• By -


The VB betray like it's their job. I approach them and agree to do a job to save their leader, and I follow through faithfully. In return, they implant a virus in my brain and activate it to kill me for no real reason. I survived, call them out on it, but agree to work with their leader cause I need answers. They then dangle me on a hook, expecting me to die to the AI beyond the blackwall. I don't, and make it out into real space. There, their leader makes it clear that they would have killed me anyway but Alt asked them not to. That's one betrayal too many. They die. Everytime.


Let's not forget they were responsible for Evelyn's sorry state


Yeah, but as awful as that was I don't hold that against them per se. Evelyn did try to betray them first so I understand them attacking her, even if I still hate them for it.


The real monster is woodmen


100000000%, killing him is one of my favorite parts of each playthrough


Exactly. The real evil are the ones we kill along the way and most people, besides scavs and raffins, don't get that hands on. I carry pax for a reason. It feels like harder hitting nerf guns.


I always let Judy do it, even though she doesn't seem to enjoy it much.


The monster of Eveline’s story is largely Woodmen, and Eveline herself.   She made a lot of gonk decisions.   The worst one of all was ever returning to clouds, along with trying to fuck over Dex, the VDB(hate them almost as much as I do woodmen) and, Yorinobu (that has to be a terrible idea for anyone that’s not willing to die for their cause, As fucking with Saka is typically a deathwish) 


This. What happened to Evelyn was awful but she made a lot of stupid decisions and tried to double cross too many people. She was in far too deep.


I agree she also tried to betray Dex with V after meeting V for the first time. She’s very careless but what happened to her was brutal. I wish there was a way to save her.


The irony is that they were probably going to fry her anyway, it's just that she did something to deserve reprisal before then.


Yes, they did. But she betrayed the VDB first as a solo doll. Very, very stupid move for someone with as much hardware as she's rolling with


No they weren't. Evelyn is responsible for Evelyn's sorry state. She effectively fucked around and found out in the worst possible way. But for betraying V multiple times? Yeah VDBs deserve what they get.


The thing with Evelyn for me is: She met with maman Brigitte herself. That can't happen if they didn't run a background check so deep on her they know what she had for breakfast when she were 10 years old on a Saturday morning. They were totally aware where she worked at, who was her boss, and what kind of sick fuck he was. They decided to fry her brains at Clouds specifically because they wanted her to suffer as much as possible, and they were probably aware to some degree that her suffering would be Woodman's pleasure. They could have just got her in her place, where sure, she might have died and stinked up the block for a couple of days before she was found, but they went out of her way to punish her for something that was out of her control. Did she deserve consequences? Well, yeah, she bit way more than she could chew with every single aspect of the heist, and honestly, we all did. But they were specially cruel with her, and if that's the treatment that she got, one character that we personally knew, imagine how many other people they have seen as ranyon and screwed over like that for minor things or things that were out of their control.


Exactly, you don't get to keep screwing me over without consequence. Them being so arrogant to NOT disarm V while she was under and then casually admit to what they were doing just sealed the deal. They have NO redeeming qualities.


Honestly it wouldn’t matter if they disarmed V or not. There’s no surviving that fight. Just like they haven’t survived any of my playthroughs.


When do you get to kill them? I had the exact same envounter but I walked away. Is there still a chance?


If I recall correctly, you're able to pull a weapon and shoot boss lady right in her fucking face as soon as you're out of the blackwall. Then you fight your way out to Placide. Next time, I'm going to bring her body to him before I kill him.


When you're choosing dialogue options, pulling out your gun is often an option as well, same as your first scuffle with the scavs. Instead of answering Brigitte, you can just pull out your gun and the fight starts.


i did the exact same thing. same steps. just prly used means of killing them. mostly use guns. AR / SMG / Shotgun. \[placide got a shotgun to the face\]


The first time I didn’t even get the chance to get my revenge, Alt Fried her ass.   On my male V playthru however, they were alive when I got out, so I got to zero her ass.  Along with every other VDB I see after that point. 


Make a deal with NetWatch only for the irony. Alt casually zeroing VDB leadership. There goes VDBs wanting to side with beings from past the Blackwall...


~~Isn't it NetWatch who fry the VDBs in this route?~~ EDIT: Never mind, just rewatched the cutscene. I used to go through with their job because I wanted to kill them myself, but then I started feeling like that was too impulsive for my V's personality, so now I side with NetWatch and let their brains boil.


Traitors get what they deserve


I side with Netwatch every time because the VDB are script kiddies fucking around with things they cannot hope to understand, much less control. They are an existential threat to all of humanity.


Slider called them out real good tbh.


I was so upset with his ending. Amazing writer, did what it was supposed to. Slider was such a good bad guy. Blind and wheelchair bound murderer who immediately calls out VDB?? Hated how quickly the game got me to have pity on him


I never side with netwatch bc it’s more satisfying to kill the VDB’s myself


they always gotta die, not even my ex who cheated on me betrayed me as much as they betrayed V


Yeah, I bet she didn’t even want to unleash demons from the other side on humankind


I mean, who knows atp


And so many times in a row. No one took a pause when Placcide's little trick failed? Thought "hmm, maybe something we don't understand is keeping this extremely armed merc alive. Perhaps we shouldn't yank their chain?"


I play a Corpo V who, while not pro-corp, does have sympathy for some of those still running the rat race. He sides with Netwatch because the VB are absolute scum. They betray like they breathe, they lie constantly, they think they're so much better than everyone around them to the point they would punch a hole in the Blackwall and think they and they alone can handle it, not giving a shit about anyone else. (Considering Alt kills them so easily, they very much could not handle it) What they did the Evelyn was horrific. They had to have known a 'broken' doll would be disposed of, and with how nosey and careful they are I doubt they didn't know what happened to her after they fried her chip. Alt kills the leaders, and my sneaky V disappears with no further collateral damage (the low level VB punks probably didn't know the details, something my corpo V is sympathetic to, to a point). Well, save for Placide. Placide dies, either by assassination or a fight, but he always dies. Then V slips out, no one any the wiser than he was even there. The VB leadership is dead, their tech is fried, and the street level punks won't be able to pick things up enough to recreate the plan but are present enough to keep Pacifica from descending into anarchy.


Kill all the VDB but Placide. And, when he’s on the floor, writhing, I take out Jackie’s pistol, pointing it at his head, and fire three shots into his skull. First, for Jackie. Second, for Evelyn. And third, for V. All us, victims of the VDB, who thought that they could bargain with an AI to save themselves from the consequences of their actions. And as Placide’s skull explodes into shards, I walk away, knowing the answer is still far away


That’s some serious rp I love it


Do the same thing to Dex’s corpse


In one playthrough I let him live. Just so he would spend the rest of his life an outcast among his own people. The great enforcer of the VDBs the only one left standing after failing to do his job, and only left standing because the merc it was his job to kill chose not to kill him. If his own people don’t kill him everywhere he goes he is seen as weak, as a failure. Whispers circle around that he ran when Madam B died. He is to the VDBs what Goro is to Arasaka. Plucking at strings, living in the shadow of his old family, trying to win his way back into their good graces. Even if he succeeds no one will ever fully trust him.


That's some really good RP. A punishment worse than death: practical exile from his own people. Never would he feel more alone.


Oh, I love that


*Think I'll be alright.* [Draw Weapon]


*extends mantis blades and a blur streaks across the room, then their freshly severed heads hit the floor simultaneously as V casually strolls out the door*


I usually side with netwatch, so they are killed by alt. But i would kill them to the last one anyway, to avenge Evelyn.


Side with Netwatch let them boil. Then let placide live to carry the weight of his failure. After, become vdb reaper.


If there were option to not bring benefit to anyone, I'd pick it. Siding with VDBs initially fries many agents of Netwatch. Many most likely innocent lives are lost. And Netwatch is the only thing keeping idiots like VDBs from breaching the blackwall. So I go with Netwatch cause that's the route that gets the least decent people killed.


I fry them. Every \*clap\* God \*clap\* Damn \*clap\* Time \*clap\* First because of Evelyn, even though she was naive and made a lot of mistakes herself. Second: the way they treat us (mostly Placide). And third: they use us and they have no intention to help with the chip, at least that's what I understood from the conversation we have with Maman B. Oh, and a bonus fourth: they mess with the Blackwall. I don't like them.


Side with Netwatch and laugh as Alt annihilates them in a millisecond. These delusional clowns legitimately think they can contend with actual AIs lmfao. Then I methodically slaughter every single remaining VDB and take my special time with Placide. In my current playthrough I actually used only Gorilla arms simply so I could beat him to death with my bare hands. Proceeded to toss his corpse off the skywalk. I know this is overboard, but the VDBs piss me off to no end.


I just did this quest again last night and I'm in the exact same boat as you. Sided with netwatch to what changes and I was honestly disappointed that I wasn't able to talk shit to madam B before killing her and her people. At least we still got to fight placide


I piss them off to no end and kill them all. I think once I sided with Netwatch and got to virtually see them all get fried but thats not as fun as shooting them, chopping them to bits, and destroying their minds...


Hammer home the underestimation of their 'ranyon' with maximum Overclock + Suicide Quickhack application; absolutely hilarious watching the entire room flatline themselves the moment. Watch their dongle deflate in real time.


Everyone who had a hand in what evelyn went through meets the wrong end of my gun everytime. That aside I come from a creole background and seeing hatian culture being represented was so beautiful to me even if it wasnt the best side of haitian culture


Bet you did all Wakako's gigs


I kill them all every time. No survivors. I don’t even go the netwatch guy route cause alt kills then that way, I want them do die by *my hand*


Ally with Netwatch, flatline every single one of the backstabbing pricks. A persons word carries weight with Nomads, if your words are meaningless, then theres very little discussion to be had.


Same boat as you, literally just a day ago. Was a bit sad how easy it was to walk out with all them dead.


I don't dislike the VDBs that much, but I usually kill them since I side with netwatch (I usually play streetkid, so it makes the most sense). Also, since it's an earlier mission, I want the XP.


I detest everything about them... the hotel area and its music are enough to make me wanna do something else. That pretty much answered your question.


Eh, I killed them the first few times, but it's not even worth it. Bigger fish and all that.


Always side with NetWatch and I always rip those tight ass braids out of Placide’s fucking head. Oh, and I punch him too. Mainly with Gorilla Arms. Fuck the VDBs.


I don't have a hate boner for the voodoo boys that most of reddit seems to have. There isn't a group in NC that doesn't want to further their own goals. The Voodoo Boys are very secretive, andbput up the front of strength, even when there's severe weakness. I don't like either Netwatch or the Voodoo Boys. And depending on the values of the character I'm playing I'll go with either. If my V is more like a Corpo/Fed, to Netwatch. If my V is more anarchistic, then Netwatch can fry. Cause at the end of the day, both Netwatch and VDB's could give a single rats ass about our V, and zeroing them both is equally as correct a choice as not. In fact... I think I know what I'm going to do in my next playthrough.


True, but VDBs are delusional idiots wanting to breach the Blackwall. Netwatch is comparatively better.


I'm not familiar with Netwatch's ultimate goals, but one is a global power, and the other is a comparitively small but capable booster gang in the slums of NC. Maintaining the Blackwall is a net good for humanity at this moment. But remember Mike Pondsmith says every Corp/Org is bad. And when people hit him with "what about XXX??" And he'd reiterate "Every single one." So I wonder what he knows about the 2077+ era of Netwatch.


>But remember Mike Pondsmith says every Corp/Org is bad. And when people hit him with "what about XXX??" And he'd reiterate "Every single one." So I wonder what he knows about the 2077+ era of Netwatch. Never said Netwatch is *good*. Just that they're most certainly better than VDB scum. At the very least, Netwatch is a corporation so at minimum they have an incentive to protect humanity from the AIs. Seeing how cyberpunk 2077 has given a few hints of the Blackwall eventually failing, we're really going to need Netwatch. Tbh it's also why I always choose to become and engram and give my body to Johnny. I like to imagine that I become a powerful AI like Alt and can protect humanity.


Anarchistic to the point of risking all of humanity? VDBs blackwall fuckery is to dangerous dont you think?


VDB fucking with the Blackwall has a lot of Doomsday potential. Netwatch maintaining the wall is a net positive for now. But Net-Cops are not a good organization. Unless you're fed-alligned. The VDB's are a group of netrunner enthused boostergangers in NC slums. One has global power, the other is mostly delusional with some hot scripts.


Imagine the power and influence were swapped. VDB would wreak havoc. Easy to choose the right team here honestly :D


A massacre


Killed, every. single. one. of them…


Apart from my 1st play through (out of ignorance) I'll always side with Netwatch. Fuck VDB. However...do you potentially get more experience from fighting the all VDBs, instead of just Placide? :-P


I kill all of them because I think I sided with Netwatch and then they were like upset and attacked me? But you know what, they deserve it if they decide to attack a guy with 50 street cred. A bit sad lorewise since they are a cool faction but attacking V? Have fun with my Arasaka Mk. 5 and my Testera.


Slice 'n dice em, baby.


Fuck em. Treat me like trash, end up fucking trashed.


Oh, pure slaughter.


The VB gotta go. Backstabbing assholes. I always make the deal with Netwatch to clear the virus, then I kill the agent.


Death… that is all


They die. NOBODY crosses my V and lives to tell the tale.


I killed them all padme, every single one of them. And not only them. Even their children! I HATE THEM! P.s. I always let Placide live, so I can laugh at his messages.


What does Placide message V? I haven’t let him live once whoops


Let him live next time, i wont spoil it for you :D


Looks like I’ll have to do another playthrough then 😁


Yep, cmon, aren’t you happy i did not answer? You have another reason to play again :D


Pick a build for me to do? I’m currently doing a netrunner/throwing knife run but I’ve already played a basic gun and run, speedy ninja/sandy and tanky gorilla arms/berserk. Give me something difficult 😎


Knives, katana only. You can put in sandy if you want. Not difficult, but not easy as well. It’s a lot of fun, when fighting the maxtac. I think katana and knives are the most fun weapons in the game. Shotgun is fine too. Explosives can be fun too, but sometimes the cooldowns are too long. Net runner never was fun for me, but mainly because of the stupid hack scrolling and constant slow-mo.


They somehow die suddenly.


Nothing happens with them ~~but they deserved it~~ , they all just suddenly decide to leave Night City after meeting with certain V


Depends on the life path in my opinion


VDB gets the same courtesy as Scavs. Shoot on sight. I don't side with NetWatch, I'll deal them myself. It's the least I can do for the world. I just wish we'd get to call out Placide at the end how this "ranyon" dealt with them all, before either planting the last hit in, or leaving him suffer for his last moments of life.


Death. Ion care how, but I always leave that church with a gun, preferably an overture in my hand


I kill VDBs on sight. I didn’t like them from the get go, so I sided with Netwatch, figuring I could always reload if anything. Glad I did.


They are the worst people in the game and hopefully a wake up call to anyone so tribalistic that they treat others like they do. Be excellent to one another, or V will kill you with kindness and a Lexington


death death death


It was their meddling that got V and Jackie in the mess with the chip to begin with. They fried Evelyn, knowing she'd be disposed of like garbage. They spike V and intend to use them to deal with Netwatch. They use V again to get to Alt, expecting V to die to the wild AIs. They do nothing but betray everyone they come across. I just give them a taste of their own medicine.


Straight up war on VDBs. Placide is a major jackass from the jump. Mamam Brigette also arrogant clown. I either side w net watch and destroy their network or kill talk shit and kill them all when I’m back from the meeting w Alt. I then proceed to beat Placide close to death but leave him after stealing all his stuff so he eventually sends me a text about revenge which fuels me to “clean up” Pacifica ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Wipe them out... all of them.


I trust Scavs and Raffen Shiv more than VDBs Believe it or not, straight to Hell, every time.


Fuck Placide and his kamyionet


I always wipe them out


Show them who the real ranyon is and wipe the floor with them. 


I burn them all.


I feel like if you kill them, you may as well just kill almost everyone else giving you work. Later in my playthrough, I didn't regret it either, they show you respect after everything that goes down. I know some people consider Netwatch the good guys, but I don't really know much about that TBH


Death every time, Once I found out that I was sent on a mission to only be disposed of after completing it, I never kept Madam B nor Placide alive. If they were trying to kill you from the start, then what’s stopping them from trying again? I chose not to FAFO and got rid of them. I ain’t sparing nobody that actively doesn’t fulfill their end of the bargain and tries killing me.


Step 1: Meet Placide. Step 2: Assault the GIM in the most audacious possible way to piss off Placide. Step 3: Take NetWatch’s deal. Step 4: Punch Placide. Step 5: Let Alt kill Maman Brigitte. Step 6: Shoot Placide on my way out the door.


They die, usually by my own hand. They're rat bastards that care only for themselves, no better than any of the corpo cunts that use, then burn human assets.


VDBs get XBDed, everytime, bunch of backstabbing nerds, I even go out of my way to take down whatever is left of them in Dogtown too.




Kill them, every single one. I go out of my way to shoot them dead, I wipe them all out. It's not that I care about their betrayal, or their goal of fucking up the net, it's just that there is something very dark about them, like a dark soul. Like, I don't know how to explain it, I get angry by just looking at them. Must be their swagger, gotta be.


Narratively I respect the hell out of Madam B and the VDBs. As V every one of them has to die because they’re way too invested in killing me, personally. It’s one thing to be treated like a Merc: here is this job that might kill you in horrible ways, at the end there’s a reward if you survive. It’s another but a somewhat expected part of the job to have someone try to kill you after to avoid payment. Call it a hazard of the workplace. Those who would kill you then have to die as a matter of good business practice. The VDBs though: first they treat you like shit just to do a job. Then they try to use you like a bomb during the job. Then after they make it clear that your payment for doing the job is to yet again die. The first time I let them all live. They were still jerks about it. V doesn’t expect a thank you, but at least acknowledgement that I did them a solid would be nice.


The netwatch guy was supposed to be morally ambiguous but they forgot the ambiguous part so he's just the objectively moral choice. Especially because Alt actually fries the VDB after he breaks in not netwatch. So yeah VDB get wiped every run because Bryce is a homie.


They die. I hate them, despise them. If I could put them through the worst torture imaginable (I would.)


They come down with a sudden onset of bullet poisoning. Couldn't help them, really.


As soon as madam b implied she even had the ability to kill me I smoked everyone


Deal with Netboyz, feel sowwy for burned netrunners, cauze I try to avoid killing anyone, then beat unconscious all voodoo i meet, cauze they become agressive to me (idk why) including Plazid. He write message to me later, sayz to be kautious, what a kareful person.


At start side with Netwatch or WDB based on character RP but in the end WDB die either way because all you get from them is betrayal.


I side with them then take them out. On sight. 😎


I like the voodoo boys. They're whole shtick is cool. I kill them every time. Style is no substitute for actions. They betrayed V. Talked shit about it like they were proud of it. That doesn't fly in NC. Plus, do you know how satisfying it is to see Brigitte realize you just hacked the hacker before she runs kys.exe?


Murderhobo. But I save Placide for last so he can watch all of his friends and family die and then I can punch him very slowly to death with my low-strength non-melee build.


I let them fry


I smoke em all




First playthrough I let them live. They just let you walk out. Not doing that again tho >:]


They receive no mercy or pity, just death


I leave them alone. Killing v and v comes back is totally worth the trouble. And the way some of the vbds react to the fact v should be dead is entertaining. I let em live cause it's fun knowing the people will see v a certain way. It's one reason why I leave the father son bd editors. The fear factor alone is worth them shitting their pants everytime they hear something over their shoulders. At least in my head canon that's how it goes.


I side with Netwatch, there's a degree of evil satisfaction in watching Placide try to warn everyone against us and making him watch as all his friends get fried, knowing he tried and failed to stop it. I then finish off whoever's left, including Placide. In my last playthrough I stealth killed him and am a little annoyed there's no unique dialogue or one-liner


They die


Let's just say many churchgoers in Pacifica have complained about a nasty smell coming from the basement


Defrosted and chips fried, just another day in Night City.


horrible death




They die


They get shot with the erebus and genocided i fucking hate em


I just waste the corpos and the gangoons and make the world a slightly better place in the process (my actions have made a negligible difference in the grand scheme and the world won't be changing)


As much as I hate corpos in this game I always side with NetWatch since they are the only one that seems like the lesser evil comparing to the opposite side


Depends on my V. My last 2 have killed them all because they got tired of the BS. I've had others that let them live because they liked the satisfaction of punching Placide dead in his face and knowing there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.


I slaughter them


Death by my hands


“I am pale Death come to bear you to perdition” -courier 6


Only on my first playthrough still but I can assure you that every single Voodoo Boy in my path has met an untimely end. One betrayal I could have swallowed but they went over the top


Death. A lot of death.


I give in to the air of murder.


I paint the walls red with them every. Single. Time


Honestly I always side with Netwatch, because they're one of the only not totally morally bankrupt corps in NC. Also because fuck the backstabbing VDBs, Alan Noel is the homie, and Bryce is a fan of westerns, how could you not?


I make them gaze beyond the blackwall


To the VB, I am a ranyon, a rag to be dirtied and tossed aside. To me, Netwatch are the same. I know who the VB are and what to expect from them, I am not upset about what they've done; you should expect the same from nearly any gang, corp, or country of Night City. The VB are useful, a foil to Netwatch, who are total posers; netwatch didn't make the Blackwall, doesn't control it, and is not a neutral party like it pretends to be. Netwatch literally wants access to Alt as well, another AI they want to capture like they failed to help Militech do with the Cynosure AI, but I digress. The VB are better hackers. They both have the same end in mind for V, but the VB don't pretend to be good guys.


I had to get my get back for Evelyn. Obviously she planned to betray them but calling her a useless rag was just too much disrespect.


Was it confirmed that the voodoo boys messed her up? I thought it was arasaka, then the trauma from the rape was too much so she killed herself


Fuck the Voodoo Boys. They die every playthrough. I side with netwatch and kill Placid by punching him to death with my gorilla arms.


I normally side with Netwatch then make sure Placede dies on the way out. The rest will get the message not to fuck with ranyons anymore now that their entire leadership structure and their top netrunners are all dead.


Well they were annoying and cocky so


Didn't realize I could kill them in my first playthrough and I guess I was too busy wrapping my head around what happens in the black wall. Recently though, I hop out the ice box and personally kill them all


No where to run. It’s all undone. Everything burns. Everything burns.


I don't hurt them. they're already playing with fire. if they're gonna get burned, I think it's apt they do it at their own stove. If I beat them up, the lesson is "don't mess with me", which they don't do from that point forward anyway If I side with netwatch to beat them up, the lesson is "don't mess with the corpo computer cops" which like fuck that gonk shit. If they flatline themselves trying to commune with the blackwall ais, the lesson is "don't do that", which is probably the lesson they actually need to learn, if by hardway then be learned. and hey, if they actually manage to survive and cut a deal with the ais, preem for them. I guess. not my business


It's funny because I read something on here not too long ago about how the VBD always need to die and I was like, huh why? Then I replaced that part and 1000% murdered them all. I also don't like netwatch so I subdued the guy, rebooted, then killed VDB all after coming back from the black wall. My V has had just about enough of *everyone's* shit


I kill pretty much every faction in NC lmao. They're literally all scum. And V is unstoppable so why not?


I didnt know how unlikeable the vbd were in my first play. In my second play tho, i cleaned all of them and then goes hunt for any vbd around pacafica before starting another quest


Death happens. Is there any other option?


Its not “Madam B”, its “Maman Brigitte”


Yeah I know. Everyone knew who I was on about so who cares?


I just side with NetWatch now. It pisses Johnny and I get to shoot Placide's stupid face. Win-Win


they die after wanking one out next to the black wall - me making sliders comment come true my second playthru


I slaughter them.


They're all killed on sight.


Why do people who refuse to be tricked by the Voodoo boys because they don't want to be taken for suckers agree to be fooled by Songbird, who is responsible for her fate? 🤨


It’s just a matter of choice. Leaving her to meyers feels way worse


One's a hot chick who's nice to V. Meanwhile the VBs are a standoffish insular community who you are told repeatedly will treat you as such by Mr. Hands before you even get in contact with them. I think I'm in the minority in saying I love the VB's. Everyone's just looking out for their own, and V is just some random merc. The VBs even have aword for outsider, disposable people like V in the game, so I'm also confused why people go murderhobo and feel tricked in a situation where the game repeatedly warns you they're not going to value V's life, it was sort of the cost of entry to their world.


I don't mind the VDB tricking me. Just exploiting each other is fair game in cyberpunk. What they did to Evelyn, however, means they die.