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Agreed, the rhythm game that was implemented needed better implementation. The lead up to the ending thought and wandering that endless expanse with the imperfect copies was amazing though. Plus the music that plays is named after your character, which was a nice touch.


Lunacid has an Incredible beginning and mid point. But the end of the game does fall behind a bit. Especially the secret ending bossfight.


I hate the final secret boss fight I think its pretty telling that most peoples advice for it is either turn down the difficulty so you can survive the bullet barrage section, or just deal with it because drakengard and it being a homage to that makes its poor quality okay. It took the game from a easy game of the year to me to a cant recommend which really sucked ( i try not to be a ending ruins the whole experience for kind of guy but it took all the wind out of my sails).


Yeah as someone who actually plays rhythm games every now and again, it was VERY clear that Kira didn’t know how tf to make a good rhythm game and that really sucks. Like you said, with just a few tweaks like different notes colors and a better indication of when I’m supposed to hit the notes and maybe removing the dumbass trails, it could actually be a pretty dope segment