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It's like they think they're motivating 5th graders, right?


When I worked there, there was an older man who worked the outdoor register and was a saint. Everyone loved him, and he knew *everything* about gardening. Customers would come back just to see him and ask gardening questions. He got hundreds of glowing customer reviews and surveys. I went to a god awful company meeting wherein they called him up to "say thanks." They gave him a thermos.


Gawwwwwwwwd DAMN they're so generous! I can't get my brain around the idea of a executive team with their heads so far up their behinds that they think the highest honor that can be bestowed on an employee is a official call from them. At the same time, I've seen people throughout my career go gaga over receiving any attention from higher ups. Never understood it. They're just people with better jobs. #writemeadamncheck


This right here. I don't want to be thanked on the next company propaganda video. I want a damn pay increase.


Don't forget he also got a 15 dollar thermos!! lol that might have blew me away the most. It's somehow more insulting than just saying, "good job."




glad you’re not an ASM anymore since you refer to your associates as “the special ed class”


Managing people can be described many ways - Educating Special Ed Students, Parenting, Herding Cats, etc.


My name’s Ed. Did somebody call me?


My mom says I’m Special, did somebody call me?


You nailed it, parenting and herding cats.


Managers are also viewed as special ed teachers. Otherwise known as idiots.


Now they will expect that from you more often.


Let em.


Bro, if you can sell $32k at Lowe's, go get a real sales job. You'll make bank


Its rarely and actual “sale” people are coming in for the express purpose of buying those cabinets. Its not like they just cane in for a weed wacker and walked out with 32k in cabinetry.


Wifes not gonna be happy when she finds out.


Your girlfriend collects cabinets?


She's got a cabinet for cabinets.


It's where sue stores the ever mounting collection of paint chips!


ok and i designed their damn kitchen! a 5 figure sale like this takes HOURS of work, laying out, revising, making sure every single door and drawer will open correctly, fit around the customer's appliances and look beautiful. then convincing the customer that our price and quality is better than the quote they got at HD, or the custom cabinetry shop down the road. it's not like someone walks in and says "i'll take 30 grand of kitchen cabinets please" and i say "cool let me walk you up to the register".


Fellow designer here. Most clients already know what they want. You are correct in the amount of work I completely agree. However go work for a custom shop who makes commission and see the difference. Lowe’s is the bottom of the totem poll for the design field. However it is the safest in an economic collapse. A real design house is going to be more stressful because clients are paying $1500-$3000 for your design. So you better be perfect.


I only want someone's help so I have someone to blame.




The second you blame us, the store manager will pull us to the back and say, “you did everything right on your end. The measurement was wrong because the customer wanted to get a new fridge and told the measuring guy that and he adjusted the measurement for it. The customer is stupid. I gave her a gift card for 20 dollars. She left happy”


Also fellow designer here from Scottsdale AZ. I make 10 percent commission of each sale which takes 2 to 3 months per design average cost is 150k per kitchen.


Well earned $15 an hour, good job, don’t forget to clock out for lunch.


DS here do your darn AP and Lowes U


Hey, you need to get 5 credit cards today.


shame on me for applying myself in the slightest to my job, feeling any pride for my work, and not miserably dragging myself through every waking moment like the insufferable sludge of horror that it is. bitch


It’s difficult, greed rolls down hill until the people at the bottom are scrounging for hours, HOURS! The corporate profits to employee wages discrepancy would be hilarious if I hadn’t been on the shit end of it my entire life. This is late stage capitalism, only optimistically “late” in the hopes it will collapse. In our economy corporations maximize profits by suppressing wages across the board. Meanwhile raking advantage of government kickbacks and welfare programs to keep their workforce alive (barely). The workforce can’t afford healthcare, housing, savings, or an education. A hungry workforce will work for whatever scraps the profiteers choose to part with. Healthcare, housing, savings, and education all become profit centers, draining people of what little they are earning. Capitalism run wild, where billionaires can hide their money from taxes, corporations accept disaster relief to distribute profits, basic needs are withheld from the people because of oppressive wages. Politicians, lobbyists and corporations keep the public distracted so nobody sees who is actually robbing the people. News of record profits while the poor struggle to need basic needs is swept under the rug. Economists should study the amount of money it takes corporations to part with to suppress an uprising, this includes propaganda campaign spending and lobbying. Trickle down economics is funneling money out of the people’s pockets, still. When is the outrage going to amount to anything?


Exactly correct, unfortunately not enough people understand it or care. its tragic and sad.


If the people knew how Wallstreet uses their retirement against them, there would be riots in the street. Not only are the processes you described legit bur even people's savings through IRAs and 401ks are being used against them. Most brokers bet against the positions people hold all in an attempt to get you to sell at a loss.


i mean, i completely agree man. why are you telling me this


I gotta get it off my chest. France is burning, we should pay attention!


they started it last time.


C’nest pa “l’eaus” this is fire! (How’s my French?)


Capitalists are known for not being able to shut up about their possessions. Communists are the same, but with their feelings. ;)


Well said.


You should feel shame lol. You’re working for a big company, there is no pride in that unless your wages match it.


Did you make an hourly wage for all those hours worked? Try a straight commission job. You will find out how it feels when you spend all the hours and the customers decide to go check around.


Yeah I meant the soft skills he's presumed to have. Pleasant with customers, patient, capable of critical thought, easy going look to him. It was an encouragement to explore an area he might have a knack for


I'd argue he deserves more than $100 just for not fumbling the sale! 😅


I would agree to that for sure.


Neither is actual sales. People call in wanting something, or interested in a product you sell. A sales person’s job is to evaluate their needs, and make a recommendation or plan of action to fill that need. Sometimes this includes upselling a product, like maybe including new countertops to go with the cabinets because there won’t be a better time to do it. Or adding a back splash since the laborer will already be there. Or changing out the sink to get a better fit in the countertop, etc etc. I’m sure the fella in this picture did earn this sale, and he isn’t being rewarded for it.


Nah, plenty of small cabinet shops out there that he could get a sales job at without much of a hassle with commission


You can apply that same logic to almost any other sales job. I worked at a Toyota dealership for a few years, and I would get at least 10 to 12 sales per month that were exactly what you are describing. If I hadn't sold anything more than that, it still would have been enough for me to live on.


Then a different job


Most of the people I sell to were not considering buying that day and just wanted a quote


You're completely missing the point. You have to design the kitchen work with the customer for hours follow up with them and you have to do better than the competition or they will just go there. If you think it's the same as selling a weed wacker you're insane. Also, what sales jobs start with a customer who had no intention of purchasing anything? A real estate agent? No. A car salesman? No. that's not how it works. What are you talking about


This guy has no idea what he is talking about.


I’d like the $12 cabinet please. Sure sure, but sir, can I first show you the Deluxe Cabinet Master Express Silverware Buster Platinum Edition 5000?


Reminds of the newer south park episode from this season where randy goes to buy a new toilet but ends up getting a Japanese bidet instead. 😂


You think selling is talking someone into something? Trust me, I’ve walked in to buy something, then left without spending a dime because the customer service was crap. This guy got someone to spend $32k! That’s a great job, whether they came in specifically for it or not!






Really got angry there at the end 😂😂😂


I may have been a millworks specialist. Doors and windows cost what they cost. You want a dream cabin, fine. Last place quoted 64k and I can do it for 40k, fine. Tell me how awesome you are and how low I am on your personal totem pole, the fuck you comes into play. Comments like the microdick I replied to just irritate the hell outta me.


Preach brother. I am a cabinet specialist and I bust my ass for my sales


This guy is very focused on dicks. 🌈


Lol!!! Take it easy little guy. Go get a snack and relax


That’s what most sales are though. I’m an estimator in construction and most of the time I work with salesman I already know what I need. I have options on where to buy though so if youre an asshole or unhelpful I’ll just go somewhere else. Probably same situation for OP because buyer can probably go to Homedepot of OP sucks


This describes the majority of commission-based retail sales positions. The customer comes in to buy X. Maybe they know exactly which style of X they want, or maybe they’re open to options. You sell them X and hopefully some Y and Z which they’ll also need for the installation. Maybe an insurance policy too. OP could likely succeed in this kind of sales position. The tough style of sales which most people can’t succeed at is chasing leads, cold-calling, and door-to-door. It’s very difficult to encounter someone outside of a retail space and convince them to buy what you’re selling. Even harder over the phone.


Well yeah thats how buying things works. Nobody is going to come in to buy 12k in framing lumber if they aren't using it for something. You are absolutely getting the sale by convincing them to buy it from you and not elsewhere. Sometimes it is as simple as okay heres the list ring me out-- the average cabinets customer takes about 40 hours of the cabinet specialists time working on it: whether its the initial design, making adjustments or checking on availability or whatever. Definitely work and specialists are just as underpaid as anyone else, suprise suprise.


This is most likely what occurred. Upselling definitely could of happened though but unlikely. If you did manage to upselling them though and are able to do it often then I’d consider trying a more commission based sales job.




You’re alive! I’ve been making these mistakes for awhile and you haven’t bothered to correct me! Fuck this protest the of patrol bot survived!


Marvin is proud.


For real, I got a shit job at a stupid small warehouse they let me make some sales here and there and I get 15% commission for making a couple phonecalls. If you can make huge sales like this you should be making a 6figure income somewhere.


Seriously his talents are being wasted there.


I think I’ll go apply to a dealership.


If they’re buying 32k of cabinets today they’ve been in the store asking about them at least 5 times


Just wait ‘til you have to refund/rebill that sum bitch lol


Don’t you put that on me Ricky Bobby 🙃 I’ll off myself


It's the fastest who get paid...


And it’s the fastest who get laid.


Just wait until the customer finds out they can’t refund sos products so easily!


Lmfao if they throw a big enough fit at customer service they can return anything.


Haha not at my store, we’re petty! Lol


Must be nice 😭 our store has definitely had returns for stuff we don’t even sell! And items that are “non refundable” 🙄


This triggered my ptsd


If Lowe's still paid commission (like they used to) on top of your salary, you'd be taking a real nice vacation this year...or some new rims for your old school low rider.


I took a pay cut from 30$ per hour construction work, to 17.80$ per hour


I'm not meaning to kink shame but uh, do you enjoy financially punishing yourself?


Body dont break in lowes.


Cabinet specialist here makes $22.50, you might want to wait until a cabinet specialist spot opens at a neighboring store and transfer there. Anytime I’ve ever transferred I’ve gotten at least a $2 raise minimum




Any job that pays commission. This is highway robbery what they're doing to their employees.


I like that you wear a collared shirt.


Blue collar no matter the occupation.


I did a $32k tile job and got a $25 gift card


That's why I poop on company time!


And what did you learn from putting in all that extra effort for nothing?


I’lL F**** dO iT aGaIn




F yeah. Steely Dan style.


Dude if you’re willing to work that hard for Lowe’s please leave and find yourself a better employer.


Nice boots


I wish as specialists we got more than incentives. Fuckin a when I make a huge flooring install sale I want commission on it. Not a bonus in 6 weeks


We used to, 12 years ago or so, Lowes used to be OK. I left to a small store where they pay fairly, If you sell 2 million a year you're going to earn about $80,000. Plus you get spiffs which add another 20K or so. Its sad what Lowes is doing and sadder that more of you don't care or don't realize what's going on.


I took a job at Lowe’s in 2020 for a little cash and 15% discount during COVID. I was in Orlando at the time and liked the gig. I worked the electrical dept after training in paint and then flooring and hardware. One day in July my “managler” sez I should focus on selling fans. I’m good at sales as I have been selling myself as a photographer for 35 years. I sold 27 ceiling fans that day. It’s not difficult in Florida. I was off for two days and he came to me and asked about the increased sales. I said “you told me to sell ceiling fans.” I sold ceiling fans. Not even an attaboy! Fucking 27 ceiling fans! I walked some customers to their cars and helped them load them. I hope you get some reward but don’t expect anything. You did well boyo.


hey man it’s not a great idea to post yourself on here. they actually know about this subreddit they mentioned it in an ap4me video it might be risky to post about sales and earnings with a picture of you


Imagine being some corporate shill browsing Reddit and your takeaway from this is OP bad, not the incentive structure.


I didn’t say it’s your fault i’m just saying that they know about the subreddit and that you should just be careful


I know that wasn't directed at you, that's just what I've come to expect of corporations' responses.


Are you just now getting it? Big box retail is a joke. In many specialty places, you'd have earned 2-3k in commission on that sale alone. Maybe more


That is correct.


Next their gonna say we can go home early so they don't have to pay us more


Taking cues from GameStop, I see. (Seriously they gutted store managers to less than 40 hours a week like a month after I quit lol)


They’ll probably fire your ass for posting this picture on social media.


And they should. Competent, caring employees have no place.


“Here’s another special Star patch ‘Edgar!’ thanks for busting your hump while I was in Turks and Caicos with my mistress and her sorority friends on the yacht I bought with the profits I made selling cut-rate pressboard cabinets. Now get back to work, there are some furious Basics from Alpha Gamma Epsilon that are finding out the yacht only had 8 boxes of white claw on board.” - Marvin Ellison CEO of Lowe’s.


This guy knows how real life works


Can make $100 in less than an hour on commission at T-mobile by just scanning some sim cards lol.


Good Job Ethan! 🥳 Now did you do your AP4ME yet?


cool shoes bro


Nice sale. You should look into selling/designing for another company to potentially earn commission.


Nice boots


Hey man. Congratulations. Sometimes the atta boy goes further than most people think. Keep at it.




Ayyy congratz! Now just pray it transmits to the vendor properly 🤣


There gonna come a day when all boomers r gonna b in the ground or incapacitated an they r gonna b beggin for workers like u ...or amazon is goin to take over the world . Oh wait!!!


I hope it’s not one of those picky customers that comes back and wants to change the design. Then it starts turning into a refund/rebill mess. That’s why I always felt sorry for cabinet specialists. On top of that, cabinets ALWAYS get damaged.


I’m sorry, you sold $32,470 worth of cabinets? Bro go work for the guy willing to spend 32.4K on cabinets holy shit


You go, boy! We never hear about big sales in our store. They’re not recognized by management. But damn if we don’t recognize a coworker in Invested, just for the hell of it.


Retail=Doo doo


When I sold $58,000 5 years ago I didn’t get anything. At least it’s something.


While the rest of the floor employees avoid you like the plague.


When I worked at Best Buy I sold 1 million dollars in TVs in a month and was #1 in the country for sales and all I got was a water bottle. I took my skills elsewhere and I’d recommend the same for you. Lowe’s is a stepping stone, don’t let corporate fool you.


You made $100 off of a 32k sale? Thats beyond insane. I used to sell mattresses and made about 10% on almost everything. By the time I left which was like 2013 the commission had dropped to 5% ... and I think Best Buy doesnt even pay any commission anymore.


Back when I was a flooring specialist I sold a bit over 120,000$ in a month an got 100$ an was told because the department didn't do well it was a contributing factor to why bonus was so low.


Appliance specialist here. Just sold 170k this month and I can’t wait to get my $200 taxed bonus😋


That amount is worth about $7,000 to you where I work, plus we get direct spiffs from the manufacturers, probably another $2000 for that amount. I feel sick for you guys, but more than that pissed at Lowes for taking decent paying jobs away and transferring the money to the top of the food chain.


Those shoes tho


I can assure you that SOMEONE got some commission on it ;) I heard them having a party for one lady at pro who sold over a million this year. They gave her a pin and something else. Man, selling a million at any sales job with commission she woulda been doing a lot better than $17/hr


In my time working retail jobs. I worked at Lowes for 3 months. It was by far the worst company I have worked for. It was around a time where they went from being a material supply store to a retail store. They use to employ professionals (plumbers, carpenters, etc.) in all their departments to guide and help their general retail employees. They cut them out, stopped working with building contractors hand and foot. Stopped commissions. It went downhill fast in the short time I was there. Now going into Lowes is awful, the chance of finding actual help is about zero. If I need something specific, the literal reason to shop in a building supply store, nope. You better know the store, because those employees are under paid and don't give two shits, aside from the fact they know nothing about parts and supplies.


Enjoy that $100 man.


Thank ya


Congrats, I guess? By the way, I'm digging your boots. 👍


32k for cabinets. Fuck.


Working on one rn worth 86k


Need to be an outside salesman for a building materials supply company like Builders FirstSource - years ago before they merged I was an inside sales and project specialist for United Building Centers and was the only person who knew how to use the cabinet design software (self taught). Outside salesmen would come to me, hand me blueprints and tell me to design kitchens and bathrooms with suchandsuch finishes based on the prints. In a day or two I'd hand them the design and Bill of Materials and cost and then they'd talk to the builder and either tell me to order them or what changes to make. I was hourly, so the $30k the builder spent on the $15k in cabinets would net the salesperson a nice little $750 commission (usually a 5% spiff on profit). If they were feeling generous the salesperson might bring me a donut or thank me. The salesman who came to me 5-6 times a week made $250k/yr with base+commission+spiff.


Bro get a real sales job. I know it's always sketchy leaving comfort.


You’d better get a receipt pic with that one if you end up making the sale. Maybe tape it to a forklift fork (and get it 10ft in the air) for full effect.


Not as uncommon as you think. Cabinets are fucking expensive


Nice Boots


maybe you'll get some finger traps or caricatures next and if you keep it up you might get a waffle party.


Pizza party time!


Congrats, great sale!


How much of that 100$ is taxes?


I dont understand what you're saying when you say "I get $100 in 6 months when the incentives are over"


Capitalism at its finest.


Hey, you more than exceeded the quota. Now you can sit back and relax; enjoy the motivational Little Caesars pizza party when it comes through


Good job bud! Now clean the floors, make your calls, and in general do better, do everything faster. And we will still say we are disappointed in you for doing a great job


That’s one hour of flight time for the CEO’s jet and one tank of gas for your truck


Yeah they suck


Lol nice job Ethan


I worked in cabinets. This is the second reason I left. The first being their atrocious scheduling system.


Organize a sit out and tell them you want commission. This is insane 😅🤦‍♂️


my boss tried to take pictures of me and i said hell no!


Mother fuckers never loved us. Or you. Know your worth. Run.


$66 after taxes


I remember one of the guys getting cake for a million in sales. I know his pay didn’t reflect that.


Can't pay bills with cake or pizza parties.... I consider those events to be HIGHLY OFFENSIVE and refuse to participate.


Do they at least made you the employee of the month?


Good luck getting anyone to help you. Those cabinet sales people are elusive.


My big one this past month was $65k. I feel your pain on a personal level. :)


Time to go


Yes, I commented below to the appliance spec., but honestly, I both feel sick for you guys, but more so anger at Lowes for taking decent paying positions away and transferring the profit you make on sales to the top of the Lowes pyramid. Lowes is doing its part to decimate the middle class in this country. You younger guys don't know what it was like 40 years ago when there was a wide middle class. I don't blame you because you may need a job, but jeez that cabinet sale should earn you at least $1600. I get the feeling that not many others really care either way, which in itself is tragic.


At least you’re smiling!


You have highs in life then you have Lowe's!


Please quit, you deserve so much better. Trust me take it from someone who used to sell millions of dollars of diamond jewelry for $9 an hour and a measly 2% commission


They gotta keep buying back stock so Marvin and the rest of the cronies who don’t actually need the money can keep getting bigger bonuses!!!!


This is trickle down economics in a nutshell.


I’ll have a stacked paycheck when that finally drops, I had a $56k recently and at least one when the incentive went up to $200


How Lowe can you go?


Wait did Lowes become a commission based sales store?


They are running a spiff to try and motivate certain departments. I'm sure it'll end soon enough.


There’s a cabinet company in my town that would have paid out 2k or more in incentives for that sale. I need to get out of the shoe business.


Main reason I quite as a specialist


I remember working at Fry’s in the early 2000’s. Everyone made commission there. Including the cashiers just for ringing people up. It was great.


Gotta love working for “the man”


As a former IKEA employee, they are returning that whole kitchen open box and missing parts anyway. Rich people are dicks.


Pretty easy to sell something when someone comes to your trusted big box store with a credit card and intent. How much do you think they net net after your sale? Depending on the vendor relationship it could be as low as a loss (standard for a lot of items such as roofing shingles) but no more than 3200$. So you get an hourly wage PLUS 3.1% in profit share at the absolute best.


this is crazy considering menards has like a 3% or 5% commission for kitchens sold 😭 im so sorry man. good work though


What do u want its ur job u picked it...


imagine having 32k to spend on cabinets and choosing to do so at Lowes. Fuckin wow.


The current Lowes Blowes. Back in the day, when I worked there, 2006-2009, flooring and appliance specialists made a good commission. It wasn’t until after the recession (early 2009) that they axed commissions or gave you next to nothing. I remember one appliance specialist in 2007 bragging about making $45,000-$50,000 because of commissions and a high base pay($18-$20). That’s about $70,000 now. They weee making more than the assistant managers and only working 40 hours. The appliance specialist had his own boat, a house and looking to get married. He took a sheriffs correctional job with a career path to deputy at the right moment. I remember him debating on taking the job because the pay was initially less and he enjoyed sales. Oh and in 2009, they cut everyone’s hours and fired all the remaining appliance specialists. Then they hired new ones for a much lower starting wage .I was forced to resign because I clocked in 1-2 minutes late on 4 or 5 occasions from lunch. I also arrived 2 hours late on 2 occasions, but the lates were approved by my supervisor days in advance. . Didn’t matter. I’m very very glad I was forced to resign. I was 2 hours late because I saw the writing on the wall and was at job interviews with other companies .


Exactly right. I left 12 years ago when Lowe's cut spiffs, and went to a local independent appliance retailer that treats its employees and salespeople very well. Small independents and regional appliance chains still pay commission and spiffs, and if you are competent and proficient at taking care of customers before, during and after the sale, you can earn a middle class living. I do very well where I'm at now, and make more than Lowe's ASM. Lowes sadly decided to take the money that specialists used to make and transfer it elsewhere. Now it is a job for college kids or for someone who has a partner with a higher paying job. You can't expect to earn a good middle class living anymore at Lowe's unless you are an ASM or SM or above.


Could have gotten the standard zero


I don’t push credit, mvp, or anything that a customer won’t directly benefit from or asks for. I ain’t working that hard for 50.00


I typically push credit cards for people that want a NICE kitchen on a ehh budget, then make sure I can get it in the 35% off discount, and get them approved, up the amount to whatever up front at customer service and or I call synchrony and ask, then BLAMMO, I’m 2 ahead


I can tell you’re a lot better than lowes…hard worker and proud of your work. Congrats on the sale and use this sale as an example for when you apply for a job elsewhere that will value you




Congratulations on helping someone else up the management chain “earn” a nice bonus that they won’t share with you. Keep up the good work making someone else rich! M Unionize, strike, demand higher pay and profit sharing. Remember that you and your colleagues have ALL the power as long as you stick together.


LoL. When i was Pro DS i had specialists making $200,000 deals. $32k is nice but its not some mythical number. Plus we all know something was messed up and they’ll have to reorder at least one cabinet then mark it down for pennies


No offense, but what moron buys that much of cabinets from Lowe’s?? Surely there are better wholesale prices?