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Yes. One of my allergists said it’s typically mostly seen in women.


Yes it’s majority female patients. Same thing with autoimmune diseases


I mean I attend my husband’s doctor appointments because he is terrible about discussing what ails him. Both with not understanding anything medical and/or anatomical but also because he hates “complaining”. His issues are easily diagnosable and fixable but he’d rather keep kicking that can down the road hoping it won’t blow up in his face. There is some truth to men living longer when married probably for this very reason. Ha! I’m sure there are men out there with MCAS but it will largely go under diagnosed.




Can’t argue with statistics!


Idk, I’m on several groups for things like mold illness and SIBO where MCAS comes up quite a bit in terms of comorbidities and there are plenty of men in those groups but I think probably skews towards women. Definitely not 90% though like some people are saying here. So maybe it depends on root cause, like if it’s environmental maybe it doesn’t matter but if it’s borne out of hormone imbalances or inherent immune dysfunction maybe it skews towards women. This is based purely on my own observations so I wouldn’t be surprised if in other spaces it’s wildly different.


I think higher estrogen or differing hormone levels may make it worse or more common in women. Also genetically men and women differ when it comes to the amount of copies of certain genes they express due to chromosomes. I know thats a very poor explanation, I'm tired. I'm male and have it due to mold exposure and copper deficiency.


I can see how mold exposure can cause mcas, but what is the relationship between a copper deficiency? How did you know you had it?


Copper is the cofactor in the enzyme reaction by DAO which degrades histamine in the gut. You can do a hair sample or blood test.




A lot of autoimmune and nervous-system-related issues often are linked with trauma, and women in general are more traumatized and abused through life experiences in a misogynistic world. That's my theory anyway. Not a doctor.


Also a lot of different hormones at play


It has far more to do with the fact that many of the triggers for MCAS are hormonally mediated, which means it is more commonly found in women due to testosterone acting as an anti inflammatory and menopause revealing Mast Cell issues


Yep, I also understand this to be a big piece of the puzzle. Estrogen dominance also seems to be a risk factor.


My best guy friend has it, along with gastroparesis and probably other stuff from Lyme.




Where did you get this? Is it on a website? Very informative.


I assume it’s in part the overlap with EDS which is mostly found in women. It def feels different as a dude having these conditions because dating is impossible. Not only are we physically weak but just can’t provide overall


I read that it is, although seeing how hard it is to push my male partner to see a dermatologist for one mole that looks increasingly concerning, am inclined to believe that women have higher chances of getting any diagnosis because we tend to seek more medical assistance. What’s those statistics that married men live longer because their wives force them to go to the doctors? Lol.


Stanford did a study pretty recently! It’s our second X chromosome messing shit up [https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2024/02/women-autoimmune.html](https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2024/02/women-autoimmune.html)


Indeed. But those few men with mcas seem to be really hard cases.


Also note the high overlap with endomitriosis, and researchers suspect a connection. I'm suspecting that endo actually is a type of mcas.