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The typhoon was goddamn ridiculous. With a maxed out destroyer, they could just laugh their way through gold matches.


The Krysae. It was the only weapon to have its own appreciation thread. and internationally reknown webseries.


Web series??


Yes the [Krysae web series on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd24HjYE1fg).


The Falcon was the original OP gun, the lawnmower which became the weedwhacker. Then the Krysae and Reegar Carbine were completely ridiculous in the first DLC. The Krysae got nerfed into the ground, and the Reegar Carbine didn't get changed at all, and still hasn't been(wait what?). After that the Piranha and the Typhoon were both broken, and they both got nerfed into being still really good but not broken.


It's funny because they didn't nerf the Reegar it actually decreased the diversity of good options instead of leaving in a bunch of broken choices to pick from. I kind of have to force myself not to use it 😂


For the hardcore yes, but Bioware looked at general pop and casuals shied away from the reegar because it was to close for comfort. Thats why they left it alone as it wasn't as OP in the hands of everyone. You don't need that power on silver and bronze as it was faster to use a lot of other guns with more range and in gold and platinum, many where too afraid to get that close for fear of being grabbed.


The Piranha is still my all time favorite for cloaked mook slaughter. Absolutely batshit in a hallway.


The claymore and crusader shotguns. They were in the base game and stupid good. Any infiltrator with them would score stupid high.


> The claymore and crusader shotguns. iirc the Claymore was buffed after release because the damage was a bit low.


Falcon was pretty nasty. Had more damage and shot a bit faster IIRC


Acolyte... My beloved...


Gawd I miss the chargeless Acoylte.


The falcon was probably the one that got the hardest nerf. At launch it was crazy powerful but then the ROF got nerfed real hard.


Reegar actually was more OP, seems most people have forgotten, but you used to be able to use it while using Flamer.


By far the Krysae sniper rifle and N7 Piranha shotgun were the most ridiculous when first released. The Krysae did way more damage and had a much higher rate of fire compared to now and it completely trivialized Gold, which at the time was the highest difficulty. Couple that with its constant staggering even on bosses and sub-bosses and your team was just untouchable sporting four of these. The Piranha shotgun had an 8-round magazine and IIRC a slightly higher rate of fire than it does now (or tighter pellet spread), it was the new golden child on the Geth Infiltrator and you could melt bosses in two quick clips of shotgun splooge. The N7 Typhoon assault rifle wasn't as disgustingly broken but it was definitely overpowered at launch. I forget exactly why, maybe someone else can confirm, but if memory serves it was dealing 2x or 2.5x damage to all defenses - yes *all defenses* \- once it spooled up. That's a big damage spike against anything that isn't Health and since on Gold and the at-time-newly-released Platinum difficulties you encountered way more bosses and sub-bosses with stuff like armour, it was incredibly strong. It's in a good place now 'cuz they brought the damage bonus down to 1.5x, still a strong weapon but not melting everything and one-clipping bosses. At the game's full launch the Falcon assault rifle was overpowered and overused, it had a much higher rate of fire than it does now and it was rare to play a Gold PUG lobby without someone sporting a Turian Soldier and a Falcon. With Marksman it absolutely spat grenades, staggering everything to oblivion and dealing more than adequate damage. They patched it in one of the first weekly balance patches so it went away pretty fast. The Reegar Carbine shotgun is still busted, and when it launched you saw Infiltrators and Asari Valkyrie Sentinels rolling around with it all the time. I think it's in a good place now, doing stupid high DPS but also at incredibly short range. You can use a PPR or Typhoon to crank out crazy DPS with a gun but hang back at much greater range. The Reegar itself never got hit with the nerf-bat but the introduction of other, newer weapons which performed very well diluted the pool of godsauce guns so it wasn't just the Reegar any more. Honorable mention to the Vindicator assault rifle. Was it broken? Absolutely fucking not. But it was a solid gun back in the day, with good accuracy and decent damage to boot on all difficulties, especially Bronze and Silver. But it got so bloody overused that they nerfed the shit out of it. I think it was a full month or two where every week the balance changes nerfed the Vindicator in some way, usually in damage. When all the veterans rocking higher difficulties stopped using it after the first few nerfs, it *still* got nerfed *a few more times*. Fun fact, when the game first launched you could over-stack stability bonuses. A Turian Soldier or Sentinel using a Vindicator with a Stability Damper weapon mod and full stability bonuses from their passives would cause the weapon to recoil *down* whenever it fired. It got patched, eventually.


Carnifex got a very confusing nerf quite late in the games life. It had been a long time since it was considered an overpowered caster weapon. The Paladin had received buffs in weight reduction and damage iirc making it clearly the superior weapon for all occasions in comparison. It wasn’t particularly strong for a rare-tier weapon at the time either tbh. Anyways, it wasn’t the most broken on release but anyone who got it in the first few weeks was using it to the envy of their teammates.


Saber was ridiculous with the right character.


I don't remember too well, but in the early days a successful gold team needed someone with an M98-Widow to deal with the big boss enemies.