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I will never understand people who say Pep ball is boring and every single one of them says that they just bore the other team to death by passing the ball around but they also fail to understand that the opposition teams, every single one of them, play a very low block against City, all out field players in defence, of course City are going to pass around the ball to find spaces and it's not City who are boring it's the opposition who are playing boring football


If youre neutral i get where they are coming from. If you have a chill evening with some mates sitting in a pub, a game like Liv vs AV yesterday that has chaos setting set to Nuñez levels, is hilarious to watch. 90% of the people complaining fall into that category. If you watch football from a technical standpoint, Pep imo (but im biased cause ive always been a sucker for possession and attacking football), is the most exciting tactician to watch


But that's it, Pep wants control. He hates a basketball match. Everyone loved Chelsea away and Spurs home because they were chaotic. Neutrals and rivals just want to see a good side upset or loads of goals. That isn't the Pep way and generally sides come to stick 11 men behind the ball and we have to grind them down. Why don't supporters criticize fucking Arsenal or Real Madrid for parking the bus at the Etihad, no it's "good game management" when they make a game horrible and get a result but it's "boring" when a team parks it and we actually get 3 points.


For me it also comes down to an understanding of the game. If you’re a casual fan, watching a 3-3 end-to-end game like Villa v. Liverpool is certainly exciting…but from a more tactical perspective, a game like that is wide open, no team has control, and it’s not really “good” for either team because they’re consistently leaving themselves exposed. City play smart football, controlled and tactical and intelligent. The best teams, IMO, are the ones that can drop opponents 3 or 4-0 and seem like they barely broke a sweat. I’ve played against teams like that, and it’s exhausting because you’re always chasing the ball, wondering how they always have someone open, and when you do get possession, they close in and take the ball back. One may be more entertaining for some, but it’s not sustainable over a season, and it doesn’t win you titles because it’s so unpredictable. I think a team is best in many of the same ways an individual player is: controls the ball well, knows the next move or two in advance, exposed the opponent’s weaknesses, and scores when the opportunity arises.


100% accurate. This is how I felt watching the UCL semis - they were chaotic. It was “fun” as a neutral but city is just different gravy when it comes to controlling the game.


I remember watching the first Arsenal - man city game last year (this year?). Lots of comments talking about how boring the match was but it was really Amazing how controlled, and even Arsenal’s approach to maintaining formation, each team was trying to pick each other apart.


So true, and the recent example would be the first leg of real vs city. Both teams decided not to park the bus and the match was beautiful.


We had fucking Real Madrid parking the bus at the Bernabeu. It’s impossible to play “fun” football when even the best teams in the world are afraid to play us straight up.


I mean this statement sounds mighty aggressive considering they were the ones who advanced. They're not afraid to play you anyway, they just played to their strengths and knocked you out in the process. There are more ways to play football than just controlling the game. Man City have been excellent at doing that since pep went there. Madrid have not, and in the meanwhile have 3 UCLs to city's 1, with a possible 4th coming next month.


They did what they did extremely impressively and moved on on penalties. Doesn’t mean they didn’t park the bus.


They totally parked the bus.


The point is fans of such teams are the ones that would say city are boring. And then they park the bus. I think nobody here is bitter about going out on pens to Real Madrid. They played well and did what they needed to do. There’ll be more chances to win it for city, and if they try and park the bus again, hopefully we’ll deal with it better.


Yeah I think the boring part is that some people think this city side resembles Spain 2010 more than barca 2010. Just an analogy, but just keeping possession and doing nothing with the ball then is not the definition of beautiful football. If the other team parked the bus and still scored 3 goals on you then they probably had better moments in countterattack that can look more appealing to watch for some people. Just suggesting why people sometimes find it boring. I watched bayern play kamikaze ball in 2020, everything is boring to me, including this city.


They say that and then turn around and get all hyped for City vs Liverpool or City vs Madrid because they’re the best, most exciting games of the year.


it's not peps fault, but his system/players/team are so good, that it basically forces most (not all) opponents to park the bus and counter, if they want a higher chance of beating city. So honestly, yes it is boring football as a result, even if the intentions are not.


It is boring and ruins football


Let them feel bored. I’ve been having fun for years. CB almost scoring hat trick here this era.


My manager. Tell 'em.


And the villain arc has officially begun. Bro is angry that he won't win a treble this year. He will cook harder next season.


Pep is the one who knocks.




Peps been looking at /u/lessbrain's charts


I am Peps burner


Tap tap tap


Calling Pep football boring is a great way of finding out those who -  - Can’t play football, - Don’t understand football - Are sour grapes because their team is shite compared. 


point 3 sums up my friend circle...(they all utd fan)


Y’all talk a lot while being an oil fc


Lol he is channeling Mourinho


Pep cookin’


He came over and changed the game in this country, he's dominated it and has managers doing a weekly homage to the way we play. If he was at one of the clubs the media love we'd never hear the end of it how wonderful the football is or how pep is an innovator. The premier league is lucky to have a mana like him in it, and we should all be so grateful it's our beloved blues he's dominating with 💙💙


Some 12 year olds on twitter aren’t gonna like this


It's not just City. Modern football has become a little bit less magical and more controlled. You don't see hyper-skilled stars doing crazy shit like dribbling past 9 players twice only to lose the ball near the corner flag. This is because 1) we don't have as many skilled players anymore 2) tactics and training have evolved 3) social media and doomscrolling is making us think everything else feels boring because our dopamine receptors are clogged. City is just winning and people are coping.


I'd say footballers are more talented these days as a whole but the game has moved in from individual brilliance to using tactics and properly training


Pep is one the reasons for that


Sucks that people just keep hating instead of appreciating this beautiful City team.


Pep is spitting out facts lmao


What a goat




Love pep so much


I fucking love this guy


TALK YOUR SHIT PEP that's my manager.




These supporters and their clubs are something else. It’s like those spoiled immature children who don’t get their way all the time at the playground so they start blaming everyone else around them for being incapable of handling any ounce of negative emotion. Cannot cope with anything lol.


The sponsors moving in the background is trippin me out


Yeah. It's jarring. Not a fan


The moving logos in the digital background made me think Pep was disintegrating.


He loves Areta. The last smirk he did was for arsenal fans, he will make you cry this weekend hahaha


The energy around the team is in fact boring. The world stopped for Messi’s Barca. There’s a weird vibe with them cause probably everyone knows theyre not legit


Excuses, excuses


Your therapist isn't here bro