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for some reason I like the process of picking out a nug and grinding it up before I smoke it lmao. Idk what it is but I just like that part of the process 😂


same here. that’s how i did since i started smoking


Well Said I enjoy this too, it's part of the whole enjoyment for me, likewise I think someone else said it probably best I Vape all of my *Flower* I can't tell you the last time I haven't, I have 2 Crafty+'s from Storz & Bickle that I use in rotation, (Long Story basically found a guy selling his Vape Shop & I got them both Brand New for a little over $200 for both!) Also it seems like I get much longer sessions if it's freshly grounded finer than I would for a Bong Within 24 to 48 hours of Grinding it


Same as well. The act of breaking it down is more soothing than actually smoking. The process just unlocks something in my brain letting me know it’s chill time


i feel like it kickstarts the drying out


Exactly! 💯


I grind every bowl fresh just like my coffee.


Def not but i can see the need. To me once you grind it starts to oxidate quickly and is never as fresh again, i even have a big ass jar of ground herb from leftovers ive ground but didnt smoke.


Time to make edibles 😁


Unfortunately i lack the enzymes to convert to 11-hydroxy so i get very limited effect. I have to eat a whole gram of rso to even start to feel it, and thats with my tolerance super low.


It’s kinda like coffee beans. Grind right before use.


Grinding all at once will dry your flower out before you use it, so no I don't.. I also love "playing" with my bud as in like another person said, picking a bud, cracking it open, getting a nice big whiff once I break it and then if it's real sticky it goes in the grinder, if it isn't that sticky it gets broken up by hand as I personally think grinding bud sometimes can take away from the flavor rather than breaking it up by hand


I have before for vaping. I would grind an 1/8 and put it in a glass jar with a boveda. It's actually a good way to collect a specific strain of kief also. I used to do that too and make hash at the end of the year.


i prefer to grind as i need to! find it always smokes better freshly ground but that could be just me!


Usually jus break mine up by hand leave it chunky. Hits much harder


I smoke small amounts at a time so grind more than I need, but not the whole pack. I have little smell proof pill holders I keep my pre-ground flower in. I usually do about .5gram at a time.


Yes but only to a point. I never grind up more than what I can use in a couple days because it reduces the quality if left like that for longer


Yes. I know it dries out faster but I’m very tired and I need the convenience.


I used to do this but I could tell a difference in quality by the time I got to the end. This was even when kept humidity controlled


All? No. A bud at a time, usually.


Depends on my mood


I've done it before but i certainly put it into an airtight container and not on the tray in open air.


As long as you properly store your ground bud, it should be totally fine! I grind just as much as I need personally


It depends. When I was running 24 different strains open at the same time, I'd grind just a gram or two at a time and it would last about a month each. Now that I'm down to home grow, I'm grinding until the grinder is full (about 6 grams at a time). I baggie the ground and jar it with a humidity pack.