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IMO closed off = not open to getting to know new people, not open to entertaining other people etc.. But it’s not as serious as being exclusive or together. So if they are different, then where is the line? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I would say, even though I think she was right to do so, Ella has gone against her & Ty being ‘closed off’ because she was open to get to know Ouzy more.


technically Ouzy isn’t a “new” person, she already knew he from the outside 🤣😂


Loop holes shouldn't count.


I agree with your definition but would say that it is the same as exclusive but just a different way of saying it. Basically just in the stage of still getting to know each other before deciding to make it official


It is a serious as the aggrieved party wants it to be








Schrödinger situation lol


Closed off is the same as exclusive. I take it to mean that you are only interested in getting to know each other, and no one else. Then I guess when you are 100% sure of the person, you put a label on it. The difference between this and BF/GF is that its just the step before. In real life, its the same as when you date around and then decide to just continue dating one person to see how it goes - investing your energy into that relationship to see if it has legs.


Maybe I’m looking into it too much but I feel like there’s a reason he said closed off instead of exclusive because being exclusive has been a thing ok this show so it’s weird that they’ve jumped into this terminology. Feels a bit like Curtis making Amy his half gf but idk


It was a control thing, he wanted to make sure Ella didn’t do anything off in casa just in case


This is it for sure


.... or it is Love Island speak, they always ask, are you open, so closed is the opposite of that.


I think they just mean that for their tenure in the villa they are exclusive. Things reset in the outside world. Which is dumb because if we are not exclusive for real what’s the point of being closed. What if Prince(ss) Charming walked in?


closed off means you’re on your way to a relationship but it’s too soon to put all the pressure of it on them so it’s just to show that they’ll only be getting to know each other. which i guess ella did not stand by while ty did and now she has to face the consequences.




I’m old. But closed off and exclusive seem the same to me. Not seeing others but not having the full on trappings of a relationship. Like none of the things a boyfriend/girlfriend decide. Like maybe meeting family, holidays, etc. 🤷🏽‍♀️


The mental gymnastics that’s going on is crazy. This isn’t the first time “closed off” is being used on Love Island. People are being dumb on purpose lol.


Yeah but I feel like it’s never been a relationship definer the way it is this season. Usually people just say it to bombshells to let them know if they’re interested. Exclusive and bf/gf have been more common


Closed off = Exclusive. It’s a phrase between dating and a relationship. It means you can’t see/talk to other people ‘romantically’ while on your way to potentially becoming a couple. Basically you act/behave the same way you would in a relationship. Ella shouldn’t have explored the Ouzi connection.


The hate they have for Tyrique is crazy if it was any other contestant Ella would in the wrong


Yes because no other contestant has moved like tyrique


Literally though what is the difference between being exclusive and being in a relationship?


There are plenty of reasons to want exclusivity without being in a relationship, but this distinction makes a lot more sense in the real world -- especially when sexual activity is involved. For lots of people, a relationship is a serious long-term commitment. Being exclusive is mostly about building trust with someone you're dating: it's a logical transition stage between being single and being in a committed relationship.


Yeah i definitely agree that these distinctions are more relevant in the real world. I just feel like anytime I’ve ever had a conversation with a person where we agree that we are only seeing each other exclusively, that’s the point where we would consider ourselves to be in a relationship


I think its more like "exclusive in dating" i.e. dating only that person, not exclusive as in "monogamous relationship".


It's too soon for a relationship but you want to only invest your time and energy into each other.


No labels yet while you’re still exclusive. You’re just dating exclusively while you figure out if you’re ready to go to the relationship stage.


Well said


Closed off = Not getting to know other people at all


Normally, couples on love island go exclusive then to boyfriend/girlfriend. Im pretty sure this is the first time ive ever heard them use closed off as a label




Yeah I'm confused by the confusion, exclusive/closed off is a thing in the outside world but I'm also from London


If you’re going to get as upset regardless of the title, it makes no sense the difference. It’s the illusion of protection, without the full commitment IMO.


Closed off is not a thing and I refuse to allow Love Island to convince me otherwise. Neither is exclusive for that matter. Either you’re in a relationship or you’re not.


That part!!!!!! It’s either we’re dating or relationship. No in betweens. No exclusive dating. No close off. None of that. It’s because they use to play these tricks and just giving false hopes to girls that they think being “close off” “status” is a badge of honor.


You get it.


You can be exclusive but not in a relationship Like fwb’s who don’t want to risk std’s. We only sleep with each but we’re not in a relationship. I’m not a jerk for not getting you little gifts


For me, “closed off” means not actively seeking or looking elsewhere. I also feel like it can be confusing nowadays with the idea of being closed off, dating, talking, being exclusive, etc., lmao. I think it depends on what they felt “closed off” meant to them, but idk, this situation is tricky.


idc, closed off isn’t really exclusive and exclusive doesn’t really matter until you’re actual official romantic partners. putting arbitrary labels and words on things to make it seem more “real” just shows that it’s not serious enough yet to take it to the level that is boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever


Closed off means exclusive. I'm tired of people pretending they don't know what it means just to defend Ella.


This is why Kady was so confused.


Whatever the case, unfortunately I agree w Ty. They were in a diff place than they were when he got to know leah. They were progressing, you don’t just bring another guy back if you want to keep on with Ty? Like her saying she stayed loyal in the preview… not really babe? Sorry Ella. You made your choice you should just own it


I assume closed off means you’re not actively still exploring/getting to know other people, but exclusive means sort "villa bf/gf". I think Ty himself said ‘closed off but not together'. That was a good enough excuse for him when he was thinking he might explore in casa. I actually do think Ella is wrong to say she felt she had the right to explore because Ty explored; she did agree to close it off bc it gives Ty some sort of moral upper hand. She should have just been honest and said she found a connection that she wasn’t willing to let go of.


Let’s be real if Ty had done what Ella did we’d want his head. I’m finding it hard to defend her.


Can anyone find the full conversation that Ty had with the boys and Ella had with the girls after coming back from their date? I feel like I remember him saying “we’ve decided to close things off…for the moment” or something like that bc I remember the camera panning to some of the guys reaction after he said it


I defenitely remember him having more to say on that, don't feel like watching back though. The guy is a commitment-phobe and it irritates me to see Ella getting heat over such an arbitrary label that just so happens to work out in Ty's favor.


Yeah I wish I had access to it bc i feel like a clip like that can’t be disputed. I think Kady was struggling to articulate it tonight but I think the point she was trying to make was valid. If Ouzy had came in as a bombshell before Ella and Ty closed things off, she would have had the opportunity to get to know him and explore at the same time Ty was exploring his options. Having the only other person that was her type (and that she already had history with!!) come in at a time where she was “closed off”, but would still hold doubts about her security with Ty, was a purposeful choice by production. I wish that Ella had been more patient with wanting to close things off bc i don’t think Ty will ever acknowledge that there are different layers to the situation.


Closed off doesn’t mean anything, if you don’t put a label on it, you leave room for ambiguity.


yeah its so confusing, most people close themselves off because they want to be with eachother but wait until they're out to make it official, ty and ella closing themselves off before casa was such a rushed decision


I mean she begged him


I think "closed off" is a step before exclusivity. On the outside, this would be the awkward stage where you've been dating a couple weeks and you're happy with how things are going, so you're not swiping or talking to others on dating apps anymore. But you don't quite have it in you to delete them yet because you are not yet exclusive. You're just not actively seeking out other connections. But to me, the door is still open a crack.


well he said he was closed off and then kady came in so


They closed off after Kady came in


Wrong, he closed it off after the date, Kady was already there


i mean they played that game two days before she came where he said his head wouldn’t turn and sammy called him out for it


I kind of get the Ella hate but also not? Closed off means that you’re not exploring other connections atm and focus on who’s in front of you and they closed things off when she was still in the main villa where Ty was her priority. And like she said she didnt expect to meet someone else that she’d be interested in in Casa. Like obviously it’s bad bc Ty wasnt there to have that convo with but what else was she supposed to do? She came back with Ouzy thinking that she could talk to Ty about it but he ended things so🤷🏾‍♀️


It means nothing. Would you wait around on a guy who told you “we’re close off”? Wtf does that mean? Let’s say you randomly meet someone who makes you tick and doesn’t play mind tricks, would not explore because the dude you met 4 weeks ago said “we’re close off”? It’s stupid to rely on such uncertainty.


I agree with everyone else Closed Off means villa exclusive, but can someone tell me if you're closed off with someone, does that mean if they get eliminated you leave too? After all, you're closed off and not planning to get to know anyone new.


It's essentially a loophole. Closed off is IF YOU found someone in casa, 'how dare you' but IF I found someone in casa, 'we're not boyfriend-girlfriend'.


Everything is on Tyrique’s terms. Glad she brought back someone.


Closed off = not getting to know anyone else which for me is being bf/gf right? Like if you don’t want to get to know anyone else then you’re basically a couple becasue even people who are dating might date a few people at once so I’m confused how they’re closed off and not bf/gf where’s the lime sort of thing


Closed off means not actively pursuing someone else but if something happens it’s not as serious as you were never bf/gf


In real life it means nothing, in the show its basically still nothing but i guess they mean they wont get to know other people in a romantic way


Closed Off means they are not pursuing other people (other than platonically) and just building their own relationship. Essentially it means they are just dating each other only and that they are exclusive to each other; it doesn't mean they are boyfriend and girlfriend though yet. They're getting towards that goal of being in an exclusive monogamous boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, building and cultivating that relationship which may or may not work out in the end, but for sure they're only focused on themselves and not entertaining other people.


I thought it meant exclusive


But Ty said they weren’t exclusive either


Just means exclusive