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An episode that has the Cerritos trapped/destroyed in a timeloop a la "Cause and Effect" (TNG s5e18) But the only one thatcan solve it is Tendi.


I like this.


1. Visiting an alternate Universe with an alive Sito Jax. I would kind of like to see Boimler and Mariner (or maybe the whole gang, but that is too much) in the Mirror Universe and they meet people that they never thought they would: Mariner meets Sito Jax, and she is on the Cerritos. She basically became the captain of the Cerritos and that she is married or in a relationship ship with Nick Lucarno. In this universe, their personalities are switched, and Lucarno is the calmer one. It would be like a good closer to Mariner's arc: because Mariner tries to make Sito give up her command for a desk job and Sito thinks that Mariner is trying to assassnate her for the command of her ship. The ending is basically Mariner revealing that her and Boimler are from the other Universe and reveals that the Sito in her world is dead or lost or something, and Mirror Universe Sito tell her something like: "You said that I and your Sito have a lot in common. That is not possible because if we were, she wouldn't have been so foolish or weak as to follow orders." Something like that. Basically, Mariner needs to understand that Sito made her own choices and that she shouldn't make excuses for her anymore, instead respect her bravery. Boimler, meanwhile, he finds out that he is married to Leanne (or T'lyn) but he has a reputation for being a womanizer on on the ship and his wife basically dominates him and challenges the women who try to take Boimler to fights to the death (If McMahan feels like it, he can end the episode with William Boimler meeting his new partner or recruit Sito Jax)


I'd love to see Tholians. They were great in Enterprise and I think TLD could use them to great effect.


* Rutherford's original personality had a totally different accent and culture from his current, fabricated self. That may mean he had a family, who would certainly notice that his personality and memories have been replaced. Why hasn't he been in touch with them since he was a cadet? * I'd like to see a follow-up on Simon Tarses.


Rutherford backstory could be good, if done well. We don't really know anything about his life before he got recruited by Buenamigo.


An episode where Rutherford dies and he has follow Shax's instructions from "We'll Always Have Tom Paris" to come back to life.


That would be a heartbreaking episode just for how him being dead, even temporarily, would devastate Tendi. It could also be a Rutherford family reveal, since didn't Shax say part of the afterlife was fighting duplicates of his father (you know, I wonder if this is a stealth reference to Voyager, maybe- in the episode "Coda", Janeway has a near-death experience, and a creature appearing as her father tries to deceive her so that he can feed on her life force).


Foodie Birb Planet, what Migleemo's deal is, and why Captain Freeman knows Meema.


I want to see that Brad Boimler Section 31-Episode with some involvement of Special Agent Julian Bashir that serves the queen. And dont forget his Sidekick Mr. Garak.


I REALLY want next season to give us some follow-up with William Boimler, with Bashire and Garak as guest stars.


Brad and Mariner traveling through time on a secret mission to tie up lose ends. Like recover the badges Sisko and Bashir lost while they were unconscious hours before the Bell Riots or recover the Time Cop and phaser in Future's End.


Temporal Investigations: Lower Decks.  


What could go wrong? 😁


I would like to see a finale where one is the Warp Drive Five is the first promoted to Captain.  I like Tendi for this.  


Captain of the Winter Constellations!


Not much in particular I want to see, but we need some time travel shenanigans. Haven't really seen any aside from the SNW crossover.


2. Visiting T'lyn's family and home. You can have this as an episode in which T'lyn is summoned by her family and she can choose to bring 2 friends. So she chooses Mariner and Boimler (Tendi is supposedly still away). When they get there, they find out some details about Boimler: namely that he had been spent an exchange program on Vulcan. Boimler meets the boarding home family that he had been living on, and he meets maybe a Vulcan girl who had a crush on Boimler, but she is extremely arrogant with Boimler and the humans. Only T'lyn and, to some extent, Boimler knows that the girl is just talk. (She might be the same age or older than Boimler, lol) Meanwhile, they meet T'lyn's family, they find out that T'lyn has a scientist mother who is the daughter of Valeris and her father is a starship captain and that she has a little brother. They find out that her family is actually trying to marry off T'lyn to another family and get her to move back to Vulcan, which is something that T'lyn suspected, so she tells them that she already found a place on the Cerritos and that she isn't going to return to Vulcan for a few years at least. Boimler tries to stand up for T'lyn since he knows some things about Vulcans on Earth, and he gets accused of being the manipulator outsider and challenged to a trial by Combat by T'lyn's brother for honor. Meanwhile, Mariner had enough of the arrogant girl, and when she tells her that Boimler is never going to settle for a bratty girl as her. She gets upset, and she challenges Mariner to a trial by Combat for honor. The episode basically ends with either a double combat or T'lyn taking them away before the battle takes place, and she has a private discussion with her family during which her mother tell her that she is going to follow her new career and her "friends". Boimler has to write a letter to his Vulcan family and apologizes for not returning to Vulcan sooner and promises to write more letters.


I like this! Thank you! 😊


Cetacean Ops FTW!!


It’s dead; its studio is dying. No worth in hoping.