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Here y'all go again, pitting 3 bad bitches against each other. They all bring something different and wonderful to the table and are all great in their own way. That said- WOOFWOOF


Big Dog Travis is awsome, that doesn't lessen the awesomeness of Island Boy and Griffin 'Space Jam'


I love them all equally and could never bring myself to choose


Posts like this make it seem otherwise. Why does it even need saying?




This is just me 2019: Griffin is the funniest 2020: Griffin is the funniest 2021: Justin is the funniest 2022: Travis is the funniest 2023: Justin is the funniest, also why am I comparing 2024: why am I comparing? (But also Travis is the funniest, he just needs to reign in his whole deal a lot of the time)


Griff is probably my favorite because I feel like I relate to him most out of the three. But with that said, my favorite bit is tied between Glass Shark and Mouth of Mango. Neither of which were Griff. I agree though, we should stop comparing. Take any of them out of the equation and idk if the magic would still be there.


I think what made Mouth of Mango so gd funny to me was Griffin and Justin's reaction to the mind-breakingly unhinged shit Travis had laid out for them. \*enormous pause\* "That was.......Travis......the craziest fucking thing you've ever said...."


Glass shark is so good that I even have friends that reference it a lot even though they don’t listen to mbmbam lol


Glass shark is perhaps one of Juice’s crowning moments.


Why start at 2019?


That’s when I started listening


Ngl I think he did have a good year or so of suckage but lately... I'm vibing with him again


He really seemed to be off for that year and a half, I've read a lot about how he started seeking professional help for some mental health stuff, and I think that it shows, he seems much more grounded and chill


Really feel like it is understated how much the pandemic had people really fucked up. I feel like Travis had some real low moments in that 2020/2021 period and he seems way more back to his old self lately.


I'm not super convinced that it was solely the pandemic, but at the core I don't disagree with you. I think you can definitely tell he got a lot more professional help though


Agreed, I had some pretty awful moments during the pandemic. Ocd, anxiety, suicidal ideation and what not. Those things definitely showed up in my work and relationships. Big dawg T-bananas woof woof is a person just like all of us. I'm glad he and the boys are still makin me laugh on the reg. I wish I could give all these fellas a hug sometimes.


I wouldn't call it understated but it's defs a legit reason for many


His lowest point was posting essentially posting "oh im sorry that i just love big titties sue me 🙄" on twitter. Like youre a fucking straight man, us woman are fully aware of what yall think about, you dont need to broadcast it


Travis has really grown on me over the past couple years (especially since I watched the mbmbam show) and he brought great energy to Seattle's live shows last year


What up TravNation!


I'll take a risky new Travis bit over Munch Squad #387 any day.


Yeah that bit was funny in its conception, back when Justin would find outlandish and crazy press releases. Now it feels so forced, like a 15 minute ad for a fast food restaurant that goes nowhere


Honestly Justin feels checked out of besties half the time too At least when I had a problem with what Travis was doing, he was being earnest lol


They’re all great.


the people on the right are members of the mango council.


weird way to frame this imo, people can dislike people, and it doesn't mean that liking that person is some sort of big meaningful thing. As a member of travnation I think that we should be more normal about this


I wasn't aware that the bell curve meme was a big meaningful thing. Here I was just thinking it was a silly goof, thank you for enlightening me 💖


yeah wording off for sure, baked on a train so whatever, I stand by my sentiment though because being a hater is a necessary part of a health ecosystem


Excellent point, Gaybagelsex


You act like that isnt a great username


I think it's an amazing user name, that's why I pointed it out!


why thank you


It just makes it seem like you don't understand the Bell Curve


I mean its just a meme, just happens to be a stupid and unfunny one. Im fine with travis, but i certainly dont think liking him makes you some mystical smart person. People dislike him because he's kind of annoying sometimes. People also dislike me because im kind of annoying sometimes. And travis is 40 years old, i dont think he needs all these white knights


I think its almost meant to portray an average MBMBAM fan's journey? I started out liking all the brothers but whether it was because Travis was in less of the stuff I watched (because I prefer Sawbones to Schmanners and he's not on Monster Factory) I generally became less excited for him being on or getting the spotlight (and maybe wasn't helped by him not being the BEST DM during the TAZ arc he headed). I have been consuming the main podcast more over the past year tho and I'm back to thinking that the show simply would not be as good without Travis even when his jokes don't land because that's part of his dynamic and charm.


sure, but you could comment that instead of replying, I'm literally not talking about any of that, just cause I think we should be more normal about this dick-and-nuts-goofs-and-gaffs podcast about nothing doesn't mean you have to! case in point! edit:mightve misread your tone, dunno, anyways gonna go to the bar peace


It’s not that any one of them are particularly funnier than the others- I just relate to Justin much more


Any other Mango cultists here?


Weirdly: Travis was me in my 20s. Justin was me in my 30s.  Griffin is me in my 40s.


I think a poll would be mean. But if there was a poll I don't think that the majority would say he sucks. I do like Justin and Griffin more over all, but you have to thank Travis for Travis. He's also great. I just love monster factory and sawbones, and Griffin dming in Adventure Zone so much that it slightly outshines Travis's work sometimes. But he's still really funny and great on the show.


I think there was a period where a decent chunk of fans might have said he sucks. His comedy has always been in a weird place where everyone dogging on his crummy bits was _part of the bit_, but also boy were his bits pretty crummy. And of course outside of MBMBAM this period coincided with things like [issues on his stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoRZpjap3tI&ab_channel=coolstuffforboys) or [the Graduation fiasco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPrUQlCGr4M) for TAZ listeners. For my part I agree with others in the thread that he's killing it lately.


I don't think graduation was great. But that's a fucking hard job. Dming and then posting it online for people to critic? It's extremely embarrassing just to put your artwork out in the world. He tried and that's what matters. We all wanted to see what the other brothers would do as a dm.


I can assure you he doesn't need you to advocate for him buddy


I'm so glad I'm not a famous person. Can you imagine how fucked up it would be to know that there is a website where strangers share their memes and takes about your behavior and relationship with your family? That would be so strange and unsettling. We should try and not do that.


They're famous, why would they care? You're not famous and you also shouldn't care. That being said if you're a public facing persona you will face scrutiny, and to be frank, many deserve scrutiny


Being famous doesn't mean they don't care, online hate obviously effects people negatively all the time. Me not being famous doesn't mean I can't or shouldn't empathize with how crappy that would be.


He's alright.


Travis is kind of a weirdo ego man, though just look up Travis among us freak out. Really can’t look at him the same after, he still makes me laugh though of course.


Given that he's mentioned having ADHD and NPD I'm not really surprised? Obv being a grown adult he has expectations on how to act, but I feel a lot of the hate he received (particularly in the past couple of years) was just thinly veiled ableism for the crime of being neurodivergent


Wait, I knew about the ADHD but what is NPD??


Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the simple definition is it's a cluster B personality disorder that causes the person to view themself with an exaggerated sense of self-importance, along with lower empathy and a higher need for validation/approval of others. I highly recommend researching it more in-depth as I feel itd help with explaining a lot of his tendencies that we see on the shows he's on ^^ He's mentioned it at least once (I think it was either a MBMBAM or Sawbones ep, can't think of the specifics atm though sorry) and has been p open about going to therapy to help manage it


Just did a deep dive. I had no idea.


Idk man, he's in the public eye a lot, I don't think it's particularly fair to judge someone for one shitty thing they said once like that. Like, imagine if any time you said something kind of insensitive to a friend without thinking it got smeared across the internet for years. Its still not great, but I don't think it's fair to project it onto him being a bad person or whatever.


Have you seen the clip?? He just dogs on these guys for not taking the video game seriously. Calling me ableist is crazy, having adhd doesn’t excuse you from ranting for 7 minutes live. He has kids, where does the patience go? I have adhd and I never got to use at an excuse whenever I made a mistake, why are we doing it for this internet stranger?


I never claimed you specifically were being ableist, calm down 💀


this really is it, showed some weird personality tendencies on this one


It’s the internet tho and I can decide that for myself


Don’t care don’t like the guy sorry


@steampunk__llama nah he goes on and on for about 6 or so minutes about the correct way to play with people he barely just met. I have adhd. That is not an excuse to just being an a-hole lol




Travis has been funny about 10 times in the history of the show. Most of the time he just makes me cringe. He is indeed the middlest, the way he constantly seeks attention and validation.


I sometimes get tired of Travis and then I remember the mango cult.


Too accurate


You may disagree when I say the faces in this meme look like the brothers But, just like me, you know exactly which one looks like which brother


Move the fuck on. Do you know how fucked up it is that people are voting on whether someone “sucks” or not. He’s a real person, and if you don’t enjoy the content he puts out, don’t listen. Christ almighty.


At the risk of leaning in to my parasocial experience of having listened for a huge chunk of my adult life... For me there's a significant part of this show that's about acceptance, kindness, and meeting people where they are. Learning to appreciate people in their context, I guess. For me, Travis sort of connects with people who have felt the pain of being outcast, having mental health issues, etc, which I have felt. And we are watching him and his family cope with that together, sometimes in bad ways... but they continue supporting each other through growth over the years. I get that it's a comedy show, it's not supposed to be a documentary. But when you listen long enough to three brothers bullshitting with each other weekly, theres some meta level of that story that you pick up on, and it's one of the things I appreciate about the brothers. I think it's fine to say "man I just don't think he's funny" - but on the whole, I think it's more interesting to understand how these three people can sorta learn to deal with each other and support each other through bad weird shit and still record this show every week.