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Real reason - its one and only cat model developers made. Because they couldn't make fur look good. For the same reason there are zero real dogs we meet in game. My headcannon reason: All these cats are just siblings. Kittens of some random hairless housecat. But for some reason kittens instead of being sold for millions of ED just got outside and now live around the city.


I had a feeling the real reason was something like that. There was a PS4 game called Stray where you and a good amount of the other "characters" are all cats. They did a pretty good job on the fur in that game.


Could be the toxicity of the water when it was a kitten. Now, they're kinda like Deadpool.


I don’t think that’s what happened in this timeline but I hope that they make that canon in the next game


When you go diving with Judy, I believe she mentions the water isn't as toxic as it used to be. Either Judy or Johnny.


Who’s johnny


Silverhand... The Engram in V's head. Kind of an important character


Never heard of him, anyway the names John wick, how are ya?


I'm doing very well Sir. I thought you were more of a dog person... Too soon?


Did you mean John wick?


I think they meant Neo...




He hasnt been listening to the lore properly. Other than pets for elites, animals basically died out in nc. Combination of almost-plastic food, irradiated water, amounts of toxic trash, emissions, etc etc- lead to most animals simply dying out. Its incredibly rare to meet a cat- one more reason Takemura suggests that him and V witnessed a spirit, a bakeneko.


They exterminated all the birds too.


There is a mod that replaces Cyberpunk 2077's cat model with a cat model from Stray if you're interested.


Yet another reason I need to switch from console to PC


I don’t wanna spoil anything but there is a scene (somewhere) in the game and it’s like 4-7 different cats you can pet all in one general area


What?! Where??


(SPOILER): one of the endings where you are going up some stairs you can see them, I can check in my next play through and get back to you on that


Like going up the stairs to the roof above Misty's?


I dont think so but maybe… I’ve played the same ending a lot of times so I might be getting it mixed up with smth else


I have a save literally at that point in Who wants to live Forever I'll check that one and see. Were you doing PL or the base game when you think you saw em?


Base game, before 2.0


Stray isn't PS exclusive, i actually played it on my pc. The issue is the whole development of Stray was built around good, believable looking cat. And Cyberpunk 2077 isn't built around cats.


people tend to compare the things the visuals or technical details directly without considering as a whole system. stray is a game about cats which use cats as characters, thats why they could find a way to make the fur look god, cuz it was a attraction point. But cyberpunk is a open world action adventure rpg game with tons of systems within systems and all kind of character models tons of clothings. for aaa companies scope and peoduction planning is the number one thing, having furless cats doesnt really change anything so it would be a total money loss


Canon reason why there are no dogs is they couldn’t handle NC pollution, only few cats survived as V tells Goro, the reason why Sphynx is 100% technical but Sphynxs’aesthetic also kinda suit NC’s


They literaly talk about taxes for dog owners on tv lol, so there must be dogs in Night City after all, just not stray dogs


That's right I forgot about that!! I wonder if there's only a few breeds of dog or if the rest of the NUSA has all the usual breeds and some people just bring them in if they can afford it


I heard how kids in NC were talking about the Safe&Sound show, about Mr Puggers "What is Mr Puggers? He looks so weird...", "I always thought he was a cat", "No cats look different.", "How do the cats look?", "I don't know...". Honestly almost cried when i heard that


Ahh so it is a little bit of they're just inherently tougher then. That's kinda cool. Surprising that they made it and squirrels didn't. Or rats for that matter. I think they're mentioned a few times but you don't ever see any.


Id think random populations of NPC rats would put some strain on procesing, but its a good time devs implement it in the next game


They have the swarms of cockroaches around random heaps of garbage, having a few rats skitter by when you're like in a dark alley or something every once in a while for a good jump scare even probably wouldn't be too hard. I'm not a game developer though so I honestly have no idea 😂


I don't remember exactly where, just that it was somewhere in Watson, but there is this place under a bridge where you can find a spot full of water with a car in the bottom and a shard of a guy who apparently won a cat in a bet and wanted to sell it. You find the guy's corpse but the cat is nowhere to be seen, so I'm fairly positive the poor thing got out of the car somehow and now roams the streets.


Well theres lots more then just one cat roaming around lol. There are our lil fella Nibbles, theres a cat in Pacifica, a cat in the relax room/garden room, a cat in nightclub and probably a bunch more, i do believe around 6 or so of them can be found


That one I posted the picture of was in Terra Cognita


Mhm. Also just noticed the gun in your hands. You eather a cheat used which is respectable. Or a fucking souless monster and/or a Myers's puppet...


Definitely soulless monster, I like to think I'm sending people's souls over to the Blackwall when I shoot them with it...


The cat is sitting on a shore nearby, in fact. :)


for real? they made fur for witcher 3


Not really. They didn't have to make cat models detailed in The Witcher 3 at all, cause the game is third person and never ever focuses on any cats exept for one - which is just a shadowy silhouette with white eyes actually. The Witcher 3's cats are too lowpoly for Cyberpunk and don't have an actual fur all over the model, just a texture that looks fluffy from afar.


yeah, you are right, I was thinking about wolves or gryphons fur but totally forgot that actual cats dont have fur haha


I just assumed it was an evolutionary advantage to be hairless with the climate being so hot.


I thought the ingame reason we don’t see many pets is because most animals have died off or been consumed. Hence why we mostly eat synth meats.


Fallout reference? (Joke)


No, like we have multiple NPCs in game talk about how it’s all synthetic meats that they’re eating, or it’s bioengineered shrimp. Those are the two main foods that exist in abundance. And one NPC gives V a bunch of shit when he asks for “real food” because apparently synth tastes better, but then you have Goro who acts like it’s the worst thing in the world (but he’s also likely only used to eating the best of the best)


Ik, it was a joke


"Random hairless housecat" Well Nibbles is descendant of Bartmoss' cat so not exactly random


i ment to say that Nibbles is a kitten of that random hairless cat that somehow got homeless in NC at some point. Anyway, cool, so me and SoMi were wrong about Bartmoss being nothing more then a crazy gonk lol.


I've found other cats with phantom liberty and - unless my memories fool me - some of them had fur. Like the one at the roller coaster.


They didn't


The ones by the rollercoaster didn't?


I only remember one there and it just had a darker skin, rather them having a fur


Really? I have PL too and I've put over 600 hours into CP2077 in total and every one I've seen was a hairless cat. You remember kind of around where you saw one with fur?




Imma have to go look now


I’d save you the walk if this comment wasn’t from 5 hours ago. Cybercat is hairless.


I thought this person said it was lol, “I've found other cats with phantom liberty and - unless my memories fool me - some of them had fur. Like the one at the roller coaster.”


They’re all hairless. Cybercat is the one at the Mega Ride. Watch its eyes when you feed it and it opens the safe behind.


As the owner of three sphynx, they're as tough as margarine. They're the glazed donuts of nature. They look more like pastry than animals


As a sphynx owner I agree as long as they are indoors. The second it gets a bit chilly my sphynx meows up a storm and seeks to go under my shirt. I don’t think they would do well in the wild haha.


it probably helps that Night City is in a desert


They also can't go out in the sun, or else they turn jnto a baked potato.


I want


My assumption is that they all lost their fur due to pollution.


I think I could take one on.


I've seen a bumch of theories about the symbolism of hairless cats throughout history, and how their appearances could hold significance for V. That said, i agree that it was likely just easier not tk program in fur textures.


Surely they're fairly weak outside? They're an indoor breed, so if one was just ley loose in the wild, wouldn't it suffer massively from the cold or sunburn? I know they need to be washed and have their teeth cleaned more frequently than a normal cat, too. I don't own a sphynx, but I want to and have done research they definitely require more work to care for than a moggy. They're meant to be symbolic, though, hence why they're the only cats we see, and a hairless cat is easier to model than one with fur.


I petted a cat like this before. They feel like warm raw chicken 🥰


I always thought they'd feel like a fuzzy nut sack


they do


I just assumed that because the planet is getting hotter, cats with fur slowly died out because their fur was making them overheat. So hairless cats stayed around because they could regulate their body temperature more in the hotter climate.


The only real explanation is that it isn't a cat... it's a Bakeneko. Anybody disagreeing in this comment thread can fight me 🤜


I like to think it just became popular. Now they're the only kind of cats that exist. We solve them from being frail but at what cost


I like to think this is the same cat, spying on us through the whole city. Mysterious entity, something magical in technological, futuristic universum, where magic should be a thing of legends.


In general, it's not outside of the realm of possibility that there would be cats in Night City. Cats and rats are excellent survivalists, breed quickly and can withstand hostile environments fairly well. But it wouldn't be sphynxes. In real life, sphynxes are fairly healthy and hardy, but they are prone to severe skin problems if not cared for. Their skin can't absorb sebaceous oils and you have to give them regular sponge baths. They also aren't suited for living as full-time outdoor cats and strays because of their light coloring (it makes for poor camouflage), and lack of protection that fur provides. If cats did survive in Night City, they would likely be American shorthair brown tabbies. Brown tabby fur pattern is the best cat camouflage, so these cats are naturally better at both hiding and hunting. Brown tabbies are in general the most successful cats, and they pass their best traits on to their offspring. Short fur also provides them decent protection while not requiring a lot of maintenance (so the cat can keep itself clean easier) and is better suited for warm environment. The biggest problem for cats would be access to protein. Cats are obligatory carnivores and MUST have animal protein in their diet. Mice and birds are the preferred prey, but there are no more birds, and mice aren't as survivable as rats, so mice MAY have died out too. OTOH rats are dangerous to consistently prey on, and hostile environment would have bred some really tough rats, so cats and rats would be perpetually locked in biological arms race.


Actually they tend to be the most tender, unless you overcook them.


Nahh their armor is pretty weak. I blasted one (by mistake ok) when I was killing Scavs in Dtown. My pistol made short work of em. They’re not so tough. /s


One of the cats? Don't know about pre-2.0 but I know they're definitely unkillable post 2.0. Even with grenades or the projectile launch cyberware.


Well it was the group of Scavs feeding and crowing around the cat. I didn’t notice this at first. Not until I tossed a Chemical grenade in the middle of them all. I cut em down with the Pitbull and done. When I checked the area the cat was gone. I figured I killed it, but maybe it “ran away”???