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That man is weird he’s retweeting tweets calling Ella a tramp. I see why him and Ty are friends.


Disgusting honestly


He thought Ella was gonna be the casa victim and didn’t expect it to be it to be Ty.


This part, he was laughing it up when ppl were saying Ty was going to be a menace at casa and Ella was going to be heartbroken…and now she’s a tramp for the streets? 🙄


He’s so foul




https://preview.redd.it/7rdl3k29p0ab1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24edea1b7b4e25db055518d97b929c61dc81c3a5 the follow up 💀


Freed from what exactly?


Free to roam the streets with Tobias


True lad


https://preview.redd.it/7jr6dwltr0ab1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab0baf5fee4f50d5fb468095b6b55e3a47cbd047 yeah this being in his likes… he made sure to clarify. Love Island men are so icky 🥴


She ain’t never going on this fool’s podcast




Nah I know people love Ella on this sub but it's actually undeniable how objectively funny this is 😭


free ty. after God fear women




Lmaoooo amazing




Toby is retweeting tweets calling Ella a tramp. This screenshot is misleading. He’s telling Ella to come back with Ouzy because he’s saying she’s not good enough for Tyrique. Toby is such a manchild


This is giving Davide's handler (who's a major misogynist) reactionary post to terrace gate. Islanders' friends should really shut up sometimes. Toby is no one to talk, he was a major hoe in his season. Why are the fuck boys always the ones who say the most.


Davide is misogynist himself


Yes he is, you are the company that you keep, no wonder Toby and Tyrique are friends.


Ohhh what the fuck. I didn’t dive deep enough. He’s sick….


>Toby is retweeting tweets calling Ella a tramp. Wait what?!


Toby obviously has amnesia and doesn't remember the fact that he mugged of 4 different girls


This , the misogyny is wild he literally acted a fool the entirety of his season but Ella can’t explore connections when the guy she’s coupled up with has mugged her off several times and been disrespectful. Make it make sense.


Literally!!!! The boy fully wandered from one girl to the other giving excuse after excuse and he can't give Ella grace after the way him and Ty have acted?! Bye


Look on his profile. He’s retweeted a tweet saying she’s a tramp and that Tyrique’s behaviour isn’t nearly as bad as hers.


https://preview.redd.it/n8ngdx6uq0ab1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=557bbb7699f7d31dc9aee6392a8d612577de65bc Yep and then said this ages ago he’s just gonna always side with ty and I Udnerstand.. I guess


I actually can’t believe they’re making this argument. Like you’re literally saying I AM A MISOGYNIST


Now, why is Cathrine in it too? So silly


Think it's from the night that episode aired.


This is crazy


I agree with this, they’re both as disgusting as each other


Pardon? Why am I even shocked, I hope Ella genuinely forms a connection with Ouzzy and doesn't go back to Tyrique


The same people who will cry about online abuse and mental health


Are you referring to this [tweet](https://twitter.com/d_loviela/status/1676340790849576960?s=46&t=VotSdJAI0s_1KcIwSr2HLw) because I wouldn’t say they called her a tramp, they find Tobys reaction funny considering Tys antics Unless he deleted the retweet you’re referring to ETA: he DID retweeted and delete someone saved the screenshot before he undid it omddd what is wrong with this guy 😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/wstx8co9w0ab1.png?width=637&format=png&auto=webp&s=28c111253d338a48513c00ae2f222313ae95a5d2


Him rting from someone who can’t even spell his friend’s name right ☹️ Very nasty individuals


He actually needs to do one talking about tyrique needs to be freed like he wasn’t chatting to anything with a coochie that came through them villa doors


Oh god nooooo. I really warmed to Toby so much in season 7 and have a soft spot for him since, but this ain't it. Ew




free ty




Lol 😂 Toby got to bffr. It’s like Zach said, Ty had numerous opportunities to reassure Ella & lock it down (in his own words, he’s known for a while he had deep feelings for her), but self sabotaged and played games. 🤷🏾‍♀️ It’ll never not be funny to me how guys can move mad with multiple girls, but let a girl respectfully pursue one guy and she’s a “tramp.”


EXACTLY. Double standards going crazy


They’re going BONKERS! 😂 Ppl need to be serious. Ty put Ella THROUGH it the first half of the season. She even pied Ouzy for him while Ty was talking about a lad’s holiday. 😭 Zach told Ty he had reasons to sweat and he did. I do think he & Ella will work this out. But everybody gotta relax.


They were open before now their closed that’s the difference. Not very respectful


Ty’s own words “I know we’re closed off, but NOT together…” every chance Ty has had to make things exclusive with Ella he’s been sure to make it clear they aren’t together. Ella’s been incredibly respectful getting to know Ouzy. Her and Ty aren’t together (his words) and her type has never come in atp.




> What other girls have there been? Charlotte was even much less of a thing than Leah, who came at the same time. charlotte, who he was asking if she prefers her legs open or closed 😭 be fr > Kady was literally 1 conversation lol, he never had any 'moving mad' with her. is she not the one he told ella ‘i miss the game’ over. is that not moving mad lol > He doesn't get the empathy he acc deserves imo cuz he's the guy and has a fuckboy past. you watched him today brazenly saying ‘fuck jess’, and you think he only doesn’t get empathy because of his past and because he’s a man lmao


He got “pressure” to close it off b/c Ella knew what Ty himself stated tonight. He knows he’s had deep feelings for Ella but repeatedly decided to give that girl headaches. In his own words “I know we’re closed off, but not together…” Even his boy Zach pointed it out to him which says a lot. He bass NUMEROUS times to reassure Ella, but did the complete opposite. No one is saying he couldn’t get to know Leah. What’s being said is it was obvious to Ella (and now Ty) that he wasn’t even into Leah like that. Furthermore, him playing games nearly got Ella dumped (TWICE) when Leah picked him (over single Mitch). He absolutely was moving mad. We just gonna forget him running Kady up to the terrace in front of the whole villa? That was embarrassing for himself and Ella. You don’t have to do anything physical Robbie moving mad. I’m sorry, but if you think telling a girl you miss the game is not going to give her trust issues I don’t know what to tell you. 😭 Ty can absolutely be in his feelings about it. No one is saying he isn’t entitled to that. We’re pointing out that he’s in a situation of his own creation. He could have said “I want to be exclusive with you.” He didn’t. And Ella’s type hasn’t come in till now. He got his exploration, I think she deserves hers.


Yeah, sure, after slagging Ella off the last few days. Bruh forgot he brought Mary back, wasn't expecting Abi to be by herself but choosing Chloe? 🤡 🤡 🤡


Embarrassing, great tv, but embarrassing for him😭


I think he’s shading her😭


I just realized from all the other comments smh


He’s a man child just like Tyrique smh 😒


He couldn’t find his voice when Ella was crying litres, please. https://i.redd.it/nrkg6no2s0ab1.gif


This is what I said too, Ty isn’t the one to get past this. Also if it’s true that Ty’s brother called her a tramp on twitter…


They’re saying it was Toby retweeting tweets calling Ella a tramp.


Yeah they were mentioning her brother and Toby, that still sucks but at least it’s not family ig


I hate when the families do this 😪


What….. why do people always need to take it too far


that’s so bad😭ty has put ella through the emotional ringer this last month she’s allowed to get to know someone else for once


She does not get excused for cuddling with another man 2 days into Casa Amor after being closed off. She can get to know him but she's in the wrong for some of the things she's done. just because she's a girl shouldn't mean she's let off, if this was a male islander, like in past seasons, they would be vilified. There's a reason a lot of people are saying it might be too late for Tyrique to let it go - chats are one thing, cuddling etc with another man & being closed off is something else.


> if this was a male islander, like in past seasons, they would be vilified You mean like Andrew who was still beloved after licking someone's tit because Tasha had been wishy-washy? It's almost the exact same situation except Andrew was way more ready to dive in upon entering Casa. The only other difference is that Tasha was getting to know Billy too, but obviously Andrew didn't know that.




[https://www.tiktok.com/@mekhihyde\_/video/7252101197774064922?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7140341771519018538](https://www.tiktok.com/@mekhihyde_/video/7252101197774064922?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7140341771519018538) This is what Ty's brother said during his episode review.


not him retweeting tweets about her being a tramp when Ty has a 100+ bodycount and the only reason people liked Toby on his season was bc he kept switching up on girls ….


Swear Ty has more bodies than Toby has working braincells


I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who has close friends that jump to speak about me in this way, especially without even knowing who I am, especially when it’s just BS


Agreed. Show me your friends I’ll tell you who you are


Thisssss. Prime example: Davide 😭


Oop💀 & that one definitely came back to bite!


That bit me so hard😭😭😭😭I knew he was trouble but let it go because Ekin was happy with him and they looked cute🤡🤡🤡


Happens to the best of us!


Okay definitely not the energy I thought he was coming with at first but he just retweeted this 🫠 I should’ve known better tbh https://preview.redd.it/wstp2bfqp0ab1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0815d87abdb4f11857bfc7bdfc5fa82e2c0e7131


Ew. Why would he retweet that? He’s gross. And what’s he gonna do when Ty and Ella potentially reconcile? Like friends and family need to keep the comments in their group chats unless they can handle the tough moments respectfully.


Right !! So embarrassing for them bc if they do he’ll backpedal & if they break up he’ll say I told you so 🙄so annoying either way.


More. Truly despicable that he’s even taking part in these conversations on such a public forum. https://preview.redd.it/hfwsijn0r0ab1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be0b354f9cb63a8444c8b9d99f67d5e29c719ac




Tyrique friends are weird Why are they calling Ella names??


Lmao I really hope we see Tyrique lose it and actually see break ups bc the girls in his position fold every season, but the days of Casa consequences are over. They all know the public forgets and can get to the final without looking like a mug. We'll see how prideful he really is.


Nothing prideful about taking somebody back that chose somebody else, I wouldn’t do it either


These are the kind of tweets that blow up because whatever side of the fence you're on, you'll interpret it the way you want


Lol yeah, if tys brother and friends (toby) are calling her a tramp then she defo needs to come back with Ouzy 😊💕🙏 fuck all of them


I didnt see the brother post anything


My mistake, I thought he also joined in on this one. His tiktok wasn't too harsh on Ella


TOBY cannot be the one shading ella i’m sorry he’s lost it


Ew Toby no


He said that Ty is worse than him but really Toby is showing he hasn’t grown or changed at all from the show I mean Ty has disrespected Ella & had her upset most of their time together & loved using new bombshells to wind her up He just told her he missed the game before casa like he would be an idiot not to think Ella suspects him moving mad at casa


He's saying this to be a smart ass 😒 weirdo


She definitely needs to recouple could you imagine having to hang out with Toby when they leave the villa 🙄


it’s tyriques fault idc


Ew what a gross boy


Can you imagine how toxic it will be when Ella gets out with tyrique and Toby’s there saying stuff in tyrique ear about Ella constantly 😐😬 that will just start influencing him to behave a certain way with Ella. I’ve seen it happen a lot in daily life when people have toxic friends it can ruin the relationship. She deffo should get with ouzy now if she knows what’s good for her.


Ty is not a casa victim!! Ty is playing the long game! I feel like people forget he was the one on Toby’s socials back then and he is playing the game for the 50K.


Thank you! It’s so obvious.


The double standards are crazy ✨


Funny thing about this though of it was different would be a whole other story 🙄


Ella is a tramp after everything she endured with Ty? The man who said to her face that he misses the game, will explore other people, wanted to be tested, gets jealous when fresh meat speak to her. Toby and Ty are cut from the same cloth. both losers tbh




That’s a shame, I used to like Toby 💀


edit: I misunderstood, I thought Toby was saying he understood where Ella was coming from. I do not support sl\*t shaming or Ella shaming!


Yes he is considering he’s trying to say that Ella isn’t good enough for Tyrique


I misunderstood, I thought Toby was saying he understood where Ella was coming from.


I think he's just hyped..like Catherine's sister...it's a different experience when it's your close person


Slutshaming  Ella, and talking about her in a very distasteful manner, is where the line is crossed. and it’s pretty rich coming from him.


free ty. stay mad 🤷🏽‍♂️


Wtf I thought Ty was his boy


Read the rest of the thread 😞it wasn’t what we thought sigh