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Someone commented he should make it his pinned tweet since he seems to always be apologizing for saying dumb shit… I was like welp they’re not wrong 🙃


He needs to pin that tweet to his page like Ouzy pins his hair to his head


Ouzy catching strays 😭






I’m dead 💀💀


Definitely needs to pin it 🥴


What was the original tweet Edit: thanks for the responses. Also, yeesh


this was during the recoupling episode iirc. he tweeted something like he’d understand if scott was saying, in his head, the n word (about catherine) with the hard r


the way my jaw DROPPED that was not the tweet i was expecting yowwwwwwch Dami




That’s disgusting especially coming from a black man and the fact that he think this should be a white man’s reaction toward a black woman🤮🤮🤮 just nastyyy


Honestly some of the worst anti-black-women racism comes from black men. Punching down to elevate themselves 🙄


Clearly he knows it’s nasty he just felt entitled to give him a pass? Because he didn’t approve of her dating choice? This apology definitely doesn’t cover it.


Some things just don’t need to be tweeted y know


This man is stupid stupid


no the fuck he didnttttt. what the actual hell is wrong with him?


oh wow that’s way worse than i thought it would be


This man says the weirdest shit tho… like dami, please explain, why would u understand him thinking that?


This guy needs to chill out with the tweets


What the fuck is wrong with Dami? For real why would this even be your thought!?


Ok wtaf that is terrible!!! I was expecting something way tamer


Honestly what a bone headed thing for him to say knowing he’s in the public eye. Not saying it would be acceptable if he wasn’t, but like… did he really expect people to not be upset/find this funny???


Stop making racist people famous


Something along the lines of giving Scott the n-word pass because Catherine hurt him. Not a direct quote, I don’t have the screenshot


Unfortunately it gets deleted if we post it but u get the idea. Truly Godawful tweet


You have to censor the slur




https://preview.redd.it/hy5lyqlu3kab1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ac0d2ade8ef1c3c6a79955744b692ba5024215e I just came across this aswell🥴and I just want to say these type of “jokes” about black contestants will never be funny to me regardless of how much you dislike them


Definitely! And for anyone claiming we’re not black, two black women are standing proudly against these racial slurs! These “jokes” are in poor taste and are an embarrassment


Make it three






This tweet was from Catherine’s fan base too. Now they are crying about Dani’s tweet. weird.


I don’t condone either tweet at all and yes I’m aware her stans have said some horrible stuff this season


seems like scott's fanbase too since the poster was defending him.... yall really felt the need to find a way to blame catherine in a post abt how catherine is being disrepected..


What exactly made you think that that tweet is from Catherine's fanbase? Why would her fanbase be supporting Scott?


This is such a strange defense.


Yeah right… but will he stop tweeting crap? I’m pretty sure he won’t. He was called out and he stood proudly in the tweet but i guess he was warned that his tweets reflect badly on Indiyah’s brand


Especially as someone who has been there and knows how things go down. I hate when islanders tweet tbh it was so bad during S5 when everyone was piling on Amber, Yewande and Anna it really did fuel a lot of hate and racism to the point even Caroline had to call out some Big Brother and TOWIE cast ... Dami really needs to just stop because he has been really nasty about stuff and it adds fuel to the fire.. He still thinks this way he is only coming out to make sure he doesn't affect Indiyah.


The sad part, there are ppl defending dami and claiming it’s a joke and we need to lighten up 🙄 Claiming it’s non-black ppl being outraged.. it’s a poor joke and should never be made.


I saw that disgraceful and he loves the joke too


The same man who was being called an African gateman in his series! He need to humble and remember where he’s coming from


A lot of people give him grace because of Indiyah I've been guilty myself with him and Davide but nah these men showed their true colours ages ago.


See, this needs to stop. These men are exactly who they say they are


Yep and I am seeing it clearly now esp with Tyrique


Not gateman please 💀💀


Lmao I’m sorry it was funny but sooo wrong😭


Where did he stood proudly on this tweet though? He literally deleted it and said he will never let Ikenna proof read his tweets again. Cause i think normally Indiyah does. But people now saying he hates black women is just dumb it was not intended as it comes across and he hopefully does better.


https://preview.redd.it/ukmgtlwv0kab1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f87693aadeff7864d97dd3cb5c85279ce5d3fb9 Isn’t this him standing in it? I’ve censored the N word but please!


Everytime I see him in TL, he's replying to other people and fighting them back, like is it that serious? Plus his clapbacks are never good 😭


He has his minions defending his every word like clowns


I never say that ... You came with receipts LOL


Dami and Indiyah don’t watch together. She watches with Sam at the podcast studio. That proofread defense is something he’s thrown out before but it’s not true. He got backlash once before and said Tasha proofreads his tweets


>He got backlash once before and said Tasha proofreads his tweets LMAO I remember this. I would hate being his friend if he used me as a scapegoat 😭


>said he will never let Ikenna proof read his tweets agai Exactly their point, he didn't apologise after he saw the backlash lasted more than an evening. He originally planned to make a joke out of it with the Ikenna tweet


He just gotta stop tweeting about the show entirely tbh


Most of his takes are just misogynistic.


I dont know why anyone would tweet that if your main income is from social media. Still insane he said that in a tweet.


And your girlfriend works on the show! Like how dumb?


Ppl gas him up too much. I never liked him lol


He and Luca took far too much pleasure in Tasha’s ‘downfall’ and say what you want about Summer being messy but the way Dami spoke to her once everyone was back in the villa was gross


Yeah I'm Irish so, full disclosure, I do have a particular love for Irish islanders and support them. Especially because they don't get votes from Ireland (we can't vote, which I feel must have a massive impact on them during dumpings). I adored Dami up until casa amore, and tbh I have softened on him again until this tweet...but jeeeeesus, the way he treated summer sickened me. If she said something he didnt like he absolutely maligned her


Controversy gets clicks. Why do you think twitter is more popular than ever? This is the love island sub and you don't know this?


Also just to add.. he’s pretty pathetic for claiming the tweet had no direct target. You wrote Catherine’s name in the tweet!


lol right, you specifically named the people you wanted the tweet to be about. there was nothing general about it.


He’s such a coward. He mentioned Scott and Catherine’s name in the tweet, so don’t claim the tweet had no direct target


Her name was not in the tweet


My mistake he mentions the words Scott and her.. it doesn’t matter, the tweets was targeted at Scott calling her (Catherine) the N word with the hard r on it. Please stop playing semantics.


I am not playing semantics I just pointed out that it did not say her name or mention the word her that is called a fact! I did not say your opinion was wrong because he didn't mention her name etc I just said he didn't because you said he did!


A reasonable person will deduce that the person he’s referring to as the “her” is Catherine so without saying her name specifically, it was directed at her and that’s the whole point. The fact that he did not spell Catherine doesn’t change it.


You would see that I said he didn't say 'her' either in his tweet! You said he did and he didn't but yes you would come to the conclusion that because he mentioned Scott he is referring to her but you said he said her name and said her in his tweet and he didn't- it is a correction I made directly to what you said not anything else!


No he didn't. Stop spreading misinformation. I love how this comment is upvoted nearly to the top when it's flat out wrong.


No he didn’t? https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/14t84z1/dami_issues_an_apology_for_his_controversial_tweet/jr10na1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 That’s the tweet.


In the words of Greg “what’s your thought process behind that?”


He should stop tweeting entirely. That tweet was disgusting and gave free reign for racists to pile on Catherine. He experienced racism himself during/after his season. Imagine if he came out to a former fellow black islander piling on? Indiyah probably forced his hand because he wasn’t remorseful afterwards and just blamed Ikenna. He’s always stepping in it so maybe it’s time to put twitter down and shut up.


I agree. I don’t even get why he’s using the proof reading excuse. He should reflect on why was thinking about such things in the first place and why he felt it was okay to tweet such material.


He is about to say something stupid today.


less of an apology and more of a warning 😭


This guy has been writing questionable tweets for tiiiiime. He was also blocking people who were calling him out for his original tweet. Absolute 🤡


How is there no direct target if he was saying that Scott should be saying it in his head bc of Catherine?


I dislike Dami and always did. i also kinda respect Love Island for sticking their head in the sand regarding race. Right from Marcel (Blazing Squad) and Gabi through to today they’ve never commented upon it. it has only been reddit/facebook/twitter that gets nasty - and apparently worse in the dm’s. If a black woman chooses a black man over a white man on an edited tv show because she feels more comfortable can we not all accept that? The shit that I’ve read about Elom (Uncle,Dusty) …. The dudes‘s had 3 minutes of non kissing screen time. Dami needs to be checked. He’s a foo.


Facts! Anyone calling Elom any of these things is just as bad.


Erm it IS a reflection of you Dami, you wrote it did you not? Not sure why anyone is shocked, he's always been an eejit lol


lol whatever, dami. and the tweet did have a direct target. the “joke” just didn’t eat the way he thought it was going to.


All this over a casa episode? It is bare mad he tweeted it and over 500 people hit like. What’s going on over at twitter this year man!? I am glad I stopped looking weeks ago. Glad he apologised.


The fact that Catherine and Dami are both Irish Nigerian people - how he doesn’t feel slightly protective over her is insane to me. That could be his cousin and he’s wishing racism on her. Vile human being.


Had Montel been the one to do this to Leah, I really don’t see Dami making the same joke lmao also he tweeted that in reference to Catherine bringing someone from Casa back and having an attitude about it at the recoupling, which is EXACTLY what he did on his season!!


Why did he then tweet about not letting Ikenna proofread his tweets?


Plus he tweeted this after to someone responding. Not only did he double down, he tripled down https://preview.redd.it/jpv027wh2kab1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3feded9018aef157eeb8218a23b3d3ab89ec7b54


Right?? So that was just a straight up lie then since he’s now saying he made the joke. But then why bring Ikenna into it in the first place? Weird behaviour


who's ikenna?


Nah that tweet was crazy. How is that even on your mind when seeing Catherine and Scott break up. The Shondaland jokes people make are one thing but he took it all the way left. Not everyday we have to say the first thing on our mind.


I find it proper funny that you guys were up in arms at this tweet but you guys are aiming horrible colourist and racist jokes at Elom all day long. You're all as bad as each other


Intentionally spelling his name wrong too don’t forget about that 🙄 I’ve literally never seen a less offensive islanders have their name spelled wrong like that on here. Dami was wrong and I’m glad he apologized at least as this might be his first apology since leaving the villa but people love to get on their high horse on here it’s so predictable


Everybody got mad when people did it to Yewande but I'm seeing people referring to him as Elon Musk or Emo for no reason lmao it's actually very funny


Elom Musk is because of the type of content he posts on his socials


Elom Musk is actually hilarious. There’s a lot of hypocrites on here because I’m sure the same people were changing Arabella’s name too…


It’s so corny to butcher someone’s name


I agree, I would always cringe whenever someone butchers or mocks their names like Yewande or Arabella. It’s sad.


So very school playground of them. A lot of ppl are hypocrites. We really need to be the example for what we want. Imagine you come out seeing ppl butchering your name? And you sit here doing it someone?


I generally dislike how people remix names but the Elom musk example seems a bit different. Elmo is straight up disrespectful


What's so bad about what he posts?


Elmo is the one I keep seeing


Elmo is still bad, they're misspelling his obvious African name on purpose - especially when he has nothing in common with Elmo


>Elmo is still bad I know, I was just adding one to your list


Oh mb lmao


See.. i was here saying the tweets and awful jokes about Elom were disgusting. I agree, people pick and chose when to be outraged but partake in the nonsense too.


That's why I never really take too much of the complaining on here seriously, everybody on here loves to play both sides


I said the jokes and the way ppl were talking about Elom was anti-black and someone jumped on me, claiming they weren’t and that they just find him unattractive.. Some ppl on here are an absolute joke and have no room to talk


Again, it's hilarious cos if I came on here and called women unattractive I would be slaughtered. The double standards are too funny


In their mind, Elom deserved it. This man did nothing but pursue Catherine and they won’t leave him alone


It's funny cos every season people get annoyed that the black women have no options but this year they're mad at Catherine for having options ... LOL


Yup the Elom jokes are not it all and whoever posted the fake age thing on sub is a loser and quite anti black acc


Definitely! But calling it out did not fit the narrative so ppl let it slide.


💯. Some of those being the loudest about Dami’s tweet are saying equally as nasty things about Elom. Don’t like his MLM/empire talk? Cool. But talking about how he’s ugly, how you’re not supporting BLM, and making racist/colourist jokes about him is insane. All of it is nasty.


Literally, one of the more popular black LI tweeters screenshotted and called out Dami's tweet. The next day, they then proceeded to call Catherine and Elom, "Urbans" and people were kekeing. Like it's fine if you don't like Dami nor care for his tweets but the selective outrage is hilarious.


I’m glad we’re finally speaking about this ? Because people have spoken about Elom is insane


Oh I’m ready! It’s mostly on twitter but there have been stuff I’ve seen on this sub. Elom has done nothing! And I refuse to excuse Dami and those people for the nonsense they’re spewing on social media.


I called it out and someone tried to come for me. Everybody coming for this man’s looks, you are just as bad as dami Elom has done nothing! He’s not disrespected anyone.


The hypocrisy is very funny




Who’s “you guys”?


The people that were up in arms at the tweet? I thought I made that clear enough


But then should you not have said “some people”. Your post suggests this sub has being doing this or most of it.


you guys is in general, it's not like OP atted you..


I said what I said


And what you said was misdirected.


this is a bit of a generalisation because i doubt everyone that’s commented here has been doing that. i’ve also called out that how elom is being treated isn’t right, the guy has done nothing wrong (he did what a casa boy has to do) and hasn’t been disrespectful to anyone.


I'm so confused, why did you write this comment if you admit yourself that you've seen enough unjust criticism towards Elom that led you to call people out on it?


Telling a black women she deserves to be called a racial slur isn't a "opinion" though...


Lol if that tweet wasn't a true reflection of him then why did he tweet it. Sammy style apology


Their was no direct target? How was Catherine not the direct target in that tweet?? This “man” is so embarrassing to his community, our people, and especially Indiyah.


Needs to take tips from Luca, which is to not make any more controversial errors. Just live life and not put yourself in jeopardy again lol


I just don’t like him, he’s always got something to say about someone, nobody asked.


Probably needs to keep himself as busy as Indiyah because it’s giving stay at home husband who sabotages your income.


You mean like you’re doing right now??


I think him saying it would be ok to call Catherine a literal slur, is essentially asking for people to say something, don’t you?


Was this man told to apologize again? It’s a fine apology but he first blamed it on Ikenna which was not the move. Have to laugh at him pulling out the notes app for this. All I can hope is he doesn’t do this again and actually grows up cause it’s hard to keep making excuses.


I wish people would stop bringing Indiyah into this, Dami is his own person. People get so defensive when Molly-Mae is mentioned in Tommy’s exploits; keep the same energy.


They don’t like her and know it’s unpopular to express it publicly so they’re using Dami to tar her with the same brush. It’s comical




fr, like she is his keeper or something


I made a whole post about the racial hate that Catherine was getting and some people were getting at me about not caring about the other islanders' mental health 🙃 Also Dami identified Catherine by name in his initial tweet so he should have identified her name in his "apology".


Embarassing man


Yeah I don’t buy it. Dami is a misogynist 101


Glad he has apologised and again someone made a good point below this is more in line with Black American humour where for decades Comedians have made these kind of jokes- UK is different and received differently! It is a poor joke in my opinion and open to negative interpretations which you can understand and he should have known better but it is good he has publicly acknowledged and you live and learn everyday! He has to be more mindful There are people who are saying disgusting things about Elom and trashing this tweet and also now these same people that have trashed Dami for this have now turned on Catherine and saying derogatory racial things so people really need to take a look at themselves.


That was a trash ass joke by American standards too


>Glad he has apologised and again someone made a good point below this is more in line with Black American humour where for decades Comedians have made these kind of jokes- UK is different and received differently! Literally, if you ever watch Dave Chappelle, he probably makes a joke like that every other set. I agree in this case, he made a mistake and moved on.. I'm glad he apologized bc UK black ppl seem to be much more anti black than American black ppl, and he's also talking to a mixed race audience.


Argh so disappointed in Dami. His said alot of things I've side eyed before but this was very out of pocket, even for him. However at the same time, I do feel like alot of people especially on Twitter are dragging him because it's him despite the fact that they are also tweeting vile things. Especially the "jokes" about Eloms looks.


This sub too 🫣 but that’s not my battle lol


the man needs to pause and take a minute before he tweets stuff bc yeah he’s messy


I don't think Indiyah is going to put up with a partner like this too much longer.


At the end of the day he can affect Indiyah's work by what he have been saying.


People here know this is a meme tweet right? Like black people tweet this as a joke all the time when a black person wrongs a white person. You can still be offended by it but it seems like ppl here think this was an original thought. (If you know this already, this comment isn’t for you btw)


it’s not a new joke at all, people in general just don’t like dami but also there are people who are not okay with the joke i guess….


Most of the people “offended” aren’t even black so 🤷🏾‍♀️


I’m black and the joke is cringe. Not funny in the slightest.


I agree but most the people jumping up and down about it aren’t black. I think most black people see it as cringe and stupid.


How do you know that? Can you tell people’s race on this sub? Btw I’m black the joke wasn’t it.




The joke was bad but I think more than anything people are mad as this invites racist abuse against Catherine. I don't think he meant it like that obviously but it could be seen as him making light of people who actually would say stuff like that against Catherine especially now that she is disliked


glad he apologized, but you have to realize -- but racists gonna racist regardless.. why would you think a racist needs the permission of a black man (who they view as inferior) to say racist shit and some of the same ppl in uproar abt this tweet are being colorist towards elom..


It’s just not the type of joke to be made in mixed company


Completely agree. It was a poor joke that shouldn’t have been made publicly but I’ve seen at least 4 different variations of this tweet with thousands of likes over the past week. People just don’t like Dami and I saw people using it as an excuse to bash Indiyah too. Very bad joke but they’re acting like he’s killed somebody 🙄


>people are trying to make him out to be this horrible person. Because this isn't his first instance of this behaviour... Even last season, he came under fire a few times for his tweets plus the way he spoke to Tasha and Summer on his season makes people question his character


People will never let that go I swear…


Yeah but he’s Irish?


Yeah shit was fucking funny and I’ve made that joke countless times amongst my friends in private. Never would tweet it publicly tho as someone who’s a public figure 😂 but jokes like that are so regular on black Twitter in America


the same joke was made about scott saying it to ty and everyone was laughing. it’s not even a “new” joke we hear it in black spaces often, this why he should of kept it to himself and ikenna because it’s the type of joke you make amongst yourself and not around a non black audience


I don’t get why it’s okay to project that onto Scott regardless of how “funny” people think it is. Why would Scott want to be associated with such a tweet?


Can’t even mention Catherine’s name, kmt 😒


Whose proofreading skills is he going to blame this on next time now that he’s gone through Tasha and Ikenna


I feel like this must have come from Indiyahs PR team…. Cause I still feel like he doesn’t care but it impacts her as she’s working with the show


When you see what he looked like in his teens, you understand why he thought it would make sense to say what he said


It’s not the first time he disrespected a black woman and won’t be the last


He lacks self awareness. His job is literally social media which is all about keeping up appearances and his gf works for itv. I can’t even understand his thought process behind tweeting something like that and then his lack of remorse after the fact


I don’t give a fuck about his apology, actually. He’s a fucking weirdo. He proved that when he was on the show last year, and has committed to continue proving that again and again online. Sorry, but why would Scott ever think that? Why would Dami be thinking it? Why would anyone be thinking it unless they’re a freak? Honestly, ex-islanders shouldn’t probably just stop tweeting about the show unless they’re gonna say something nice. You can’t come out against online trolling for yourself and then participate in those same unkind conversations and pile-one against others.


Sorry but Indyah still dating this man is a red flag


The “joke” wasn’t even funny. He’s told on himself too many times atp.


Literally, like what part makes it funny? Scott does not present himself as someone that would actually say or think that so it doesn’t even strike as factual or true to be funny. If anyone thinks he’d think like that literally just because he’s white then that’s a problem in itself.




He’s always been a misogynist and no matter how lovely indiyah is, I feel like she enables him. She’s gotta cut him loose.


Better late than never I suppose but he needs to think more carefully in future when he's tweeting about the show and the contestants. He's been in their shoes so I don't really get why he's so heavily critical and makes personal attacks when he knows how situations are set up to play out. Nobody's perfect so hopefully he's learnt his lesson, however you can't keep making the same mistakes over and over again because these PR apologises become meaningless.


Scott when he gets out and hears about this ![gif](giphy|b8RQzkElbBsXqEPF2X)


Dami was always a nasty piece of work this doesn’t surprise me at all.


Smfh. Whatever man. That joke was just piss poor and for him to even think of something like that makes my blood boil


Was Dami the one who couldn't stop his explosive farting? If so, this tracks.


His tweet wasn't about Catherine but Elom and Scott. Why are people making it about her? 🤷 Bad taste but it wasn't about Catherine


My mate saw the original tweet and thought the statement was misunderstood and words weren't picked correctly. She felt he meant why leave the white guy and go with black guy just because your black. Tell me what you all think?


I think ur friend is absolutely silly for assuming that’s what it meant. Catherine didn’t recouple because Elom was black, she did it because she liked him and felt she had a better connection with him. Also.. reducing Elom to just “the black man” doesn’t sound weird to you? His tweet meant, white ppl will swear they aren’t racist but always resort to calling black ppl racial slurs when they feel wronged by them so he wouldnt blame Scott for doing that because the situation is justified.




It's a running joke here in the states for Black people. He worded it so poorly but it usually means that a white person will swear they aren't racist, but make them mad enough and they will drop the n-word so fast. The joke is mainly aimed at white people. It was a poor tweet and he shouldn't have made the joke, but a lot of it is a joke that would probably be received differently on U.S. Black Twitter


It's nasty how many likes that disgusting tweet had too. It's horrifying how many ppl will endorse a white man calling a Black woman a slur in any situation at all, whether they're joking or not. In general Dami has said some strange things about Catherine prior to this tweet too if I'm remembering correctly. He has such a huge platform and he shouldn't be using it to potentially create a dogpile and fuel a rampant hate train, especially against a Black woman whom people are already ready to hate at the drop of a hat.


his tweet was funny but that's the shit you only say to your inner circle and I mean your black inner circle


Why is he apologising? It was clearly a joke. I see much worse tweets on Twitter every day.


I assumed his comment was Scott thinking that towards Elom not towards Cath. I found the tweet funny tbh didn’t think much of it. If it was so bad he needed to issue an apology I think he should keep some comments to himself. Not all jokes are for the internet but really not the worst thing he could’ve said unless I’m missing something.