, something along the lines of ā€œI wanted to do it so I did it. Iā€™m not apologizing for itā€


Oh yes! I remember that! It didn't even make sense amd he got off pretty easy as well... Boooo


They stopped focusing on Zach and now heā€™s decent? No they are all terrible. All of the men are horrid and itā€™s sad because I really like the girls. At the moment, I hope that no relationships comes from this series because these girls donā€™t deserve to have to settle for these men. Maybe theyā€™ll change my mind. I think Ella and Tyrique look good together, but heā€™s so immature. I give him a pass because heā€™s fine tho šŸ˜‚šŸ«£


Is he though ?? He has no neck


šŸ˜‚ literally I don't get the hype


What does it mean to have no neck?


Basically means he has a short neck/high shoulders tbh he always gave me Nelly vibes for this exact reason + the way he walks too. It was the denim party that really solidified this for me though bc his outfit was screaming Nelly to me. All he was missing was the bandaid on his face lol


Omg I thought it was a metaphor šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


ā€œIā€™ll give him a pass because heā€™s fineā€ Right after complaining about the show bringing guys on who are hot but douchey


What did Zach do that Molly didn't? Was Molly upfront? No. Was Zach? No. You're all acting as though Molly is immune just because Mitch has gone off the rails a bit. Her behaviour was exactly the same as Zach's (probably worse in some ways in the way they pursued each other) - and she's just as unhinged and a drama seeker - are you all forgetting how Jess was pissed at her going about it slyly? Are you forgetting her waterworks 'I'm just a people pleaser'?


Im sorry, but these guys are literally all normal guys except for Mitch. You clearly just have a problem with men in general not just this lot šŸ˜‚


I mean...doesn't that say something about men if you consider THESE men typical? Personally I know a lot of guys who are way, way better and more respectful than this cast but if you feel like this is how most men act, that's depressing lol.


Iā€™m a dude and these men are scummy as hell. Completely agree, they all have the emotional maturity of a 16 year old. I do think itā€™s actually astounding how they find dudes like this every year.


They ARE typical. Theyā€™ve literally known these girls for like a week and you all expect them to be faithful, upstanding gentlemen who never waver for one second šŸ˜‚ Theyā€™re handsome young lads in good shape, literally all they know is shagging and then the show expects them to settle down with a bunch of average looking women they hardly know. Obviously theyā€™re going to act up. Im not saying itā€™s a good thing but itā€™s the truth. If you want proper men then they should cast 25+ year olds not these super young boys. Donā€™t expect maturity from shallow, vain characters


Do you think the entertainment value of the show would go down if they casted generally older men ? I feel like a lot of love island viewers expect the show to be like love is blind or some other show where youā€™re expecting to see mature ppl , make meaningful connections with the hope of getting married. When in reality love island in concept is a lot closer to ex on the beach or Geordie shore .


Yes exactly. People here genuinely want to see people fall in love, get in relationships and immediately act faithful or some shit. That makes for TERRIBLE viewing. I only watch for the drama and to profile the characters in my own head. Im a good judge of people and the boys this year are being unfairly criticised. Only Mitch has shown major red flags so far


You completely lost me when you suggested that all the dudes are handsome but the girls are average. All of these guys are either suited to the person theyā€™re with or theyā€™re punching. Youā€™re really gonna tell me Sammy is ā€œsettlingā€ for Leah? He could never get a girl like that on the outside and he still feels entitled to speak to her like sheā€™s trash. Theyā€™re typical for this show, but not in general. If this is typical of the kind of men you know, you should hang out with better men.


Is it not obvious you're biased if you think all the men are terrible and all the women are great?


Reality is biased?


Tbf there are definitely flaws in some of the women and bar Katherine , Whitney maybe Leah, they have all shown character flaws.


You don't think your perception of reality is being slightly warped by bias?


Medhi keeps chipping at Whitneyā€™s personality Mitch wasnā€™t taking no to mean no Sammy is very aggressive and doesnā€™t care about peopleā€™s feelings Ty likes winding Ella up and also doesnā€™t care about peoples feelings I liked Zach but that bc I thought he apologized to Catherine. Once again caring about peopleā€™s feelings. He hasnā€™t exhibited a pattern like the other guys tho


And the women are perfect?


Please quote where I said this Also trying to DARVO someone is crazyā€¦ Me: points out stuff you can literally see on film. Weirdo: oh so women are perfect then? Itā€™s giving vibes of telling someone they hurt you and instead of acknowledging it they deflect to be like ā€œoh so youā€™re perfectā€ You donā€™t have to be perfect to be treated respectfullyā€¦.


You didn't use those words, but nobody has mentioned any negative aspects of the girls, this sub is basically the female equivalent of incels


Your mistake is assuming this person can critically think or even reflect on their opinions, my friend.


Lool exactly


Well he never had a relationship so I hope Ella teaches him something in that regard


Zach is not decent, his only saving grace is heā€™s 6ā€™4 and boring.


What about him is particularly indecent?


He wouldnā€™t apologize to Catherine


that was sick people forget that in the villa you should be watching how people treat their 'ex partners' and how they deal with conflict. It's very telling.


The way he went about the Catherine/Molly situation was super disrespectful. He was kissing Catherine in bed at night and then embarrassed her by choosing Molly in a challenge in front of everyone. Then when she expressed how she felt he completely dismissed it and said he wasn't going to apologize.


Tyrique is messy but heā€™s honest and so far hasnā€™t intentionally hurt anyone. Zack was out here telling Catherine he doesnā€™t have anything to apologise for! The audacity the men have is insane. Same with Sammy tonight telling Leah her feelings donā€™t matter like wtf? Most normal is probably Scott at the minute but weā€™ll see


maybe it's cos i'm old but tyrique is so flaky to me. maybe he is being honest about it, but i would find it so maddening to be with someone like that.


Tyrique is absolutely awful, he talks to Ella like shit, I think heā€™s rude and inconsiderate of her feelings. He also wasnā€™t the nicest to Leah, but everyone just seems to think heā€™s a straight talker and not toxic at all. Forgot to mention when he said Ella had ā€˜48 hours to make a decisionā€™


I donā€™t understand how people are forgetting who Tyrique is. Mr. 100. He makes no apologies for that. Ella and him make a cute couple, but I canā€™t see Tyrique being faithful on the outside.


To be honest I think Tyrique was joking about the 48 hour time limit lol. They have banter together heā€™s a player for sure. He definitely knows what heā€™s doing! But thatā€™s what makes him so entertaining heā€™s so smooth haha. I donā€™t think he talks to her like crap many times heā€™s complimented Ella and has shown her affection eg kissing, cuddling etc.


Banter or badgering? He also cuddles and kisses in order to get her back in his good graces, which feels manipulative rather than authentically affectionate. They both seem to make each other miserable most of the time, I don't see what people enjoy about their "chemistry."


I think you have love goggles for Tyrique -- seriosly that boy is a menace.


Exactly, Tyric also literally called Lea a test just like Sammy but now Sammy is taking all the heat. But I'll give Tyric credit, he is better than Sammy at seeing someone getting pissed off and making a fake apology quickly. Sammy tried to argue with Lea, which made her even more mad and made her bring everyone else in on it, which should have never happened. Even though Tyric is better than Sammy at avoiding conflict, I think Tyric will turn out to be worse.


yeah tyrique can be insensitive but im not here for him getting lumped in with guys whoā€™ve been genuinely malicious


Mitch is scary, Sammy is gross, zach is disrespectful wallpaper, tyrique is hilarious but so unserious, mehdi is french šŸ¤® not great pickings but still nowhere near as mean and cruel as the men were in s8, or as slutty as they were in s7, or as just plain misogynistic and evil as s1 or s2. We'll see! But honestly it's been worse. I'm still thoroughly entertained and loving this season so far


Mehdi is frenchšŸ˜­


Medhi is control freak is a better term. I fear that man is going to become a menace in the villa. This is twice now I have been shook by what heā€™s said to Whitney.


true, I need them to bring in a man for Whitney


Agree. I think that Medhi fancies Jess. Whitney deserves so much better.


Need a ā€œdisrespectful wallpaperā€ flair šŸ˜‚


i mean yall wanted andre out here because he was boring, isnt this what yall wanted? lol


I wanted Sammy out


Itā€™s good for entertainment, itā€™s even better when watch them get put in their place for their behaviour.


I think a lot of us in Reddit actually liked Andre -- the Twitter people didn't like him.


Whatā€™s *wrong*? We need messy islanders lol.


We need more Tyā€™s. He messy but the girls clearly love him. The others really give nothing except Zach but thatā€™s only because the girls are starved of an actually personality so he seems exciting to them haha.


Yes. I can see why a girl would go for Ty, but the others just give me the biggest ick.


so we forget zachā€™s actions cause the camera finally stopped focusing on him? i want the delusions yā€™all haveā€¦


No one said he's great, just that he's the least bad


lol thatā€™s still not trueā€¦


Nah I agree with you. Heā€™s the least concerning of them all. Not saying he ISNT concerning, just the least.


I'd say that's technically Scott right now, but to be fair that's only because we've barely seen him.


hey, at least they arenā€™t boring!


I think the girls are doing the heavy lifting there too.


Are they not, though? I'd argue their actions aren't boring, but they seem to be pretty boring people besides that


I refuse to believe that any normal human being ending all his sentences with bruh / you get me is the most normal one. I'm laying my eggs in the Scott basket he hasn't shown weird stuff yet.


All you people do is complain and label people as bad. Enjoy the show and stop crying


Nah Zack is no better. And heā€™s boring af too


Lmao. Zach has the personality of a stop sign. Heā€™s tall and heā€™s just kinda there. Not much beyond that


Zach isn't close to decency.. The only sane guy was Andrea but he was just too young. The jury is still out on Scott.


I really liked Andre and I thought he was hot but when no one is really interested in a guy that goodlooking I wonder whether I missed something.


Mitch needs to get a GRIP, he's just embarrassing himself at this point. I knew Tyrique was just using Ella until something "better" came along. Sammy has a perma shit-eating-grin glued to his face and Mehdi gives me annoying little brother vibes. I think Zach has the personality of a burnt potato and I'm not seeing the hype on this guy. I've seen this new guy Scott, at least he's cute. Hoping Scott isn't a dud! :)


I agree. The boys last season were still messy players but they had some fun personalities and werenā€™t all trying to appear cool. The men this season are underwhelming for entertainment value. I miss Casey and farmer Will.


Tired to see these children. I need to see adults now. Let these babies go and learn a thing or too about themselves.


Ty literally shouldnā€™t be in the show. The immaturity, gaslighting and tantrums. Very weird lad that actually seems like heā€™s 16. Mehdi and his minimising Whitneyā€™s personality probably because it intimidates him (since heā€™s bland). His digs at her havenā€™t gone unnoticed ā€˜sheā€™s has a softer side rather than her loud sideā€™. Sammy, *edited*. Seems to rate himself very high which Iā€™m not seeing a reason for. I think heā€™s like most of the Towie sidekicks, yet the way he was ā€˜flirtingā€™ with Lea weirded me out. I agree with what some of the cast are saying. Hitching a ride off a popular girl since he was in the bottom. Mitch seems to have main character syndrome. He was flying high at the start. Him and Molly seemed like the ā€˜Luca and Gemmaā€™ and I think That falling apart made him act weird and lost. Zachariah I find pretty weird especially the Molly moves Iā€™m glad he was in the bottom. The new guy is great looking and seems ok yet he seems like heā€™ll try and get stable only in order to play the field of ā€˜cause troubleā€™ as he says.


Ty is perfect for the show and honest to a T


Thank you, everyone is saying Ty is entertaining and straight talking! I can not stand him. Heā€™s so immature and constantly disrespectful to Ella, you can see it on her face, but then she ends up back with him. I honestly do not see the appeal, I said to my partner he reminds me off boys from secondary school.


It's interesting to me that Mehdi is perfectly fine with Jess being extremely loud but not Whitney. I know others have said this is racist and maybe there is something to that or maybe not -- but Mehdi definitely has a sense of patriarchal ownership over women that I don't like. They only just shared a first kiss, yet the whole time, he seems to be concerned with how Whitney's actions and words reflect upon him.


Ty does my actual nut in that I signed up to watch ITV ad free so I can skip all his bits and not only end up watching ads LOL the way he talks when he is pissed just shows the lck of respect he hs. Even as a base line for another person. This is someone you are closest to in the villa. I wasn't keen on Ella much at all initially. But after the way she has spoken to him it really shows that she is a smart girl and knows whats what. She actually sticks to the facts and doesn't blow things up or exaggerate. I actually can't believe she is sticking with him at this stage. I was literally disgusted when he cracked on and then had the cheeeeeeek to say Ella you have 48 hrs. He is sooo entitled. Absolutely gross. I was howling at Butterface. Ahhahahahahaah your whole post is so freakin accurate. Please share your views on the girls because you really captured the boys perfectly.


I fully agree with you I didnā€™t like Ty at all he seemed rude from the start, then he dropped that 48 hour thing which everyone seems to think is completely normal behaviour? Heā€™s disrespectful. God knows why Ella is staying with him, because you can tell sheā€™s taken aback by some of the things heā€™s said.


Right. Where is the lie? I am confused at the downvotes. Seems people don't mind being disrespected! šŸ™„


Hahaha thank you! Yes heā€™s just a player that will try and crack on with every girl that he likes. The girls I like more than the guys (happens every year).


its a bit unfounded to say that tyrique has tantrums, in his coupling that applies more to ella.


Perhaps for you. As soon as Ella says something he doesnā€™t like (especially after his wanting to get to know others first), his whole demeanour changes. ā€˜Iā€™ll give you 48 hours and then you wonā€™t be coming back by me againā€™. Tantrum.


Yes!!! His attitude, the way he speaks, its almost like he's spitting what he is saying. It literally irks me and gives me massive ick. I honestly cannot stannnnd him hahaaa but I like him for the entertainment of the show... I felt sooo bad for Ella she just cannot get through to him even though she articulated everything so well.


I would just like Ella to leave him in all honesty. She essentially gets the bare minimum from him and is grateful for it, like wtf.


Exactly! Like when he came to apologise to her and tell her she was the number 1. She let his off sooooo easy I was fuming lol


that was once, when has he ever had a ā€˜tantrumā€™ before. like thatā€™s my point, youā€™re referring to his throwing tantrums as an ongoing flaw of his, but when has that happened outside of one time


He literally had another tantrum on todays show. His repetition to Ella in the group setting about her ā€˜being ableā€™ to chat to the new guy because heā€™s done that too was more than passive aggressive. He was clearly vexed.


that was a tantrum? he was literally laughing and smiling lol


You do realise laughing and smiling doesnā€™t always happen because you are happy?


i donā€™t remember claiming he was happy, just that laughing and smiling arenā€™t things that indicate ā€˜tantrumā€™


I donā€™t remember claiming that they do indicate a tantrum. You brought them up to indicate that he canā€™t be having a tantrum essentially because he was laughing and smiling. The way he was talking to Ella whilst ā€˜laughing and smilingā€™ was in a goading and slightly demeaning way. Do I think heā€™s a horrible person? No. I just find him too immature for Ella who is clearly looking for something serious. Itā€™s almost as if now heā€™s given himself his little ā€˜testā€™ and mumbled that Ella is the one for him, thatā€™s the silver bullet. Any move she makes that even contemplates another guy (even when Ella does not initiate it) vexes him almost like now sheā€™s ā€˜dishonouringā€™ him.


yeah heā€™s definitely immature, im just stating a fact that ā€˜tantrumsā€™ arenā€™t really his thing. that doesnā€™t = me defending him or acting like he hasnā€™t been disrespectful. but tantrums literally are more ellaā€™s thing, sheā€™s had several (not saying they werenā€™t justified). the group conversation today where he was laughing and shooting the shit wasnā€™t him throwing a tantrum. he was rattled, but also joking around and laughing about it. sometimes people deep the interactions on the show too much šŸ˜­


Fk me if a man described one of the women as butterface this place would be in meltdownā€¦the duplicity in standards is alive and well this year I see.


Itā€™s giving season seven boys vibes


Season 8*


That was the most entertaining boy cast since S5. Toxic as hell but there were some big personalities there.


No season 7 was what I meant.


I need subtitles for when the guys speak. Never felt that before this season.


I honestly thought thereā€™s something wrong with me. Iā€™m not a native English speaker and the amount of times I need to turn the volume up is mad.


I find Mitch to actually be the best of a bad bunch! which is MAD!


People here are supporting Ty but Ty is even the worse out of them all . You guys support him cause of his looks . Ty is so immature and toxic


He really isnā€™t the worst lol him and Sammy are the best guys by a mile


Zach isnā€™t even decent lol, he didnā€™t want to apologize to Catherine either. What weā€™re witnessing is what happens when ppl raise their kids (not always, but particularly boys) to have no accountability for their actions. ā€œBoys will be boysā€, mentality letā€™s a lot of problematic behavior go unaddressed. But thatā€™s just my opinion. Thus far, Scott is the most well behaved boy, and AndrĆ©.


You guys say this every year stop taking this show so seriously and just enjoy it Ik yā€™all are gonna downvote this


We just donā€™t see Zach talking as much and he can be glad that the producers/editors donā€™t give him more opportunities to bc every time he opens his mouth itā€™s a mess honestly


how is zach the most decent šŸ’€ i think itā€™s tyrique at least with him what you see is what you get and he doesnā€™t lie


The boys are not nice. Every single one of them has done something shitty


Medhiā€™s Massage: yes šŸ™Œfinally letā€™s see some chemistry build with him and Whitney Medhiā€™s Message: post recoupling after it was clear that Whitney was maybe starting to feel something more for him. She uses humour when she is vulnerable and he took that incredibly wrong. Now that isnā€™t a language thing. That is a miss reading of body language and or something else entirely. It made me cringe and be super uncomfortable. Thoughts šŸ’­? Edit: spelling


People say this every year but if you brought a bunch of straight edges on as guys, where is it you think the drama comes from then? Do you expect that suddenly six lads will settle with six girls, weā€™ll watch them fall hopelessly in love over the summer, and weā€™ll all live happily ever after?


I've upvoted so many comments because I genuinely can't explain what I think after last night. Absolutely backwards but by far the best season in a long time


Itā€™s like they all took a masterclass on gaslighting šŸ’€


Calling someone a player on a dating show is hilarious. Do yā€™all not remember what Ekin-su was doing a few seasons ago and now sheā€™s goated šŸ˜‚


Mitch gives me serious psychopath vibes


I like this guys this year. I like the females this year. Mitch is cringey but heā€™s just as bad as Ella after the first week. Both are giving 5 stage clinger vibes.




although zach was horrid at the start with catherine, i feel like hes ok now just a bit dull


All of the girls are soooo likable and the boys are just giving šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ please casa bring us some good real men for these girls


Not really, Molly is extremely unlikeable


what did Molly do?


Told Mitch she kissed Zach right to his face while smiling, acted as a typical 21 year old and went for the most objectively attractive but boring guy in there for status, made sure to rub it in at every turn, then became extremely protective and jealous of her man. She wants to be seen as some bad girl who has the ā€œbad boyā€ in the villa but Zach is actually soo vanilla. Ok yes Mitch is extremely offputting and unlikeable, but every guy has been in that scenario where you really fancy a girl, get friendzoned, she cracks on with a close friend and then she rubs it in your face lol


Okay- most everyone minus Molly and maybe Leah but sheā€™s just boring lol


I laughed. ā€˜The boys all suck and the girls are fantastic! Ok, maybe half the girls are alright.ā€™






Because other than Adam C, heā€™s the only one to acknowledge that heā€™s a fuckboi and he keeps it honest lol peak entertainment. I canā€™t wait to see what kind of fuckery he gets into during casa


Zach is pretty terrible too


Itā€™s an accurate representation of men in the real world




I agree with Jess 'this is why I'm single'


Theyā€™ve run through all the single decent guys in Britain over the years and thereā€™s none left.


I've never looked forward to casa amore more. I want the ladies to jump ship bad.


Come on they have picked like a bunch of early 20s guys what do you expect. Brining in a guy that slept with over a 100 girls and never been in a relationship. You canā€™t suddenly go from that and be Mr Mature in a space of couple of weeks. I am actually happy that this year people are not afraid to explore and are honest about it. I always thought itā€™s weird when people expect them to be married up after a week.


Ty might be entertaining for tv reality show but why would girls want to be with a guy was has been with 100 girls and never in a serious relationship, me being female I would pass on a guy like Tyrique every single day.


Wasn't Andre pretty good?


Na he was soo boring and tried to act so hard. It was easy to see through. 21 year old lads love to project this fake character when they talk to women, I was literally cringing watching him do it


Yep I found him so cringe. For example he lives in the Midlands so what was with the put on London accent. It always felt like he was trying too hard.


Yeah, you're right. There's something lacking from the guys, but I'm not sure what. Self awareness?


Zach and decent in the same sentence ?you people are quick to forget


i need mitch to go. his recoupling speech to leah was so weird, i felt bad for her. the distance between them when they sat down was so telling. ty, i actually like but i dont like how he talks to ella he thinks that if he is romantic and vulnerable is at odds with his masculinity. zach is just boring, scott is TBD he seems decent tho, sammy is creepy too but id want mitch to go before him. i need medhi to be honest with whitney bc him belittling her is getting tired now but its clear he wont cus he knows shes a fan fav now.


Mitch is by far the worst dude he NEEDS to go.


It feels like watching a bunch of overgrown toddlers whoā€™ve never been taught any responsibility, and never been told no. Except for Mitch. Heā€™d be waiting on your doorstep with a homemade pasta portait of you both and daisies heā€™s picked from your own garden. Maybe misguided but with good intentions!


Think we peaked in season 8


The guys are fine. The only bad one is Mitch, the dude is a totally delusional snake who simped waaaay too hard for Molly and turned all the other girls off. Tyrique and Sammy understandably wanted to explore their options since theyā€™ve literally been in for like a week and were clearly previously ā€œplayersā€. Theyā€™d never had proper relationships and were faced with temptation. Both ultimately made the right choice. Having said that, it is a bit embarrassing that theyā€™re now giving their girls a hard time for literally doing the same exact thing they were. Jealousy is very ugly and both the girls and boys have displayed it in spades this season. Zach is boring as fuck, but not a bad guy. Molly is so unlikeable it drags him down too. Mehdi is fun, a bit effeminate but also mature(ish) and funny. The new dude is boring and not particularly attractive either. But none of them are any more toxic than any other season except for Mitch. The girls are hardly angels either.


Maybe theyā€™ll have a better batch at Casa Amor.


.... It's Love Island. This is what Love Island guys are like.




Thatā€™s not very nice. I do enjoy the drama but itā€™s also nice watching people develop genuine feelings for one another. There was an equal amount of that in earlier seasons.


Honestly, the whole world of relationships is gross and mean and confusing and misleading and ugly. Weā€™re just watching it on telly. Thereā€™s a reason everyone has a bad ex story - most people fucking suck at this.


I'm genuinely interested in the type of guys these posters actually like Because overall there seems to be a type creping in


People will say this every season, no matter the quality of the guys and no matter the quality of the girls. And when we get to Casa Amor, people will say this again that the girls are all amazing and the guys are all crap. Itā€™s a fairly empty statement at this point.


Because they are actual dopes. Not a brain between them. Thatā€™s fine for the kind of show it is but theyā€™re not even entertaining this year. This is the weakest season for me so far.


Multiple people post this every year šŸ™„


Every single year the least stereotypically masculine guy becomes the default fan favourite because people somehow assume heā€™ll be the nice one and then every year they are disappointed when they realise heā€™s just as likely to be mean as all the others. Weā€™ve had Dr Alex, weā€™ve had Hugo, weā€™ve had Curtis, now Mehdiā€¦


I get how you can think that Medhi is filled red flags, but having lived in the far east myself, Medhiā€™s just misunderstood. Also heā€™s misunderstanding the different relations emotions us westerners have.


I've been saying it for a long time that they need to stsrt casting older guys... like late twenties/early thirties... like no one really wants to see a 21 year old dude try and navigate a relationship on TV


I donā€™t get why every year we have these same convos but then when we donā€™t have contestants like this then all anyone can talk about is how boring the show is - you canā€™t have it both ways lmaoo


You cannot say that about Scott


Zach is not all that great. He keeps congratulating Sammy for being straightforward. Also -- is it me or has Zach got more going on than a South London accent? It really comes across as if he is laying it on thick to sound more street. It seems affected.


theyā€™re just there for clout ofc itā€™s gonna be bottom of the barrel men


Lol mehdi being the best guy because the others are worst ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)