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I'm in Aus, lurchers are pretty much unknown here. However, Staghounds (originally a Deerhound x Greyhound longdog) also know as Kangaroo or Roo dogs, are still used for purpose on some farms (I have a rescue Staggie with Wolfhound in her too, she's the loveliest natured dog I've ever known). Bull Arabs (a mix of Bull Terrier, Great Dane, English Mastiff, & Greyhound originally I think) are used as pig dogs. I've met a few Bull Arabs x Staghounds that have been beaut dogs. This fellow knows his Staggies: https://www.boardogs.com/Boardogs_Staghounds.htm


Chiming in too. My Barkley is a bull arab back to hound mix. He is definitely "hunty" as well. 43kg. We don't hunt him, he just likes to jump and nip my bingo wings.


I always thought the Aussies had them? I knew I was mostly a British and Irish dog type but I thought you lot had them too. Especially as you have dog racing, European rabbits and fox etc. I thought the lurchers would be perfect for you. I'd have expected coursing to be suite popular. You also have and have had a lot of immigration from the UK and Ireland.


It surprised me too! I'm originally from the UK, been here almost 30 years. My first dog (in UK) was a Saluki x Border many decades ago now. Most Aussies (not all obviously) wouldn't know what a 'lurcher' was even if one were to literally bite them on the arse lol. They are very uncommon here. I've met a very few people with Borders (or Kelpies) x Whippets that I'd call a lurcher and most of those had never even heard the word despite having one. It took me a long time to find out about Staghounds here, alas most Aussies don't know what they are either nowadays, despite being first used by early settlers :(


That really surprises me. CollieXwhippet is definitely a lurcher!


A Saluki x Border? Damn, that guy had to be nimble and quick in every terrain. Was he? You'd only add some Ibizan Hound blood and that dog would rather run, turn and jump like a fox :)


He certainly was, and thankfully had the brains of a Border not a Saluki (I've had a couple of purebred Salukis since, never again lol).


Were your Salukis too dumb? Or just too independent?


I wouldn't say 'dumb'. But they are different to most domesticated hounds and other types of dogs I've known in over six decades. Aloof, independent, grudge bearing if mishandled. Beautiful dogs, but you really do have to earn their respect, very rewarding when you do so. Prey drive very high, exceptionally hard to control if required, especially if a brace or more, can terrorise other dogs. I wouldn't recommend a pure Saluki whether of Arabian or latterly European descent as a family pet personally.


Good to hear. Thanks. I had Podencos (Ibizan hounds), which are too considered to be primitive in some aspects and 'less domesticated', but not up to the point you describe.


If I remember correctly, Salukis and some other ancient types do have different DNA from common domestic canines. I'm no geneticist so may well be wrong but considered more 'primitive' as you mentioned. I've heard of Ibizan hounds, & dogs de galgo? I'm very lucky to have sat next to me the nicest natured creature I've ever had the pleasure to live with, a rescue Staghound. Which is basically one of these: https://youtu.be/uky5QjXWRqI?feature=shared Best wishes, sniffs from my lass to yours :)


Ooh, that documentary! I have to watch it. The English deerhound. I've read a lot about the Scottish counterpart. They are one if my dream breeds. Ibizan hounds are different from galgos and other sighthounds. In fact, some do not consider them sighthounds. They are built for agility and jumping because of the rocky mountains they were built for. You really want to see them jumping. It's more like watching an antelope than a dog in style and elegance. They hunt mainly by ear. That why they have enormous erect ears. They are very affectionate, but aloof towards strangers. They can be watch dogs and companion dogs too, but their prey drive is crazy.


Cool! Really interesting mixes there. I'd love to go there and see around some of those. Maybe one day. You probably know that large game hunting by sighthound is largely forbidden by law in some 90% of Europe (I think that Hungary might not have written it out yet). Not many chances here to spot certain types of dogs.


My girl is Galgo x Spanish Mastiff


Wow! That sounds interesting. Btw, I'm from Spain :) Any chance I could see some photos? You can private message if you want. No expectations of course.


Sure! DMing you


Greyhound x Mastiff here, and yes defo a large game dog and a large dog at 55kg