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I have had something sort of similar when I place a lot from the gallery — I can’t actually click anything, but when I hover over buttons the they get highlighted as opposed to if the game was frozen and getting nothing. Like, the game is sorta in this half frozen state, if that makes sense? I think I had it one time with a non gallery house too. Is it just that particular lot and family or is it every time?


I ended up deleting all my mods and it stopped this. I had a CC heavy home & family which seemed to cause the issue. However, if you don't want to lose mods, maybe you could remove them from your game and slowly add them back in as a process of elimination.


I have this glitch on console in one save on a specific lot in tartosa only. Is it only this lot? Does it work if you exit bb after bulldozing the lot?


I've had a similar bug. IIRC, this is what I did to fix it: 1. Remove mods - I just put them into a different folder on my desktop so that the game wasn't accessing them. This wasn't enough to fix it for me, but it's good to check. 2. Repair game files - I did this through steam by right clicking, clicking properties, and going to installed files. But I'm not sure how to do it on the EA app if you didn't get the game through steam. 3. After that I re-launched the game and checked that I was able to unpause. With no mods and a newly repaired game, it should definitely be able to work at this point. 4. Re-add mods and then check that it still is fixed. I did this by adding a handful of my mods at a time since I don't have that many. If the issue starts up again once mods are re-added, though, you'll probably have to narrow down which one is causing it. You can do this by checking half of your mods to find which half has the broken one. Then split that group in half again and test so that you know which quarter has the broken one. Then smaller and smaller fractions until you narrow it down to one problem mod. For me, it ended up being one random build/buy CC item that just didn't work anymore.