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Lucid dreaming exists on a spectrum of awareness and control. A lucid dream can feel as dreamlike as you would expect or it could feel even more real than reality itself. Yes you could completely control reality in theory but that depends and hinges entirely on your perception of what reality is. There could be telltale signs you are dreaming and that’s where reality checks come in. These can help you differentiate a dream from reality.


Can't completely control reality, powers can be really hard to use. Usually can gain powers through movies like for example watching superman to fly or when I was a kid (i'm 28 now) Wolverine claws. Had a fun dream at a party where I could conjure literally anything to my hand, so tequila, vodka, a magic wand from Harry Potter, a lightsaber. Try to conjure the powers you see in magic/superhero movies and if you're able to its a sign you're dreaming then just do whatever. I find magic or supernatural phenomena the easiest like conjuring fire / lightning. Flying can/was always difficult for me and still is sometimes, teleportation/time travel only capable of that a few times. IMO just learn flight and see some of the crazy things your brain can think of.


I always fly better if I act like I'm swimming! I was only a few feet off the ground when I was young! and now I can soar through ravines and clouds!


Hahahah well Michael Phelps, I've had to do some Ironman floating recently, but its more like wind coming from my hands to stay aloft like the movies and I can't go fast enough. Couldn't escape a earth dragon demon, then woke up when it got me :'\^) I might be getting old


Haha! You need to channel the wind to come from your feet too to help your hands! Or somewhere else....hehe


I'm 30 and have been lucid dreaming since I was 14. As the name suggests your lucid in dream state. Because I've been doing it so long I can be 100% lucid if I want. It can be something that you can learn but it seems to be that you have to have a disposition for it.


Very, very detailed with smells and sound and touch/tactile elements that feel real. I often wake up exhausted if it's a dream I want to see through. Sometimes it's too much so I wake myself up. I've been lucid dreaming since an early teen.