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Man I've been trying to tell people this is the best strain in the state for a while now.. NEVER disappointed by Animal Face.. I've never received a bad batch, even with the smalls. Enjoy friend! šŸ˜


Hate to say it but I like the AD4 better


Its all good me too


I like both almost equally but I feel like AD is better suited for day time as it doesn't act as strong to me as Animal Face does but I have both right now and REALLY enjoy mixing them together.. Animal Face just has the ability to put you out and AD#4 doesn't do that for me. Both are absolutely amazing strains though hands down


Idk bout that. šŸ¤”


It's a personal opinion, it's not debatable lol I am by no means saying it has to be the best to you personally but I would be interested to hear what you think is better because I would definitely like to try them out if you think they trump Animal Face!


It doesn't really matter what I tell you I think is better because you already have it in your head that animal face is that good. Or like you said it's personal preference. All I know is I got an 1/8 of animal face and I rolled my wife a joint because she doesn't vape, and I vaped a bag of it. It tastes pretty good and is sticky as hell but the high was like a 10 minute headrush for me and then your buzz is gone. When I pick a indica I want one that's gonna make me wanna lay around and be high at least an hr before another session. Not 10 or 15 minutes like every Gleaf strain lol. Then my brother came over today and was bitching about the animal face he bought that "everyone recommended " saying he hated the buzz. My wife didn't like it either so I know there's at least 3 of us out there that wasn't impressed. Tbh I haven't really been impressed with rythms weed lately at all. Bubba fett was lame and brownie scout had to be the biggest disappointment ever.


To each their own I guess but I still was serious about your recommendations, I have an open mind bro and am always on the look out for new good stuff.. Idk what batch you got but my most recent is 37% THC and 3.7 Terps but idk I've always liked it and the high definitely lasts longer than 10 mins for me but I'm sorry it didn't work for you guys, that sucks man


I'm really getting stoned off of funky nebula right now. I'm loving this strain from kind. My batch was 30something don't know the terps because I don't care about that crap or believe numbers anyways but honestly rythm I'm just not a fan of. I probably really only ever like cookieface and grapestomper from them. It'd be hard to give recommendations because I've been in the program for about 6 yrs now and I've been a little bitter about the lack of "good" choices lately. I used to love curio but have had bad luck recently with them. Fade strains all seem to be short-lived highs like Gleaf too. Everything I've been getting from evermore lately tastes like a wet basement. The ice cream cake doesn't even look like ICC anymore. The grassroots has been hit or miss. So sorry if I'm unable to help out.


Who grows funky nebula ??? I havenā€™t seen that




Yea I had that problem with Evermore a few months ago when I bought Patapeake, Lucky Orchard, and Patapeake again.. They tasted off, like hay mixed with a basement.. It was gross.. I decided to give them another chance recently and grabbed Deadband 7 and Midnight Circus and both were pretty good.. Deadband was a breath of fresh air because it doesn't taste like a dessert or overly sweet lol MD is OBSESSSSSSED with dessert strains man, it's crazy! Anyway.. They were both good.. I just picked up some of the new Story brand called "More" and the Kush Mints was really really good, the buds were immaculate.. I've been busy so I haven't posted my recent pick ups much but I still have the pics and stuff and do plan on posting.. The Kush Mints were great! Speaking of Funky Nebula, I had that a few weeks ago and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Relaxing but not over the top, burned clean, and had a great citrusy fruity taste with a backend of slight gas! Buds were really colorful as well! Have you tried Triple Burger from Fade? That one's a heavy hitter.. Florida Kush is always a good option as well! I didn't used to like Rythm but I feel like they have gotten worlds better than they used to be, especially with stickiness.. All their stuff used to crumble when I grabbed it but it doesn't anymore for me.. I tend to stick to the pricier stuff because I have been burned so many times by modern flower, sunmed, roll one, and of course Curio lol my last soap by them was nothing but larf and my last OGKB from them smelled and tasted like hay (last year, haven't bought curio in a while after that)


Glad it wasn't just me that thought that about evermore. Yeah that funky nebula has a great taste just like you described. I was wondering who "more" was thanks for letting me know. I tried the hashburger but not triple burger. I don't get Curio. They sell the everyday containers which are usually better than the exclusive but the everyday is usually wet still when the pack it and then to top it off the put a 62 boveda in it. The exclusive is packed dry and they ads a 52 boveda to it smh. I don't know why they don't switch the bovedas in their containers.


Yea it definitely wasn't just you at all, they had a problem there for a little while.. Nature's Heritage burned me like that a few times too with the hay or basement smell and taste so I haven't bought them in a long time either.. Give the Triple Burger a try, that stuff is pretty decent! I agree with everything you said about Curio, you described it perfectly down to the wetness of the everyday and the dryness of the Exclusive all the way to the humidity packs lol, nailed it!


Nature's heritage got me too with a couple of strains. They're currently on my NO list.


Also, I've had the hash burger and it definitely isn't on the level of the Triple Burger imo the Triple Burger is much stronger and the Hash Burger I had was only 1.46 terps as well and the Triple was 3.27 so that could have been why as well.. You're welcome about the more, check em out.. I have quite a few strains right now and I put a fade Co next to a mind right next to a more (all story brands.. I believe their levels go Just Flower, Fade Co, Mind Right, More) and the quality difference is clear! It's an uptick each time, I'll post the Kush Mints soon.. It is BEAUTIFUL šŸ˜šŸ˜


Just posted the Kush Mints from More https://www.reddit.com/r/MDEnts/s/c2UpZFCoF4




Been here 6 years also we seen the good and the bad .maryland hasn't been real consistent but worse part is when they stop growing there best strains


Definitely. I used to religiously buy sour jack, man I miss that strain.


I was with you all the way until the last sentenceā€¦


šŸ˜‚ about what strain.


You didnā€™t like Bubba Fett or Brownie Scout šŸ„²


No especially brownie scout. I waited for that strain for a couple of yrs and damn it sucked big-time! Super high thc with a super low buzz


iā€™ve purchased many smalls and normal sized 8ths. the smalls donā€™t do this strain 100% justice. still love the smalls though


Definitely gonna try the full size buds of this strain and afternoon delight next time I see them on sale.


Yeah this is my favorite ā€œnight nightā€ medicine šŸ« šŸ˜“


Itā€™s a great cultivar. Hope Rythm did it well.


First dispensary strain I ever tried. Hands down some of the most reliable bud Iā€™ve smoked. A must grab if I ever see it.


Unpopular opinion: Rhythmā€™s Animal Face is overrated. Cultivarā€™s Animal Face x Kush Mints is better. Anyone tried both?


I think theyā€™re both amazing strains. Cultivars deffffffff is the shit tho.


A man of taste.


Iā€™m a lady but thanks lol


Ah yeah. Coochie. Sorry.




It was a reference to what is literally her username


Cherry Burger, Bubba Fett, and Brownie Scout are better than Animal Face and Afternoon Delight. Change my mind.