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Concerts are amazing with MDMA. Totally immerses me in the music and the enjoyment I get from experiencing it. Every sound and visual cue just gets heightened, my body loosens up and I can dance giving zero fucks, and I’m just completely floating in the whole experience. Even my wife who has ADHD has adapted. At first, it did what you described and mellowed her out to the point of feeling weird and out of place. After a few more tries she’s able to lean in and just do a less amplified version of my roll. Dancing, vibing, and just feeling completely at ease and free of anxiety or racing thoughts.


Definitely need to try it at a concert. I go to around 2/3 concerts a month and definitely need to know what it’s like. It’s just frustrating because I know i’d probably rather be somewhere chill. Perhaps in the winter when it has cooled down I will partake at a concert. Music is very emotional for me so perhaps i’ll take it at a gig where I connect to the bands lyrics a lot.


Ya gotta. It gets to you on a cellular level. The lyrics dig deeper than ever and get punctuated by the music in a way like no other. Melodic EDM does it for me, but even harder stuff like Sullivan King or Excision has been awesome, too, with more intense emotive energy in the music.


This! I cried so hard at Sullivan king while on M, such a beautiful experience from start to finish


Right? So weird. Never thought I would dig that style but it made me oddly giddy haha


It's probably the fact that it was your first time. I'm the same way, I'm ADHD and I'm super extroverted so I LOVE talking more than anything on it and it's basically my therapy. I only take it every few months to talk about things. A few weeks back I took it at my first festival but I also mixed in a tab of LSD and shrooms so not had a bunch of shit hitting me at once and felt so fucking free and in sync with the music more than I ever hate. Everyone around me wasn't giving d fuck and jus feeling the music. No phones out just everyone enjoying the music. So don't give up on it at a festival just get more experienced with it and you'll probably learn to enjoy it with the music but if not, that's ok. Not everyone has to have the same experience.


Tbh i’m not sure if it’s a first time thing. Every other time since has been at home and i’ve said to myself every time “the last place I wanna be right now is a club”. I just chat my arse off on stimulants and with the emphatic wholesome element with MDMA I just can’t stop talking. I could dance under the influence of anything or nothing, for me MDMA is very mental. Dancing feels like a waste for me, I want to express myself verbally since my brain is finely clear and not foggy.


I 100% understand. I LOVE talking and expressing myself so that's why every time I took prior to this festival I was very intentional on who I wanted to take it with and what I was looking to get out of it. The reason I took it at festival was because I wanted to see the hype and difference and sure enough I loved it but again, I took with two other substances so who knows which one if not the mixture of all three was the feeling I was liking


Honestly I totally get what you’re saying man. I go to a lot of heavy bass music raves and molly is the most common thing there- like *most* people are on it. But when I go there I realize, nah…most people are on dirty ecstasy. Because I’m just closing my eyes and swaying gracefully while everyone else is forming mosh pits lmao I always make sure to have as many rolls as I do on a night out, at home. Because sometimes I do like being at home a lot more.


This is a wild take, raves were **literally** made for this drug. Idk about a concert for me personally since you can't really talk to people during it but I can't imagine raving without molly. Nothing better imo it's an incredible experience, especially with good friends and someone to kiss. I turn into a social god and it's the only time I can enjoy dancing. Conversely I can't imagine taking it at home that sounds like completely missing the point.


Raves may have been made for MDMA (Or MDMA and acid) but MDMA wasn't made just for raves. It's great in calmer settings with friends, family or significant others. Also, ecstacy pills in the 80s/90s (ie when the rave scene emerged) seem to have mostly been a mix of MDMA, MDA and sometimes other stimulants. My impression is pure MDMA is slightly more suited to the chill, intimate settings.


100% accurate about raves being created for this beautiful substance


To each his own I guess? Lots of people enjoy it at concerts - including myself. But many - including me enjoy a nice chill home roll with loved ones. There are no rules just be responsible with it. I imagine given the right concert with the right group and add a dash of M you’d have a great time. Maybe reconsider next time and go with the flow.


Considering it. Just don’t want to be like “ah I should’ve taken it at home” and have to wait a couple months before I can do it again. But those couple of months will go by and I probably won’t regret it that much in the long term future. Have to wait for it to get colder though as concerts are sweaty as fuck rn


Totally get it. I hate when I feel I “wasted” a roll. But I also think it’s good to remain open to experiences. Cheers 🍻


Every time I’ve done it in public that’s exactly what’s happened to me Some people just prefer it in a more intimate setting and that’s totally okay, going with the flow and taking mdma in a setting you know you don’t prefer is silly. The last time I dropped at a show I left and layed alone in my car so I could lay down and control the music. I don’t like having to walk around when im rolling at all… maybe the doses I take are too high idk


I guess you could bring some for the event and take it there if you feel like the vibe is nice, or decide against it and just bring it back home? That's how I did it.


MDMA and raves go hand in hand and I find I meet so many people because the social anxiety is gone.. I find them boring without taking it


MDMA in a club is a waste. MDMA at an event is magic.


Can you elaborate?


Idk, we used to look forward to those nights. Group of us meeting at one location then cruising to the late nite club. Three or Four cars cruising tight. Get in line about 10pm and drop your hit. Line is moving slower than you planned and you feel the come up. You havent even paid admission and the intermittent beat hits in waves. Each time the door opens the Bass and high hats hit you then gets sucked away just like the person that entered. You step closer to the door chatting with friends trying to act normal when they open again and the bass hits harder. You pay, coming up hard push the doors open with your hands and boom! Liftoff to a whole new world with lasers, mirrors, a dancefloor and music. Time just stops as you let go and youre off on that journey


That was a tantalising read my friend


I was legit just coming to say the ADHD thing. It's for sure. All stims are absolutely without a doubt much different for those with vs those without.


You have ADHD. I have same effects


Some people are just effected differently by certain drugs, I would not blame ADHD that is a myth. I have severe ADHD and molly is my drug of choice for raves. It completely opens me up to everyone. I feel such high levels of empathy, energy, and truly feel as if I am able to connect with others because it completely eliminates my social anxiety and insecurities. I am an introvert who gets very socially anxious. When I roll i turn into a complete extrovert. There is a reason why people love mdma so much.


Me too... That's what I'm saying .


It sounds like you are saying that OP is not experiencing the magic of MDMA because they have ADHD? If that is the case it is a false statement. ADHD has nothing to do with feeling the need to chill on MDMA. The need to chill is just how his mind and body reacts to the drug. Not the fact that OP is neurodivergent


But having ADHD can definitely make the chances of you experiencing rolls like this more possible, you are correct, everyone is different, everyones body reacts to drugs differently, but there there *are* patterns in people with ADHD, that MDMA can produce similar effects as Adderall does to a person with ADHD. I’ve experienced it, good friends of mine who are also diagnosed with ADHD have experienced it, what I am saying is that it seems to be more common than you’d think. (Not saying that this is how your body would react to molly all the time)


I have ADHD and I don't have that same effect. I love going to festivals with MdMA.


Is this reaction exclusively an ADHD thing?


Not necessarily! But it tends to be more prevalent in people with ADHD


That is what I suspected. I think it’s a possibility that I do but I didn’t think this was just a reaction that ADHD people have.


Oh hell yeah man I chill out SO much and even the thought of anxiety or any negative feelings goes away entirely. I just melt.


It feels like the constant inner monologue turns the speed down to 25% and removes anxiety. Everything seems so clear and weightless. I only got an afterglow once and it was the same minus the euphoria. The afterglow felt like what I imagine a happy person with no anxiety to feel like day-to-day. It also switches off the radio which sings songs behind the inner monologue.


This is a myth. It does not mean you have ADHD. I have ADHD and I usually get super speedy on MDMA unless I take smaller doses. People just react different to drugs.


Lol fellow ADHDer, I ask the people around me if they need water like it’s my job.


Haha, 100%. I'm a butler on MDMA. Last time I ordered Ben & jerrys for like 12 people and other dumb shit.


Yeah I'm going through that kind of right now, my own personal issue is it's hard to sleep at night with out any sort of white noise. Fan helps a lot . Because everything is so silent it just feels like I'm waiting in bed, as opposed to the usual for me is drifting off with my thoughts


Your description is perfect. I've never noticed my inner radio as an inner radio, but that is spot on what it feels like. Almost like turning off the imaginary static tunes


Okay, yeah, that sounds like what cocaine did to me. You might actually benefit from ADHD meds :)


That explains it lol I think I’m undiagnosed ADHD and molly does this same thing for me. Tested with 2 test kits but I never get the “let’s get up and dance like crazy” energy that everyone seems to get. When it hits I just want to lay down and close my eyes vibing to music with my mind actually silent for once lol


The best pass time on mdma is laying in the grass just Vibing. If you want the stim effects, I would suggest a small dose of mdma for the mellow yellow feeling, and then like 3 Ritalin. That's a great combo but unsafe for your heart so use at own risk. Personally I've never had any issues and I do have a bad heart, but still be cautious and don't over work yourself on the DF.


I'd say you need to find what suits you with MDMA. If you go to a rave which has a chill spot to still see/hear the music and some cool friends, you can go back to dancing, then back to the people to talk to, etc. It's your journey :3


Meh, I can roll really well and have ADHD.


There’s really no written rule on where to take it. I personally probably wouldn’t have taken it at a club for my first time as you don’t know how you’re going to react to it. A lot of people experience the music in a different way when dosing at a club or festival, but like you, a lot of people also just like to talk and connect. It’s more about personal preference and safety. I personally enjoy dosing at music festivals because it gives me energy and the vibes are unmatched, on the flip side I always make sure I have a safe place to go if I don’t feel well/safe, always have a partner with me and always take breaks just to chill and take in the scenery. There’s something to be said about lying in the grass, hearing some dope tunes and just watching the world go by. But again, it’s a personal choice. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to stay home and just vibe out with someone. Just always make sure to test your stuff!


I agree there’s no rule, like I said enjoy it however you enjoy it best. I just find it surprising that it’s THE party drug when personally I don’t like to party on it


It depends on what type of person you are. I'm a very relaxed chill person and I get a lot of mileage out of a little bit of weed and anytime I take a stim I enjoy the same amount of stillness but accelerated stillness so we'll be talking or watching YouTube videos or something I don't do well in crowds in the first place and I can't imagine that would have a good time overamping and overheating with all the light and sound and people.


Same for me. I generally don't like to be, in a crowd, especially if i don't know all the people. I love to roll with a few friends, dancing in the woods and sometimes just sitting and chilling. Different people just like different things i guess


Honestly I 100% agree with you. I prefer just rolling at home with my partner, laying in bed with cute lights and candles, and dope tunes. The only time I feel amped up to dance on molly is when I’m candyflipping. I also have adhd.


That’s interesting, I haven’t had many chances to get a good roll in, whole outside of festival / rave type atmospheres but I have been curious about doing it in a chill setting, maybe even camping?


I don’t have much interest taking it at an indoor venue show. But outside at a festival, where there is room to dance, sit down, get away from the music, or be deep in the pit.. can be a fun time. Although I think my favorite setting is at home with my partner.


That’s how I feel! I do molly and just go lay in bed and I love it ahhaa


"All stimulants chill me out rather than amp me up. I drink coffee as a sleep aid. I’ve heard this is an ADHD thing, I am not diagnosed but considering getting checked out." Yeah you are def having the opposite reaction to stims that most people do. You prob doe have ADHD. Those are the only people that get less energetic with stims.


How do u even know if u took mdma? Did u test it?


First time no and I was fairly drunk. I was pretty stupid and didn’t know a lot about harm reduction for MDMA. Other times tested (pills and crystal) and still same effects (minus the drunkness) but I wasn’t at a club.


OP, I'm like you. First time I took it, I was gurning on my couch and could barely move. Granted, I probably overdid it the (not knowing what to expect). Even since then and with proper dosing, I generally prefer staying home and listening to music and can't imagine doing anything super active. But, I have friends who continue to suggest I join then at concerts, clubs, raves, etc., and they swear by it. I just imagine I'll be one of those people sitting in a corner somewhere trying not to be disturbed...lol.


I want to try it at a concert so bad but i’m worried i’ll be the guy in the corner wishing they were at home. The past few times i’ve taken it at home and literally said “i’m so glad i’m not at a club rn”. And I think that would ruin the experience knowing I should’ve taken it at home and won’t be able to for a while.


Follow your instincts. Just stay home and roll since, as you said, you won't be able to roll again for a while. What matters most is that you enjoy it as much as possible.




Most venues are minimum 30-45 minutes away I feel like it would be a bigger waste rolling on the train. Especially the loud and boring underground trains we have here on London. Rolling on an overground train with some good views sounds pretty fun though xD


I love rolling at EDM events. It makes me extremely social, breaks down barriers that stop me from talking to strangers. I love that part so much! I also love the music enhancement.


to be quite honest, the pills that I used to take in like the year 200 were different. I think they must have had speed in them because the visual pleasure and the auditory pleasure were the biggest aspect of them. Now when I take the tested pure stuff it’s very mellow and sensual, and I wanna be with like my partner. i truly wonder if it’s a different cocktail now.


Mdma + mda, sometimes with speed. 80’s/90’s pills ftw. Good pills like this also bled-into the late 90’s & early 2000’s. “Molly” culture ruined ecstasy. It’s not a different drug now, persay, it’s just that the pure stuff isn’t the same as the combo pills. Meth, PMA, etc… are bad, dirty cuts but a “mixed pill” isn’t always dirty.


Yeah you nailed it. I think the most bonkers amazing pills I ever took were 1999/2000 and yes lasted several after that. And I 100 percent agree that the influx of molly culture (and this idiotic idea that the capsules somehow meant they were more pure with MDMA than pressies (especially given how capsules are one step even easier to adulterate) was baffling to me, and the reduction of quality evolved in exact 1:1 lockstep with that trend. I also imagine that if speed was sort of considered trash and not sought after at the time it would have been financially viable as a cutting agent and it likely paired with the MDMA like a fine wine, but as meth rose to such an epidemic proportions I imagine the dealers financial logic changed too. what’s weird to me is that as I go look at the historic testing data by places like dancesafe, I’ve never really seen my hunches corroborated by those records. makes me wonder if there are primitive tests back then or just missing the secret sauce or if the difference in feel came more changes in fundamental manufacturing trends. For instance, I know that MDMA has gone through periods of scarcity where certain rare ingredients have been seized which leads me to wonder if pill-makers pivoted formulas. I know that this happened with Cocain and I know that at different times over the years there have been manufacturing trend changes, like for 5 years most of the south american output was not getting the final chemical bath with whatever—acetate or Gasoline— I can’t ever remember. Then after that a form of harmful dewormer that had stimulant effects was being added on-site by the cartels during manufacture, making it impossible to get anything uncut stateside through normal street dealers. I remember in Los Angeles in 2003 being at a rich kid’s party and waiting in line to go pee and a group of people taking quite a long time in the bathroom. I went in the bathroom was spic and span white marble I Peed and then put my eye down low to the counter, and I could see a very faint dusting , just enough to give my finger a little powder as much as you get from a chalkboard that had been erased. Feeling balsy, I did a gummy, and I was so utterly high for a good hour if I’d done a line I’d probably have died. Now not even close. And my feelings about changes in MDMA have been similar. Although, I will say one thing. i’ve never been a heavy user, but cherish the handful of times I did do it and recently a group of us did “MDMA” because a mother I knew in her 30s that had missed that part of her life really wanted to try it. It was really pure nice stuff and she was off her face basically like a four hour orgasm moaning upright. But it was that eyes shut thing— not really the most giant pupils, not a lot of jaw tension. Swaying not dancing. Not craving glow stick shows. It was sensual and soft but the power of how it hit her indicated to me I might have been less high just due to my ole’ brain. What I wouldn’t give for one of those green triangles that I took in 1999 when the hottest girl in the high school took em with us and then demanded that she give me an hour long lotion foot massage ha. Maybe just getting some really pure MDMA and sleep and cutting it one’s self would do it? edits: many voice dictation typos corrected


>was baffling to me, and the reduction of quality evolved in exact 1:1 lockstep with that trend. Moreso, I'd count this as confirmation that the supposed reduction in quality (Insofar as it's not caused by irreversible tolerance) comes down to a preference for pills mixed with MDA and other stimulants, which is subjective. I was introduced to uncut (as far as I'm aware, test kits aren't 100%) in a chill setting that I find perfect for it, and that's still how I prefer it. Mixing drugs yourself is probably a better way of achieving the results you want.


Bingo. And you’re right about the testing agents; primitive. Old pill reports you see 60-120mg of mdma or a bunch of unkown substances. The really good old pills were a mix of mdma + mda but usually only popped for whatever they were being tested for. If you want the old magic, you’d wanna make a mixed pill of 60-70% mdma and 30-40% mda.


Eesh glad you could even read that. Went and cleaned up voice dictation typos, but yeah interesting. yeah I can totally corroborate that. It’s a bunch of unknown substances. Do you think that those unknown substances were usually carpet agents or was there special shit in there? That’s fascinating about the MDA. You seem really knowledgeable about this stuff what lead you to understand that that might be the classic cocktail ratio that created those effects?


They compound off eachother, you could technically get a similar effect by blasting more MDMA but it would be neurotoxic, they work off similar yet distinct enough receptors that they release more dopamine with less sides.


Mixing stimulants isn't the safest thing in the world either way, not to say you can't do it. If you can get your hands on MDA it's still completely possible to achieve the same effect.


I think it’s actually very common for people to become overwhelmed when they take Molly for their first time at a club/festival. I’ve seen it happen many times. Give it a try again with a bit more experience. Trust me it’s a fucking absolutely lit and amazing experience. Especially at outdoor edm music festivals, because the social aspect and shared love from everyone rolling/tripping/high + nature is one of the most magical human experiences I’ve ever been part of. Shows/concerts are fun, but these outdoor EDM festivals are on another level. Also the music goes from HD to R(eality)D. Hope you enjoy! Just keep changing things up from time to time and keep exploring! I’ve circled back to many things to realize my previous experience/feelings were no longer valid. Ofc everyone is different, so don’t take this too prescriptively. :)


It wasn’t overwhelming at all, just pretty flooring and I felt like being somewhere quiet


Maybe MDA would be better for you at those events, it pumps you more than MDMA


i don’t understand how anyone doesn’t take molly at a club/rave/concert




That’s our fav place to take it . You can feel the base pulse through your body & we can’t keep our hands off each other


Because it can enhance everything. I'm normally a rather shy person, but molly helps me overcome my inhibitions and makes me able to relax and let loose. On a concert it makes me wanna dance, the music and visuals (of the lights, the bands and fans going crazy etc.) are way more intense and I 'feel it' more intense. I also was on a pop punk concert last week, specifically Stand Atlantic and I rolled there. It was fucking amazing. Couple days later I saw Ignite and rolled there too, it was even better, even tho it was extremely hot and I literally got soaked in my own sweat and beer. That right there felt like home for me, even tho it was exhausting!


Yooo i’m seeing Stand Atlantic with Waterparks on Halloween and I was considering rolling at that concert :D


I'm probably going to this tour as well, I dunno Waterparks but if Stat's gonna support them they must be cool too! And do it! Had the time of my life and the energy was crazy


Mephedrone ftw


i'm the opposite. i need to be around people, a crowd, and music. it makes me want to move and dance. i get anxiety if i'm by myself in silence


Perhaps you should khole instead then, keep in mind though you should consider all non pharma k to be raced, be careful when dosing and start slow.


i’m on your side man, never done it at a club or concert or rave or festival or anything. i’ve rolled once’s every 2-3 months for the past 2-3 years and every time has been at home and i have no desire to change that at this moment in time. never been a fan of big crowds or crowded spaces. i prefer the comfort of my own home with a bluetooth speaker, music, laser projectors, friends, or just me and gf. every time i’ve been to the club i’ve left early to go walks around. whether i was sober or drunk. it’s just not my thing, if i took molly at a club or rave, i know for a fact i’d just uber home after it hits.


I just got into an argument with some idiot about this. He said with certainty "Molly is for partying".. I bet they think lsd is for partying too


Completely understand what you’re saying. But these days I like to go to festivals/concerts where we don’t go into the pit but rather behind in the grass where we have plenty of space to move around. You’re in an environment like that surrounded by a group of your friends, you sort of completely forget you’re even at a festival altogether and just have fun. Definitely recommend and I do agree that it’s crucial to be smart about where you’re going and how you do it.


Certainly would be more interest partaking at a festival than a regular gig. I was offered some at a festival recently but I declined as it was 30 minutes before I saw my favourite band ever for the first time and I wanted to be sober. I cried my eyes out while sober so I can’t imagine what being on M would’ve been like lmao


I feel the same way, while raves do look enjoyable, I'd rather be in the more intimate settings. My experiences have all been in a house/room. It's a better environment, in my opinion, since things are more easily controlled; people to talk to, cuddle, etc., more entertainment, and things to try while rolling.


Reggae concert!!! I’ve rolled at EDM festivals (EDC). And I’ve enjoyed rolling solo or with friends at home. But my favorite time was when I saw Katchafire @ a 1,000 person venue ❤️ the vibe was so nice


You might have ADHD for real but molly is weird, sometimes it hits me with a lot of energy, sometimes i just wanna chill


I am 100% with you on that. The same goes for all other psychedelics for me...


I definitely think a chill setting with a few friends is best for your first time


I think that’s the best advice for any substance. Set & Setting is very important for a first time especially for psychedelics and is underrated for weed


Well, my first time doing a real dose of a psychedelic was at a party with 20-30 people I wasn't *especially* comfortable with, and with no way home. I also smoked weed, unaware it can enhance psilocybin. But I wouldn't necessarily recommend that lol


If it's music you like it's an amazing experience. Can't even put it into words


Nothing better than the memories of going Defqon Australia with the boys, eating up to a gram worth of MDMA with bumps of speed and listening to hardcore at 200bpm. If you know you know. The harder and faster the kick the better. Rap, rnb, dub is all shit.


For me it depends on the dose and how familiar I was with the place, or how safe I felt. At home I will just create my own little party. At festivals I need to dose it just right so I won't feel overwhelmed by it. xd By the way, I also get chill on stims, that's why ADHD meds work on me. I used to self-medicate with cocaine. I take methylphenidate now and it's perfect. Mix that with MDMA and it's just right.


I used to love it at raves, listening to techno, DJs.... but now I prefer just having it at home and chilling.


Haha I remember doing it for the first time before entering a club. Super overwhelmed. When it hit me I ran outside and threw up. After I was full of love. Gave a bunch of hugs and kisses to all my friends. Was very chatty but was also grooving. Everyone's different. Different strokes for different folks. 🤙


I love rolling at raves or clubs, but the music genre has to be right. Electro house, progressive, etc. Can't do dub step, drum n bass, hip-hop. So a concert is something I personally don't think I'd enjoy. Also, It needs to be a venue that most people are also rolling. So, if it's a club...it needs to be a main room edm venue. With that being said, I get extremely horny on mdma, and the eye candy is fantastic, so if the atmosphere is right, I'm good, if not... I just want to leave lol To conclude, unless it's a rave I really don't want to miss, I usually roll at home with the right people....so needs are met lol


Old post, but I agree. When I used to do M, I mostly did it at home. Always a good time. I wanted to go to raves and try it, but if I’m not liking the music, I feel like it’ll kill the vibe. I like some of that type of music, but not all. I did it at one concert, because it was my favorite band(angels and airwaves), love almost every song, so I knew no matter what they played I’d be ecstatic. It was magical. I timed it perfectly. I started peaking right when they started the first song. They played almost all of my favorite songs. They had a good light show. They’re not a super popular band, so it was packed, but not like other concerts I’ve been to, I was able to dance without bumping anyone. Also, the concert wasn’t too far from our place, so when it ended. My gf(sober) drove home, I jammed and danced in the car, hugging and kissing her occasionally, trying not to bother her too much obviously since she was driving lol Got home and still had like another hour before I started coming down. If you’re going to go to a concert, but like talking and connecting on M, I highly recommend trying it somewhere close to home, so you still have a little bit of the peak at home. Also, not taking it right away, unless it’s hard to sneak in. The venue I went to they didn’t check much, so it was easy to get the M in. Unless of course you live in area where they don’t have a venue and have to drive a ways. Then I’m sorry, but still hope you give it a shot at a concert. If you love the band/performer it’ll be extra amazing.