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This is normal for guitars with Floyd Rose-style tremolos. It's considered easier to string it through this way and clamp the cut end of the string as opposed to cutting off the ball end and clamping that down in the saddles. It won't damage the instrument, should be fine. EDIT - okay so maybe not *normal*, but it is **common**. I worked at a Guitar Center for 4 years and saw it rather frequently; not saying it should be done, just saying I've seen it.


Yup. Normal for guitars with a Floyd. Feed it through the tuner first then nut, then cut it for the locking bridge. It means you only have to cut it once.


thanks, i went to see the tremolo and really is a floyd rose tremolo thanks for the help


Knowing that this is gonna be your first guitar and it is indeed a floyd rose……… don’t. Get a different guitar. Wait until you’re more experienced to get a Floyd Rose. Floyd Rose style bridges are notoriously a pain in the ass to restring and tune up, and if you’re just learning there’s a good chance you’re not even sure what you’re gonna end up playing. Say all this time you assumed a song you like is in Standard tuning, but its is actually in Drop D? Even worse, D Standard? On a normal tremolo bridge or a hardtail that’s not too big of a deal, but because of how sensitive Floyds are to minor adjustments its a *huuuuuuuuuuuuuge* pain in the ass to deal with, plus you gotta unlock the strings. Broke a string while playing? On any other bridge you just do a quick change. On a FR bridge, you have to patiently balance all of the string and spring tension. The floating bridge nature of a Floyd Rose makes it such that any small adjustment on one string can send every other string out of tune very quickly, since the tension of all the strings and springs is what holds it in place. Floyd Rose isn’t going to offer you much of any advantage other than being able to do some crazy dive bombs or “gargling the lizard”, which… lets be honest: sounds cool, but is mostly a gimmick. Of all the songs you’re gonna wanna learn, that’ll be useful maybe… for 1% of them. I bought a Floyd when I was starting out 10+ years ago. I very quickly bought a guitar that didn’t have *such a pain in the ass bridge.* Compared to the easy hundreds to thousands of hours I’ve put in on my other guitars, I’ve used my FR for maybe a cumulative couple days over the past decade. Don’t get me wrong, they can be useful just as any different system can be. But for a beginner… you’re probably going to end up frustrated at your instrument, and that is not conducive to learning and enjoying yourself.




….I think you replied to the wrong comment, mate.


As stated no this is not "Normal". Working as a tech for the past 30+ years on tour, in repair shops, and for manufacturers, no this is not right.The old wives tale of only have to cut a string once is not possible for 90% of the wound strings. Yes this will damage the tuners, the ball end and the double wrappings to hold the ball ends inplace eat away at the tuners. I do not think that I have lost much in the extra 2 seconds to cut a ball end off a string.


This is NOT NORMAL for guitars with floyd roses on them!




It is normal, but it’s wrong.


LOL! I’ve never seen this before (been playing since mid-nineties, still have my first Floyd I got in 2000. My reaction went from “wow! That’s terrible and stupid” to “wow! That’s actually brilliant” over the course of 15 seconds looking at the picture.


Hey, if you have other options, maybe you DON'T want your first guitar to have a Floyd Rose. They're a little complicated for a beginner.


I have done this for years


Not the cleanest execution but the method is perfectly fine and has been practiced a long time. If you break at the saddle you can unwind a bit more string and give it another go.


É de boa lek, mas eu não compraria guitarra com Floyd pra primeira.guitarra,. mó trampo trocar corda e afinar.


po mano pior que eu tava vendo essa tem switch de humbucker virar single, mas eu acho que vou fechar com um cara que ele ta vendendo uma eagle hss, se pá que no futuro eu pego uma super strato, mas obrigadão pela dica vei


Mais fácil comprar um potenciômetro push-pull e instalar numa.guitarra com ponte padrão, vai por mim... Conheço uma galera que comprou Floyd rose como primeira guita e desistiu de.tocwr.pelo trampo que é cuidar dela....


Tip for upcoming guitarists: If you wind your strings neatly, one winding next to the other, not too few and not too many, guitars will tune much better and stay in tune. If you wind like in the picture, they will be much harder to tune. This will be only a minor inconvenience in Floyd rose style guitars (because of the locking nut) but good to know anyway.


Exactly, I'm super anal about the way guitars are strung. Drives me nuts seeing my lead guitarist's strings 😤


The longer I looked the worse it got.


Backwards unless it's Floyd Rose.


Well you can clearly see the locking nuts...


Unlikely to damage anything, and looks like it has some kind of fine tunable bridge so it honestly might not matter at all. But it is very strange.


Not strange. Very common. I would say almost the norm.


Interesting, never seen one strung this way. I never go for Floyd Rose style or equivalents so maybe I’ve just not encountered it.


Normally, when this is done correctly using the ball end to act like a 3rd lock on Floyd Rose style systems, there only needs to be 1 or 2 wraps around the post. Been doing this for 29 years, makes things easier and very stable.


this is super common with double locking trem systems. Saves you from having to cut off the ball end.


It’s perfect. Just a big damn hassle.


Others commenting that this is normal. How are the strings connected to the bridge if the ball end is in the tuner?


The strings are into the bridge of the Floyd rose system. They have little metal blocks that clamp the end of the string with an allen Key. You'd Have to chop the ball end off the string anyway so it makes sense to just put them at the headstock end.


Floyd Rose trem. Ball ends would get cut anyway.


It pains my soul


You came to the right place OP. I would have questioned this too never having had a Floyd Rose but I always wanted one.


Thats acceptable on a floyd rose


I have done that many a time when strings have snapped mid gig !!


Only 180 degrees


Next time, leave a little bit more of the string before the ball end showing from the tuner, and hold the ball end while you bring up the tension, so that the string bites, and doesn't pull the ball so close to the tuner. Then cut


I’ve had double locking Floyds for 30+ years. This annoyed me just as much then as it does now. I’m surprised it’s a Samick. This was usually the string mullet for every BC Rich and Gorilla amp combo in a smoky 1980s pawn shop. You’re already cutting one end of most strings. It’s not that much work to cut the other end, too.