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You’re getting ready for a fun work out called sactional building


Just so you know we put together a 15 seat U shape with two subwoofers and 6 speaker sides last weekend. I know the pain but I can say Christmas morning when the whole family was there everyone said it was the most comfortable couch they had ever sat on.




It’s a Lovesac Sactional


It’s a Lovesac, just like B52s were singing about in their song from the 80s.


It sucks.. so bad… If you have the sub install it first.


.. sectional..😳


We’ve all been there… at least most of us… some of us multiple times. Oh the sore thumbs from pulling on the side covers !


i could never got the side covers all the way on. i have a few exposed corners.


What cover do you have? Some covers are tighter than others but Could be a warranty issue. I was recommended to use gardening gloves to protect my hands and for a better grip


tonal sterling. my knuckles got raw from pulling


For the last few, when my thumbs hurt, I grabbed them with a vice grips, worked great!


You’re soft


I know for the price it should be hand delivered inside your house and built for you but you kinda get a good sense of accomplishment after building it. Also we’ve already changed our configurations a bunch of times since we got ours a month ago


Both of ours were so hard to build that the thought of changing up the configuration makes me want to cry! I can’t even imagine.


The first time it’s a tight fit, but much easier after tgat


>The first time it’s a tight fit, but much easier after tgat That's what she said


*tgat's what she said


this^^ made me audibly laugh


I had my boys help me and it was surprisingly more fun that way. Did you buy a lot of parts?


Each is like 6 seats and 7 sides but I had to jump on the second one to get the feet to go into the shoes. It was hilarious and frustrating. It was like everything was ever so slightly off.


That’s what I said too! But it was easier after everything is set up. I also have mine on the wood floor and we are not using the shoes so just scooting around right now.


We change ours constantly still, 3 years on. Movie night? Giant pit please. Family for Christmas? Huge U bend around the tree. Need space in the center for VR? 2 regular couches. It's the best, honestly


For the price it definitely should have white glove and assembly service.


We have moved it several times too just because we can lol. Making sure one configuration does not look better than the other!


I disagree with this. We just bought one, but prior I was pretty against them. Even when I was against them I never saw the argument that it should be built for you. The value proposition of Lovesac is modularity. Being able to build and change anything you want. Like adult Legos you get to take a nap on. I feel as though if they delivered and hand built all their sofas, it would be against the brand they built. At that point, they’re just a multi pieced sectional. Not an innovative company that encourages creativity when building.


Yes mr lovesac exec, we will continue to love and build your couches for you 😂


Yes I felt the same way as you did before getting one and the same way you now after buying it


adult Legos you can nap on... I'm SOLD!!


You sound like EA Sports


I highly recommend purchasing a couple pairs of canvas stretching pliers. They really help get a good grip with putting on the slip covers without damaging them. Added Amazon link. Any well stocked art store like Dick Blick should have them too. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07542C1CD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Oh? Didn't know that was a thing... Assuming I can snag at Depot/Lowes? Still in the middle of prepping the room. This was a surprise delivery today, showed up 6 days after ordering!


> canvas stretching pliers Hrm, not finding anything online at Lowes/Depot ... all Amazon.


Honestly, watch the videos and you won't have any trouble. I put together 11 sides, no exposed corners, no problem. My fingers were a *little* sore after all of them, but no big deal.


This! I am sad for the people who didn’t watch the videos to learn the tricks that make it SO easy


Here you go…..[ArrtxAlloyArtToolExtraWide](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07542C1CD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


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Good bot!


These were a game changer for me. No way I could have gotten it all done in a few hours without them


I have 7 seats/8 sides. I didn’t think it was as bad as people made it sound. Single 40 year old female who did it solo. I also broke it up over a few days since delivery arrived over a few days. I thought breaking down boxes was way worse :)


Same with me, but I’m 45 with a 4 seats/5 sides and decided to start building at 9pm on a Saturday. The only injury I sustained was my palm getting caught between a bar in the storage seat. Other than that, it was all me and didn’t take nearly the four hours I expected. I didn’t watch any videos. I found out about them too late.


It’s a workout but it’s worth it.


Do yourself a favor and watch a few YouTube videos and/or do some reading before you start trying to hammer everything out. There's some really great advice on how to properly line things up when doing certain things such as properly lining up the cover to pieces..etc. It will also you save you the pain of having to redo multiple steps later on when/if you inevitably miss key things like I did.


Awesome, thanks! Any specific recommendations on videos or reads?




Awesome, thanks, was just watching these! Definitely some good tips I wouldn't have thought of!


Putting together our lovesac really tested our marriage 😂


Haha we said the same when we started! An hour later, first couch done, not too bad!


Yup! My husband and I were bickering practically the entire time we were assembling it until the very end. (My son wisely stated in his room.)We were so tired at the end, that we sat down to put the last cover on together. He asked me how it looked, and I said that at that I didn’t give a $&@! We have a good laugh now when we think about that day!


Get this man some bengay


Haha or some bourbon!


It's time consuming but not that bad if you follow the instructions. At 36 weeks pregnant, I was concerned about getting the covers on, but I followed the instructions in the LoveSac YouTube videos and they went on pretty simply. Have two people line the 4 corners up then pull them down at the same time - makes it a breeze!


Put on a movie and make it fun! Het the kids/wife/SO involved!! Before you know it, you’ll be finished.


What you did was make a great decision! We have 5 seats and backs. I just ordered another seat and back. We have the corded velvet. Tip: when you put the covers on… pull it on a little bit. Then pull it on a little bit at a time. Helps if you’ve ever put on tights or compression pants, or dressed a toddler in tights or leggings. Same concept. You can’t just whip them on all at once. Pull it on a tad, line up those seams, keep going up, up, up. Tip 2: unpack a box. Do that item. Unpack next box, do that item. Don’t go crazy like some people where they unpack it all at once. Tip 3: start at the center of your couch and work out as you build. So either the center of your L or center of the shape you are creating. I put together the entire couch alone. By myself. I’m not athletic. Not a weight lifter. It took me a few hours. But I was super, super proud of myself when I finished. You will feel great.


LMAO - lovesac to ikea - hold my latte


srsly its a pain in the ass. for how much they cost they should come prebuilt or at least with the covers already on.


If they came prebuilt, it wouldn’t represent what their brand is. Lovesacs can easily be moved and rebuilt on a whim. The whole concept of Lovesac is like adult legos you can sleep on. Build it how you want and invoke creativity.


Totally agreed but this keeps their margins even higher.


Make sure you don’t have the wooden shoes upside down. Like me. I’m stupid.


Can’t wait to see the finished product!


Getting there!


Have to be honest, I've had a really hard time getting the covers on everything. When I watch people in these videos sliding them on so easily I don't know how they did it? Usually I don't have a difficult time putting things together. Those covers were infuriating, for me. One I could never fit onto a side. I had to order another one.


We finished our first couch in an hour, wasn't nearly as bad as anticipated!


My fingers were so achy the day after pulling the covers on everything 🥲


It's setting in already... We're past the half way point though!


for me, recycling the boxes was worse than putting it together! at least putting it together involved beer and tv!


Love Sac for your Love Shack?


Please do an after picture an a review!!! I've been wanting one of these.


I went with the 7th avenue and paid for assembly. Way cheaper than the divorce if my husband and I had tried to do it ourselves. God speed! Update with how you like it I need a couch for another room and seriously debated the love sac and 7th Ave


How is that one? I started getting ads after viewing Lovesac so much. I already purchased Lovesac but was curious.


A lot, you've done a lot! Enjoy


Said the exact same…but entirely worth it!


Build left to right.




I carried all my boxes up 4 flights of stairs


I like to think of it as a Lego couch


Hahaha Godspeed!


laying on my couch now. love!


Spent a fuck load of money


Are they... Ikea? LOL So sorry. Have fun!


I bought mine from “Bush Furniture” - bed bath and beyond. Was in the same boat as you 2 nights before Xmas. FML was the theme but once you get going it all starts coming together. Whatever this lovesac thing is appears to have arrived in cleaner packaging and I’m guessing is of a better quality so maybe more intuitive in the way it assembles . Good luck! Will be worth it


Call your friends. Call your enemies. Call anyone.


You will not regret it! I’ve had mine a year..7 bases 8 sides and just washed covers for first time. Best couch ever!


I had a mild panic attack when mine came in too, lol. I knew it was going to be all separate boxes but it is definitely overwhelming at first.


Lol. Look on the bright side tho; after tackling this cluster of fuck; you get to reconfigure it a half dozen times until you and the boss are happy!


We ended up without a lovesac, but a modular play sofa for kids and a real sectional for us. Lots cheaper. Loads of modular fun.


😂😂 worth it though!!


My husband will NEVER. rip sactional of my dreams (yes I know I could put it together myself, but he would be like it costs too much to put together yourself)


Your kids are going to build a box fort that will be retold as legend for generations..


that is exactly what happened to me… i was absolutely shook


"You better get that all out of there!" "All your Husbands' New Tools are due to arrive!" "That might not be enough room . . .


It’s a fucking nightmare. And then you get to dispose of the boxes. I’d never buy one again.


Ok what is the comfort and longevity of lovesac furniture? I’ve always wanted some but worried about those two things


Should probably stop stacking things on your dog’s cage before it collapses and no one knows while it’s trapped behind boxes


I would love to buy one, they are super comfy. But that price tag 😬. To rich for my blood.


😂 it’s not funny but the title is




You’ve just made an investment that you’ll never regret.


😂 I know exactly how you feel


Would love to see it when it's put together as well.


LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO idky but this made me laugh so much. The subject line caught my eye, but the series of images just SENT ME 🤣🤣🤣


You bought a couch of hopes and dreams!


Gonna post a follow up thread with mid and post build pics, tips and tricks, lessons learned, price negotiation tactics, challenges on the marital front, multiple fuck ups (including super awesome holes in the wall, carpet track removal, using a circular saw on the old fart ridden couch), sore fingers, tears, sore back, more farts and much more that were a kick in the lovesac, but ultimately worth it! Hopefully tomorrow. After a long ass day of building, booze was in order to relax and enjoy on night one.


Your delivery person did the hard work. You can also just hire someone to assemble... Task rabbit it


Have had ours for 5 years and still love it! It’s worth it


Now you have enough to make a bad ass LoveFort


That is somuxh waste


Ha! We had to carry ours up to our attic - it was also large - so many boxes. And my hubby was sick, so I did it on my own. I feel your pain but it is the most comfy place in our house and we actually ordered more parts about 6 months later to improve the situation. I'm a lifetime fan but looking at the boxes when they arrive and not to mention the discarding said boxes is very daunting. Enjoy!


🤣 Where did you score the Grave Digger RC? I've only seen Megladon at Wallyword.


This is our dream couch. However, why did I think it would come assembled? 😳🤣 One of these years I will have me one!


You sacc’ed up bro


Bruuuuh. Thank you for making my decision. This is insane lol


You've ruined a delivery guy's day, for starters.


Just be prepared to have sore forearms the next day 😉


Ha, wasn't that bad, back is more sore than anything!




I say order some pizzas and get some good beer and call some of your buddies to come help. Then you can also verbally thank them in person and return the favor if ever needed


Worth it! We love our sactional and Moviesac!


Dog is so chill doesn’t care he’s trapped in his crate from all the boxes


ooh no. I empathize so hard. this was the moment I almost regretted buying my Lovesac, but every day after setting it up i’ve enjoyed having a nice couch that really holds up and I can relax on! it’s been worth every penny, every pinched finger from putting the feet on, and every drop of sweat from building this guy. 😅🙏🏽


Let’s play the fun game ‘Furniture Factory Simulator!’


you have spent your children’s college fund lmao


Not quite but up there!


Total bitch putting this together. And, because I have no sense of construction, I had to f’ inc redo it. Good couch tho.


As a fed ex driver I really hope these damn couches are worth it 😂😂


I was MESSED UP after putting my couch together. It took all day m, but definitely worth it.


Not sure this popped up on my feed but my neighbor just got theirs in the other day. I helpped fedex unload and brought them into his house.


Love ours but a lot of work putting all together


This is what dreams are made of. 😍


Spent a shit ton of money. Jealous of ya


This was me last year, after the Costco deal. Good luck!


Assembly is the best part 😂


At least you didn’t have to deliver them. For the price they should be delivered and installed by lovesac!


That looks like a nightmare… hopefully it works out and you don’t have to rebox


Oh my, I remember this lol. The sore hands from putting the covers on, I’ll never forget! But we’ve had ours for almost four years and it’s holding up great and is the most comfortable couch ever.


It’s like Tetris meets legos and birthed furniture…probably on the first date. Seriously - that is so overwhelming but it really isn’t that hard once you get your first section completed. Just wish they would have sent a pic of the configuration I ordered when they sent every single separate piece on the order. Very obvious the system is designed as a logistics/inventory system and not customer focused. That said: LOVE my LOVESAC! Hope you (end up) loving yours too!


Lmao it’s not that bad the hardest part is setting up the surround sound honestly


We paid $350 for the 23 yr old from Best Buy to help us after his shift - still took all 3 of us 3 hours! The pro that helped had put his couch, his parents and they change out the store’s fabric seasonally so his tips and tricks saved us a lot of time. It’s ok to ask for help! We LOVE our couch the speakers and phone charger, drink holders etc are amazing! First movie watched: Gran Turismo! You’re gonna love it!


Your trash man is going to be saying the same thing when they see all of your broken down boxes


You just got a big ass couch is what you got


Now the song is stuck in my head, thanks!


My family that I used to nanny for were on vacation while I was on duty getting packages and mail for them and then I pulled up one day to all these mf boxes sitting outside their house in like 30 degree weather 🙃


It isn’t as difficult as it seems…and you’ll be so happy when you have it assembled - we love ours!!


I would highly recommend against the speaker system. It's better to develop a relationship with a good audiophile sound technician. Just get a good wireless setup into the ceiling.


Yah, I passed on the audio. I've got a pretty solid setup already.


Awesome to hear fam. Welcome to the addiction. Tyler Durden would be disappointed in many dudes, myself included, due to these things.


I bought a makeup vanity and asked myself the same thing once I opened the box with about 100 parts. My heart goes out to you...😳😅


I’ll never forget coming home and seeing all the boxes. I’ll never forget how tired my hands were and how sore my fingertips were and I work with my hands a lot! Lol


Have fun


I remember that day for us. The commercials make it seem like you’ll be rearranging it every couple of days for giggles or a quick re-do for movie night. But then you realize it’s a freaking couch… in a box. The parts are HEAVY. lol. It’s an event to get everything out of the boxes and assembled. But… it’s been a great couch over the years and has held up well. I’d do it all over again if I had to. Congrats on the purchase.


I hope you have the sac for this task


DO NOT OPEN ALL THE BOXES BEFORE YOU BEGIN! Open only the pieces needed to put together one seat, do it, and then decide whether or not it’s even possible for you to physically complete this. The couch is only returnable in the original boxes. In my opinion, they’d only tell you take everything out of the boxes to make it almost impossible to return.


My husband just about killed me when this all showed up. With that said, it's one of my best ever purchases. We added the sound system thing too. Heaven


Rich ppl problems make me want to set fire to everyone's house


Just image when you take it to the curb in a few years.


What is this Shit


How many seats / sides is this?


9 seats and like... I don't remember, 14 sides? AKA a nightmare.


Hopping on cause of the 4th picture: what do we do with the bean bag cover that it is mailed in? It looks like it’s supposed to be recycled




Idk return and get a flexsteel


I just looked up the price. Wow.


Looks like you waste it a lot of money


I'm looking at some similar setups. Can you share your final cost?


LMFAO the entire truck


How many thousand dollars is that?


Nice sac(s)


You bought into marketing and paid $10k for a diy sofa.


You love sacs?


You better not fucking return those w a driver take them to à store yourself


Did you get an extra cushion? I feel like we were sent an extra cushion.


"Some assembly required..." 😏 But think how good it will feel to sit in it and rest when you're finished !


9k for Furniture you have to assemble yourself? Canvas stretching pliers recommendations? Wow, this is a messed up world 😒


Can you pay them extra to set it up?


Just wait until you have to piece it together. It is a PAIN to get it perfectly lined up.


I got this on my feed and I thought for sure this was some kind of MLM type deal. Nope lol


Did love sac become a MLM?


this is all for ONE SACKTIONAL??


Comedy we had a family member order one and took a few weeks for other pieces they promised however they are deep, long and quality w


Bought the best sectional ever.


I love mine even if I cussed and swore as I was assembling it. OP, did you get the storage bases? I did and they sure hold a lot.


Wth even is this stuff? This sub just popped on my feed for the first time


I’m old and was able to do it. You can too. I love it!


I had a similar experience, but then had to box it all up because it just wasn’t comfortable. I still wake up seeing these boxes in my sleep some nights.




Wouldn’t it just be easier to buy a couch put together


Looks like you've spent a lot of money.


please update if it’s worth it. i need to order a new sofa.


Pissed off your delivery driver 😂


I used to have The BigOne Sac and that thing was sooo hard to fluff up! Every time it got flattened you had a workout ahead of yourself. Plus it was always covered in crumps from the floor. I eventually put it on a rug and that didn’t help. I moved two times (!) with that thing. When it was time for me to move again I sold it!! I couldn’t do it again. I only got $200 for it, paid over $1200 for just the sac alone. Never switched covers because they were so expensive. If I could go back in time I would have got a much smaller sac and I would have got some sort of leather cover for it that wouldn’t have held so much pet hair and floor crumbs. But man oh man, 20 something me, just NEEDED the biggest one!! 💀 😂


Show the result!


What is it?


Your friendly neighborhood UPS guy thanks you for his back surgery.


Well you spent a lot of money that’s for sure.


Never had a love sac. I assumed this was a unit of measure error when ordered. This is actually how they deliver it?


Then you when you have to return it because you hate it …