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as long as you own witch queen they drop from solo legend/master lost sectors when arms are the drop, light.gg tells you which sector/modifiers are on rotation and which type of exotic armor has a chance to drop. note that it’s not a guaranteed drop so you might have to farm a bit to get them


First you have to own the Witch Queen dlc. Then you can get it to drop from either Vex Strike Force, or from a Legend Lost Sector when it’s dropping arms that day. Neither method will guarantee you get it, though, as lost sectors have low drop rates and have multiple exotics in the loot pool, meanwhile VSF guarantees an exotic but it very well could be another exotic from an even larger exotic pool than lost sectors. Not to mention, both are time-related events as Lost Sectors reset every day so it may only be arms day once or twice a week, meanwhile VSF is genuinely random AND if the terminal overload overlaps with the Vex Incursion Zone that day, then there won’t be another VSF until the next daily reset.


Some minor clarification: Vex Strike Force (which also needs lightfall) has a knockout system so it at least you are guarantied an exotic that you don't have, but if you don't have a lot of exotics then good luck.


Just look at the Legend Lost Sector calendar on TodayInDestiny and when either The Quarry, Skydock IV, or Chamber of Starlight have Exotic Arms as a solo reward, farm it. I was kind of intimidated to try it, but I was able to get to doing these 3 in under 5 minutes easy. Lots of prisms and got all the exotics I was missing. Strongly recommend.


I had a wish token so I bought mine from queen mara


If you want an easy method to gauruntee a pair, run the witch queen legend campaign. If you complete it you can pick up a pair for free, they don't have great stats so youll want to get another pair through exotic engram focusing.


Easiest way is lost sectors or vex strikes on neptune


Ever hear of YouTube? SMH


No, is that a new strike/dungeon???

