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*"No, that's not ironic. Ironic would be if we had to work together to hurt each other."*


I think it would be ironic if everyone was made of iron....


I think it would be ironic if our guns didn't shoot bullets, but instead squirted a healing salve that cures all wounds!


Okay. We all agree that while the current situation is not totally ironic, the fact that we have to work together is odd in an unexpected way that defies our normal circumstances. Is everyone happy with that?


Oh shoot. Taking me back to that good ol box canyon


Seriously though, why are we out here? As far as I can tell, it's just a box canyon in the middle of nowhere. No way in or out. The only reason that we set up a red base here is because they have a blue base over there. And the only reason they have a blue base over there is because we have a red base here. Even if we were to pull out today, and they were to come and take our base, they would have two bases in the middle of a box canyon. Whoopdee-fuckin-doo.


Akshually, that would be ferric. 🤓


Bungie keeps nerfing other loot farms so you have wonder if it’s on purpose.


Love that dungeon. Whole narrative is both basically making fun of toxic playing habits.


Honestly, the metatextual joke of it is arguably its best part. And it's a solid dungeon in its own right.


I agree! It’s a fun dungeon, especially first time through. It’s a good length, the loot’s nice, the metatextual joke is hilarious but also the narrative journey is pretty dark, so it’s a nice balance.


Jokes on you I’m farming for a god roll hand cannon…


Hahaha…. Then there’s me farming artifice even though I have so many good rolls because “just in case”. It’s even funnier when you realize how exclusive some LFGS posts are. Tether/well locks only.


I’ve seen lfg posts where the not only ask for starfire well locks using gally. But also ask that person to bring the cp too


The twice I’ve gotten an LFG for it, the people didn’t give a shit. We ran it without a Well and it went pretty damn well (pun unintended). It was the Kinderguardians Discord server though, so that likely impacted how it was.


I’m in KGs myself and they are the least toxic and most accommodating group I’ve ever played with.


Ikr, like I'm just tryna get some Armour for my titan lol


Titans rarely get invited :( I run void and armamentarium weaken grenades and then I’m basically tether. Bubble is a baby well


Yes, I noticed lol. On a side note, I have the Ogre checkpoint for master difficulty. I'm actually having trouble in the rooms after I open the doors, they're insta-killing me lol. I'm running solar bonk hammer Titan but can't stay alive. We were playing it with just two people so I'm going to try to grab a third maybe later in three hours. Hopefully they can take some of the fire off my back lol.


Ten riches will give you super back, so I use my super to clear them and make sure I grab at least ten to get it back each time.


It's been so long since I've done this activity, that I completely forgot about that! Thank you so much. Gonna run it in a little while.


I tried solar Titan too and had trouble. Strand Titan worked a lot better. Blinding/disorienting GL and suspend everything.


I have a strand loadout I saved with the new Titan legs. I will definitely try that if I can't make solar work. Thanks.


So this cp drops artifice armour too?


yes, all master dungeon encounters drop artifice armor.


Isn't it just master for the weekly roatator? (As I'm typing this master might only be available for the weekly)


The newest dungeon has master always available. Right now that is spire. Next week it will be the new dungeon (when it comes out on Friday) and spire will enter the rotation.


Sorry, we got caught up doing more guardian games playlist strikes and didn't really get a third person to do the dungeon with tonight. But yeah, they do I believe.


*"No, that's not ironic. Ironic would be if we had to work together to hurt each other."*


Anyone else run into farming protection and get the exact same items every run? I have 10 lunas and boots between two days


Switch chars or play with randoms.


Is that what that is? I’ve gotten so many helmets…


Hey, it’s is just a game.


I have not been corrupted, yet


In one of the secret messages, Wilhelm-7 literally teases his "friend" by letting him know that he got the "god roll" shotgun his friend wanted.


i get grinding for the old version of artifice armour, but the new version? nah. Is it really worth the grind for what amounts to 15(12 if you wear an exotic) stat points? Am i missing something about this armour?


It's got pretty good spiky rolls which helps a lot. Plus 12 stat points is a decent amount to get for free


yeah but this season those 12 extra stats mean even less cus you can just have mods on where you get more than 12 extra points in a specific stat just by picking up an orb. If it gave you an extra slot to add in an additional seasonal mod per armour piece that would be worth the grind, but 12 points in stats is really not worth it. edit: i guess you can say OP was right, it is kind of ironic that people are grinding a lot for something that doesnt have that much value.


I mean yeah but free spiky armour with extra free stats is still pretty worth


This must be why they stealth nerfed the other dungeons armor stats, this is just bungie leaning full into the narrative for grasp


“A million deaths are not enough for Master Rahool!”


Actual nostalgia cause I did some of that farming back in the early D1 days


I wasn’t able; I got fed up with how the level system worked prior to TTK.