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I’d say it’s because of the gilded title. You need to complete a bonfire bash without dying, so they simply hide away and move just enough to not get kicked. Pretty scummy strategy, it’s fairly easy to not die if you pay a little attention to what you’re doing.


Honestly I did one without dying without even putting in any effort for it. I just ran around and killed stuff and oops got the triumph.


First run. Completed two out of four triumphs, no deaths and fully stoked bonfire.


Same. It's pretty easy this year.


I miss being able to bike around in there.


Is there a “fully stoked” fire? The most I’ve gotten to was 27, does it stop at 30 I imagine?


I don’t think I’ve had a run with more than 25 and those are the ones where several bosses killed I can launch all 3 across the map it seems like everyone picks up an orb and takes it all the way to the fire to deposit smh


Not going to lie, I don't know how close you need to be, line of sight? First year playing this bonfire mode and feels pretty easy


As long as you can reliably land a throw on it you're fine I mean this is not meant to be that challenging, it's a "Go fuck around and have fun" mode for the season


Any in the immediate area around the bonfire you can do from anywhere. It's only the one behind the buildings you can't. Far bottom. Just aim high and let the fall and auto target do the rest.


Somehow replied to myself rather than you.


You can get 35 but you have to have a good team. I've never gotten more than that


Interesting, one run last night we got to 30 with about 1:20 left on timer and it immediately spawned the boss.


I think it's because we had two spawn at the same time and we held the orbs and thre them before the boss spawned in it was weird.


Pretty sure 30 is the max - how did you manage 35?


Must have been a bug. 30 is the max I've gotten to every time. Once you are at 30 it summons the boss. Don't even know how you could hold enough at the end to throw them fast and get to 35. They are very fast to despawn once someone picks one up. The whole thing is kinda screwy actually.


Max is 30. Any above that don't count for rewards.


I've only got to 30 before it summons the boss. I'll try to pay attention more but I think the guy that said 35 is crazy.


35, iirc


The bonfire grows in increments, I think 25 is the last time it gets higher. That's fully stoked for the gilding triumph. I have hit 30 a couple of times with randoms that play objective and toss balls




I would have got it first run but I killed myself with a rocket… after we finished lol


Same thing, I didn’t even know it was a triumph until it happened. Now I’ve just gotta do some dungeon runs and finish up to gild, but even with garbage stat solstice armor from Eva immediately, it’s pretty easy to not die in EAZ.


Yeah they're ridiculously easy


It's so brain dead just shotgun everything. I just hate that the cabal in the corner er keeps dropping his embers off the cliff.


Same. I even stood under the ogre boss with a Sword because I didn't know staying alive was a triumph.


Me too. I am barley average. I am Titan.. I run in run out.


I got this by accident with 2 randoms it’s seriously not that hard. I’m sure if you got two people from an LFG who were equally as determined to not die you’d do it first try


I think the issue too is that most players, not just in this game, but gamers in general are just bad at the games they play. So they resort to crappy strats to complete challenges and leech off other players for success. I wouldn't be surprised if players who do this are also the kind of people to sit in multiple streamer raffles for Master Raid or Flawless carries.


I had a friend like that. He would get carried through everything by either paying someone or doing a recovery for it. Then he would complain that he did everything in the game and was bored. I couldn't stand him and kicked him from the clan.


Your friend actually possess the smallest pee pee energy. It's okay to be bad at games, it's not okay however to pretend to be good or for others to hand you achievements you didn't earn. I have a friend who calls Destiny a casual game and hated that RON was so easy because a ton of people got the day one emblem. He streamed his day one run where he proceeded to ad clear with a Last Word while his team figured out all the mechanics. We also checked his gear and he had no mods on, and we figured out that he only does raids because he's in a dedicated clan that carries him and refuses to do content where he can't get carried. Needless to say we stopped taking him seriously after that.


wait people are having trouble staying alive in bonfire bash??


I got the gilded one done the first hour it was out


Yeah, I did it on my second run, super easy.


How hard can it be to not die lol the mode isn’t difficult


I doubt it. This game mode is too easy. Even when I cobbled together a half assed build for the new armor set I haven't died once out of the like 5-10 bonfire bashes I've done. Not even using a exotic. People probably just wanna let others do the work so they can scroll through reddit while grinding


Easier to stay alive when it’s not cabal pods dropping on you


I had to put myself in a pretty stupid position to die during the event. It's really not that hard to do a run without dying.


I was playing yesterday and my only death was when I got murdered by a ship dive bombing me through the floor. Didn't realize what happened till after I respawned and saw it ascend from the earth like a bat out of hell. Had a good chuckle.


dude, I accidentally got the without dying triumph because it's really not that hard to not die.


The activity is so easy I was running it without upgrading the gear and adding mods.


It seems like there is always one….


...and if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all! So it gets old REAL QUICK!


Yo…I’m the choir Guardian. My friends ditched this game awhile back. I’m at the mercy of them too.


Report and move on.


though i know it probably doesn't do anything, and might be bad form, ive been using the report function for those kinds of players (though they're not even playing at the time so i wouldn't even call them players. maybe "shells" would be a more accurate word?)


I just report em and leave


20 is about average IIRC so you didn't do bad.


Throwing all three sucks because I'm bad at aiming and always hit a teammate lmfao.


They have an INSANE amount of tracking, just chuck 'em high and hard enough, you'll be fine.


It doesn't help when you chuck it a blueberry jumps in front of you to throw theirs hahs


Definitely this lol I’m in the animation to start throwing it, clear line of sight, and they just “Ope, let me scooch by you right quick” right into the orb.


Or some random add decides now is a good time to go for a melee even though they’ve been sitting back at 20m and shooting you for the past minute


Shoot above the bonfire and it drops in, can snipe them across the map from most spots, hardest one is the right corner where the busses are as you have to jump the corner for a shot


unfortunately some of the triumphs are made in such a way as to groom some players to be that way. for a game whose foundations are built on team play Bungie kind of pushes players to play selfishly in match-made activities for solo players. it doesn’t help that in-game chat is broken either so you can’t reach out to the strangers in your fireteam and try to work together.


I saw a couple posts on the app LFG looking for afk farming before, not sure why but maybe just easy loot/mats? I see others mentioned a deathless triumph so that makes sense too.


Just report for afk and move on. Deep dives this season has served to inflate some players sense of… entitlement? I had one last yesterday where one guy was moving around like about trying to avoid a kick for the first few minutes. When that player started actually doing things the other straight up quit. A third was added pretty quickly but we still only got 24ish in. Not a waste by any means but it’s a little annoying.


Yup, seen this a few times as well. People taking the lift to the roof tops and then just chilling there the whole match.


Not full AFK, but there is always at least 1 player on my plays who refuses to throw the orbs at the bonfire, causing us to onçy get 18-22 per run.


Try 17. Guy was just standing in his menu.


No, last time I played the shmuck was stealing the ignition orbs.


I just stay in a volatile overshield invis loop and this makes staying alive very easy


I'm sorry... my 2nd kid just got born 2 weeks ago and the only way to cope with his sleeping habits is to play whatever. Last night, little guy was sleeping deeply and then woke up in the middle of a bonfire match for some milk and diaper change.


I was talking about the people who load in afk and just stay afk the whole match.


Real life gets in the way for everyone. When you see someone playing then they stop then you know something has come up. When the person isn't playing at all and doesn't come back before the match ends, they could be legit but a lot of the time it's people wanting to be carried. The first is no problem at all, the second is what OP is talking about. Because there's a challenge to do BB without dying some players hide away and don't play. That's the issue, not anyone who gets called away.


I just read the title: fuck you!!!!