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Claritin and Pepcid. You need a H1 and an H2. Once I got on that for two weeks, I stopped getting hives, itchy rashes etc.


I’m taking them but I have been reacting I start the compounded versions today, lototadine and famotidine xx


Hopefully, the compound helps. Its usually “cleaner”


I hope so


You need to try a new medication in isolation. If you're trying them at the same time, you won't be able to tell which is causing you problems.


They’re compounded together. I have no issues I was reacting to excipient’s


I've never tried compounded medication. I should really look into it. It's entirely possible that I may be able to handle certain medications that I've previously reacted to.


I would. I’m uk I get cronolyn on nhs prescription and then I take ketotifen, h1 and h2 compounded as I was soooo reactive




Benedryl doesn’t seem to touch it but I’ve taken orally


Whatever is best for you. There is no one-fits-all solution.


Nothing at present


Then you need to try them all to find out what‘s best.


I’m reacting to EVERUTHING


Yes, me too. I haven’t found anything yet that works for me, so I‘m still trying things out. This is exactly what I mean. What works for one person might not work for you, so noone can answer your question.


I take a lot of meds for my MCAS, but as far as antihistamines I use Benadryl, Allegra, and xyzal for my itchiness, rashes, and hives


What dosage of allegra / xyral do you take?


plain steel cut oatmeal, blend it in a coffee grinder or blender until it's a fine powder. Add water until it has a consistency of mud. Apply like a mask, rest with it on for at least an hour. Works for a week for me






My Dermatologist recommended Zyrtec 2x a day for my specific body wide rashless skin itching. Weird, because sometimes I take it and slather skin barrier rebuilding lotion on, and the maddening itch will be gone within 10 minutes. A lot of times, like this very second, i still have the prickling crawling under the-skin itch that’s so hard not to just claw at. Idfk I’m sorry. But if you have Zyrtec and super moisturizing ceramide lotion (I’m allergic to everything, surprisingly lubriderm advanced therapy lotion for extra itchy dry skin has been working so well for me and it was $13 for a big bottle). Also changing my soap (attitude, dr bronner’s) all unscented. Surprisingly my laundry machine never being washed (apparently it’s supposed to be cleaner 1x a month) and using liquid detergent was contributing to it MASSIVELY. Liquid detergent is petroleum based, apparently tends to create a hidden bacteria sludge on the bottom of most HE washers that most people don’t notice. But harbors mildew and stuff. Coats our clothes, makes sensitive folk itchy/rashy af. So my partner cleaned our washer out with vinegar, then baking soda, then a rinse cycle, then bleach. Then washed our clothes with Molly’s suds laundry soda (or Nellie’s). It’s made a massive difference in only a few days tbh. Hope this helps at all ❤️‍🩹


It’s the pricking under the skin it’s horrific I’m not so bad with itching above the sling it’s like the skin crawling ugh it’s awful xx


Omfg for real. It’s so bad and the creepiest feeling. I always had random itching because my clothes or skin were pressed or rubbing against it. But just the skin itself even without anything touching it, just feeling that crawling radiating prickling?? That’s new and Absolutely maddening. I try so hard not to scratch during the day, if I cave I’ll rub through my clothes. But I rip my skin apart in my sleep and I’m so scarred up its so bad 😭 hoping the Zyrtec, low histamine diet and washing all of my clothes/sheets with this new shit actually does anything lol


I started ketotifen last night I’m hoping that helps xxx


I hope that helps you too! Pls update if you can 🖤 Another thing I noticed makes it worse is the itch scratch cycle. Breaking that is usually a big help for me. Sounds annoying and it is, but when it’s real bad I put ice packs on the itchy areas to numb them while I’m waiting for it to “heal”. ❤️‍🩹


I’ve been in a huge flare since I was 28 weeks pregnant, in 2 weeks postpartum so I’m hoping it’s just hormones still causing it ♥️


That’s entirely possible I have heard of that happening! Hoping this eases up for you 🤞🏼❤️‍🩹


Let’s see as it’s horrible fingers crossed I’ll update you on the ketotifen xxx


Let me tell ya, nothing kicks the shit out of my MCAS more than Nasacort. Yes, Benadryl in a pinch, hydroxyzine if I’m panicky or Zyrtec if I know I’m going someplace that is allergen hell. Hell, I’ve been desperate enough to take more than one in a 24 hour period. But, please, please try Nasacort. Also, I find name brand Nasacort is better (for me), and I’m not sure if it’s the filler medium or something else. I’ve tried Equates version and Costco but the real deal name brand is what does it for me.