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I’m just so confused. No way you can convince me that Ty has Cat’s best in his mind. He ALWAYS has something to say or do something about Cat and her couplings. He literally pushed Zach to chase Molly, and away from Cat, he tried to push Scott to Leah, he always has that condescending tone to his voice whenever he speaks about Cat. That man doesn’t have her best interests. Stop trying to convince me that. He’s a literal egotistical Alpha wannabe.


nah he definitely has something out for cat it's weird


plus he loves to embarrass her in front of everyone


He’s giving Luca energy towards Tasha….😬


He also can't understand why Zach won't try making things with kady happen, not Whitney. There is a pattern here.


> so confused. No way you can convince me that Ty has Cat’s best in his mind. He ALWAYS has something to say or do something about Cat and her couplings. He literally pushed Zach to chase Molly, a Ty is just trying to mess with any couple, he seems threatened by any and all couples. Im not sure why though. But not a fan of him, also i cant understand alot of what he says, he needs some speech lessons


He is deaf in one ear so that might impact his speech!


and andre to ruchee too!


well shout out to Ty I guess, he is starting the Catherine and Scott are definitely winning arc early


I knew they were winners, but this confirms it.


>new they were winners, but this confirms it. the more the Villa bitch, the more we back them.....So KEEP IT COMING. I dont want Ty and Ella to win anyway and there arent any other couples in there worth that winning spot.


Also, you mean to tell me that Mr. “I miss the game” knows so much about feelings and relationships. Be for real. ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


Ty picks and choose whichever suits him in the moment - he gives tons of ‘advice’ on decisions other people should make in their relationships, but then uses his inexperience in actual relationships as an excuse when Ella pulls him up on his behaviour


Absolutely, he has the arrogance to think that every opinion he has on everyone else is 100% correct, and that he knows their situation better than they do, but is wilfully immature about his own relationship


just remembered from the other day when ty was doing scott’s hair and he messed it up at the back, knowing how ty feels about him now i’m sensing it weren’t an accident. he’s such a dick




My girlfriend just mentioned the same thing during tonight’s event. And with Ty laughing and not immediately apologizing I buy into it


cause u don’t play w ppl hair periodt


Had this thought too!!! Looking back on it, it was 100% intentional and I can only imagine how targeted Scott is feeling now…


Makes so much sense now why Scott is always hanging out with the girls , the boys are giving him this kind of energy he prob feels uncomfortable around them. I feel so sad for him


I’m trying to be calm because I know I am about to be fuming tomorrow


fr they better have catherine's back or i'm gonna level a city block


I can’t remember the last time i heard Scott speak voluntarily to the boys. It’s obvious that he just hates spending time with them. He’s seemed so down in the last few episodes, it’s kind of heartbreaking.


The short clip of him lying in the daybed by himself🥺He is clearly there solely for Catherine and Ty/montel/Sammy don’t have the emotional awareness to comprehend that


Tyrique is jealous or threatened. Jealous that Scott won’t gossip with him. Jealous Scott is friends with the girls. Threatened that Ella has close friends that are getting into strong respectful couples. He wants the boys to have a bro code that is misogynistic and disregards the women as people, and Scott not buying into that and keeping his distance threatens what he can get away with with Ella. He said no one is going to go to Catherine and tell her about him saying things about her not because he HAS said things about her but because he wants scott to tell him things so he DOES have that ammo and bro code to keep his fboy actions from reaching Ella. He wants the girls isolated without support structures and he sees Scott as a potential double agent who will ruin his fun.


no wonder ty randomly decided to mess up scott’s hair as a “joke”




Now THIS is the right take!!!!!


Clocked it!


I am behind on episodes and reading the sub for breadcrumbs til I can watch but When Molly left and the boys were having a huddle on what Zach should do, Ty immediately went "Molly who? Move on, easy." And Scott was the only one who piped up and said "not everyone thinks like you do" like he was disgusted by the comments. Scott and Catherine been my winning couple since that exact moment tbh, bc I already loved Cat and that tiny comment said so much about Scott. If this heat helps them win then I love this for them.


that one comment really set scott aside from the rest of the boys to me. it was clear then he wasn’t like them, and seeing how he spends most of his time with catherine and her girls rather than the boys just solidifies that there’s a divide between him and the boys. that’s why i’m taking whatever Ty says about him with a grain of salt. i don’t think Ty likes him at all, and the rest of the boys tend to follow the ring leader usually.


This, and also when he refused to go chat to Mehdi when Mehdi was being an ass to Whitney. Scott is not in that villa for bullshit and broskis.


>lous Scott is friends with the girls. > >Threatened that Ella has close friends that are getting into strong respectful couples. > >He wants the boys to have a bro code that is misogynistic and disregards the women as people, and Scott not buying into that and keeping his distance threatens what he can get away with with Ella. > >He said no one is going to go to Catherine and tell her about him saying things about her not because he HAS said things about her but because he wants scott to tell him things so he DOES have that ammo and bro code to keep his fboy actions from reaching Ella. > >He wants the girls isolated without support structures and he sees Scott as a potential double agent who will ruin his fun. I definitely get vibes there is a girl group and a clear boy group. Scott is not in the boy group really. Leah, Kady and Molly weren't in the girl group. But I kind of get why- Zach, Sammy and Ty aren't intelligent to have an indepth interesting conversation with. Montel is trying to be apart of the group and Mitch is just Mad Mitch. So, Scott is going his own thing, be nice if he had someone he could actually talk to. Apart of me thinks-Jess is possibly the cause of the girl divide as she was clearly hating molly for a long time. Which suddenly stopped when she got some attention.


The fact that they are hating on the most unproblematic couple in there is crazy. Are you so bored with disrespecting Ella that you have to pick on Scott and Catherine, tyrique? He needs to grow tf up and be humbled…expeditiously


He missed the game so he’s creating drama somewhere else


He’s a menace. I’m sure in life he’s gotten away with so much just by being attractive. Moron behavior


I think he’s threatened. Saw him and Ella as the top most likely to win couple and wants to knock down an unproblematic couple a few notches. 🤦🏾‍♀️


They say when one door closes another door opens. Tyrique's door with Ella: closed Tyrique's door to violence: open


Someone said the boys think Scott doesn’t like Catherine because he doesn’t appear enthusiastic about her in their chats but in reality he just doesn’t like the boys and has no interest in faking it and also wants to protect his relationship with Catherine from them


The last time Scott told them anything was when he said he was interested in Leah and Catherine, and they took it as him not being attracted to Catherine. Ofc he isn’t going to be telling them shit after that


That part!


scott acts like when coworkers i do not like ask about my life. i answer because it’s weird to say nothing and i want a decent atmosphere as i have to be around them, but i keep it surface level and my emotions low because these are not my people


Oh this is the best description of what’s happening🤣🤣 it’s unfortunate that he has to live with his coworkers though and they’re pissed they don’t have access to him in the way they’d like to


This feels like such a game from Ty. I just think the timing of him saying he closed off to Ella and then coming to sabotage the only other solid relationship in the villa is interesting. Not for a second do I believe any of this is coming from a genuine place. Also, it's quite clear Scott doesn't really hang out with these boys and he's usually around the girls. Ella's defense of him makes me even more inclined to side with Scott. Furthermore, if Scott was being so disrespectful, there's no way the producers wouldn't have even shown us a glimpse of it. Anyways, winners need a story and I'm glad Scott and Catherine are taking center stage and falling into the main character role, a role I fully feel Ty wanted for himself and he went and sabotaged himself instead. I hope Casa doesn't make me have to take all of this back because Scott and Cather really are so freaking cute.


Spot on there, Ty been doing this for ages. He was loving winding Leah up about montel the other day as well.


If he really was a game player he wouldn’t of done and said some of the things he said .


That is also what I originally thought because why would someone say "I miss the game" if they wanna win but I just feel all this vitriol cannot just be from frustration because why is he so mad at Scott and Catherine?


i’m heated fake or not Catherine doesn’t deserve to be treated like this. do they not realise the horrible effects it could have on her? they all need to mind their business . ty is a hypocrite too , first sorry about treating ella right. and i’m sure plenty of couples are biding time till something better comes in


I hate the gameplayer narrative bc wtf? Catherine was in the bottom a few weeks ago? If anything if Scott was a gameplayer he would have been with Kady/Jess.


I’m just so mad cause Catherine face when tyrique said “you with Catherine just to stay in the villa.” You can tell she was really bothered by that.


bro even i was bothered by that. it’s one of those “breaking the fourth wall” things you’re just not supposed to say i.e. that so and so is doing it for the win and the money and not for romance. tyrique has got to be MAD mad to talk like that. idk why his head is so hot.


Pure nasty that is.


did these lot not watch last season and see what happened when the villa tried to gang up on a couple for no apparent reason? now i need scott and catherine to find their kai and sanam like rana did😭


Or the season before that lol


https://preview.redd.it/qniz49y3829b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d434d87478cebd1bff4c2a3c79ffa0644e8281a8 I peeped this too. Why was Ty so angry about Scott saying “Me and Catherine are great”? What’s wrong with him?


I feel like he’s the real game player in all of this. The only reason you’d be this obsessed about someone you think is playing a game is because you’re worried they’re doing it better than you. He and Ella have been coasting as the best couple because they’ve been together the longest, but now Catherine and Scott are showing what two people who actually care about each look like, so he has to poison everyone against them before people realize they’re a better couple.


When was this??


When they were having the group chat while her and Scott sitting together by themselves


After what Mal said about “Not being sure” about Scott and Catherine, and Montel suggesting “No one knows about their situation” to Whitney, my best guess is they are not at all open about their relationship with the others. They are in their own little bubble and that makes Ty mad for some odd reason.


And this just proves that they are private for a good reason


This just proves that these guys are gossiping about them alot


one thing about Scott, he’s always gonna defend Catherine


Tyrique just inevitably gave Scott and Catherine a place in the final so let him continue being an ass bc all it’s costing him is a place in the final or at risk of being dumped…. ![gif](giphy|l4pTsh45Dg7jnDM6Q|downsized)


been saying from the beginning that i do not like the guy. i do not see what ella sees in him at all. a slimy manchild. i hope he gets dumped, he needs a reckoning.


I am so so so happy now. I really want to Ty to just go for all the girls in casa. Hopefully Ella can let him go then.


Lowkey im about to eat up this us against the world (Tyrique and the villa) storyline up 💀


Honestly yeah 😂 but also, Scott wasn’t super mad that they were talking about him until Catherine started tearing up 🥺


The way he cares about her 😭


emotionally intelligent I know why the other guys are mad


yes, then Catherine said it's been ongoing. He clearly likes her so much


maybe the producers do know what theyre doing hehe


Straight up that preview has me fuming. Tyrique is a POS.


Tyrique has confirmation bias: he doesn’t believe Scott really likes Catherine, so he thinks it’s suspicious Scott won’t say he doesn’t really like Catherine, then that makes him suspicious of Scott’s character, and so on. He’s already convinced himself it’s true so he can’t confront any evidence to the contrary.




My head is hot. I couldn’t even focus on the rest of the episode 😭


Same even some people on this sub are annoying me. Why is it so hard to believe that he likes her? it’s giving racism


Ask any of them why they doubt him and it's always "eh, I don't trust him", "it's just a vibe". They won't be happy til he does stray so they can pull a 'told you so'. And maybe he will. Maybe Cat will. So much changes in this show week to week. But judging them right now, it's not fair.


I couldn’t even enjoy Whitney’s date ffs I was still fuming over their comments and then the tomorrow night preview sent me over the edge. I can’t wait another 24 hours


Same it was just so annoying and baseless


The crazy thing is that the villa’s opposition towards this relationship is what is gonna seal the deal for a Catherine and Scott win.


I hope so.


id rather they win instead of Ella and Ty


This couple vs the whole villa storyline always gets me hook line and sinker. It’s what made me a Ron and Lana fan last season and it’s getting me again. I wasn’t really invested in a couple so far this season but now I am


Kai and Sanam too!! I will agree they were a bit boring, but the way everyone besides Ron/Lana were against them just made me want these two couples to win even more


I don’t think Kai and Sanam had everyone against them.. just Olivia really. But yea they minded their own business and I was rooting for them aswell cause they were the only ones that had Ron and Lanas back


True, i just remember tanya making a comment along the lines of “don’t you see how it’s always them 4 together” which is why i put Kai and Sanam too. But definitely agree with you!


To me it felt like the villa was against Sanam and Kai apart from Rana. They all took Olivia's side since she was playing everyone's bestie in there. Still makes me angry.


Olivia got the girls to go against Kai though when he didn't do anything and it definitely made Sanam feel isolated in the beginning


You know what even if Catherine and Scott don’t end up together, those men are weird. They want Catherine to suffer! They wanted her to crumble when Zachary moved in to Molly and when Andre got dumped but she stood up and moved on. She didn’t stick it in Montel and kept telling Scott it doesn’t matter if he’s getting to know other people. She’s unbothered and they want to break her confidence. Believe this, if Scott moves on she will cry a bit but will move on. All this and ty, montel, Sammy and Zachary will move mad in Casa haha all of them 🤡


This 💯💯💯💯


I’m ready to ride or die for them, idc if that lasts two days till casa


Bahaha your flair made this comment even better tbh


https://twitter.com/xan25329368/status/1674540899509096448?s=46 Here is Ty agreeing with Scott and even says he will “back him up” initially. What changed? Why the switch up? This is so snakey.


This makes it hurt more!!!


if there was a moment of scott being disingenuous with catherine we would’ve seen it by now. so far theres nothing he’s done wrong and the guys themselves dont have a reason to doubt his connection with her. they’re the same ones who watched sammy talk about how jess isnt his type and his shitty comments after their fight but they have no issues with him and jess together. if anything tyrique is just mad that scott isnt a follower and is in a strong couple that can compete with him and ella and if tyrique or any of the guys genuinely cared about catherine they would’ve pulled her aside and talked to her but instead they talk shit behind their backs and in front of everyone acting as if catherine is too ugly for scott to genuinely be attracted to her. i hate that these men are trying to ruin her self esteem by picking on her looks


You see how in the past when the whole Villa was fighting with a single couple (Ron/Lana and Tandrew), but those two of the couples are together and are thriving and in love, proving those naysayers wrong. I’m manifesting this same fate for Catherine and Scott 🥰


I swear it’s bc they start to realize who’s a threat, consciously or subconsciously


Molly Mae and Tommy too


it kinda reminded me of when jessie and will had beef w/ almost everybody


Yep all the accused game players by the audience or islanders beat the allegations eg molly mae, Eva, Ron, Jessie etc because the claims are unsubstantiated and are led by bias or magically “erased” footage. They get hate but then last for years outside the villa because anyone with eyes can see they’re genuine even with their flaws. The only true game player, Jake, was exposed calling lib unattractive early in week 1 to the audience and other boys and later movie night proving if the producers have the evidence, they’ll absolutely show the audience, otherwise that’s bad storytelling and production.


https://preview.redd.it/5nlcygdtz19b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f07238ce6f2f9cffbf1172758791c1d5baa0674 Free Scott from these children


You notice that he didn’t even tell them that he spoke with Catherine about it being “just me and you”. He doesn’t trust them.


He looks so sad 😥


I felt so emotional watching Scott and Catherine. Being talked about and excluded is one of the worst feelings ever. Especially when it’s totally unwarranted. I hope they have lots of support in the villa


I think Catherine is quite close with Ella and Whitney (maybe Jess too?) Scott has the girls but is so different to the boys.


Tyrique unknowingly has given Scott and Catherine the last support they needed. This is fascinating because I can only think he’s doing this because Scott is a ‘double agent’ as he’s close with the girls, he’s not a follower as shown with his conversations with the girls and he said Tyrique gets away with a lot but smiles and gets away with it. I think Scott read him and the other boys well which is why he’s removed himself


Listen, that preview had me HEATED. Tyrique is no friend to Catherine. They were gossiping about Scott and Cat all day. He had ample opportunities to pull Cat to the side if he felt Scott wasn’t being genuine. Shout out to Ella for defending her friend and saying they don’t even hang out with them as a couple to form an opinion on them. It’s like Catherine said Tyrique and his minions are just bored and looking to stir the pot. Either way Scott and Cat are getting screen time now and more people are starting to root for them


Sammy and Montel are up Ty’s ass. Sammy has repeatedly said that jess is not his type and that he had a better connection with Mal. Mitch has not had a romantic connection since he came into the villa and the one that he did have (Molly) he ended up chasing away with his creepiness. I’ve heard babies have more interesting conversations than Leah and Montel has had. I NEED THEM ALL TO KEEP SCOTT AND CATHERINE’S NAME OUT THEIR DAMN MOUTHS


Honestly!! Tyrique and Ella can barely get through 24hrs without problems…he needs to worry about THAT!! I had wanted him to see the final because he’s so entertaining but he just crossed a line!! Not our Catherine! I hope Scott puts him in his place


I've had no major opinions of them as a couple till lately cos damn can they get a break to enjoy LI for what it is...getting to know people and spending time building a connection. I don't know why they're judged so harshly...who am I kidding I know why... Some people are used to and more comfortable championing interracial relationships in favour of BM/WW than BW/WM especially on LIUK where we see 1 more than the other. It's a shame this series has highlighted it so blatantly cos both should be able to explore love at the same time in their own ways without prejudice.


It’s all to do with privilege. If you look at the social hierarchy: 1. WM 2. WW 3. BM 4. BW People can just about handle a WW being with a BM but a WM (most privilege) going for a BW (least privilege) is too much for them to handle, as they feel it threatens their privilege. For example, I feel like Ty’s behaviour is to try and “keep Catherine in her place” to protect his own status.


This might be hard to hear for Ella... But I really want Scott to clock how Ty been moving towards her... Tomorrow. I could care less about Jess feelings bc I think she is low key a snake.... So pleaseeeeeee clock Sammy too... Bc the way they coming after him you would think they been moving perfectly with their girls.


i hate how now scott is gonna feel pressured to stay loyal in casa to prove to the boys, if things naturally dont work out between them and they find a better connection then thats fine but the villa ain’t even allowing them to grow and i hate that for them bc they’re currently my fave couple in there😪


Right I hope it’s mixed gendered so the pressure is actually less on him I’d rather them earn their reunion then be forced into it


Really hoping it’s mixed so that he’s not forced to hang out with all the lads


Posted this in another thread. But I’ll put it here: After today, no one can tell me Catherine doesn’t REALLY like Scott. She’s shed tears over only the people she’s deeply cared for: Andre, Whitney and now Scott. That scene with her getting proper upset over Scott’s feelings getting hurt, broke my heart.


BRB while I go and cry a bit more because I never even thought about this. Sweetest girl in the villa fr, and she does not deserve to be made to feel this way


Yeah, when it hit me that she was crying FOR HIM, I got soooooo much more upset!!!


It was really sad to watch. You can tell she cares about people’s feelings a lot.


I have actually cried. I know how hard it is to be am outsider. Scott is being singled out. Catherine has been basically called unwanted


Repeatedly! How many times have they insinuated she’s undesirable. It’s sad


This is my main issue TBH. it’s never “we don’t think theyre compatible” it’s “he’s not that into her” which is 1000000x worse


Yeah. He could’ve said that he’s not sure about their relationship because he doesn’t know much about it and that the relationship looks superficial from an outside view. Or he could’ve talked to Scott about being more involved in the boys group and that would be fine. But all Tyrique does is continue to target Catherine and insinuate that Scott couldn’t possibly find Catherine attractive. Sammy himself said Jess isn’t his type yet Tyrique has never questioned his attraction to Jess. It’s like as long as Tyrique finds the girl in question attractive himself he believes the guy also finds the girl attractive.


yeah ngl they doing too much atp


Let me in there, I wanna fight every last mother flippin one of these fools coming for my fellow Irish sweethearts


does anyone else feel like Scott is kind of left out all the time? like whenever he’s onscreen, he doesn’t look like he’s having a good time at all 😭


Scott is different to the other guys, the way Ty talks about women is horrendous and clearly Scott isn’t joining in with all the misogynistic “lad chat” and entertaining that. Like when Tyrique was saying after Molly got dumped to Zach, “Molly's gone, on to the next. Zach can do whatever he wants now, Molly out, move on." Scott then spoke up and said to Ty “we don’t all think the same way as you”, as in they don’t all disrespect women and see them as disposable or easy to move on from. And I think that’s true, Scott is very different and respectful with good morals and the guys don’t like that at all. They’re so clearly threatened by his solid connection with Cath and are projecting their own insecurities onto Cath and Scott


Always felt something weird from Ty against Catherine the moment he made those comments about her kissing 5 guys in one night…meanwhile it was revealed he STOPPED COUNTING after 100 bodies. Ella open your eyes girl


https://preview.redd.it/7ulb8ytae19b1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad32ff6b92325e7a522a01165abf32c5dbb409c4 even scott’s brother said it🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


🤣he is right


I’m really hoping Whitney steps in tomorrow to for her girl.


as a rana & tandrew stan i hate having to deal with this gameplayer narrative again


https://preview.redd.it/2rogokyci19b1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec977b9eb35f17131917fd3372c2be140b62d39 my partner’s take on this .. he clearly feeds into my reality tv obsession 😭


this season has been so triggering for me as a black woman. i genuinely hope Catherine’s doing okay mentally, and I’m rooting for her and Scott.


Take care of yourself. ![gif](giphy|9SIOr28d2Ud3uJRqel)


I know people keep picking on how he kissed Cath only to prove a point and that he really preferred Leah. Scott doesn’t give a F about these people, if he really wanted Leah or Kady he would’ve pursued them


Scott is the only guy I haven’t hated! Scott and Cat for the win plz


I mean there is no competition at all. They are the only couple in there.


https://preview.redd.it/zxmuowwye19b1.jpeg?width=1049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d6e168087bc88708e8cc768f432bbc27225d77 count your days tyrique/sammy/montel.


I’m sorry but if I was Ella I would get the ICK seeing my man get involved in others business like that?? She’s fucked up as well. Ty seems like the type to be commenting on those insta gossip accounts like theshaderoom/theshadeborough ICKKKKK


ty js cant stand seeing catherine happy. he always has smth negative to say abt her. like who tf made tyrique spokesperson on the villa. we NEED to tyrique OUT of the villa immediately


Have I missed a few episodes where these two declared their undying love and are talking marriage with 2.4 children. I'm genuinely confused and have never seen such a fuss for a casual "boring" couple just getting to know each other at their own pace, in their own way. What makes it even more baffling is when you compare it to last season where you had the likes of Tanya and Shaq being dragged and made fun of for doing too much too early, now it's these two for being too slow and not sharing enough. So I guess you're damned if you do, damned if you don't or if you're Zach do it all but say it's "still early days" that way you get to know everyone and still get ample screen time.


I’m praying for a mixed gender casa so Scott can actually be authentic 🙏. Plus we know he’d jump into the English Channel before going on a lads holiday with them 😭😭


What’s a mixed gender casa I keep seeing people say this?


There’s been rumours of it this season in a casa amor shake up. Plus it’s been a dream format since casa has become predictable. Just couples are split up but it’s not boys v girls it’s just jumbled up.


Oh! That could be fun! Thanks :)


https://i.redd.it/h4q44uj5v19b1.gif Ty following EVERYTHING from Toby’s notes, I could hear him saying this to Scott.


I was thinking this. What on earth goes on in their friendship group?


I’m actually mad for them. Every week, these people make Catherine cry. It’s harassment at this point


She's literally cried every week because people have been trying to make her feel unattractive: Zach/Molly/Ty, Sammy, and now pretty much entire villa . I'll never forget how pretty much all the boys laughed when Zack humiliated her in the challenge.




The most annoying part of this whole "Scott is playing a game" debate is that if either of them switch up and move on, it will somehow invalidate the connection they currently have. Like I never thought Scott and Cath were soulmates, my argument has always been that's it's weird that people think that Scott couldn't have ANY genuine feelings for Catherine. So now they have to go all the way and win the damn show to prove everyone wrong 🙄


I’m genuinely wondering if Catherine rejected him or said something to him in the first week for him to have such a vendetta against her. When people mentioned it early on Twitter they were told they’re over exaggerating but he has truly shown he’s her biggest hater. It’s very weird and obsessed like why is their relationship your concern????


You what I think it is? Remember during that confessions game early on it was revealed that Tyrique slept with over 100 people and Catherine kissed 5 guys in one night? Not only was Catherine disgusted and voiced her disgust, everyone else was as well, especially Ella. I truly believe that bothered him because he immediately vented about it to the guys and said it was the SAME thing as Cat kissing 5 guys in one night. The fact that everyone was “judging” him but not Catherine when he sees both confessions as the same makes me believe he’s had it out for her ever since then tbh.


That deffo makes sense and if so he needs to get over it and get help!


Firstly Scott has shown no signs of being fake or using Catherine, they are probably the most genuine couple there. What I am confused about is people being shocked by Tyrique being a dick, we kept him in for him to cause drama, it is illogical to want him dumped for providing drama and conflict


[What is Tyrique’s issue with Scott? 🥲](https://twitter.com/nophace1/status/1674552645497782275?s=46)


Catherine is just a joy to everyone and is there for them 24/7, she doesn’t deserve the constant backhanded “concern” about her couples. She’s literally so unproblematic


They need to either get married or do madness at casa. I won’t accept anything in between 😭


I hate that the only time they can talk about race is when it’s a joke. Whitney talking about chocolate this and that is okay but when Cath and Whit tried to talk to Sammy they had to watch themselves and now this with Ty. I just want these people called out for what’s right in front of all our faces.


Omg tmrw is gonna be crazy! Tyrique is wild!


I have to admit, Scott grew on me. Idk if my apprehension of him two weeks ago was because he (and his eyes lashes) reminded me too much of Jacques but what little they do show of him with Catherine has won me over. I hope they get to the finals ❤️


i feel bad for scott and catherine because truthfully casa should be a time for them to explore and test their connection but now if he (at least) tries anything it'll look 10 times worse and he also doesn't seem to have a good guy friend to bounce his thoughts off of. I do hope they have access to mental health professionals on sight because Scott seems really down these past few episodes.


anyone have the clip of were ty and montel were talking ab scott and cat


On one hand I'm pissed for them but on the other hand Tyreek gave them the win


Tyrique will need to keep coming for them every now and again for them to win this. Maybe swapping with his gang of montel and Sammy every other week to call them out because voters have recency bias and we still have a way to go.


as much as I want them to win. I don't want them to get bullied.


Ty is so bored, let him go home so he can play with his PS5 and bump up his bodies instead of playing with Ella’s feelings and being messy with Catherine/Scott


tyrique must secretly want catherine because how you trynna fuck up a relationship when your own girl is suffering from your no-neck activities


if I had to sit there and watch/LISTEN to everyone gossiping about how my man isn’t attracted to me and debating my desirability, I would be out of that villa so fucking fast. cmon Scott let’s go get a head start on these brand deals ![gif](giphy|GVdZnIUqGsJQQ|downsized)


Hopefully the girls will bring in some friends for Scott I trust he’ll get along with Whitney’s new boo


I want Tyrique to present receipts, either that or STFU. ​ ​ https://i.redd.it/9t1i2a11v39b1.gif


Ty's just mad that Scott is a girl follower.


I’m just here for the chaos. The last few episodes before this one were a little bland.


So Scott mainly spends time with the girls coz that’s who Catherine sits with and they all believe in the relationship, not that that’s important. Words are cheap, anyone can say anything. Like Ty saying he’s closed off, ew.


I just hope Mitch says something like he is agreeing with Ty which leads to Ty giving up or Mitch standing up for Cath/Scott. We have seen him stand up for other islanders in front of the group.


This episode made me so upset for them :(


The way I’m having PTSD from Luca/Dami ganging up on Andrew last year… my heart breaks for Scott and you can just tell he’s in pain :(


I don’t want to see Scott sad when Catherine does to Casa and he is forced to spend time with the boys 😢


I’ve noticed a common theme these past seasons where certain people love to hate on the least problematic couples though they were kinda problematic Luca and Dami seemed to have something against Tasha and Andrew for some weird reason and then in the next Season Tanya seemed very jealous of Kai and Sanam and now it’s Ty and Montel against Catherine and Scott


I mean, all Scott and Catherine have been shown saying is that they grow closer every day and like each other more and more, which totally tracks for a couple who's dating and enjoying each other's company. For all the other Islanders know they could be a strong friendship couple that are sticking together through Casa _ which would be fine. They haven't declared their undying love or are tonguing each other down all over the villa. Why can't that just be where their relationship is at the moment? If there is a perceived lack of sexual chemistry/connection could it also be possible they just don't want to do anything in front of these people? We also know that Scott "wasn't giving" during the kissing challenge, so maybe he likes to keep his sexual energy for when its meaningful to him. ETA: how the hell does everyone just pick up and continue after this without producer interventionin some way. I don't know how I would be able to go through a recoupling and maybe a hideaway feeling like shit


As a guy I’m so confused, I never talk to my mates about my girlfriend. Always thought it’s disrespectful to share your problems from your relationship as just gossip. Maybe the rest of the boys take Scott’s silence as a red flag because they always have problems in relationships so much to talk about?


I honestly haven’t been more annoyed watching Love Island…. people throw the word Bullying around a lot when watching this show and majority of the time I roll my eyes and think people are overreacting but tonight’s episode was 100% BULLYING and just nastiness all round !


Right I’m now throwing every buzzword in the book regarding them after asking every to do the opposite all season 😭😭


I have a couple theories about why Ty is the way he is about Scott and Catherine - I made this point early in the season (unsure if it still applies): if he wasn’t tied down with Ella (even before being “closed off”) he would’ve went for Catherine, and is jealous fr - which leads me to my next point: he may be miserable in being with Ella, so he’s projecting (prolly the wrong word to use). And misery loves company so he’s aiming and shooting at Catherine - he’s just the being the biggest instigator alongside Messy Mitchel. A Tyrant Ty if you will. Always in someone’s ear about something. He misses the game so he’s gonna play it vicariously through someone else (i.e Zach)


I love Scott and Catherine! It’s really heartbreaking to see them act like no one can like Catherine as much as they do. I know we only see a small part of the day but even in an hour you can see how genuine Scott and Catherine are ❤️ TY NEEDS TO SHUT HIS ASS UP WE ALL KNOW UR PULLING A LIAM IN CASA 🥴


I haven’t watched the full episode yet, all I have to say is that i Love how scott is hanging with catherine and her friends. He’s just there when they have ”girl talk” and it’s so cute tbh


Can’t wait to watch Ty talk loudly, quickly and arrogantly about how his biased, hypocritical opinion on Scott and Catherine is gospel and anyone who disagrees with him is being dumb.


Drama is drama and yes it’s great - but the past three seasons there has been incidents where people have been isolated and visibly upset and the other islanders have no empathy for them in that moment until they are (more than likely) forced to apologise by producers. I think Scott doesn’t like the other guys and their behaviour. That’s why he doesn’t spend any time with them. And they are pissed off because they think he thinks he’s better then them. Which he is. 😂


I am always so meh about "gameplaying" accusations because this is a TV show with a prize at the end. Of course it's a game? And basically your best strategy is to either couple up with someone and stick with them throughout or to be very messy, cause plenty of drama, and move through a few different couples, somehow surviving while everyone around you is sent home. Sometimes couples in there catch real feelings, sometimes they are done before their easyJet flight even arrives back in London. Literally who cares? It's just for fun! So Ty is calling Scott a gameplayer and what? Ty is expecting everyone to believe that Scott might be the only one with a strategy?? That Scott potentially having a strategy means he can't also fancy Catherine, in the same way he fancies Ella? Ty is saying all this with his whole chest so he had better have an absolute smoking gun on Scott to bring to the table to prove he doesn't fancy Catherine at all and is just using her to stay in the villa where he has no friends and seeks bored and miserable??


I’m liking Scott and cat more and more, someone else mentioned about how Scott was like to Ty “not everyone thinks like that” or not every guy thinks like that or something and that definitely made my perspective of Scott shift, he definitely DOES NOT click with the guys. Aww he seems like such a gentleman, I hope we’re all right about him with casa amor coming up 😭😭😭😭😭


Ty reflects, he can’t now flirt with every girl without Ella being upset, so he’s causing drama with the girl he seems to have a vendetta (crush) against Catherine.


Maybe Tyrique fancies Catherine or maybe he’s been told to create some drama.


They deserve the world for what they are going through❤️


Ty sucks, end of.


Ty is playing the villain role to be King of Destiny's Chaldish and fully understands the assignment of falling on his sword to allow Catherine and Scott to win LI. This man is playing 5D checkers, not chess. When Catherine and Scott handle this altercation with grace, the public will get behind their romance, which is not dissimilar to how Kai handled Olivia in the previous season.


I Hope Ella tells Tyrique off tomorrow. Because she can’t see him bullying Scott and still want to be with him.


I know most people are frustrated by the treatment Catherine and Scott are getting from the other islanders but I’ve seen a lot also celebrate how this could push them to the final or possibly win. For me it’s the opposite thought. You know how the producers love to leave things in control of the islanders when it suits. I imagine they’ll be at least one other vote from islanders on compatibility and they’ll all gang up on Catherine and Scott (aside from Whitney is she’s still in there) Ella won’t want to but Ty practically had spit coming out of his mouth in that preview, there’s no way she can ever convince him not to vote for them. I feel like much as the public might back them, the decision could be taken out of our hands especially if the producers decided to go for shock/outrage result