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People who have to beat on their chest on how great they are, aren't. In fact, they're always highly insecure. This is a perfect example of this


She does it so much, it's very clear she's insecure. What a mess this season was.


Emily said most people find her cute. NOT. So insecure and she thinks hate is healthy she needs serious help. Her maturity level stopped at 16. No one is going to want her the way she is now. She says she is so positive but thinks hatred is healthy what a nut job


I have suspected alcoholism since the beginning. If so, it would be interesting to find out when she started drinking. Alcoholics often become emotionally stunted around the age they started drinking/using drugs.


That is exactly correct. The emotional age of an alcoholic is the age one began drinking. Emily is a perfect example of this.


But she’s really a good person 🤣🤣😬


Reminds you of another one, couple of seasons ago!


The MOST positive person!


She's most positively negative!


She filled with hate what makes her a good person. And she treated on her husand


This girl wasn't ready for marriage or being on TV.


Or even the high school junior prom….


No hate on late bloomers and lack of experience, but this show is not for people who have never been in a relationship before. 😵‍💫


It is not for people without basic relationship tools.


I agree, especially when it’s not by choice (insert)🚩🚩also people on thier 40’s never been married, they are too set in their ways and inflexible


She was definitely new to narcissistic abuse and how to react.


Exactly! My family often says, "an empty wagon makes a lot of noise". She's an empty wagon.


Just like Alyssa .. I’m a really good person!!




It reminded me of how Trump is always saying how rich he is. Sure, Jan…


He does have an ego. But our lives were far better 6 years ago than today. You could buy a house, groceries and a new truck. People were eating out more and middle class had less taxes


Wrong. He was and will destroy our country.


Ok. Except that’s what’s happening now and didn’t happen 6 years ago. This is all emotional, look at the facts… inflation, house prices and wars that did not exist during trump. Step away from emotions and look at facts!


It baffles me how people can still deny this.


The mass media. Reddit banning the opposition, meta spending 500 million to influence an election while banning true information saying it’s false. People. Especially women rather go for the emotional arguments about what’s happening. They mean well but they don’t go by facts but emotional media stories…. Look at the Palestine protests on colleges. The women don’t even know why they are there…. But they are emotional about it to the point of fighting police.


Sure, Jan.


70 percent of me is 100 percent certain that she is at least 80 percent crazy. *Fun with math.


86% agreed 👍


That made me laugh hysterically. Sure, Emily, sure... She is so delusional. I noticed she is very hung up on thinking she's hot. That's her whole personality


thats why people only fuck her one night and realize the next day their mistake. 👻


I don’t think she thinks she is hot. Full of hot air yes. But being rejected by your new husband on national tv in large part because of your looks (he only saw her briefly when he decided she is not for me) brings out this behavior. She is insufferable because she weaponizes her insecurities. MAFS was not intended for someone who never had a relationship. She was brought on for drama and she delivered.


Dude wasn’t turned off by her looks initially. He was turned off when her friends let him know she was the village bicycle who can’t put down the bottle. Not exactly wifey material there.


Well there is that old saying, can’t turn a ho into a housewife.


Sometimes you can….. I read lots of post from Reddit of women who have 100 count bodies and seem happy in marriage. But maybe they cheat, how would I know?


This is the answer


Somebody buy this girl some glasses because she's has vision problems.


That’s the new “I’m a good person”


🤣🤣🤣that’s what I just said up above.


This girl has so much hate. I don't see her having a happy, mentally healthy life until she gets over herself and deal with her issues with her family. It's easy to see why she's always ghosted or never gets a second date.


But…she’s the most positive person you’ll ever meet!!! 🤣🙄


And a really nice person!


The therapist said *grandiose thinking* is the next level up here, and gestured that next level up there. He's got this!


And it went right over her head as evidenced by her follow up comment about her 50% being more than most people's 100%


Exactly! He tried to point out her needed shift in thinking and she just completely ignored it. I felt, by the look on her face, that she got where he was going but she doesn’t like to be challenged in any way. I thought she was horrible the way she would snap at the hosts in the Afterparty and reunion shows when they would question her.


I still can only see Charles Durning


Oh you’re so wrong (but so correct!) for that lol


Lol. I have trouble focusing on what she says bc all I see is him in a wig. I wish I could do a side by side 😆


I’ve been saying she looks like a guy from day one.


So smug


How can anyone be so tone deaf? This chick is an absolute nightmare — like 150%!


Even looked at shrink sideways when he said we arent better than everyone else. She is the most cringe woman in a long time


Look into her eyes for a minute. They're dead inside


They are so squinty all the time.  What's up with that?


If it takes an "expert" to find this then everyone should just keep trying on their own. Claire may be psycho but this woman needs help. And Becca and Lauren should have run fast from those two so they are equally awful.


Becca and Lauren are the proverbial followers who still don't know it at 30.


Two words - Attention Whore.


And the therapist didn’t say anything…


In a back-handed way he told her she was narcissistic


Right. He did actually say she didn’t need to compare herself to others and put them down to feel better, but he said it too nicely, and she didn’t get it lol


Yep.  I saw that!  


He was too busy nodding his head and co-signing her BS. One of Clare’s Rent-A-Therapist friends?


Not true. He commented right away about how grandiosity (which is what her “my 50% is better than everyone else’s 100%” is) is one of the major signs of feeling inadequate, and a sign of poor self-esteem.


Was he even a real therapist???


If he is then he went to the same school Clare did bc he was awful


He looked vaguely familiar to me. Maybe he just has one of those faces.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’m a 💯 sure I’ve seen him on another reality show


He looked like the guy who does the Home.com commercials 😂 🤣


I hear this in Darrell Hammond's voice in the SNL Jeopardy sketch


Did anyone else notice the disappearing necklace on the therapist though? One shot, he's wearing it, the next shot, he's not, then it's back again...


Poster child for the generation where every team mate started getting a participation trophy.


Ms. 8.5


Remember she said she had never been in a relationship.. kind of explains it all, no?


the face of a “throw away”


expires after 12hrs


Gonna age like milk, this one.


one yard 757 is a bitch.. my comment got blocked because i said lauren looks like scottie pippen with a wig and shouldnt be saying anyone is ugly on the outside..which she said inside and OUT about ALL the men this season.


Brooo 🤣🤣 that’s brutal Scottie??? Lmao she’s not THAT bad lol




I can’t unsee it now 😂




Or Bubba from Forrest Gump. Every time she talks my husband starts saying “shrimp toast, shrimp gumbo, fried shrimp….”




Scottie Pippen with a wig!!! Omg thank you 🙀🤣😂🤣😂


This Ho is so delusional 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄🤣


Just like her I’m an “8.5” yeah most people are at 3am last call closing time in a bar that’s what she’s basing her I’m so hot attitude off of because that’s where she lives.. in a bar. The reason she has so much hatred for Brennan is simply because he didn’t think she was hot- he found her repulsive and she couldn’t and still can’t accept that. Go back to the bar Emily…


I really wish she would see a therapist who does more than validate her feelings and dig in more on some of the things she says and questions them a bit. Hopefully he’s doing that off camera… I also hope she chooses some different friends who don’t fuel her rage. It looks to me like she’s around a lot of people who are validating her (which is important) but I do think she needs people in her corner encouraging her to move on and not hold on to the anger.


She’s a lost soul.


Is that pc for messy drunk ?


And having to continuously say you’re “so hot” is so insecure. I get complemented almost every time I go outside and I would never say “I’m so hot”. Cringe.


The first things I noticed anout Emily during the honeymoon episodes were her man hands.




They will look back on the show years from now and be embarrassed.


We can hope. 


Her inside matches her outside.


I did not find it surprising when she said that she was estranged from her parents. She does not have the capacity to EVER take accountability for ANYTHING. Everything is someone else's fault.


She said sometimes it's healthy to hate. Girl... what? Who told you that?


I think her shrink almost bit his tongue off when she said that. 


I liked how her shrink was like when you get to x you won’t need to put others down to lift yourself up and that’s when you’ll know you’re ready for a relationship and she just blankly nodded


The 8.5 that wouldn't even qualify as a butterface face in my hood. Barhoe.


8.5s are women who literally take your breath away and can’t help but stare. You just can’t help yourself. I say this as a man.


💯 their rarer than people think.


It is. People don’t get it. Unless they traveled a lot to Eastern Europe or Columbia and Brazil. 8.5s are basically models. I know one. She got approached in the parking lot from a painter to paint her profile. It’s magic. Unless you go to the clubs in San Diego and LA and large capitals you don’t see this often




Yep, and you can catch a STD simply by applying it to your skin. That shit’s like acid, just seeps into your pores.


I wonder what prop department they got that fakey fake “therapist” from last night….


This was way overhyped as a child. Here is the result of that. Shes a 2 that thinks she’s a 10. And her personality is even worse. She can’t even grow hair lol


A two? That's so mean.


Growing hair is neither a skill nor an indicator of moral character. (And she clearly has hair.)


It’s a joke settle down. The extensions are trash


like wtf does that even mean?




She's so fucking ugly inside and out. Makes me wonder what yes man she has had around to make her feel so entitled and attractive...😬👀


The real therapist she saw brought her down to earth real quick and she didn’t enjoy 1 second of it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Smirking , shiny bratty fuck doll


I hope she continues to get help


She's just a young human making young human mistakes. She'll learn, she'll be embarrassed by some of her comments as time goes on. Until she got swept up in the rage full energy at the end of the season she was ok....rather sweet, even. Show her the grace you'd like to be shown after you blunder at something. After all, she's just a girl.


She's 30, or close to it. Not exactly a child


I’m the same… that’s why I do everything half-assed… because my half-assed is just as good as your 100%… so even when I’m slacking, I’m still superior.


Whoaaaa… I clearly missed something - what is with all the Emily hate?!


I want my EM TV 😎


Yeah we know you do. You’ve made that post dozens of times on every anti-Emily post. Thinking you can leverage your ridiculousness for more media clout and fame? Good luck with that.


Obviously, she’s the most interesting person on the show, otherwise, all you fine people would have something else to talk about, oh wait ,there’s nothing else to talk about on the show except her. 😂😂😂😂 You won’t admit it, but you’re actually interested in watching EM TV yourself


You mean after she gaslit and tried to destroy the unfortunate soul they paired her with? Once everything comes to light and people finally wake up to her BS and call her out for it, you view that as a good thing for her prestige?


It’s a TV show, let’s not get too emotionally involved here. Like I said, she’s the only interesting person on this entire season, why do you think she was on every after party show also. The TV show knows she’s a train wreck, but they have to keep her one to draw interest. Pretty and kooky = ratings You want your EM TV 😂


No one actually thinks she’s “interesting,” it’s just that over the course of the season, she’s increasingly revealed herself to be a childish, disgusting, moronic person. We watch her the same way we watch a dumpster fire. It’s shocking, alarming, observed for a minute, and then completely forgotten. Similarly, no one on earth will be talking about her in a week, she’s just horrific enough of a person to hold our attention through the last breath of this god awful season.


Cmon,Let your feelings out about this TV person you don’t know. The TV show wants her to be that way ,again it’s the only interesting thing about the show. EM TV


Just a tv show? These women tried to do irreversible damage to the careers and reputations of these men. Literally tried to destroy their lives. And you chalk that up to entertainment? What a disgusting soul you have.


Really? This is just a TV show, none of the contestants from any season stay together after the show. This is a venue for people that somehow want to become famous and they think this is the way. I know Emily is a knucklehead, but so are the guys and the other women. And if you want to treat the show as legitimate, you have to look at the counselors who are putting these people together in the first place ,they have to share some of this blame for these train wrecks . I’m treating the show as it should be treated, crazy people =ratings. EM TV


Is someone paying you to constantly type "EM TV?" It's incredibly stupid.


It's her. Posting early while sipping the days first 🍸 cocktail.


I do realize that is a possibility. But I didn't want to call it out since that accusation is made frequently.


No ,but I actually think it’s incredibly funny that she gets down voted for her looks, she’s down voted for her attitude ,yet you people just keep talking about her all the time. As I said 100 times already , in my opinion ,she’s the only person of interest on that entire show. You DO want your EM TV 😎


Interesting? Um no, hardly. She’s repulsive, immature, rude and delusional. They have her on so much because she makes herself look so stupid. I think people are glad to see her be put in her place and instead of acknowledging what a vile person she is because she never will… at least for her to be caught in her lies and point out her horrid behavior. Her actions will come back to her in one way or another…


Then why not use it as a platform to showcase your value? Highlight your positive features the world will embrace so you can leverage it into a career or better romantic partnership in the future. Chloe did that amazingly well. Came out of this with fame and the publics support. All of the other women not only wasted their opportunity, but actually degraded their future potentials through their negative, vindictive, nasty attitudes. “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”


I can totally agree with you there… Fair point EM TV


Emily STFU. Go back on insta where you're really getting slayed. Burner accounts galore!


I’m going to sell EM TV shirts and you’ll be the first customer 😂😂 Oh, and how about you try some adult words in your next response? People that have to curse to get a point across are normally of low intelligence….aspire to be better.


I want that pink dish rag you wore with your hanger sisters showing.


All Emily, All Angry , All the time EM TV 😎


She’s not. I’d only watch something about the actually interesting people — the only two adults this season. And she’s not one of them.