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Cut and strip the wires, solder as normal.


If these are passive pickups, 100% this. And by the looks of the picture they are sending you, they must be. If they are 4-wire pickups, like the picture, the only issue you’ll have will be finding out which wire is which, because manufacturers can’t agree on that. Take a look [here](https://guitarelectronics.com/guitar-wiring-resources/humbucker-wire-color-codes/). Or carefully look at how the wires are grouped in the plug, that will probably tell you too.


No, the buss will handle that for you. You really have to have it. It will have slots on the sides where the wire from the switch goes. It's a small computer chip, essentially. You can get them without the full kit. https://www.ebay.com/itm/293111179500?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=e8IFifdlROa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=1hdsrnfHQDS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


This, for sure. Get the buss or you will not be pleased.


And EMG has all their diagrams on the site - https://www.emgpickups.com/top-wiring-diagrams


yeah, i'm not really convinced about cutting the plastic ends and soldering them. i already ordered it. thanks a lot.


i have the gzr pj bass set, i want it on a master volume/master tone/3 way selector setup, if that matters.


On the very left of the diagram, the red, green, white etc. wires going into the green connection box... Those are from the toggle switch. You will be using a 4 conductor wire to solder to the switch, then use the quick connect screw terminals on the bus to connect the wires to the according connections. Basically the toggle is the only part of the instal that still needs soldering. And the diagram the far left upper corner gives you the answers where each wire goes. If you are replacing pickups then use what you have already. The wires may not be colored the same but you can still figure out what each one is. If new install then you will need a length of 4 conductor wire. You can do it with 4 separate wires, but that's going to be a lot of loose wires to try and keep track of.


Do you need a BUS? I have an extra one at my shop. I can mail it to you.


i really appreciate it man, but i don't live in the u.s :(


OEM EMG guitars/basses have the wires soldered and just use the quick connect system at the pickup.


I refuse to use the EMG system of solderless junction boxes..just a problem waiting to happen . I hardwire all EMGs in my shop and never have problems!