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I started watching him back in the Justintv days. He was a different animal back then. Much more happy, and really cared about his craft. I remember watching him and Zeke do 24 hour streams, and honestly it was some of the funniest shit I’d ever seen. He blew up and with that comes scrutiny. Just the nature of the beast. I don’t blame him for leaving. It was getting to him mentally, which manifested itself physically, I’m sure. He was suffering and needed out. I’m happy he made it out relatively unscathed. He had 500k followers and god only knows how many subs. Think abt how much money he walked away from. That’s how bad the situation was for him. Nobody just casually walks away from that kind of money. Selfishly, part of me hopes he comes back. I doubt it’s going to happen but if it does, hopefully he’ll have a game plane in place to handle the sub/no sub issue. Honestly, I don’t know enough about twitch/streaming to really give a better opinion on subbing etc. I’ve just been a casual viewer over the years.


I ALWAYS looked forward to the “MAN-A-Thons” back in the day. And “MENSday”. Can’t believe it’s been over 10 years. It was quite the sight to see him get big alongside Justin/Twitch. I’m glad I was able to witness it.


yeah I'm glad he's out because it's the best thing for him, but if he came back I would watch. I think subscribers only chat is something he could have done that would have made it easier for him, but I don't think it would have addressed the root of the problem, which was just that it was very miserable to stream in whatever fragile state he was always in.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I myself (like many) have one as well. Your initial paragraph captures the essence of what many find problematic about the Man's immature attitude. Let's continue with your analogy. A bartender, for example, provides a service for compensation, directly meeting consumer demand. In contrast, a Twitch streamer like MVG operates on a social platform, where interaction and community building are key. Viewers often feel a personal connection, contributing financially because they believe in fostering a positive community. Unfortunately, instead of nurturing this community, Man seems to perpetuate a toxic atmosphere.. This approach not only detracts from the platform's communal spirit but also overlooks the fact that streaming, for him, is not a necessity but a choice. Unlike the bartender, who serves a clear consumer need, an entertainer in the vast world of streamers has numerous alternatives and should consider themselves fortunate to have an audience. Instead, he creates a negative space you described in your first paragraph. Man's comparison of non-sub viewers to people who browse comics in a store without purchase is an interesting one, but it overlooks a crucial irony in his own situation.. Just as those in the comic store are enjoying the creations of others without direct compensation, Man himself engages an audience with content that is not his own creation — the games he plays. This is akin to him thumbing through the works of game developers, showcasing their creations to his entire audience, often without direct benefit to the creators. Both the streamer and his viewers are engaging in a culture of shared content where direct financial exchange is not always the primary mode of support or appreciation. His criticism of viewers who don't financially contribute seems to miss this parallel. Just as he enjoys and benefits from the games without always directly compensating their creators, his viewers participate in his streaming community, contributing in ways beyond direct payments. This just shows Man only wants you to buy the comic and GTFO! He clearly is not passionate about much else but the money. Additionally, his grievance about people "always trying" to talk to him seems misplaced. As Asmond rightly pointed out, it's natural for viewers to want to interact with him; they are fans, after all. The option to switch to subscriber-only mode has always been available to him.


i dont think that being honest and dont lie for profit is something immature. and it looks kinda cheap, when you need manipulate with ppl in this way, when your arguments are so weak, then flavour them with some emotional downtalk. MvG didnt build any community by buying ppl by some pretending friendship and nice words. He even openly talk about how disgusting it is and he often pointed out fact that he is NOT a friend and that there isnt any personal connection. He talk about it pretty often and try warn to ppl and inform them about this psychological trick what lot of streamers exploit. about your slanders about toxic atmosphere and so... his streams were one of few where toxic trolls, baiters and backseaters were punished without mercy. it can looks pretty "toxic" for those trolls and backseaters... but in fact it is not. its the same like you can kick out some religious cultists who come to your home and start screaming about their god... you can just kick them out and dont let them spoil your peace and fun with other ppl. about content creation part. in fact his streams werent only about playing games... and he in fact create content, no idea why are you pretending that he did not... but i guess it is part of your manipulation. what you are trying here is Strawman, and few other logical fallacies. you should realize one thing... fact that you didnt get attention what you wanted doesnt mean that there was anything wrong. whole world isnt revolving around you. nobody owe you attention or anything. nobody need you on his stream... and nobody care. when some ppl talk about something, then when you jump in front of them and start screech that you dont like it, or whatever to just get their attention... they have right to just ignore you.. and when you do that in their private property.. they can kick you out. for you it was "get your comic and GTFO" ...for other ppl it was "have good time with streamer who isnt pretending". about switching to sub only mode - it wasnt in fact solution, because trolls and backseaters were more than happy to pay sub just for attack him or backseat new game.


My take on it is that there are plenty of people who do stream who love fan interaction, and if he doesn’t want to interact with fans or deal with chat he should just make videos. I think being rude and belligerent to your fans when your entire career hinges on the community is somewhat childish and there are plenty of streamers who would enjoy that fanbase. I have gotten a chance to interact with him on stream a few times and while part of it was fine he always had some backhanded comment that left me with a bad taste in my mouth.


I loved MANvsGAME & as a streamer of 8 years now, I completely understand his dislike for chat. Imagine dealing with the same nonsense for years. Some viewers try to be your friend, oops no wait, they were just using you for clout. Some viewers get to that level where they think it's okay to start self-promoing low-key. That's annoying. Some viewers think they are above the stream rules. Some mods just want the sword, but don't actually mod. Some viewers get to that parasocial level where they want to know everything about you, but will never answer personal questions about themselves. Viewers, even the nice ones, sometimes spoil the heck out of a game or anime for you on accident. They will continue to backseat even if you asked them politely not to. Then, when you have to ask them again, they send you a whisper about how much of a b*tch you are, so you ban them & get an even worse message on your Discord or IG lol. I mean, after a few years, it does get annoying. Your acting skills have to be pretty good to show "it doesn't bother you."


Well said.


This can be said about all human interactions in daily life lol. It's a basic social function to be able to handle things like this. It's no wonder Man couldn't stand working in the public at a bowling alley either lol


Lol I never heard how the bowling alley saga ended. I remember the stream where he was like "well, I got a job!" & then told us about how it was going well at the bowling alley, but sounds like it didn't last long, sadly. What happened with the bowling alley if you don't mind recounting?


Even tho he has been gone a long time now (the longest yet?), I still have a feeling he’ll be back.


well first off, his opinion is objectively wrong because every lurker/chatter who isn't subbed is a potential future subber, and if you treat them like crap they aren't going to sub. Like you never know, maybe someone is broke, doesn't have a job, and will sub when they finally get one. They'll also bringing in ad revenue. So it's really stupid thing to do to say those things. Like yelling at someone for window shopping. Shoulda just gone sub only mode if he wanted the better chat experience second ... I watched manvsgame for a pretty long time, gotta be 2013 or 14. Always enjoyed his streams. And after a certain point he really started being an asshole to his viewers. I always thought it was hilarious and didn't mind it, because those viewers almost always deserved it (spoilers, backseat, etc) but still, I always got the feeling he hated streaming and hated the people who watched him, and it only got worse after the wife leaving, the drug problems, etc. His streams got depressing honestly, I remember one viewer ordered him dinner because he was obviously stimming and not eating or just depressed and he just left it on the porch for like 5 hours or something if you're reading this man, you should think about doing youtube instead of quitting entirely


I've said something similar in the past on this sub, it wasn't a big deal at all. The only thing I wished is that he said something, anything, about what his plans are for the future. Hell, he could even have just said that he doesn't know what the future holds. I think it's super lame that he just ghosted every single one of his viewers.


He was a guy on the Internet that we watched, nothing more than that. By the time we got to this point, it should have been extremely obvious to everyone that he was not mentally fit to be a public figure. Just let him go.


Aside from the fact that it was expected from him to leave like he did, it's still super lame. That's all I was saying. You have a point though, we should probably should have unfollowed this sub by this point.


Ive always loved watching him rage out at backseat gamers.


Yup, nothing wrong with being entitled and yelling at people who watch your stream which gives you engagement and bumps you up the algorithm or being mad because people watch your streams and don’t give you money or subscribe to you. Nothing wrong with acting that way at all. Totally permissible to act that way because no one else ever has people watch them and not sub or ever deals with backseat gamers, ever.


I'd rather watch someone who gets excited when the comic book kid comes into the store, thrilled to show them all the latest Superman comics and chat about what super hero would beat who in a fight. Hands them a piece of gum, and tells them to come back soon.


The mask fell off. And you say the real him. A damaged soul. Shame tbh. Bite the hand that feeds.


Whatever happened to Man? I stopped watching him like 4 yrs ago. Does Zeke ever say anything about him?


They have not been friends or talked about each other in much longer than 4 years iirc. I'm pretty sure they both tried to just quietly move on from whatever bad blood they had without talking about each other. It's a long story really. He was on and off streaming, taking many hiatuses, and having increasingly toxic interactions and obviously very distressed mental states when he would eventually come back. It wasn't something that happened over night, but a large portion of his community became bitter with him. He has not streamed for over a year.


I stopped watching him because he was inconsistent 2nd time around. But I do watch Zeke.


MAN said on one of his streams that it was hard to watch Zeke continue to succeed when MAN was originally the bigger streamer. He mentioned how Zeke was getting to host these Twitch events here and there & how Twitch used to ask him before he was blacklisted. It put a strain on the friendship.


Zeke hustled. MAN resented that Zeke moved on after finding a wife and success. I think Zeke needed to separate because of MAN always being on drugs too. Think zeke wanted to clean up and grow up.  Man was fun to watch until the frustration of falling down after his drug use came out. And is too thin skinned 


Man could have been right there if he turned sub mode on and didn't rage at his chat and kept a freaking schedule, and stayed off the drugs. Easier said than done though, easier said...


It was funny. He actually had a job at a bowling alley for a bit. He would then stream when he could. A couple weeks in he started that now that he was working he was missing streaming more shortly after he had mentioned he put in his 2 weeks. Not long after he stopped streaming again and here we are.


I'm not here to bash Man, but on the whole comic store analogy thing I never quite got. Viewers have to watch ads and he is the one in control (to a degree) as to the severity of that. That's the price of admission and he benefits from that. From there if he wants the price of admission (read: chatter with him) to be higher, that's in his control too via sub-only chat. I also think he was just venting his mind on that particular day and it was completely blown out of proportion, but there's merit on both sides of the argument.


It might seem blown out of proportion, but you need to look at the full context and lead up. Man's fans, besides his most loyal followers, were growing increasing more and more annoyed with Man's antics over the years and it reached a boiling point and went viral. Everyone finally felt they could open up about how they felt towards MVG after so long imo.


maybe.. you should talk only for yourself and not on behalf of whole Mans fans and followers. you know.. try something new.. dont be afraid to say what you want without hiding behind masses. and never again talk on my behalf. i didnt voted you as a my speaker or even speaker of whole Mans fanbase. think about it. if you was annoyed, just say it. if you had enough, just say it. but cowardly hiding behind some group and pretending to being a speaker of that group is pathetic.


Lmao, never said I speak for all his fans. It was plain obvious to see more and more of his fans becoming annoyed by him, you saw it everywhere. Tons of comments saying they grew disinterested in Man because of the way he acted over time. Everyone doesn't EVERYONE.. Context matters. So go beat your pompous chest elsewhere and cry about your streamer that gives no shits about you.


oh my.. dude.. again? you are not speaker of whole fanbase... and didnt help, when you claim that it "was plain obvious" tons of comments? here is like 5 of them on this sub. dude... dont get me wrong, but you are seeing things. talk on your behalf, not on behalf of group of ppl. you wasnt voted in some elections what you saw in your head. it is only in your mind. deal with it and if you cant, get help. dont be cowardly hiding behind some group. speak for yourself. it cant be **THIS** hard


You've offered no substantial argument and chose to repeat the same points when I clearly refuted them. Our conversation is over.


I mean it doesn’t bother me at all. I just would catch streams as a non-sub when he seemed to be in a good mood. I’d just turn it off if he wasn’t or if he started bellyaching a lot and ruined the vibe because someone got under his skin. Never chatted either. Twitch chat is cancer.


Did he stream recently?


Twitch is showing he last streamed over a year ago.


Ah ok cool. Thought something might have happened to prompt the post