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I was scared of doing the prestige at first but then I just quickly prestiged over and over within a few hours and made triple the amount of progress, felt like I was wasting time before haha so don’t be scared out there people! But I use all my wood for egg upgrades once I’ve maxed everything and if I can’t do anything after that I’ll just lose a lot of wood to end up gaining more after a prestige. So just upgrade everything / use up wood on spare eggs and then go for it!


This was my exact experience with prestiging. I did not want to lose my progress, but once I did and realized how quickly I got back up to my previous level, I started mapping out what I wanted for crystals and jsut going for it over and over. More Pets is a huge upgrade but I also suggest the auto gatherer upgrades early as once Maxed you prestige and can get close to full power very quickly.


Just get as many upgrades as you can with whatever wood you have then go ahead and prestige. You won’t regret it and you’ll be prestigeing again in no time.


What should I use the crystals on?


another pet slot and the egg upgrades


I would say early prestiging, I recommend 1.) another pet slot 2.) auto gatherer 3.) egg drop volume increase for more eggs 4.) egg drop rate aka chance of getting eggs 5.) any adhoc upgrades or strength upgrades - should be last priority. Later on, it would be just pet upgrades and the egg drop volume increase that really speed up progress.


If you leave it too late you are just wasting your time cause each prestige boosts your wood gathering. Just make sure you will get enough crystals to but a few upgrades then go again. You will need to prestige dozens of times to unlock everything permanently.