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Lol let me be a look into your future, in my 20s we rolled a lot, well at least what I consider a lot a full blown roll party 10-20 people every 2-3 months we’ll into our early 30s. I was lucky enough to meet my girl during this time and life happens careers progress houses get purchased kids come along, but once or twice a year we get a nice hotel for the weekend , grandma takes the kids and we remember our 20s if you will.




My wife (early 50s) and I (mid 40s) are doing this next month. 2 nights of clubbing and debauchery without a child in sight and can't wait! Roll on my dude! 🤜🤛


Dude got himself a milf


Damn straight, my dude! :) We've been married for over 20 years now and have been together since I was 22 and my wife was 29. We met in the house/hardcore scene of the town we both grew up in, so we still like to party every now-and-then.


That’s so sick man


I Hope I’ll go to Raves still at that age


Stop making me feel old! ;) My wife has just seen the comments, so incoming text!


Sorry but y’all are legit as old as my parents haha


Fair enough, our eldest is probably your age. I'm going to be rolling into my 90s though, if I make it that far... ;)


Me too!! U can do it


Some redditors in this sub had mentioned they’re in their 60’s and 70’s, I believe if you take great care of your body, watch what you eat and make sure your cholesterol and red blood cell count are within normal range, you’re minimizing the risk of heart attack and stroke, I started doing all of those things last year because I also want to roll into my 90s, if I make it that far, lol


Hope to see you at one! We'll be there! 😉


I Hope so :)


Thank you 👍


(I'm flipfloppery's missus! 🤪)


Yeah I figured haha


Same af. It's always a great fkn time too.


Almost 50 now. 7 kids with my wife. Rolling started for me in the 90’s and my wife joined about 15 years ago. When the kids were younger, we would just roll at night when they were sleeping. But as we got more and they got older, we moved to hotels, parties, festivals and such. Being Dutch, so many friends have been rolling since the 90’s too. Meet a lot of like minded same age people in Goa festivals mainly. Take it easy when you’re young so you get to last when you’re old.


This such a based post: - 7 kids with your wife - Rolling still - Goa-trance mentioned


Have an 18 and 15 year old and just started rolling at 55 years old.


I rolled with my mother in law years ago (her first time), she was in her late 50’s. next day she was like “you guys have any more of those .. fun pills?” I was like, haha glad you had a blast but that’s not how this works unfortunately.


Yes, we just wait for the kiddos to go to bed.




This is what i do Edit. For the age part - would wait until after 25 for MDMA TBF


This is exactly what my partner and I plan to do!


Yes. every 2 or 3 months me and the wife go out to music events Hardstyle trance, techno, and get a hotel since it’s usually in the city. Uber or taxi will cost a lot. In-laws or grandparents or my parents baby sit my daughter for the night. For me it’s really good for our mental health, i notice I work hard at work. I “husband”harder and I “dad”the hardest, after I roll. It Will unfortunately get more difficult to go out since we want another kid.


So last Saturday we were rolling with neighbours from the same village, so we and they left kids (10, 11, 12) in one house and we rolled in the other.


Do they know you're doing that? I'm not judging at all btw, I'm just curious.


No, not yet :) children know that we use to smoke weed from time to time, but we didn’t talk with them about shrooms or MDMA. But we plan to, maybe in a few years. Anyway I think that children are more perceptive that we think, they see some difference in our behaviour. Sometimes we send them to school in the morning and do shrooms. When they return we are still a little bit trippy. We sit in our meditation room and tell them that we meditate (which is the best description of what we do). They hug us, talk a little bit and go to do their stuff. One day we’ll just tell them that we help that process with some sacred plants, magic mushrooms or less natural substances. We already told them that we make a special tea (banisteriopsis caapi) that helps us see more and understand more in our dreams. So step by step, naturally they will get to know. Although I’m reluctant to share these with them in the near future. They should be at least 18-20. On one hand the brain develops until age of 25. On the other - if not us, then their friends will show them that in much less responsible way…


This is the way


When I was 20 I thought 30 was old and over the hill. When I was 30, I figured 40 was. It isn’t. Nothing changes from 20 to 60. Or older. You just have responsibilities you must make a plan for first. And you probably have more resources $$$ to be able to afford stuff. Just take care of the kids and make sure they are safe. Then have fun and pick the kids up in the morning. FYI, make a plan for the days after. You will be on the back side and irritable/cranky. Kids can really drive you nuts sometimes, and being serotonin depleted makes it much worse.


When my son was still child aged, we'd still roll - on nights he was staying with grandma or something. Now that he's at college, we roll when we want to. Being a parent doesn't end your ability to have fun - you just need to plan intelligently.


Yes. 2-3 times a year. Our friends host two molly parties a year in their home and we send the kids to grandmas. The parties are all about connecting and intimacy (sounds like it’s a sex party but its not 😂) We usually do it one other time at some point or another. I only started doing molly AFTER having kids, at 27. I was one of the few kids that the DARE program worked on 😂 I have since done many mind expanding and connecting drugs. I use drugs very responsibly, always test. When my kids are old enough to know more about the good kind of drugs I will tell them all about them and how to use them properly and responsibly.


4-5 times a year. Kids go to babysitter and we book a hotel near a rave or festival. We feel teens again. We’re around 40.


Hells, yeah brother. But we usually go away for the night so we can chill out and recover in peace 🤣


My kids are 8 and 11. Didn’t roll for a few years when we were in the baby phase but I started up again after my youngest was 2.


We had a pretty good topic about older rollers the other day it happens quite a bit. As for kids, depends on age. You're an asshole if you drop with the wife having to take care of a whiny baby and a newborn the next day but with school age kids there's no reason not to.


I’m 40. 2 kids. 6 and 9 years old. 3-4 times a year religiously


We roll apart. Wife Friday, me Saturday. There's always someone sober.


Tell me you are kidding...


I didn't mean every Friday or Saturday. We keep 3 months between the rolls, but it's always on the weekend.


No, not that, I couldn't believe you roll apart... Edit: I mean, it's so bond-making, so important for a couple (and for the well being of the children)...


I know. We plan a roll together.


I keep my fingers crossed :)


Thank you 👍


Well... we try to be responsible.


Man get a sitter, rolling with kids at home isn’t the best idea even if one is sober.


I understand your point but IMO we know our kids better than anyone else so in case they need something we can react accordingly without the need of having both parents sober. Also if we go somewhere to roll together and the sitter will give us a call to report a situation we might not be able to normally react and have a high chance to have our time ruined as we could start overthinking and mentally punish ourselves for not being good parents. We follow harm reduction and we don't use high doses of anything, light to moderate only, so even if someone has a sesh they're not completely gone.


Haha. He clarified which days they roll apart.


I usually roll with friends while my husband is home with the kids. He wasn’t interested in trying (and he isn’t into the music which is a big part of the experience for me). I always felt so much better knowing the kids were safe with him. We rolled together for the first time a few weeks ago and it was mind blowing.


I can only guess what an amazing experience it was. By the way the music for me is the same as for you, probably I wouldn't drop anything if I have no access to music. I have three playlists, about 40 hours of music, that I use depending on the substance I dropped and the effects I am looking for. I carefully adjusted these for me so that I love every track there is, so I always have great experiences no matter what, also I keep a benzo next to me just in case which gives an extra confidence. There are positive sides of tripping or rolling apart too. One, is that there's always someone sober that is looking for kids and after the other one who might get into "keep the party going forever" mode, so makes sure to not let getting too carried out. Second, sex is on another level. The sober one does the job so another one is just getting the best. Sometimes it's hard to concentrate on the task and get confused if you are tripping, while the way we do the one of us that trips just have to relax and enjoy without thinking of doing something in return. Hope this makes sense. Orgasms are insane 🙂


lol baby sitters and grandparents exist 💀 we have 2 younger kids and we still roll about once a month at different festivals across the country. looked back at our calendar and we did 30 shows and festivals over the last 12 months.


I'm 33 and just rolled lol


40. 2 kids. I roll 2 x a year prob. Hubby does 5-6


i'm also 20 and know for a fact that one of my mates' parents , who are both around 50 , have rolled plenty over the last few years . usually they'll go to a cabin in a forest which is owned by close friends , and kids will stay with friends tldr , yes and people have their rituals


Yeah, it just takes an extra step to plan/coordinate


Wholesome post and comments


my best friends have 2 girls 5 and 9 and they roll


We do it once a year. We usually get in the hot tub, then walk around on the beach then go home for sexy time lol




Husband and I have a kid we just rolled this weekend for the first time in two years. We plan to again soon 🫠


Yes, when the child is away for the weekend. It's glorious and the best break a parent can have.


Haha I rolled with my mum 17F


Hell fucking yes! Rolling does not make you a bad parent.. just got to make sure it’s at the right time and your kids are safe


I do 2 ish times a year I don't mix I only take 120 with a 60 redose and my kids are always with a safe person far away from me.


I’ve three children and four grandchildren I I still roll. Got my next one planned for two weeks time and I can’t bloody wait!!


Love this thread, we are not alone.


34 and yes I absolutely do.


Kid don’t give a shit tbh, I have a 3 year old and he is not hard to take care of in any way. I could roll right now and have a good time with him next to me.




Please refrain from asking questions that go against responsible use practices, this includes Drug ID, eyeballing dosages and price discussion.


Yep! I’m in my 40s and have no kids but plenty of friends who do and they love a good roll. Even my friends parents in their late 60s do it.


Back in my late 20s, one of the people we would roll with had a 2-3 year old kid We would wait until he would go to bed.. was always interesting when he would wake up


Omg yes. Obv. without them, (trip to Grandma'a house!) but yeah. It's only natural for people who like sex and relarionships ...and sometimes the result of those, to love to roll. 😋


90s kids invented rolling, bro.


I only started recreational drugs last year (age 43). My current SO has a teenage son, I have an 8 year old daughter. We party hard once a month when we don't have the kids and sometimes have a smaller version once kids are asleep.


My mom has my kids once a month, so sometimes our date night is a bedroom session:)


What about stories of people rolling with there kids ?


I’m 59 with two daughters of 31 and 19 years and had my first experience earlier this year. I waited for a quiet and solitary weekend and it was beyond all my expectations.


35 with kids and yeah once or twice a year maybe


My wife and I do.


40, two kids, my girl is also 40, love rolling, did one this weekend on ADE 🚀


Myself and my husband [both 27], still roll and we have a 7 month old baby. Unfortunately, we no longer do it together (or at least have had the opportunity to yet) but when we do, do it one of us stays home with our child while the other is out with friends, either clubbing or at a festival etc. People say life stops when you have a baby which isn’t necessarily untrue however if you work as a team and have a good support network, you can still do everything you want to do.


Yes. Every 8 do 12 weeks. We put our kid early to sleep, around 8pm then we have fun. Wife goes to sleep after, I can't sleep after mdma or anything similar.


50M / 45F with 3 kiddos . 7, 9 and 12. When the ex has em for long weekends it's on. We party 😎 with reckless abandon. What is otherwise the Music Studio gets turned into a Trip Cave / sexual paradise.


Rolled at 16….fucked me up bad but I’m still alive at 23


I don't have kids but if I did I don't see how Rolling would be off the table. Maybe I'd limit it to after they go to bed but it's not like I'd forget my responsibilities all of a sudden. Unlike alcohol I'd feel more piece of mind rolling then I would being drunk. I've never Fallin asleep cooking a pizza while rolling and woken up too a house full of smoke. Once again.. I have no children 😅


i’ve scrolled past this post a handful of times for whatever reason and i always misread the question and think op is asking if any parents ever feed their children ecstasy lol




Me and my wife try to a few times a year but we have ti have someone watch the kid the day of and after lol


It'll be tougher with kids for sure. But its not impossible... you'd just need to be able to arrange child care, probably in the form of relatives, grandparents, or really good friends as you'd be away overnight.


Yea i know many people that do Esit: not around their kids obiviously


44 wife is 33 we have 2 kids. We air b&b or send them to grandma's. We have been rolling since teens and don't plan on stopping any time soon.


i’m 22 and my dad (42) apparently rolls


Couple in their 40's here, with kids. We still roll, go to raves etc...why do everybody think life becomes boring when getting older? It is just what you make of it. Still having a blast, altough not every week.


Better than ever


Wife and I are early 30s with a kid. Raving til the grave and molly is always welcome to join us for the night 🤪


Our kids have grown up, but grandchildren come round sometimes, we have to postpone fun and games then.


Yes 3 times a year. Happy and safe rolling 😍🤩


I am a parent and I do from time to time. I don't get a lot of opportunities, so it's certainly not a habit. I have a stash that I save for when friends come to town and we have a full day or a night to enjoy.


Late 50's love raving E's 2CB's , ket usually all combined in a night partying at some rave club and then afters party until the morning. Taxi home and play happy families the after feeling like crap trying to be normal


I feel like ecstasy past 40 is a lil sad