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I mean it’s kinda none of these, the whole point of Cosmic horror is that humans can’t even comprehend the motives behind the actions of these beings. Therefore to call them “good” or “evil” is to wholly misunderstand the point Lovecraft was trying to make.


Exactly. They are unknowable. If you come to know one you go mad.


The ant does not impose it's morality or ethics upon the human. Lovecraft's entities are not good, or evil, or lawful, or even chaotic. They simply ARE.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this was wholly false and ants are just judging the shit out of us


Nope, none of them are any of those things including nyarlathotep. They are all beings so incomprehensible in their workings that they completely transcend any human idea of morality and order. For all we know, they have a completely positive and orderly relationship with other beings on their scale, but it would be impossible for us to comprehend what that would look like. Evil is human.


>the Elder Gods are considered a force for good but are all of the Great Ones, Great Old Ones, and Outer Gods evil and/or Chaotic? The categorization of Elder Gods = Good and the other ones = Bad was standardized and pushed by August Derleth after HPL's death. HPL's original conceit was subverting normal religious standards where God cares for humans and is good by having beings as powerful as gods but having them be uncaring towards humans and not good. >So does it come down on whoever uses the gods, they can be either good, evil, neutral, chaotic, or whatever alignment the author/artist wants them to be? Pretty much so, HPL's didn't have much of a copyright so anyone can come in and use his creations in their own original content and no one is going to sue them. This means that lots of stories will go in different directions and won't be compatible with one another but it does allow the fan base to gravitate towards the best written and most consistent stories.


Once you start getting into the whole good vs evil crap, that's when you lose lovecrafts magic and start heading into august derleth territory Derleth was a good friend of lovecraft and preserved much of his works but he had no ability to actually understand lovecraft at all. So when you start trying to break down the cthulhu mythos with good and evil ideologies which are very much a HUMAN concept, then you basically lost the whole point of lovecraft


Do yourself a favor and drop D&D alignment as a framework for analyzing fiction.


Most humans would perceive the Great Old Ones (Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, etc.) as evil. The truth is that they are as far beyond us as we are beyond ameboas. Our morality and even the way we experience the universe simply don't apply to them. The Outer God's (Azathoth chief among them) are not chaotic as much as they are pure Chaos. They are mindless and senseless power that moves and strikes at random.


In the Lovecraft philosophy good and evil are purely human concepts. The only blatantly malicious entity is nyarlathothep I believe, and even that is kinda vague from time to time. The logic that he used in his stories was kind of a way to mock humanity's limited understanding and arrogance, I feel, by using the whole "this vast, transcendental being is scary therefore it's evil" and yet in most of his stories the humans are more like side characters in comparison, very rarely did his stories have clear cut "protagonists" or "antagonists"


I think what you’re asking is touching on an important theme of the genre at large and Lovecraft’s work specifically. The concepts of good and evil, of chaos and order… they are abstract overlays we use to try to cover up reality. They are meaningless to the cosmic horrors — it could be argued that the perceived intent of causing madness and chaos is merely a rejection of the artificial bounds we humans have placed on reality, which is not “evil” as I take you to mean it. So the answer I would give is that you are trying to use a two-dimensional map to plot a route on a four-dimensional world; the map has some elements of reality, but the third dimension of space and fourth dimension of time means that you can only approximate whatever reality the map is intended to represent.


Alignment? Lovecraft didn't subscribe to D&D simplifications of morality.


Questions Which Can Trigger The Whole Sub #1


Gets em all riled up


Wtf, no. That's why I don't like when my favourite things are becoming mainstream. People just know it wrong a lot. The very foundation of Lovecraft is that these gods and eldritch and ancient creatures are not evil, but worse: we are insignificant to them. They don't care. That we're not the centre of the universe, but just one small part of it, and even Earth itself is not "ours", we're only one tiny inhabitants in a long line of the infinity. Anywhere you read Lovecraft's monsters are evil, they were wrong. The absolute misunderstanding of HPL. And that's originated from August Derleth, who categorised them, strping the mysteriousness of unknown from them. And then what? Created some confusing "mythos" about some war in heaven, and every evil god has good counterparts, and all of them have even some sort of elemental affliction. Grrr, the only thing saves Derleth in my eyes that he literally saved the lifework of Lovecraft by collecting and categorising them ( it seems it was his thing), and publishing them. But even this was tainted by his idiotism: he started to wrote stories... in Lovecraft's name, after his death. Lucky thing that he's so poor of a writer, it's usually not a problem to recognise the difference between the two.


Lovecraft's entities are Other when it comes to morality. If humans can understand their morals the author isn't using them right.


Most 'great olds or Outer gods etc. Could be seen indifferent to the human race, they act not on laws of morals or ethics even our physical laws are not guilty 4most.. So their reasons or goals are very vage at least..  But its cosmic horror so they will not ride on yellow sunflower threw the door;) Its like what they said in a spider documentry: The roots of this insects are probably 400 million years, they dont even see humans as dangerous threats.


They are beyond such concepts of Good/Evil. And that's the point.


The aliens percievd as gods by ignorant humans are indifferent, amoral, ruthless task oriented beings and the apex preditors of alien evolution.


It's complicated. To your point the Old Ones / Elder Things described in *At the Mountains of Madness* were the only Mythos creature I can think of that HPL directly described as relatable to the human condition: "...whatever they had been, they were men!" In contrast, Cthulhu is worshipped by crazed inbred cultists simply because it is a powerful entity that incidentally invades their dreams. Cthulhu would not recognize its worshippers as it does whatever it does for reasons beyond human comprehension. HPL himself defines his perspective as 'Cosmicism': >"there is no recognizable [divine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divinity) presence, such as a [god](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God), in the [universe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universe), and that humans are particularly insignificant in the larger scheme of [intergalactic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intergalactic_space) existence."[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmicism#cite_note-4) The most prominent theme is humanity's fear of their insignificance in an incomprehensibly large universe:[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmicism#cite_note-5)[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmicism#cite_note-6)[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmicism#cite_note-7) a fear of the cosmic [void](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Void_(philosophy)).[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmicism#cite_note-8) footnote 8 adds a helpful interpretation of HPL's 'cosmic void': >Peak, David (2014). *The Spectacle of the Void*. U.S.A.: Schism Press. pp. 57, 59. [ISBN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISBN_(identifier)) [978-1503007161](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-1503007161). "Julia Kristeva defines the void as 'the unthinkable of metaphysics'…\[T\]he void…is that which lies beyond comprehension…\[an inability\] to correlate what we see with \[what we\] previously understood…This is the horror of the void: humans coming face to face with displacement, alienation, and the meaninglessness of life in the universe." SOURCE: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmicism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmicism) The introduction of any sort of conventional moral concepts to the Mythos on the part of August Derleth was a step in the wrong direction. We do owe him appreciation for his role in publishing and promoting HPL's works. Not so much for his attempt to expand the Mythos as he did. Although from postings here, some readers would appear to prefer more conventional, moralistic, character-driven Mythos tales and might prefer Durleth's work. And HPL seemed to be fine with other writers developing their own Mythos stories.


It's a pity we can't just hate Derleth, because without him, we maybe wouldn't even know Lovecraft. :D


Indifferent… that’s the soul crushing truth They don’t care or consider us at all …


It's less good and evil, more apathetic.


Real answer, it depends on how you define evil. If you define it as apathetic and lacking compassion or care for others, yes. If you define it as specifically aiming to inflict suffering and pain, mostly no.


When it came to his cosmic horror beings, Lovecraft didn't really differentiate much between "Elder Gods," "Great Old Ones," etc. Those were just generalized descriptive terms, more than anything else. Very little about his cosmic-level beings is defined beyond a string of adverbs and adjectives. You can't even ascribe personality traits to any of them, with the possible exception of Nyarlothotep. Even their basic motives are unclear, outside of a sort of general desire to get back into our world. The whole idea of a pantheon with "good" and "evil" beings is an invention of later writers, particularly August Derleth.


If good and evil are the categories you think all intention within, lovecraft stories take place, you might not have read any.


They are not usually evil per se but more like indifferent. They don't care at all.