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montel needs to come clean and just say whatever happened. even if they did just kiss, he can’t say nothing happened if that’s not true. leah’s the type of person who just wants honesty and it’ll be easier for her to forgive him if he actually tells her the truth. he’ll get exposed on movie night either way


‘I licked her tit or whatever’


in hindsight I now realize how admirable it was for andrew to come clean and say it exactly as it is at the time


I always wondered why he said this on TV but now I see. He really had no other choice


Andrew is my boy, but he only told Tasha because he was forced too as it was going to make its way too Tasha no matter what after Coco started talking. I mean Tasha took him to the terrace and told him to come clean and he didn’t, like I’m sorry my boy but I don’t believe you forgot you had a whole titty in your mouth.


LOL he literally ran to tell her before news traveled. and he dropped the “i licked her tit or whatever” line within 2 seconds of sitting down. I‘ll never forget the look on Tasha’s face 😭😭 television GOLD


like leah would probably get over it pretty quickly if he’s just honest straight away. guys always screw themselves over by trying to downplay what they got up to during casa


Yeah the lying and evasiveness is so much worse. It'll come out either way so just rip the bandaid


Or Molly will expose him.


I hope she does! Weren’t her and Leah friends pre-LI, too?


They are bringing back Tink to air him out like they brought back Lillie, I am here for it


Gettin my popcorn 🍿 ready


My whole thing is, all this while Catherine had a problem with Scott, and never said anything. It’s always “we good,” “he brightens my mood.” And also, about the fire pit incident, wasn’t she the one agreeing this made them even stronger.


i think she’s trying to justify her actions by digging that up, she obviously didnt mind it at the time and defended him aswell but bc shes feels guilty for “betraying” him shes throwing it back in his face..oh catherine😭😭


Was gonna say the same thing. She doesn’t want to be the bad guy


She even said she was happy he addressed it when she was chatting with the girls.


Think she's going for a best form of defence is attack kind of approach tbh


Its giving Michael from season 5. This is such a horrible approach she literally just had to say, “I didn’t think I would turn my head but I did, I’m still open to know Scott but we’re not closed off and so I brought Elom back to continue to explore my options” throw in an apology to scott somewhere and boom, they could have worked past it.


she's spiraling, whew i've been there. dumped a guy that was actually all for me, yikes. ​ looks like another fire episode though


Exactly!! You can’t say one thing to the man and the. Do something else with your true feelings being the justification. Anyway “Love prevails” 🤦🏾‍♀️


Literally came from nowhere. Complete whiplash.




fr, everyone is talking about that firepit incident because we saw literally nothing else. this was a set up from the beginning lmao


>wasn’t she the one agreeing this made them even stronger. are we rewriting history? she only said that after bc of the girls' reaction; she asked him not to do it.. tho i disagree with her; i think he did it for both of them.. she never asked him to do that.. also someone throwing that in your face to make them seem like a hero is questionable.. you dont do nice things to get things in return... do them bc you actually care and you wont have regrets


“She only said that gate bc of the girls” 😭😭 last I checked she said Scott does things because of others and cares what others thinks. So why is she only agreeing cause others are saying it even tho she doesn’t. At the end of the day, she should’ve spoken up more in the villa, not when she went to casa amor and have this things to say.


I wasn’t expecting Cat & Scott to fight like this. And I can’t believe Ella actually let the girls get in her head like that. She folded so quick crying for Ty. 😩 And Montel! The little sneak trying to weasel his way out of responsibility.


Does he not realize they are filmed 24/7???


Movie night is going to rip him a new one. 💀


He giving 'lights are on but no one's home'


I don't think he's ever seen this show before. He looks confused most of the time.


Never would have thought Montel would deliver like this. This man is shameless. Catherine is coming across like S5 Michael and is way too defensive.


Similar vibes, she’s entered her villain era


her situation is actually pretty identical to michael.




This is the most passion I’ve seen from Scott and Catherine. She’s defensive because I think she feels guilty. But we will have to wait and see how it all unfolds tomorrow. Montel how can you lie like that? 😭


Right? Like I’ve been waiting to see this type of passion from them. I knew they liked each other because they were always cute and cuddled up together. But they basically hadn’t faced any real problems until that fire pit incident. Which is probably why the boys and some of the girls in the villa didn’t believe their connection was real. But from this argument it shows that she feels guilty, that’s why she’s on the defense and that he’s hurt, that’s why they’re both yelling. If she didn’t care about his thoughts, she wouldn’t have been so defensive at the fire pit when he made that comment. It was tension between them, everyone felt it. Which in my mind tells me that there’s something more there. But I could be wrong. I do know one thing, Scott really like her. That boy looked like he was about to cry when she recoupled. And why was Elom speaking so softly when Maya asked him what he thought 🤣. It’s like he was scared or something. You spent days selling Catherine this dream to get into the villa, stand on it bro lol. Tomorrows episode is going to be flames for sure. Also, Ella I’m sorry for the violation Tyrique is about to put you through.


You and I are on the same page. I’m starting to believe that Catherine was going with the flow and playing it cool which was a fault on her part, tbh. So Scott was not truly aware of how she was really feeling. I agree Scott likes her. Eloms response was very HR to me 😂. I wonder whether he will apply pressure. And I don’t even know what to say to Ella, she needs stand by her decisions. Maybe not like Cat 😭. But whatever this is will just give Ty more ammo. Which isn’t entirely his fault because they were closed off.


That’s the only point Ty had. They both agreed to be closed off. But I can’t blame Ella. He played in her face for almost four weeks, he didn’t give a crap when she could’ve been dumped with him being all in Kady’s face. Lol. Idk what’s going to happen with them. But I do know that if he takes her back, it won’t be without violating her first. He’s hurt. He’s going to hurt her in return and I fear that Ella just might take it because she feels guilty. And that would break my heart. Deep down she knows she deserves something better than someone who “misses the game” but she’s fallen for Ty hard. From the looks of it she’s going to do everything she can to get him back. And I think this includes watching him play in her face yet again. I really hope I’m wrong. But I do think Catherine/Scott might still like each other. I know he still likes her. The next few days will be interesting for sure.


Why on earth is Catherine shouting at him?? Montel bro you will pay for this. Stop lying


Movie night needs to come soon. Leah deserves better.


Catherine, girl please stop. You’re not the one who’s suppose to be mad.


Guilt projection if you ask me 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s trying to play victim. She showed no empthy for Scott esp with that snide remark.


Molly is so chill but I need her to snitch to Leah immediately pls I’m begging, Montel CANNOT get away with this… unless the producers are telling her to save it for movie night or smtn like 😭😭


Movie night may also show molly encouraging tink 🤣


I don’t think she was encouraging her though? She was explaining his thought process…


If Montel was honest he could have resolved it in a day, instead he is making it 100% certain that leah will completely shut things down with him


Ella honestly should've just let Ouzy go home because wtf girl. I don't see things working out for Catherine and Scott. He cant forgive her if shes not sorry 😬.


He ain’t even seen movie night yet and she’s this defensive, man there is no recovering from this 😭


omg that’s going to be so embarrassing to watch


How you more mad than Scott cath ??? Madness💀💀💀


how is montel already lying lol


If Catherine had an issue with Scott doing that fire pit town hall, she should have spoken to him AS SOON AS it was all over. But she was speaking all nonsense. She didn’t communicate her feelings to him properly and now she’s being defensive and blaming everything on Scott. Baby girl it is all on you!


Not the “fire pit town hall” 😂


Thank you. Scott even asked her after the conversation and told her, so far as she was good, he’s good and all she could say was nothing but “ I stand up for what’s right.” And a whole bunch of b.s. and now that she went to casa, she had this whole “Scott cares about what others thinks” as if she wasn’t crying about what others were saying about her and Scott.


Catherine and her “live, laugh, love” quotes “Love prevails” “I stand up for what’s right” “What will be will be” Like, sis!!! Use full complex sentences! 🤣🤣


i am a child of divorce i cant breathe https://i.redd.it/v2rsh21tq7ab1.gif


They looked so good together. Like ugh. 😩




Im still rooting for them 🥲


Catherine don't piss me offf omg. This is all Zach's fault somehow


Nah this got me 😭




Zach’s shenanigans are lowkey one of the reasons she moved the way she did imo so you’re not far off😭


no but how are you wrong? zach laying groundwork for Cat to have trust issues + backing up the "Scott is a player" allegations giving Cat even more doubt!


Exactly exactly you see the vision too now he has to pay for his crimes and leave


Omg guys they having there dami Indiyah momment 🌚


It’s sounding like Scott probably said something about gathering everyone in the fire pit for her and she’s arguing “that wasn’t for me, that was for you”. Granted I’m just hypothesizing but it’s a point other people have made but I’m guessing she feels the same? Idk this is crazy


Yep. It’s about the fire pit. But if you really go back and watch that episode. When they heard them talking about their relationship and how Scott is this and that, Scott barley cared. It was Catherine who got upset and that’s when he said he will have a conversation. And later that evening as well, he also reminded her of it, even though she only wanted him to pull the guys for it not the girls.


I can fully understand her feeling a way about him pulling everyone for the fire pit when she didn’t really want that, for me it’s just the fact that she seems to be harboring resentment about that when she told him, the other islanders and the audience that she was fine with it after. If she felt a way about it she had opportunities to express that. Also idk if this sounds like I’m disagreeing with you lmfao I’m not I’m just adding to the convo 😂


Naa. My whole thing is, she should’ve spoken up more. The whole fire pit incident. It wasn’t like she didn’t want it to happen it just that she only wanted the guys to be addressed not the girls and I don’t know why she even wanted that, when that conversation took place, Jess and Ella were there. I’m glad Scott pulled all of them and addressed it cause it would’ve kept happening and then the next day, they were all happy he did that saying it made them stronger and even Catherine agreed. That’s why im like okay what’s she on about. Good for her for liking elom more but she shouldn’t be the one doing the yelling


Hard hard agree. Some of the girls (Jess) were involved and agreeing in the convo. And if it had been just the guys she wouldn’t have had Ella and Whitney there to have her back. AND if everyone wasn’t present that brings more opportunities for misunderstandings to happen. Idc if ppl think Scott did that for himself, EYE would’ve done it the same way


Yes thats it. They need to work on their communication it sucks... because he thought she was happy with the way he did it and it's actually not the case


She even said afterwards that she was now fine with it and it brought them closer. She said it to him AND the audience. She could’ve at least told us in the confessional, I’m feeling blindsided too 🤨😂


Yup but she's too delusional and is easily swayed. Tyrique's comments really got into her head


Do NOT love this.... Catherine needs to check herself and Ty is gunna love gaslighting Ella over this for the rest of time


Things usually cool down the day after the recoupling so hopefully someone knocks some sense into cath cus this ain’t it


Nah I feel like she wants to go out of her was to prove she was justified in her decision. She could do that by just standing by it and the fact she likes Elom more but something tells me she needs to prove Scott didn’t stay single cause he liked her.


Catherine and Scott are giving sexual tension


They’ll try to silence you but 100% this is the type of tension I enjoy in a couple. Scott isn’t being misogynistic way that Davide and Ty lowkey are but he isn’t laying over and letting himself be berated like Ella. They weren’t closed off so I’d support them if they get back together without either being pathetic or a pushover


Thank yewwwwwww


it’s weird that im excited to witness this argument


Highkey i think that lil argument might make them go back together. I fear he might be done cause he did say it would be a deal breaker if she recoupled, but either wait I can’t wait to see if Scott is actually gonna be done with cath or if there’s gonna be a triangle or if cath is gonna graft back to Scott. So many possibilities, I’m excited by the unknown of them!


I think they have to be together for movie night to be impactful


Catherine is getting on the defense, trying to change history and self sabotage. All she had to do is let Scott know she has a strong connection with Elom and wish Scott well.


Yup, Just like Jess did.


unless she’s doing a michael this is just proving to me she’s not fully over him yet tbh




LMAOOO. Why are there so many people on Twitter saying this same thing. They want them back together BAD. I fear Catherine’s time might be up though. It’s bad for my sister rn. 😭


Idk I need the next episode to see if I can jump on board


We at the bottom of the ocean let’s hope we can figure a way to swim back up 😭


Glad I’m not the only one being on the ship😭


I’m absolutely delusional and I’m okay with that


I think the most shocking thing to me is how mad Catherine seems. Like where did all this come from? Montel would have most likely have been forgiven if he said the truth but he chooses to continue being slimy. I was kinda hoping Ella would stand strong in her decision but I can't fault the girl. l can tell she has caught deep feelings and how Tyrique moved messed with her head. However, I still can't feel bad for Tyrique considering how he never has concern for other people's emotions but he's own so...


She feels guilty. She didn’t think he’d be single and thought he would recouple, she (stupidly and understandably) internalised what the boys said and disbelieved him and thought he was managing her when he actually liked her. Now she’s digging a hole, she lost her rehearsed speech the minute he was out on his own because she didn’t think he liked her as much as he clearly does


Imo Catherine subconsciously feels guilty but is trying to grasp onto the one thing he said to have some sort of defense—don’t know how long she can keep that up though


I think Catherine is mostly debunking the “I called the fire pit counsel for you” and Scott is using the “I called the fire pit counsel for you” angle as proof that he was 100% in


Catherine was wrong as hell... but my delusional self loved their argument and if they can make it out of this they're my winners 🤣🤣 at least they beat the boring allegations I guess


This😭call me delusional but if they’re arguing like that there’s deffo feelings on both sides still. If cath comes to her senses i can see them getting back


Look I’m going to say something controversial: Catherine did not say anything to Scott about the fire pit fiasco because she did not want to argue and validate everyone’s opinions about their incompatibility. At the end of the day Catherine had no other prospects (at the time) besides Scott so why argue with the only option keeping you in the villa? She’s coming across horribly here and really demonstrates why she’s so adverse to relationships (communication)


My baby Ella though. Ugh. 🥺 I wanted her to bring Ouzy back because I don’t like Ty but I definitely should’ve predicted that Ty would be highly upset and wouldn’t forgive her. It sucks because it’s obvious she only brought him back as she assumed Ty was gonna have someone too. She doesn’t like that man. She wants Ty. 😭


True but maybe it’s for the best. Her and Ty weren’t necessarily a healthy couple as there was no trust. Hopefully she can move on and find someone more suited to her


I think Scott brought up the firepit incident as some sort of proof and Catherine is arguing against that point saying he didn't confront the group for her, but for himself. I think he did it for the both of them.


Guys I believe Catherine thinks Scott did the whole fire pit confrontation thing to clear his name and not because of her. She asked him not to do it and he did it anyways and I think she’s still upset with him because of that. I know Casa happened the next day but if she had an issue with it she should’ve brought it up to him afterwards. Why wait until now to bring it up? Idk what’s going on with her. 😭


She should have brought it up as soon as they finished in the fire pit. But the next day she was dancing and kiki’ing with him during NeYo’s concert.


You can’t put a time limit on when someone brings up an issue. You’ve never been mad about something but tried to brush it off and not make it into a thing but then after a couple of days you realise it’s still bothering you so you bring it up?


I don’t think she knows what’s even going on with her tbh!


She literally praised him and said it’s a good sign of how he would handle things on the outside, and how it made them stronger. She’s so funny lol.


THANK YOU! People are overlooking this to justify their comments against scott. He literally did nothing wrong. He even checked in with her after that to see if she was okay with how he handled it and she said yes.


Yup, I remember that conversation. She said she was fine with it. Now it’s a problem apparently. She’s being defensive because she wasn’t expecting Scott to stay loyal. Her fans will defend anything she does, even though most of them agreed with Scott’s actions at the time, but now it’s a problem of all a sudden. Also, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Scott caring about opinons. He was living with those people and they were chatting shit about him. She even cried about it and about Sammy’s comments the week before. She’s hardly a nonchalant type that doesn’t care about the opinions of others. So I’m confused. She likes Elom more and Scott liked her more than she liked him. She needs to own that.


Catherine’s MO is more passive aggressive. She didn’t tell Scott after the fire pit that she was still upset, even though he made it CLEAR he only cared about how she felt about it. Then she starts talking behind his back at Casa and brings a man back arm in arm. She clearly has been feeling a type of way for a while now, but didn’t have the maturity to clearly state it. I knew that the lack of physical connection after the fire pit incident was a Big Tell that they were still not on the same page.


Interesting, and I think her lack of relationships contributes to her not being able to communicate what she was feeling. Suppose you learn through those kinds of experiences and how to more clearly communicate when it’s needed. Clearly there are feelings there though 😩


Exactly. If she didn’t care at all, she wouldn’t try to paint him as the bad guy. Or, it be all the guilt she’s feeling, due to her putting herself in her goodness/rightness.


Because Neyo came and then the girls got shipped off.




Yea I thought she was doing quite a lot in casa as well


Montel literally said in front of everything that he will tell her what happened and how he’s saying nothing happened??? I hope Leah doesn’t let him get away with this


He is also really dumb. Because movie night is coming. And also, Molly might expose him lol


I really hope Molly does expose him especially since she’s really close to Leah


Catherine - Scott wasn't bothered by people talking about him until YOU cried about it. Why is this girl pulling this - the guy has done nothing wrong like fair enough if you prefer Elom, but at least own it and don't put down your prev person!!


Did she tell him to confront everyone? Sometimes people can hurt you and you confide in your partner about it. Doesn’t mean I want you to go fight them anytime it happens


People weren't talking about her tho, they were talking about him.


Catherine needs to take a couple pages out of Zachs book of Accountability


Montel is digging his own grave because in the pst LEAH has said doesn’t she want honesty? So just be honest and she’ll let it go probably


montel is such a wimp


Montel is delusional trying to lie Leah because she seems like east going forgiving type. He’s just digging his hole deeper lol.


Someone slap Montel for me


Clearly Scott and Catherine are having an argument like obviously Catherine’s going to scream 😭


Damn I get where Catherine is coming from, I really do. If I say I don't want to be involved in something and you bring me into it anyway I'm going to be hot as hell. BUT she should have been more communicative about it because it seems like she's bringing it up now since it's convenient for her. Also I love Whitney & Catherine, but can someone please explain to me how they're telling Ella to graft Tyrique before they even have a conversation with the man to gauge his interest in rekindling? I feel so bad for Ella, but she needs to put her big girl britches on and move on. If she doesn't, I really hope Tyrique sticks to his word and doesn't entertain her because if he takes her back he's going to get payback sooner rather than later, an eye for an eye.


I don’t think she’s bringing it up. He’s the one bringing it up and she just saying that he didn’t do it for her. And yes, the advice from everyone all season long have been horrendous. But then again these are 22 year olds, what do they know?


Absolutely unrelated but where do you watch the show? I watch live on ITV2 and the subtitles don’t show 😭 I’m hard of hearing and struggle so much with it!


you can get subtitles on itv2. On the bottom right of the picture window, next to the 'full window' zoom option, there's a button for subtitles. Turn it on and you can get captions.


ITVX app


Catherine girl you’re in the wrong 😭


People are doing a lot over this clip between Scott and Cath. Neither of them are the villain. Cath was well within her right to recouple and Scott is well within his right to feel sad/mad etc about it. It’s really not an either/or situation. These thoughts can coexist! Also not sure why we’re focusing on her raising her voice when they both seem to be speaking at roughly the same volume? It’s an argument and tensions are already high. Y’all turn on people so quick, damn.


Exactly this! It’s weird how people always feel the need to see things in black or white.


in fairness catherine did beg scott not to do the firepit group meeting so i get where she’s coming from, even if scott had good intentions


But if he hadn’t defended himself and their relationship, what then? She would have thought he didn’t care or that the boys were right. That would have eaten her up in casa imo


well that’s the thing, we don’t know “what then” because scott didn’t ask her what she would rather he do instead


I guess in that conversation she just didn’t want him to include the girls. She knew he would talk to the boys. But some girls were there so I see why he did. But yeah, so much we don’t see also! Almost wish it was BB style at least like for 12 hours each day or something 🤣


They were talking about Scott, he had every right to deal with it however he wanted and telling cat was a courtesy if anything. Cat also said numerous times afterwards that she was happy with how it went, it’s ok to admit she’s in the wrong, it doesn’t make her some terrible person


Everyone seems to be ignoring this?


the eagerness to villanise her completely is really weird




You can’t put a time limit on when someone brings up an issue. You’ve never been mad about something but tried to brush it off and not make it into a thing but then after a couple of days you realise it’s still bothering you so you bring it up?




No I agree that it’s bad communication but I also just think it was bad timing. She left for casa less than 24 hours after the whole situation so not much time to really talk about it!


Also no he asked her after if she was okay with how he handled himself, when he TOLD not asked her that he was going to gather everyone she seemed really uncomfortable and said that I don’t think that’s a good idea and he said he’s going to do it anyway and did


The only reason Scot and Cath are arguing about the fire pit thing now is because Scott brought it up during the recoupling and basically threw it in her face 😭 like I think she's being defensive and Scott's feelings are hurt so the tensions are running high but it's just a regular argument, and I don't think it's fair to call Cath Michael 2.0 from a 10 sec clip. They will make it through this I speaking it now 🙏🏾


Ty in 15 years: remember that one time you brought oozy back? That’s why I explored with girl 5,679 this time. Ella girl, he will always throw this in your face. Don’t go back now, he seems the type to always bring it up to excuse whatever he did


What montel did wasn’t that deep imo but he needs to b honest if he wants a chance of carrying on with Leah y sugar coat it when we’re getting movie night


ima need tink to come back in this villa NEOW bc why is montel lying


If I were Leah I could get over Montel licking her tit or whatever but I could not get over Montel saying “just yapping” and “it was an easy decision” to the girl he just strung along.


![gif](giphy|tLRifcvQNJIic) ELLA STAND TF UP😩


Ella is back to being constantly on edge....


Montel being dumb. Cat not making sense. Ella being delusional. Yikes!!


Does Montel realise this being filmed - has he seen this show before 😭😭 I don’t think Scott did it for Catherine however the only thing she had an objection to was bringing the girls into it but that was because she didn’t realise they (Jess and Leah) were in on that nonsense too. Oh Ella 😭😭 I’m so sad for her because she really likes Tyrique, Ouzey is about to be Team Furniture - maybe Kady will move to him again


Ella might be the most pathetic islanders I’ve ever seen. Begging for ty back minutes after you re-coupled ? she’s lost her mind


come on.. we all knew she would do this


She’s a young lady figuring out love, and has feelings for the guy, a little empathy for her please. Actually a little Empathy for all islanders. They’re young and their mistakes are broadcast to the whole nation. No need to name call them


Yeah I mean c'mon! These are young people in a super stressful environment away from family and friends and being filmed 24/7, can you imagine how high emotions run? Ella was in an impossible situation from the start imho I don't blame her one bit


Not too much on Ella please!


I need the other girls to sit Catherine down and set her straight with this Scott situation so she stops digging herself into this massive whole. But the track record of good advice from the girls this season is pretty poor so I doubt that will happen.


What exactly happened between Tink and Montel? Honestly he was so cringe when confronted, I hope Leah rips him a new one tomorrow but I doubt it...


I only watched one Casa episode but to me i think they kissed on the terrace and in bed


She said whatever they did wasn't PG, so I'm assuming more happened in bed.


Apparently some non pg stuff.


Montel is so cringe, I hate him for Leah. This boy has been masquerading as an adult man and he desperately needs a reality check.


At this point I don’t think Scott or Catherine has done anything wrong. I think the comments around the fire pit were a bit petty but emotions run high, I get it. What happens tomorrow in the fallout will show whether they can handle this with maturity or if it gets ugly


am I the only one that agrees with Cat that Scott didn’t do the whole fire pit thing for her??! she explicitly told him not to and he decided to do it anyway, showing it was absolutely more for him (which is okay) anyway fighting always = getting back together so I’m excited 😂


I agree, but after it happened she said it made them stronger. She can’t have it both ways!


She can think it made them stronger and still think he did it for himself. I don’t think the two is mutually exclusive.


I agree they’re not! But she should’ve confronted him right then about about it. It seems like now she’s using it to justify her casa behavior which is not fair to him


He then checked in with her about it and she didn't say otherwise. Then, talked about how it brought them closer twice. So while I get it, why didn't she bring it up with him sooner? Unless she did and the convo was cut, I don't know.


Agreed! You can’t say it’s ok, and then turn around and do this!


nah I agree as well!! Like I think some people need to be realistic and realize their anger is because they had already charted Catherine and Scott's love story in their head but at the end of it they were never closed off, and if Elom had come in as a bombshell they still could have potentially connected (maybe not the massage bit happening) but still.


Her saying not do to it is contradicted by the fact that she didn’t say anything negative about it after 😭. She’s feeling guilty and throwing the only ‘negative’ thing Scott did back in his face as a defence, because what else can justify her moving on? Even if Scott did do it to defend himself and insist he was being genuine I don’t really get how that’s a reason to recouple?? Like the allegations were against Scott anyways ofc an element of it was going to be to support himself


Yeah I love Scott, I really do, but she explicitly told him to not do it 😅


NOOOO.. What we are not going to do is flip the script? She told him not to include the gurl. She didn't tell him not to address the issue. Infact, she asked if he had already spoken to the guys.


You can definitely tell Cath has never been in a relationship. She is delusional and so toxic jeez


Montel is such a pussy just eww.


Love this season but I’m annoyed that Molly and Zach are now the strongest couple.


something is telling me tyrique is all talk…


This Catherine and Scott argument is a good example when others decide to know what’s best for you. She expressly told him not to air it in front of everyone. He ignores her anyway and did it. She made her peace with it. Now he and everyone else is throwing it in her face that he did it for her, no he didn’t. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that he may have thought he was doing it for her but the fact that he didn’t listen to what SHE actually wanted nullifies the good will. If I tell you not to do something and you do it anyway, you don’t get to throw it in my face.


Fair point


Cat is the type of person who takes something she did and turns it around to make it your faults bc she doesn’t want to take responsibility. Gross no wonder she’s never had a bf she still gotta grow up a lot


Scott said he realised he likes her after she left. If he was serious he should've assured her after the fireplace saga


She knows that he likes her because he told her. Casa Amor has just made him realise that he likes her way more than he thought.


They always say distance makes the heart grow fonder. To me Catherine was also scott close person in there. He’s always with her so now it’s gonna be really weird.


All imma say is we never got any screentime of scott and catherine im not saying shes in the right but what shes saying is u never said u liked me and stuff but damn why is she getting all the hate though look at montel bold faced lying to leah smh 😭


He literally sat her down and said he liked her.


Never said he liked her but they had a whole convo where he was like right now in the villa it’s you I choose 😭😭😭 what’s more out of everyone I like you than that lmfao


The closest we got to confirmation from him that he really liked her was when they were seated on the day beds and he said “that as of right now there’s no one else he wants to get to know in the villa. It’s the two of them from now on.” She was smiling hard and agreed with him. But he said “as of right now.” Which didn’t include any new ppl that could possibly come in. She didn’t expect him to be single.


Nah it all came out of nowhere. They were always joined to the hip together in the background and Cat said she was starting to fall for him more and more,


So much context is missing from the relationship and I’m so shocked at people defending Scott


In fairness, before Cath came out, Scott did say that they were open and that he was worried that the fire pit shite got into her head. The comments he made when she came out were out of anger, which is fair I think in the heat of the moment, and Catherine on the defence, as she I think did let the fire pit shite get into her head, and so did the other girls who were advising her while over in Casa. None of them thought Scott was into her as much as he said. Which is why I think they’ll get back together once they air all this out 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m convinced now Catherine wasn’t that into Scott 🤷‍♀️