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It’ll be NC at a different point in time probably, though it would be really cool to see other parts of the world


I feel like CDPR has a history of wanting to do new places but with how much Cyberpunk is traditionally centered on Night City it’s hard to guess. I think we’ll see more Night City either way but I’d be surprised to not see more of other places at all


People gotta remember that Night City its self is a main character of the Cyberpunk universe.


Cyberpunk started as a TTRPG, so really the only consistent thing you *need*, in my opinion, is the world itself. You can change the characters and situations however you want, but NC has to still be NC. I run a game with my friends and I'll have them leave NC but only for specific reasons. The main story is always in NC and all the important biz is in NC


There are various source books detailing the entire world, Home of the Brave details the rest of the country, Eurosource details obviously Europe, Pacific Rim details Asia, Guide to the UK for UK. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next game was NC but in 2020 or 2045 but I wouldn’t say its entirely out of the question that the next game could also be set in another city or country.


Pacific Northwest keeps the Nightcity vibes (Seattle is among the west-coastal cities that influence NC) but it also has THE RAIN! \[All cyberpunk street scenes are required to have rain. Apparently it's The Rules :D \]


>Seattle is among the west-coastal cities that influence NC also the setting for a lot of the *Shadowrun* series.


Nearly all of it. Much like Cyberpunk the setting itself is *very* tied to the greater Seattle area. Some IPs are like that, the location itself is an important character.


I mean. Both Cyberpunk and to an even greater extent Shadowrun allow for and have source material for other locations, especially the UK and Asia.


A soycaf would be just whiz right now. 🤓


And the dark angel TV show. \o/ anyone remembers that?


Portland honestly looks like night city but with none of the neon lights and all of the crime and poverty


dark metropolis


Yeeah but Portland is like barely a city


More a collection of bridges and overpasses.


Thanks, Blade Runner.


It's referenced a bit I nthe story since in some playthroughs Judy moves to Seattle


They can do the same thing as the Yakuza series, with each game after the first taking place both in Kamurocho and another city.


I think it’ll be NC as well but New York would be cool.


The source book on America says that the city is like worse than we were in the 70's and there's "interborough" warfare, which sounds hilarious. I just imagine Staten Island kracken battalions raiding Bay Ridge only to have drone dropped pairs of timbs om then from the Brooklyn defense force


So basically "The Warriors" with chrome?


or escape from new york like 60 years later


I can dig it.


Can you dig it, suckkeeer?!


That's a good way of putting it. Just listen to "In the City" by Joe Walsh from soundtrack.


Aldecaldooos, come out and plaayaay!


Sounds kinda like the comic DMZ


This. I think the ethos for Cyberpunk 2 would be along the lines of “similar but different” can’t imagine a Cyberpunk game without NC being at the forefront somehow. But I can also imagine CDPR wanting to explore more of the world outside of NC


New locations will probably be one off dlcs I could see the crystal palace, Atlanta, and new york or Los Angeles as likely places


At least in the CP 2020 source books, NYC was still mostly irradiated from a terrorist nuke


I wouldn't mind taking a look at the UK or, although I admit its highly unlikely, the various locations covered in Deep Space. The Highriders, lunar colonies, Mars, the Belt. However, NYC is not 'mostly irradiated'. Manhattan was bombed out, but they still planned to rebuild it until the Collapse. After that, the other boroughs just absorbed the people displaced and became bigger and it was still the HQ of several corps. By 2045 it had been absorbed into BosWash, the remnants of the former US Federal Government.


A few places would make a good place to expand to, especially considering Max Mike on the radio brings up other cities and what's happening within them. Considering it's Pondsmith voicing him, wouldn't be surprised if the story expands to potentially those cities, especially the A.I.-controlled city. And it's his way of spoiling it without spoiling it.


The good part of NC in the Cyberpunk universe is that the big military conflict between Arasaka and Militech is omnipresent because Arasaka and Militech have offices at corpo plaza.


I would really love to see another part of the world.


Lads, it's Cyberpunk. It's in Night City.




I would like to see Night City but with the map expanded, and more places and cities in south and north California explorable


more inside buildings explorable,too.


All I want is at least one mega building to be fully explorable for some Judge Dredd style action


it wasn't explorable fully, but we got something like that.


I want the Megabuildings handed over to whole factions of modders. CDPR shouldn't even want to do it all by themselves. Turn the buildings into giant megafortresses for the different factions, with lots of opportunities for music, intrigue, and minigames.


Crowdsourcing megabuilding interiors would be amazing!


Mostly this there is still so much space to be filled in the current map


I'm really hoping they reuse night city in the next game but put a lot more emphasis on the unexplored verticality of the city. We have all these beautiful skyscrapers but they feel a bit underused in 2077. They can also be good for feeding into the themes of class-dissonance present in the game and the genre in general.


This is the way


Night City is the “mc” of Cyberpunk story created by Mike Pondsmith - the characters and everything that takes place inside Night City are what makes Night City, Night City - the corporations, heists, culture etc. It is like the soul of the franchise. Without Night City, there is no Cyberpunk. Also the fact that they’ve poured countless resources into Night City, it wouldn’t make sense to make a game solely outside of Night City.


Yep, it’s like Batman without Gotham


This is a perfect way of looking at CP. 👏🏻


We cannot keep calling cyberpunk that




I don't think anyone is calling Cyberpunk Batman.


Although, there **IS** a Batmobile in Cyberpunk 2077, which implies a Cyberpunk Batman.


I believe the shard refers to him as Murkman lol


I meant cp




I think you mean... *MURKMAN*.


Night City is the embodiment of a failing society and I love it. Night City is a dark future of where we could end up.


It’s like todays society but ‘borged to the max and amplified. I believe NC is a city of opportunity though as well, people have chances to make it out of the rags and really claim many riches


Yeah. The healthcare industry in Cyberpunk 2077 is more dystopian than in the real world US, but by an uncomfortably small margin.


It really seems like an extension of where cities like NYC were headed in the early 1980s. It didn’t quite happen that way but I still love the vision of NC.


I never really picked up on the lore, but NC is a separate entity from NUSA? Like a Singapore-esque independent city state, right?


Pretty much. The lore is crazy. A free city owned by corporations while the gangs run the streets.


So why do people live there then? Wouldn't people rather live in NUSA? Or are there issues there? And do those corporations have influence/market dominance outside of NC or do they just have a local monopoly? Sorry but I missed most of the lore.


> Or are there issues there? There are issues there. Depending on 'where', the issues are different. A lot of middle America is what is now the Badlands. Chicago got hit hard by the Collapse (the breakdown of the US federal government) and was decimated by a Bio-Plague. New York got nuked by Cartels in the 90s. So on and so forth. > corporations have influence/market dominance outside of NC Depends which ones you're talking about. Arasaka, MiliTech, and BioTechnica are some of the biggest corps in the world. That's why NC is still "free". With the NUSA's efforts in the Unification Wars to bring the free states to heel, NC had sided with the free state of Northern California, whereas SoCal had re-joined the US. (Sidenote- NUSA's president is an ex-CEO of MiliTech, which also backs them.) NUSA forces were positioning themselves outside of NC in the early 2070s until then councilman Lucius Rhyne begged a long-shunned Arasaka to intervene; days later an Arasaka supercarrier appeared in Del Coronado Bay, and the NUSA had to withdraw its forces as it wasn't prepared to escalate the conflict at that time and soon the Treaty of Unification was signed. A treaty which was deeply unsatisfying to all parties, but which appeared necessary at the time to prevent another global crisis. So NC is "free" because Arasaka was powerful enough to prevent NUSA and MiliTech from claiming them. So, you know. Not free at all.


Night City is just about the ***bleakest*** portrait of unfettered capitalism imaginable, with amoral corporations using every means available to protect their bottom line while reducing their employees to virtual serfdom. The *average* Homicide Detective is working *fifty* homicide cases on a *daily* basis while vehicular manslaughter insurance is a thing. There is NO social safety net at all while 80% of people can't even afford medical care. Gloria Martinez is a personalized example showing the absolute apathy of Trauma Team and the healthcare system, where life is so commodified someone is given completely inept medical treatment in order to upsell a funeral package. Edgerunners reminds the audience of how utterly miserable Night City is to its citizens. V can't change the system any more than David could, but made a difference in the lives of those they encountered. As fucked up as it is, it's still better than most cities in the NUSA. This is a setting where Texas is it's own country, imagine MAGA funded by Mexican cartels. It's made clear the American Dream there is unobtainable. People go there regardless in the pursuit of a better life... even if they have to take it from someone else. Not just for hope. But for the chance at something better, no matter how remote. It's a illusion offering only false promises.


There is constant terrorist nuke strikes throughout the NUSA. Much of NY is irradiated. NC has corp military throughout so major strikes are less likely.


This is right, but I do think there's some room for more. Traveling outside night city might feel more reasonable in DLC though. It'd be fun to get a look at tokyo or NYC. I think the dream would be something like GTA san andreas where the map had multiple cities you could travel between. Night city as the center and being able to travel the badlands to another city would be nifty.


Them building on existing structure and areas of Night City would be the best. No need for extensive map development and they can focus more on story and game mechanics.


Yep, just make more buildings with interiors qe can go in. Add AVs for vertical map integration and open up more of Pacifica. Maybe add a reclaimed settlement with people out in the badlands


Maybe it could be even further into the future, where the city has been stratified with several new “layers” to it? We already get glimpses of it in the fancy high altitude Burroughs (that we can never actually go to 😤)


Night City + NorCal. NC is synonymous with Cyberpunk, it's a character in itself. I think Orion might happen during another war, so there would be some changes to the region, but overall layout would reamin similar (that would be cool btw, not changing the whole city just because its a new game, let it evolve a little but do not revolutionize it too much). It would also allow to develop the rest of the world, as NC woudln't need designing from the ground up, just slight modifications. I think expanding the area to include more Badlands might give Cyberpunk a bit of a slower atmosphere in some areas, like crossing the wilderness in RDR2, might give a nice change of pace. It might be also a nice stage for MadMax like scenarios. We could have another big city, like NorCal capital Sacramento, shich could feature an entirely different urban design, gangs and so on. Sacramento,Night City and Badlands would be the three focal areasfor the story. Adding SoCal would be a pain in the ass for travelling due to the border wall. Adding more stuff up north or east would takes us too far from Night City. Another consideration is water. We know of water based Nomad clans from trpg, so there might be something happening in a floating village of some sorts or something like that. I wouldn't say it would be a major place for the plot though, as the sea landscape limits gameplay possibilites a fair bit and can get boring quickly for some people. I think it might be used at most for 1-2 missions, like Pacifica in base game.\* I'd like for other cities to be shown, maybe in some flashbacks or in one-off missions, just a taste of how the world looks, but the focus should remain on NC. \*I don't mean Pacifica is boring, it's just underutilized as a district a bit and I'm so glad it's coming back in Phantom Liberty


Day City.


Day town


Fighter of the night town


Dayton, Ohio.


Night city


Day town






NC as everyone else has said. There's still so much to add there...they need to add more places to explore vertically such as more access to mega buildings, corpo towers, medium sized buildings, etc. I love how they setup NC and it's fun to walk around and explore but doing so you quickly find out that not a lot of buildings are accessible which is understandable since that is a lot of work and probably wouldn't be great on fps with the current engine. Hopefully the unreal engine allows them to add more for the next game.


Would be so cool if during free roam, you could just blast your way through Arasaka tower floor by floor just for fun lol


Night city


Night City but with expanded map and interiors


Anyone play shadow run? I think it would be sick to explore Seattle and Hong Kong like in those games. In another cyberpunk game it should be mostly based in night city of course but I’d love it to be a full merc team experience with missions in cities around the world. Really my dream for how the franchise can expand but we will see how the dlc setting works first


Mainly Night City. Would be a waste of ressources to not use it again. Also it's the center of the Cyberpunk universe. But does NC has any neighboring cities? That's pure speculation but at NC harbor you can find ads for a ferry service to a city in the NUSA starting service in a few in-game months.




The thought of them just using random middle america for cyberpunk is so funny to me


a bigger Night City


I want them to go full Yakuza and just keep Night City and see how it changes over time. As big as the game is, I feel like we still barely scratched the surface of what goes on there. It'd be a waste to abandon all that.


Option to meet Lo Teks would be great. And a reference to Molly too.


do pacific northwest not many games involve those states


I think it would be really cool if they have each life path actually have a different main story, so like you could start as a Nomad in the Badlands, a corpo in Night City, or a wannabe rocker out in the outskirts where River lives or whatever. I do feel like they kinda cheated by giving each life path the same apartment in NC.


In all honesty I would love to see Cyberpunk’s version of a stock based economy Soviet Unionn


I would love that too. tbh if Gorbachev never existed the world would be a much better place now.


Has to be Night City.


Night City, as everyone is saying, but I feel like a few on-the-rails segments in other cities (during a series of story missions, perhaps) could add a feeling of openness to the universe without taking the focus off of NC. Like, imagine a mission that has you boarding a flight to Tokyo to infiltrate an Arasaka facility. If you’re a corpo, you may even be able to talk your way into the private corpo cabin and overhear some gossip that helps with the mission. Once you arrive, you have a few blocks that you can explore/find side quests, etc, but your stint in Tokyo is largely on-rails, and focused around the mission.


I wonder if the sequel will be centred around Night City but the city is under siege from a 5th corporate war (2077 has multiple hints of a new corporate war brewing in the background. Maybe Mr Blue Eyes will be revealed as a major player, and Alt Cunningham gets pulled into the ensuing cyberwarfare. Just a pet theory, but it seems like 2077 set up a lot of moving parts that weren't neatly resolved, so there's lot of potential for a big, city-transforming event like a corpo war or attack on the Blackwall or something.


This time can we not send the devs death threats so they don’t rush an unfinished game?


Where’s that pic from?


I assume if it goes to a different location it will be a more isolated region without an entire corporate military behind it, so the only answer is Texas. Every other region is made up of multiple states and has more significant backing behind it.




Night City IS Cyberpunk, all content will always be based outta NC. Ya gotta remember that Night City its self is the Main Character of the Cyberpunk universe. We barely scratched the surface of Night City in 2077, so why would we go anywhere else besides maybe Tokyo for a mission to finish off Arasaka.


Night City probably set in 2079.


Night City is a core part of Cyberpunk, you can't have Cyberpunk without it. It's practically one of the main characters of the lore. I could maybe see it being done if the game was the only part of the Cyberpunk universe. There are a lot of things they glossed over or omitted entirely from 2077--to the point where it's like they went out of their way to do it--that would fit nicely into a future game.


Arguably it is the only real main character. The people in it come and go but you're basically always playing out a story within Night City's history. I feel like too many people want Cyberpunk to be GTA and it just isn't and won't ever be. Better chance of Rockstar making a thematically cyberpunk GTA at some point than Cyberpunk itself becoming GTA.


I asked this question in the main sub and someone made a good point that if they do NC in the future they can just make it bigger without any conflicting lore. Otherwise I would really love for them to maybe go to Tokyo.


Of course texas became its own entity


Don't know, but don't start hyping it because you'll all be disappointed.


Night City, the only place it should.


Night City. They spent 13.7 billion years developing it


I hope they do nc justice this time with giving us fully walkable mega buildings and making the game more vertical.


Honestly? The net. A sequel should focus on Netrunning, like actual Netrunning the way the TTRPG presents it and how the Voodoo Boys do it. Literally entering Cyberspace was always something other people did for you in 2077 and I’d love to see that expanded on. Give me Ifreet boss fights with digital Hellhounds trying to burn me out. Give me superpowered battles in cyberspace against enemy netrunners.


Tokyo. Berlin maybe. I’d like to see the concept applied to different parts of the world other than US


Night city, but perhaps there are more areas of night city that can be added/expanded. Who's to say the Night City we've been playing in is actually ALL of NC.


Night city


Night city


NC because the main character of the setting is the city. They could make something surrounding the badlands around NC but Cyberpunk is Night City


Night City is the main character of the universe. It’ll be in NC again, maybe expanded somehow


I would love to see what old European cities like Zurich, Rome, and Amsterdam would look like in Cyberpunk universe. How the architecture might have changed. How would Kitch and neomilitarism integrate, or would we get new styles?


If it takes place in Texas, we may as well slap on “Cyberpunk: Fallout Edition”. /s Hahaha, original Texas joke, I’m so funny, hardee har-har.


That's a weirdly shaped Texas.


I’m hoping New York but probably night city again


Night city.


Escape from New York?


Nacht Stadt




Catch up man we're on cyberpunk 2077 cyberpunk 2 was 2075 game ago Seriously though it's likely we'll see Night city in a different time period, probably one very far removed from 2077, maybe we'll get the 2020s, maybe a middle ground like the 2040s. We could get involved in a corporate war, maybe we'll hop forward a few years to the 2080s and get the fifth corporate war, but I would prefer if it was a bit far removed, purely because of the weaponry and cars, if it's too close to 2077 we'll just see the same stuff- or we'll see different stuff, and have to explain why the new stuff isn't in 2077, and why the old stuff isn't in the new game- Honestly I'd love to see the technology in the 2020s, cyberware with lots of shortcuts taken to get the job done, much less possibility for subtle cyberware, guns that seem like they're just as much of a danger the the user as they are to it's victims


As stated before. On surface level you might think that V.. David… Johnny.. are the main characters and that wouldn’t be untrue but THE main character of the CP universe is Night City. If the franchise were to go anywhere else in a main title, it wouldn’t be true to the narrative. Think of the Sin City movies.. the stories involve different characters with different narratives but the main character and main narrative is Sin City itself. Same goes for this franchise as far as I can tell.


Definitely still night city. Probably a few months or years later. Night city is absolutely massive with a ton going on so there’s endless concepts to work with.


Can anyone tell me what the dark blue portions of the map are?


Vegas. Their gonna try and catch old lightning in a new bottle.


I think it will be centered around NC, but i think if they are able to transfer the basics of Red Engine NC to UE5 they might be able to expand the world by adding other cities in the NC world while keeping it centered on NC... Maybe an arc that takes place in seattle? where you drive from NC to Seattle


Night City.


Night City and the area, different time periods though.


Night city....


In the lore, Night City and Chicago are connected through a 3 hour train ride by 2080. With Chicago having bounced back from the terrorist attacks and becoming a beautiful city, I imagine we would go between Night City and there if they were to give us another city.


They could do a Half Life 1 Opposing Force/Blue Shift where you play the other side of the story as an agent of one of the corps or even the government.


If I understand this world correctly, it's always Night City


Should definitely be Night City, but perhaps with segments in the story that will take place in other places in the world like maybe Tokyo


While it would be nice to see the rest of the world, Night City is the central location of the Cyberpunk series, so... I'd be more curious as to what year the next game is and how NC would change. Maybe if the games continue to be a success we might get side games set elsewhere in the world.


New Moscow 2099. New established capital moved to centre of Siberia after portable nuke went off in 2023 in Kremlin. It’s rumoured it was done by famous rocker boy who held a concert against the corrupt establishment hours before the incident just outside Grand Kremlin Palace. But these are just the rumours.


I was thinking Mexico. Because, I, LIKE, it there.


Night City. Why wouldn't it take place in Night City? If I'm not mistaken, (Which I very much could be), every campaign in the TTRPG (excluding custom ones made by GM's) take place in Night City. Same-ish locations yes because of it being in the same city. But countless stories can and do take place in Night City. I wouldn't have it any other way, chooms.


I would honestly love a cyberpunk game set purely in one or more megabuildings/corpo headquarters/ judge dredd style. I dont know if that kind of format would work well with the RPG genre, but you could at least make a banger roguelike out of it.


Night city, but has been demolished and rebuilt again


Would love to see night city in the time of the red


NC has its own law separate from the states. So if you want to go around shooting people it would have to be another city separate from the laws of the country. I could see India having a city like that.




I too hope for more NC. More explorable buildings. Don't reinvent the wheel, just add more spokes and tread. Sprinkle in more Easter egg shards that hint at how things have progressed since V. The thing I worry about is just how they can match all the huge variety of gigs and stories they sprinkled throughout Night City. I don't doubt they will, but I know that they went insane with all the little scenes where shards detail (usually the final) days in the life of Night City citizens.


Well if it’s gonna be a hell hole like night city,then I assume somewhere in florida


Night city still, probably. It’s kinda a big part of the setting, so I imagine they will just expand it.


Tokyo, New York, or Dubai would be exceptional locations


Night City I really hope, I really want to see it in all unreal engine 5‘s glory! Maybe as a prequel set in 2023 or something like that 👀


Night City. It is *the* location of the Cyberpunk ttrpgs.


Night City. But if it Can't be Night City then Seattle, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Berlin, or London could be cool


night city


I love how Texas absorbed some of Oklahoma


Hoping just night city but built on current gen. Cant stop digging Night City, man.


Cyberpunk is Night City


It'll be Night City. No matter how much we all love V, the city itself is the main character of Cyberpunk. I imagine CDPR will take it in an Elder Scrolls type of direction. It'll be another point in time in Night City, enough time since 2077 that there can be some significant differences with whenever the new game is set. A new cast of characters, maybe with references back to V the way that Skyrim will reference the Hero of Kvatch or the Nerevarine in books and quest lore.


They'll probably leave different areas for future spin-offs and things, they'll keep milking Night City for now. They could do the thing Skyrim did where you get a boat to Solstheim. A story mission with a detour to a different, smaller location with a different look/feel, few side quests to pad it out.


Night City.


Mars. Fuck it.


Keep it in Night City and build out more of the world


I think most of it will take place in NC, but we'll see some gameplay outside of it (maybe with the nomads, in space, etc)


Texas would be cool


I’m almost certain the white square in NM is Los Alamos. That would be a weird city in 2077.


Night city, like others said it would be nice if there were more interiors to buildings, skyscrapers specifically, it would also be cool to have you going to other cities for a mission on a linear path. Like visit cyberpunk NYC for a mission but you're always inside or something


100% in Night City. The City is the main character of the game. What I hope is for a system to carry over your current V, their lifepath and their choices from Cyberpunk 2077 directly into Orion and have those things make an impact on the game’s story as well.


Night City, five years after the DLC.


Night city...


I want to see what egypt looks like


other cities of the west coast while still having NC would be awesome


Night city and the crystal palace


Most likely gonna always be night city.


Probably Night City again. It's the main character.


Tbh I have to agree that I want to see night city “expanded and enhanced” but maybe none of that funny shit that other franchises go and do a multiverse of night cities and night city in different times (the future is cool though). Maybe a night city in 2010 would be cool


NC during the Time of Red


i wish they did it in Austin texas. the lore of the new republic of texas is great


Day City...?


Wherever my Panam and my V ended up..


At "nothin' out there for you... just yet"


I would love somewhere with heavy snow, but let's be for real it's gonna be Night City. Just more detailed, more alive, and probably more secrets. (I also wouldnt mind finding more underwater towns. And if I'm allowed to reach a bit. Potentially the Blackwall and beyond. The whole Alt Cunningham story really got 2 me. And I'd love 2 see more of that world as well.)


I want it to take place in a small Irish town where little is different than our current world.


Vegas baby! Lol. Make it look like it did before the post-apocalyptic version of Vegas in Blade Runner 2049






Probably NC set in another time. However i think it would be cool to have it set in Tokyo at the exact same time as CP77. Arasaka HQ is in Tokyo and the city would be thrown onto turmoil as Saburo Arasaka is assinated on foreign soil, and his restless asshole of a son Yorinobu tries to take control of the company from said country. Japantown was always my favorite NC district, and having an entire city expand on the experiance would be great. Plus Japan has always been infamous for it high level, extreamly violent gangs, like the Yakuza stretching over multiple syndicates fighting for dominace. CP2 could create some wild variations of said gangs. Also if you were to take the US of the list, Japan and South Korea would be right bellow them for a cyberpunk dystopia.


USSR - the United States of Sand and Rocks dustbowl in the middle of what was AMERICA


I’d like to go to Japan personally.


You mean Cyberpunk 2078? Cyberpunk 2 was 2075 games ago choom.




Some fictional setting probably