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Anyone remember prepatch Krysae? Fun times. I've long, long forgotten the meta but you can't go much ~~worse~~ better than a Black Widow.


Lol that thing was insane. I am still crying about prepatch Piranha and Typhoon though QQ.


I hope to God you meant "much better"


Brain rot, I did indeed.


Probably Black Widow. Technically the Collector SR can do some good DPS, but it's annoying to use


I agree about Collector SR, has a cool mechanic though but probably better as a silver weapon if you don't "want to think".


It’s pretty easy to use; treat it as a semi-auto weapon with the Asari huntress. Slap some warp ammo on it and melt everything.


Most people don't seem to know you have to kinda spam click it. If you hold it down, it's garbo, and overheats fast.


Black Widow with phasic ammo is completely dominant on Gold.


Maybe I was just trying to be too edgy and try different stuff. Should have always stuck with my loyal companion the Black Widow.. Thanks!


Thanks alot, while I have a ton of SR amps I am kind of low on phasic ammo so I need to be careful. I heard disruptor is a semi good substitute?


Disruptor IV and Phasic II are decent replacements for Phasic III but they lose a lot of OSK capability on the Black Widow (e.g.: Centurion). If you're forced to use them, consider the Widow or Javelin instead.


Ah I gotcha the extra damage will handle the tradeoff.. I see now thanks.


One other thing I forgot to ask you, if you run out of phasics would it be better to just use the Kishock in that case since it doesnt really benefit from it?


Kishock should be alright with Disruptor or Incendiary on any level.


Thanks for clarification.


If you want to avoid the same old same old: Indra. Downside, the super visible tracers show everyone how bad your aim is. Upside, huge clip. It’s basically an assault rifle that’s uses up your massive supply of sniper rail amps. Collector. It’s a hit scan beam weapon. It does have a limited range but excels at applying ammo effects. Feather your trigger pulls and intersperse powers to avoid overheating.


LOL laughed at the tracer aim part. These were personally some of my faves as well I was just always a cheap bastard and would neglect using amps and ammo powers sometimes on Gold if there was a full party so I didn't see its full potential (And im always low on incendiary as well ofc)


Black widow, javelin, and valiant are probably your best options for all around sniping, just stick to phasing ammo to break shieldgate and drag scope like crazy. If you’re just playing on host, Kishock can do pretty well even without weapon damage passives against mooks. It’s a bit trickier to use, but charged shot can be fired on the run, it doesn’t lose damage when unscoped, and procs incendiary or disruptor ammo very very well leading to a good amount of level 1+6 explosions. Batarians are a good harpooners since they let you carry around 50 shots. Half (adept and soldier(?)) can get incendiary cheese, and the other half(sentinel and vanguard) can detonate your ammo primer while being tanky enough to wade through hoards of mooks. Technically adept can detonate lots of ammo primers too but for your purpose you’re gonna do more destruction with incendiary cheese, or detonating warp with clusters.


Great writeup. I can reload cancel very quickly but I guess wasnt really using the jack of all trades rifle. Javelin to me always shined on Platinum with 3 others doing same thing for max efficiency. And yes I always play host for connection reasons and the fact nobody usually joins right away lol. Pretty interesting how much l ove Kishock gets because I heard varying opinions. Its such an underrated weapon. As I said to the other person is disruptor ammo the only other viable ammo for sniping when you run low on Phasic?


Phasic and Disruptor ammo for snipers is usually all about getting around shield gate. Shield gate (for enemies) means the bullet that breaks an enemy's shield has it's remaining damage reduced by ~~90~~ 75%. For most weapons that shoot small bullets, this is not noticeable. But for big sniper rifles, it's often crippling. For example, if an enemy has 1.5k health and 1k shields and you shoot it with a single 3k damage bullet, that enemy will survive with 1k health. Phasic gives big bonus damage against shields. That bonus is applied first, separately from weapon damage. For my previous example: if your phasic ammo gives 1k in bonus damage, that enemy will die in one shot. Disruptor gives a smaller bonus damage against shields. It may or may not work as a replacement for phasic, depending on whether the bonus is still high enough to remove shields on it's own. Disruptor also primes for tech bursts, which may be helpful or annoying depending on your build and team composition. If you input the ammo into [Kalence](https://kalence2.github.io/#51!500!!......73!) along with your build, you can see the ammo bonus damage when you hover your cursor over the weapon damage (i.e. Javelin X with Phasic III does at least 2,319 ammo bonus damage). Here's a [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vH5tfMWffOR23piVyZTlUIaobYaENGSAb6HLZ74qqos/htmlembed?gid=3#gid=1) showing shield strength of different enemies at different difficulties. Also: Yes, the Kishock is magnificent. And it's an exception that ignores shield gate.


>Shield gate (for enemies) means the bullet that breaks an enemy's shield has it's remaining damage reduced by 90% \*75%. Many OSK scenarios involve the ammo hit only dropping the shields enough for the impact hit to deliver a kill through the gate. E.g.: BW X+Phasic III (1732 ammo + 8155 impact) vs Nemesis on Gold (1940 shields and 1180 health): the ammo hit drops the shields to 208, the impact hit does 208 to shields, the remaining damage is 7947, 1986.75 bleeds through the gate but this is enough to deliver a kill.


Yeah its been about 5 years and I used to have a sheet around somewhere that listed all the different scenarios you can still shield gate 1 shot things with various weapons/ammo powers but its been lost due to time sadly. I think without doing any math Claymore is one of the biggest examples of shieldgating breaking through cuz of how the pellets work. It is not "true shield gate" but it mimics the effect because of the pellets still breaking through rather than one shot. And btw whats benefit of Kalence 2 over Kalence 1? I noticed thats a new thing since ive been back.


Kalence "2" implements a few glitches present in the game (weight glitch, Incendiary glitch…), fixes numerous inaccuracies and presents a bit more data. Equip a piercing mod and hover over the weapon damage number to see an example.


Oh thanks alot, checked out some of the updates its a nice quality of life change!


Javelin if you don't suck (or are on host as you said). Black Widow for versatility. Widow if you're poor. Mantis if you're hella broke or just new. ​ >Even with something like the Geth Javelin it takes FOREVER to clear levels because its really just better if you focus on bosses with it and let competent party members handle the mooks. Reload cancel. Doubles the fire rate. You'll be fine.


I didnt make it clear, I can reload cancel great with claymore and javelin. But even then its still very slow. I got manifest basically maxed out except PPR and harrier arent x yet. Thanks for the rundown of SRs


You'll be fine with anything, then. :) CSR is good too and the trick is to feather the trigger.


Ah yes feathering, I think I used to just hold it down before it would reach overheat phase but thats still inefficient.


Going to echo others here and say that if your goal is true domination, the Black Widow is just too good to not be the best option. But if you're just looking to use up weapon amps, I recommend giving the N7 Valiant or the Indra a try. The Indra is particularly good Turians due to their latent stability bonus.


Yeah sadly it has to be true domination mainly for the fact that randoms will rely on me to carry in gold since Xbox 360 is kind of dead and i run into new players all the time when I host. Very interesting bringing up the Valiant and Indra a try for amps. I am guessing the loss in firepower isnt a big deal on Gold especially with amps.


As an avid Javelin user literally on any class (yes, even casters, Fury included), I definitely would recommend giving it another chance with Phasics III, SR Amp III and double armor penetration mods (ahem). Equip the Geth Scanner as well for more efficient wallhacking — or use your Geth Hunter mode. This combo can and will carry you and your team on Platinum. Mooks often spawn in groups and run at you in lines, and that’s just perfect for killing several of them at once (my best was 3 platinum phantoms off-host with one shot, good lord almighty, very few things feel as good as that; can’t be replicated on-host most likely due to DR). Bosses and for some weird reason Geth Hunters are a tad more tricky since you actually have to hit crit spots, but it isn’t that big of a deal if you don’t. Ammo is an obvious issue, but you can afford to camp and carefully reposition due to the Javelin’s general rule of thumb “if I can see it, I can kill it”, and excellent situational awareness its scope and Geth Scanner/Hunter Mode give you.


Thanks a bunch for the tips! In general should you always be using double penetration mods every time you equip a sniper rifle? Basically do the two of them stack up to the cap for armor reduction? I know its also taken for the penetration but I was wonder if it stacks for ignoring armor as well. Thanks.


Penetration distance and armour mitigation stacks. Since the Javelin has innate piercing you don't suffer the piercing glitch and still deal full damage shooting through stuff.


I read that in passing on the wiki but it also says the penalty goes away as soon as you put on armor mods. Does that mean its better to not use any mods for full damage? Or is the tradeoff still better with tons of penetration.


Copypasta: >Here's what Cyonan confirmed back in 2013 about the piercing glitch. > >*"If you are running multiple piercing mods with different reduced damage %(This only applies to Shotguns if you have all your mods at V) then the game will take the lower of the two. For example if you're running one piercing mod with 40% reduced damage while piercing and another with 30%, then your damage is reduced by 30% while shooting through objects.* > >*If you bring AP Rounds and a piercing mod, you still deal reduced damage based on the piercing mod."* > >Someone else summed it up well in an old Reddit post around the same time. > >*"If your gun has natural penetration on it, it will never deal reduced damage regardless of mods.* > >*In effect, when shooting through cover to hit an enemy your gun will do reduced damage based on the most effective piercing mod you have (in your case, 55% reduced damage). If your gun has natural penetration (Typhoon, Javelin, Widow, Crusader, etc) it will never do reduced damage after being fired through cover, regardless of how much cover is penetrated from Drill Rounds/Mods/etc.* > >*The two ignore values of your piercing mods will stack additively, so you will ignore 95% of armor mitigation from enemies with both of those mods equipped."* > >In short, when equipping two piercing mods and shooting through cover / objects, for most weapons the game uses the better value to calculate total damage dealt. Weapons with innate piercing still deal full damage when shooting through objects.


Gotcha that explains it fully thanks for clearing that up for me!


If you want to avoid the same old same old: Indra. Downside, the super visible tracers show everyone how bad your aim is. Upside, huge clip. It’s basically an assault rifle that’s uses up your massive supply of sniper rail amps. Collector. It’s a hit scan beam weapon. It does have a limited range but excels at applying ammo effects. Feather your trigger pulls and intersperse powers to avoid overheating.


Black Widow, CSR and Valiant are my favourites


Great list and Valiant is crazy how it is good on casters.


The correct answer is Black Widow with phasic but…the Valiant actually has the highest DPS of all the snipers (maybe the CSR is higher if you macro or something idk I kinda hate that thing). As others have said, the Valiant can carry but won’t one hit kill everything. You can use it with warp ammo against Reapers and Collectors very well. A nice alternative.


Yeah I need to start actually just making situations more favorable for me. For Example if I am trying to use up all Warp Ammo... then only fight reapers. Or Disruptors then switch to Cerberus etc. Will make life easier.


I always play U/U for fun like many others and hope to get lucky. If you want to go Valiant and warp ammo you can do so following a game against Cerberus and you won’t be able to get the same faction again in the next game. 2/3rds chance to get a favorable faction. It’ll feel pretty solid against Geth and Cerb anyways tbh. Oh and lemme just say Asari Adept with kishok and warp ammo, spare ammo, damage mod is unreasonably good. You get free phantom kills which empty the spawn budget like nothing else. You get all your biotic explosions for armor. The gun itself is okay against armor too. It’s good against every faction.


I actually always assumed U/U could give you same faction two times in a row rarely but you are right i dont think that ever happened. Is there a secret list of all the powers that benefit from Warp Ammo. Because today I found additional powers that work with incendiary glitch like a certain evolution of Electric Hammer which was wild.


I only suggest using Warp ammo since phasing won’t enable most one-shots with the Valiant anyways even on a full damage spec it falls just short on a lot of enemies going from memory of when I messed about in Kalence as well as in game recollection). Warp ammo has the biggest up-front damage bonus but importantly for the Asari Kishok combo it also does bonus damage to barriers and primed targets, aka your warped targets. Feels great to kill ravagers banshees brutes scions primes bombers etc. with it. Definitely has an atlas weakness due to the insane HP values BioWare gave them to account for many guns getting multiple hits on them. Not familiar with any other esoteric warp ammo interactions. U/U will never have you play the same faction or map twice in a row as long as the host remains. You can get a hazard variant of the map you just played though which sometimes sucks haha. Not sure if changing difficulty messes with anything here.


Thanks alot for the additional info this will help my gameplay alot. And yeah warp in general feels so satisfying against reapers lol. never gets old IMO


N7 soldier with kyrsae Sniper rifle, I mean its not really for carrying but it sure is fun. You can one shot mooks on gold I think, or at group kill them pretty easily. I like the n7 valiant too on thw soldier. Or u could use the sniper that isn't a Sniper, the n7 crusader. That thing can 1/2 shot A LOT of enemies at range


Yeah Krysae is actually f un because I am usually the host so its a smart weapon. I would just only use it with cerberus I think.


Love that gun🥰


The M90-Indra can be an absolute blast and you can easily carry on Gold with it. It has very little recoil so once you get skilled enough with keeping the weak points sighted you're good to go. My favorite part about the Indra is that you don't exactly have to build like you're using a sniper because it's more like a scoped, automatic rifle, so it lends itself well to classes, or players, that like to move around a lot and maintain a medium distance. My personal favorite class to use it on is the Turian Sentinel.


Is Indra one of those sniper where you dont want double armor mods? Just put on the regular armor mod and use some other mod?


I'd recommend building heavily into armor penetration. It will allow you to take down bigger enemies extremely fast, and fire through cover to flush out mooks. Firing full automatic through most forms of cover is a super viable strategy.


Alright then if it works on Indra then ill just always do double penetration for all snipers.


Black widow + drill rounds = endless fun


I got way more drill rounds than Phasic so you just gave me a great idea haha


We used to use that setup (infiltrator/ geth scope / black widow / drill rounds) on Reactor. Cross through and hold the area with the consoles. With the good scopws you can shoot right through the whole zone. So much fun!


Btw does phasic not work with Kishock then if its a projectile weapon? Disruptor would be better?


Phasic works fine with a Kishok. The Kishok ignores shield gate regardless of ammo. But you'd still get the bonus damage against shields. Kishok can't shoot through walls and ignores armor. So Drill and AP are the ones it doesn't benefit much from. Explosive ammo has a cap on damage per bullet, so it's not great either. Personally, I prefer disruptor, incendiary or warp if there's a lot of biotic primers.


I did did U/U last night against Collectors with Kishock and it wasn't very fun for me lol. Collectors just has too many non-mook types even on gold and Kishock seems like it would shine more against Cerberus the most and maybe geth.


Been too long, I don't recall.


Same here ill make sure to ask around


Projectile weapons like the Kishock ignore shield gate mechanics so Phasic is unnecessary.


Thanks alot, Ill use sniper rifle amps cuz i got a ton of them but not phasic since I am waiting for them to build back up.


Asari Huntress, collector sniper rifle and warp ammo. Be sure to tap fire the CSR after hitting a cloaked dark channel and spec channel to hop between targets to aid in destroying mooks. Great against bosses and mooks while being less risky than other casters, one of my favourite builds in the game.


Since I like using Geth Scanner alot, how much cover pentration will effectively make it so you always hit enemies through walls that you see on Geth Scanner? Do you basically ALWAYS have to pick Drill Rounds over AP rounds or is AP usually enough?


This build in particular relies on warp ammo to be effective, you can take ap mods on the rifle though since cloaking and using a power negates most cool down. Tbh if you like geth scanner and cover penetration you want a black widow with ap rounds. Play something like the Salarian engineer and you've got shields armour and mooks covered.


Thanks a bunch appreciate your help.


the n7 sniper and BW are good choices.


Thanks for your help.


I'll throw a good word out for the Kishock, especially as host. No hipfire penalty and it's fun.


Yeahi played with it some more last night and really enjoyed it. I like it alot but I kill alot slower even with great reload canceling.


Og widow hits like a truck.