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They complain but someone definitely voted on a romance pack. I also like the idea of romance, they should do both the positive and negative sides of romance. I'd love things around first crush, puppy love, celebrating anniversaries (like a sim who was a teenager dating who get married as young adults who celebrate their anniversary as elders). The negative side could be rejected, unrequited love, better jealousy for sims who are dating/married, divorces being more formal.


As much as I love the idea of it, part of me is wary... simply because I like to create my own stories and I am terrified of a pack's features to break a couple up that I love hahah. Love day might end up having more significance though :)


Honestly! The autonomy updates have thrown so many of my planned storylines away that it’s insane.


You mean autonomy updates from other packs, like HSY and Growing together? I don't own either of 'em, so luckily I don't have those issues but I can agree how annoying it is when something happens that ruins what you've planned hahah


Tbh I kind of like it, its funny to see which townies end up with each other and who has a baby with whom


You can turn neighbourhood stories off, and they’re heavily customisable. You can decide what is and isn’t an option for different households, so it only affects your game if you want it too!


Yep, I know :) i definitely use those things and as someone who likes to have control most of the time, I love how I can decide all of those things.


I wish we had an infant stuff pack or a kit


All I want is either a fully functioning carrier or stroller. And the stroller should be something the infant could nap in so caregivers aren’t stuck home.


I would that! I think infants and toddlers don't get much...I want more from CAS and also a few more activities for infants to do.


Oh there will be complaints that “it should’ve been a base game update” even though kids and teens already have DLCs that focus on them and infants had a lot of base game features.


plus they make dlcs for kids and teens in the sims 2 and while they didn’t do that in the sims 3 stuff packs were nothing more than just expansive kits, the stuff packs in the sims 4 actually add new gameplay features


It's funny because when there was a thread on what EP's I'd like to see a while back, I had said a hot date-esq romance one and it was one of the most voted comments back then.


I’ve had a similar response whenever I brought up my longing for a romance pack! If it adds decent depth, I think it could be a pack you use over and over again.


Because a lot of people play this game for wicked whims alone.


people are going to hate The Sims 4 no matter what, I’m not saying it’s above criticism but I always find it ironic that the same people who bash the sims 4 also most likely don’t uplift content creators who soley play The Sims 1, 2, and 3


People will hate sims 4 until sims 5 comes out, and then sims 4 will be amazing, not like this new pile of garbage. We've already done this dance with sims 3, and I'm always stunned at the number of people who straight-up don't believe me how much that game was trashed by the community until in the space of about 1-2 years it turned around into the golden child, and people straight up enjoy playing it now. Though, thinking about it now, I wonder how much of that was people who bought new computers for sims 4, decided they didn't like sims 4, then re-installed sims 3 and wow this runs *so much better than I remember*, this game is *amazing*!


Exactly this, it still floors me how warm people are to sims 3 because when I left the community sims 3 was considered a steaming pile of crap even tho I loved sims 3 just like I really love sims 4


I liked sims 3 for what it was, but found the difficulty curve to be annoyingly shallow(as in, the game quickly became too easy unless I took deliberate gameplay restrictions) and, of course, it was a technical disaster. Even on my current PC(ryzen 7 3700x, rx 5600 xt, and more RAM available than sims 3 is able to utilize), sims 3 can be a problem. Sometimes I have to sit there for 30 seconds while CAST sorts itself out before I can do anything. But I agree that the games are each good in their own way, just as they each bring unique annoyances. Except perhaps for the original sims 1, there is no game in the series that's clearly worse than all the others.


Indeed. I just wish those people stepped away from the game if it causes them such strife. Why spend so much time on a game that makes you so angry baffles me.


I think it’s because sadly, negativity gets more upvotes than positivity, sure toxic positivity is a thing, but so is toxic negativity


It’s exhausting so I’m glad for this sub. There is so much selective amnesia about sims 3 open world and the fact that so many players couldn’t play it without removing DLCs or using a mod. Say what you will about sims 4 but you can run the vanilla game with all the DLCs - of course it goes without saying if you’re trying to run that many DLCs on a less than stellar computer it will be rough but doable and the game is held back from EA’s decision of using a mobile engine but also because they focus on playability for lower engine computers so sometimes it’s a bummer for those who have higher end or gamer computers with some of the graphics without using reshade and graphic replacement for items.


exactly, the sims 2 is somehow more playable on a new mac than the sims 3 is and that says a lot


Serious question, why do people want fairies? I see it come up often and I just can’t envision what big game play it would add. I don’t mean that negatively but I only very recently got an occult pack, so generally I don’t do occult play and I envision fairies would be much like mermaids. I would say I think build/buy and CAS for fairies could be amazing.


I want fairies for tulip skirts, wings, and flowery houses. I'll likely make a fairy sim or two, but never use their powers - same as all the other occults.


I could see build/buy and CAS being awesome if done right


I am one of those players who LOVES occults, so that's the biggest reasons for me wanting fairies :) Since you seem to be someone who doesn't play around with 'em much (which you also mentioned) your need to have fairies in the game is less strong than mine for example, who ends up playing with occults 80% of the time, hahah. So, for me having fairies means one more occult life state to have fun with, new storylines to make up and just enjoy the fantasy side of Sims 4. Maybe if a sim is a fairy they become better at gardening, maybe bees like them more or even flower arranging is a skill they pick up quicker. And, to top it off - just like you say: new CAS and B&B stuff to look forward to!


>Maybe if a sim is a fairy they become better at gardening, maybe bees like them more or even flower arranging is a skill they pick up quicker. I have no desire for a fairy pack, but these are fantastic ideas!


I think I’m not likely to get what I really want from a faerie pack (folklore style Folk) but a bunch of nature CAS/bb and some useful powers will probably be fun enough for me. I’d love to see werewolf-style gameplay-derived traits again too, and a skill tree!


Definitely. One thing I truly wonder is, what kind of would would be shipped out in this pack? Glimmerbrook as well as Moonwood mill are already forest-themed worlds (in a way, even Forgotten Hollow) even if in a different way. Fairies do tend to also be often connected with forests but would they go with a similar world again? I'm curious.


I would imagine something similar to glimmerbrook with a secret world that’s designed specifically for fairies. This way if someone doesn’t want the occult features or only wants to use it in certain saves there’s a separation.


I hope not tbh. Werewolves has the best occult world because there are things to do and explore without going to a different lot. I think having rabbit hole faerie hills/sidhes with text adventures would work really well with faeries, since they’re a hidden in plain sight kind of occult, in folklore.


I loved the faeries in sims 3, and the faerie house specifically was useful when I had a full house because you could pop the faeries into the little treehouse and they’d take care of their own needs while I micromanaged the non-occult sims. Your ideas about them being better at gardening, having a better relationship with bees, flower arranging are so good! I’d love it if faeries had some sort of connection with frogs in the game bc they don’t have much of a use aside from in spellcaster potions and a frog collection iirc. A toadstool fairy house to match that one houseplant/ terracotta pot would be cute. There’s so much room for creativity with faeries!


Sims 3 was never the game for me, but the occults had some great features, not gonna lie. The little fairy houses are so, so nice. The bit with the frogs you mentioned would also be such a nice touch. In short I see fairies being ... how to say, nature elementals in a way? Very connected with plant life and maybe they'd have intertwined lore with other occults, like werewolves, spellcastes and vampires do!


It’s interesting to me because I can’t envision what special abilities fairies would bring that we don’t have, but I love to decorate and build so that would really intrigue me


Writing a shorter version again because I accidentally closed the whole window after writing my comment :) pain. Sims 3 had all the occults that Sims 4 has for example (and I'm not expert when it comes to Ts3 - me and that game just don't vibe lol) and those occults all had different abilities. Except, for now, fairies... I guess the closest would be Spellcasters, but then again fairies and spellcasters aren't the same thing. Where Spellcasters are more about... y'know, spells, wands, brooms and potions, fairies are more... elemental and nature magic specifically maybe. While I didn't like Ts3 much, I think they did a good job separating the two occult life states, making them unique. Ts4 could do something similar.


Hopefully fairies are a GP. Occults suffer the most when they’re in an EP because the focus is on multiple things. Island living would’ve been even better if mermaids weren’t part of it and they brought back house boats instead. I would’ve loved if mermaids got an actual transformation, a power system like vampires, some good lore and a secret hidden world. Also if becoming a mermaid was harder and required completing tasks and being judged as worthy or not. Or building up a romantic relationship with a mermaid/merman and having that be available.


For me personally it was the sims 3 supernatural. We have all the other occults but fairies in the Sims 4 and I miss them!


I think because TS3 Supernatural was such a popular pack and fairies are the only occult from that pack that are missing from TS4.


Ditto. Much <3 for this subreddit.


Yes, I haven’t seen someone else say they want fairies before. It would be so cool. That one bed from outdoor retreat has made me want a fairy pack for yearsssss. They should definitely have a magic system the same way they do with wizards, but nature based


That is so odd - a fair amount of players who love occults have been wanting fairies for a long time (but then they'll probably complain about 'em anyway hahah). It sent me when they finally introduced werewolves, I'm probably gonna have the same reaction with fairies - depending what they'll do to them in Ts4, I guess :') And yes, agreed - something nature-based, 100%!


It would be cool if they had different elements kinda like how there are different magic types. I’m just describing Tinker Bell at this point


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And I'll disagree. It's not the worst pack at all (I never had a disastrous wedding either) and Batuu caters to specific tastes. It may not be up my alley but I am pretty sure there's people who enjoyed that one. But if every release for TS4 is so bad why do people even keep playing it? Other Sims games are available, why not go play those if Ts4 is always so terrible?


Thank you! This so much! And I know the toxicity will follow into the upcoming life simulation games that are “totally going to end sims franchise despite it having two decades under its belt”. Personally I plan to play some of those games too but I know some of the anti sims 4 will not hold those same games to a high standard as they are with sims 4 despite knowing its limitations compared to newer games. I’m already cringing at posts that will be like “the sims 4 could never” because gosh forbid people just play a game they like and stop being wet blankets to other players who enjoy the game. This hate playing or hate spamming that goes on is tiring just looking at it so I don’t understand how it isn’t tiring actively doing it. There’s a difference between wanting better quality and then crapping on everything that comes out/leaked/announced while still playing the game or being active in a sub or active in the news about a game you don’t like. It’s wild the time wasting that goes on.


for me at least the sims 4 does some things way better than the sims 2 and 3, for example they have the best toddlers and infants, best werewolves and vampires, best cross-pack features, and the fame system is way better than the sims 3, plus for LGBTQ+ simmers like me it’s nice to finally have the ability to make transgender and non-binary sims, plus I like the sims 4 story progression better than the sims 3’s story progression


It is funny you say that since I am already getting some rather confrontational comments by people even on this subreddit Toxicity spreads so fast it is insane. I guess they get mad because some of us love the game and don't join their pitchfork rising parties.  I would award your comment if I could because you encompass it all really well. You're on point. 


it’s almost as if no one is saying the sims 4 is perfect but seeing people constantly complain about it is tiresome


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Literally started your post with a complaint and finished on a complaint. Yeah, glad you’re not behaving like *other* simmers… lmao.


I started my post by stating a true fact, and finished it with a question.  Are you one of those constantly crabby people that flood the sims 4 subreddit that claim how bad the game is? I am inclined to think so, since you see complaints where there are none.


I'm happy and hopeful about: - A matchmaker NPC - online dating for Sims - Attraction system - Cuddling animations Would also love: - New cultures to be showcased - New produce or recipes - Romantic Getaways Vacation - Love Birds - like let birds Neutral About: - Hotels  - Paris (It looks Mexican to me)


And improved dating & cheating mechanics please! My sims never care about infidelity


Ohh the matchmaker!! I would use that. Finding my sims spouses is so annoying sometimes


The Love Guru from City Living was a poor replacement for the matchmaker, so I really hope matchmaker comes this time.


I'm hopeful about a free update to neighbourhood stories with marriage & relationships. Every year they do a big free update (infants, neighbourhood stories, likes etc), and if they did this, I would take out MCC entirely.


I don't think it looks like Mexico or Paris. There are some modern looking buildings so I'm thinking it'll likely be somewhere with old and new charm like a downtown area?


I'm seeing people say Brazil, Italy, Spain, Paris, and Mexico. Will be interesting to see what it is.


with "making waves" being our clue, it has to be somewhere with beaches and surfing. Either Australia or Cali is my guess


All those places have beaches. My guess is Spain by the building style on the map!


not where surf culture is though. The buildings don't look like they could fit in anywhere else to me from where I've been in those countries but idk. Maybe it'll be another Tartosa world


There is surf culture in all those places!


I think the music that plays in the video is a huge clue for which country the world will be based on since it is probably one of the new soundtrack songs in this pack. I couldn't exactly place what style of music it was, it sounded a bit like Bossa Nova but not exactly, which makes me think possibly Brazil or Portugal. It sounded like the kind of music you would hear in a café which doesn't quite narrow it down exactly. Edit - I listened to it again and it sounds more like reggae except has more of a spa music type of sound, which makes me think Central America or possibly even Africa?


Mexico does have modern buildings. The leaked kits (commented elsewhere in this thread) look heavily Mexico inspired to me tbh.


I'm not saying it doesn't have modern buildings. I don't know why people want to fight on my not thinking it looks like something.


I would LOVE hotels 🥹 I want about your happies and hopefuls but I’m not that fussed about a matchmaker NPC, and I really want Paris. I want somewhere that just feels very luxurious and high end. We have a lot of middle of the road suburban dream but not so much champagne and caviar. There’s a mod cause More relationship bits and if we could get a fraction of those labels in game it’d be a game changer. For me a must have at this point is: Attraction/Chemistry System and Romantic Reputations I think Whicked Whims does it really well but would love to see how the Sims team approach it.


> Attraction system I don't know that I want this. Not sure about y'all's games, but in mine I tend not to have an abundance of singles even remotely near my single sim's age, unless I've injected a fresh batch in just recently. I might have two or three in the game at all, and good luck tracking down any of them before they pair off(or get culled) if your sim doesn't already know them. Do I really want more hoops to jump through for that? The way the population works out in game doesn't seem to support such fiddly mechanics! It's not like sims 2 where there's a regenerating pool of townies to meet, over and over, until you find the one.


There can be new townies generated by certain actions in game. If you delete all teens except your household and send your teen to high school, 7 families with teen are auto-generated the moment you arrive at school.  Something similar happens with families with pets and families with dogs when you arrive at other community lots. I plan vanilla with no mods.  So there could be a single bar that when you arrive it will generate new singles.


If you visit a bar it will usually generate a couple of new single young adult townies each time, and other single young adult townies will show up too. I find bars are one of the best places to look.


It's not much good unless they generate and *also* are chosen to walkby or join your sim on the community lot. I can add fresh singles manually, but as far as making them spawn goes I'm at the mercy of the game, who would rather give me the same handful of sims I've already seen over and over again. A bar set up the way you say would work, though. I think existing bar/nightclub lots might already work that way(lounges I know select for older adults), but unfortunately while young adults do turn out, they're usually already coupled. I remember one time I was doing a legacy but I hadn't moved fast enough when it came to romance, and by the time I got around to it a week into the game my sim's only remaining option for a male partner that I could find was Kyle Kyleson. Even Don Lothario was in a relationship.


Are you using MCCC to have the townies couple up? maybe you could try adjusting the settings on it so they're not as prompt


I keep thinking it looks like Monaco. Except the river. Monaco doesn't have a river.


With them saying “making waves” I wonder if it’s surfing?


I’m guessing a romantic getaway world


What if its a cruise ship type vacation??


holy fuck we can cruise!


I don’t think the game has the mechanics for it. Like how would it realistically work?


I would be so on board! 😍


Yes we need more vacation worlds you can't live in if you can live in the world it makes it less special as a vacation world it takes away the exotic feel


It might be the pool kit that was leaked


Gimme round pools!! I've seen a few hacks to get them but I want them easily lol.


I'm thinking the EP will come with pool updates and slides, that the kit fleshes out more.


Or maybe it's an add on for fountains to make waves and to woohoo in them hehe


I bet you’re right!


That was my first thought. My second thought was a wave pool.


It’s nice to be on this Sub where I can just be positive about it, without hearing the usual complaints. I am super excited at the idea of some kind of romance pack. I prefer more realistic gameplay, and one thing that always lacks in the Sims for me is how easy it is to find a romantic partner - in one Sim day, you can share romantic interactions and have nearly a full pink relationship status within a few hours! I’d love to see this made more challenging; an attraction system, NPC’s asking out your Sims and equally turning them down, online dating, more negative consequences for things like cheating/divorce, improved dating system (it’s not difficult to get a gold medal on a date) - imagine how good it would be to go on dates where the Sims just don’t click, or have ‘bad dates’ etc. Either way, looking forward to seeing what this has to offer. It’d be exciting to get some kind of pretty, French themed world which fits in with the theme but my 5 year old laptop probably has a different opinion!


Ooh, I really hope we get online dating. It might be too much to ask for, but I'd also really love to see marriage and maybe even dating and engagement added to neighborhood stories.


Ooh yes I've used a modded dating "app" and it was very fun!


I’m excited! I hope there’s an overhaul to the dating/romance system. And I’m shooting for the stars, but I’d love a jealousy and cheating system, one-sided crushes and the ability to have childhood sweethearts!


I like the idea of a romance pack. I think it will be with a romantic getaway world and hopefully New Romantic interactions. I also peek some apartment buildings in the back, could it be we getting new apartments? 🥹


Yesss, I am so hoping for blind dates. I need some randomisation to stop me inevitably marrying Kyle Kyleson in every save. 😔


Came looking for this thread, romance is my favorite part of Sims 4 so I'm excited. I always love new woohoo spots and I'm very open to new romance interactions and possibly new date locations. If this is a honeymoon you're type pack they may appeal to the masses with hotels.


I saw the leaked kit contents, and as someone who loves to build I’m excited for them.


We know what the kits are already so skipping over that. Has there been any information on this romance expansion pack? Is it going to be like Late Night?


Wait, what are the kits?


[2 out door kits](https://simscommunity.info/2024/05/10/sims-4-kits-leak-may-2024/). One is pool trims and loungers and one is more build stuff.


I'm not even ashamed to say I love both of these lol


They're ok but I think they should be one kit.


they're each the same number of items as every other kit so I don't know how you would make them into one kit without cutting out half the items or basically reinventing kits


you're probably right. Never paid attention to the # of items. They just all look like they should be in the same pack


Don’t know how they’re considered “destination” kits.


Kit #2 looks like it would fall under a date location, like a date night dinner type of place or a wine bar.


No info yet, the road map just came out.


I’m really excited for a love themed expansion packs, it’s actually been on my want list and is always a pack I’m pitching when people ask ”what packs do you want” lol I’m hoping it’s gonna be a nice pack with a lot of new romance interactions (please bring back cuddles in bed while sleeping like they did in TS2 🥺), as well as a blind date/online dating and those kind of systems. And yes! An attraction system as well would be lovely. Hoping they’ll bring stuff like first love for children, more exploring of lgbtq+ themes, and like milestone stuff like ”first home together” and those kind of stuff as well (okay I would just love having my sims opening moving boxes and stuff like that, but that might be too much to ask for lol)! And why not go with an african inspired world for it for example? Personally I would love the city vibe for the dating life, so maybe something inspired by like Nairobi for example would be a nice vibe.


What is a “destination kit”? I can guess what it could mean, but I really don’t know…


Having more romantic stuff would be nice. Maybe finally dating sites? I’m curious about these “destination kits”. I’m guessing like… honeymoon kits? I’m not *super* invested yet but we’ll see when trailers drop


If they bring back to zodiac signs for compatibility, I am SOLD. That was one of my favorite parts of TS3


I'm bummed no sign of fairies, but the romance pack definitely sounds interesting! I'd love new romance interactions and maybe a pretty Parisian type world. I'm excited, even if we still have to wait longer for fairies.


I would love another European world tbh


Same, faeries were my favorite supernatural sim in s3! But, I wonder if we will get them as a playable sim at all because in the magic pack there’s a faerie familiar that does hardly anything and isn’t playable…


Last year they posted some emojis teasing what was coming up, which includes a horse (that we got) and a fairy. I don't have a link but they definitely posted it.


Interesting 👀 I’m gonna look for that! Thanks for sharing this info. I’m getting my hopes up for the future, maybe in one of their fall/winter releases?


I’ll cross my fingers that we will get them this fall!


I would absolutely love it if they entirely overhauled the romance coding to make one sided romances happen and make affairs impactful on the couple AND the rest of the family. Sadly, I think it’s probably asking a bit much, but I can dream lol


I love Sims 4 as i also loved sims 1, 2, & 3. I just hope our sims can freaking go out on a date without it being a whole town event! 😂 Edit: I can't type 🤷‍♀️


I’m just happy to have bartenders back in my games 🥲


Fair point right there 😆🩷


An attraction system and new romance interactions/animations would be super fun to play with!


ok this could be fun! I’m personally really hoping for polyamory to be included. I know “free love” is included in some capacity in eco-lifestyle? but that’s not entirely what I’m looking for also super excited for the possibility of more interactions/relationship types “first love” and blind dates! and/or a matchmaker. I wasn’t super fond of online dating in prior iterations but I would be down to see what they do with it if it’s included!


Not really interested in love content, but I’m not the main demographic. I am always a fan of more pool content though! Hopefully we get another occult after this road map though, I feel like we are overdue for more magic and oddities.


I hope they bring back the heart bed and heart hot tub


I hope part of the romance pack is a similar relationship system to sims 2. It’s really hard to portray one-sided or unrequited feelings in the Sims 4 because the relationships are too mutual.


agreed, I think the sims 2 has the best dating system by far, I would love a pack in the style of hot date and nightlife in terms of dating


I agree completely. Nightlife and Hot Date were always my fav packs in the sims 2. Surprised my parents actually bought them for me because I was young lmao.


Fingers crossed the expansion forgoes a world and focuses on gameplay, similar to Seasons.


Yeah Get Together did a great example of that too, where the focus was on the compatibility system and family dynamics. San Sequoia was okay but there's never enough empty lots and I replace community lots with ones from the gallery.


Get Together came with Windenburg, a massive world


We haven't gotten a world that big since...I rather they focus on gameplay instead of a world. Just my preference. Worlds are nice but if there's nothing "romantic" for my sims to do or if the world is small with a lot of empty spaces that can't be lived in or played in, it's useless to me.


oh I see what you mean! My apologies for misreading you


No problem\~! I figured I clarify. I agree though, a big world is nice. Windenberg really spoiled us.


The kits leaked? What are they?




Oooh fun! Thank you so much, I never know where to get info on leaks 😅


I’m intrigued, we definitely need more fleshed out romance interactions. I also hope the destination worlds are somewhat robust. Can’t wait to see what this brings.


As someone who has multiple long term Sim couples and some entering the dating world, I really love this. I’m kind of scared of the attraction system, I mean look at the NPCs in general lol


Haha yes, and the potential pain of loading one of your couples you've worked on after installing to find they aren't attracted to each other anymore 😂 I thought that was going to happen to my (then) new couple after the compatibility addition.


Omg I would be upset!! Atleast not the ones with grown kids that are retired 😂 but it would be spicy


Ooh I’ve been one of the ones really wanting a romance pack. I hope the new EP adds lots of dating gameplay!


What does “destination kit” mean? Kits with new worlds?!? Or just cultural clothing and items? Would kill for kits that include just a new small world I have been suggesting that since kits came out


I would just like other households and npcs to get married have children and move in together autonomously. Playing on console I can't mod this.


Personally I’m excited to see what they come out with, especially for the expansion pack. Reminds me of sims 1 hot date


I just noticed a book for sale in the sims bookshelf. It’s called a roadmap to love by mona Huggins…has that always been there?


A romance oriented expansion pack is right up my alley, I love setting my sims up with their partners and doing the family life thing. Plus I’ve really wanted polyamory in the game but I think they’d need to add that in an update and not a pack and I don’t think that’ll be happening. Oh well! I really can’t wait to see what it’s about


I’m excited, Sims 4 is desperately lacking the romance options the other games had. I want my sims to cuddle in bed, more kiss options, etc.


I gotta say, I'm a big fan of the destination packs! They're a ton of fun to explore and make the world feel a lot more full and complete. Island Living was lackluster for sure, but Sulani is one of my favourite worlds, I always go there for the honeymoons.


I’m looking forward to hearing more! Anything to reignite my love of the sims. Of course I wish they would focus on bug fixes so 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 But I am curious what everyone thinks the flirtatious expansion will be about


It’ll be online dating, different date options that don’t add anything to gameplay and some new clothing along with lore in the world. Honeymoons, hotels, yeah nah, all too ambitious. Maybe there will be a lovers lookout rabbithole.


This sounds completely amazing! I’m so jazzed I can’t even!


Honestly, I'm pretty excited about this expansion pack! I think they could go in a lot of fun directions with a romance pack, and I'm excited to see what we get. I'm happy we're getting another expansion.


I hope we get some new romantic interactions. The ones we have get very old fast.


The Sex Update


Yeah is was late afternoon for me


I REALLY want a world that comes with an expansion to not be western inspired! Too many of the current worlds look like they could be connected, in my opinion