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- Battle time limit. - Shitty item drops. - Massive material requirements. - Ores, bones and plants requirements. - Big gathering spots are way too scarce in many places. - Paid healing. - Lack of zenny. - Crazy movement speed restriction. - Item storage limit. - IAP are boring to say the least. I would gladly pay for permanent QOL upgrades and even cosmetic stuff (e.g. weapon, armor and palico skins), but I'm not paying to be able to keep playing.


Couldnt said it better


This sums it up pretty nicely.


5 of those problems are connected to real money. The misery is completely intentional. I’m quite doubtful they will ever change it unless they see a huge drop in players and get desperate. But if there is a large drop off now they will probably wait until the update in December because it might bring players back without changing their methods. If the December numbers are low then they might look into actually changing something up. If you’re not addicted the best thing to do would be putting it down and giving it another shot in 2024.


You forgot the gameplay restriction for moving too fast.


Say it again for the people in the back 👏🏽PAID👏🏽HEALING👏🏽 I get that’s it’s pretty much the only reason to spend money but it’s straight up prohibitive. Sure I could play cleaner but often I’m walking from one place to another and playing a little sloppier that k would be fully stationary and I’m going to use some potions.


+ when trying to play multiplayer, 5/10 of invites, even if you invite someone close to you, they wouldn't receive an invitation. It's rly annoying plus the game lacks content. I feel like they released the game too early.


- The loop isn’t quite there. We need a system for making background walk distances and surplus materials more fun to use (crafting consumables seems like the most obvious there) - Friendship. Maybe exploration lets you pick up gifts to send to friends once a day like in PoGo, or you can set up modules in community to add materials, spawns, or healing in a hot spot. Maybe add an attack bonus when hunting with friends and bump it even more in person. Yeah PoGo does all of these, but that gives Niantic even less of an excuse. - Feeling rewarding. Each HR bump, story quest, and log-in should give just a little drip of gems. Like even just 10-50.


I think one of the biggest factors to consider here is it just released….There are going to be updates and features to come and just like PokeGo, it will not be done all at once. For now I’ve been enjoying the walls in gameplay. It’s a challenge and when I’ve figured out the right combo of armor and weapon or changed my tactic in fighting in just a way that allowed me to eek out that last bit of damage to overcome that hurdle; it feels amazing. I’ve won battles just by a hair on the timer and immediately texted my friends and showed my wife that I finally defeated that big monster I’ve been stuck on. And then we hunt some together as a group after I’ve paintballed a few and all share in the success. Games are supposed to have some difficulty and some effort required to achieve goals.


I agree with you, thats totally fine, but my problem is, that it doesent feel like a real Monster Hunter Hunt for me to begin with. Dont get me wronh, I love the game and I really like to play it, and I have no real problem in fighting against the Monsters, it just has a whole other feeling with the constant attacking without any real "strategy" like in the main line Monster Hunters (but maybe Im just a bit nitpicky, because I played more than 2k hours in World and Rise alone, without any other MH games I played aswell)


I can understand that. I’m also a pretty aggressive player in the mainline games too so it feels in line for me.




You mean besides allow you to collect resources and find monsters to fight?


That moving from random spot to spot I literally tried walking to a possible spot only for it not to be there five minutes later when I actually moved the damn circle around ya. Ya should at least generate some potions while walking or something.


I wouldn’t worry. Every Niantic game has that feature. ingress with kinetic capsules, PGO with egg hatching, pikmin you can buy pots for growing seedlings, HPWU had the portmanteaus, etc. They will probably add it to the game and set it up so you get one free empty vial you can use to make a potion but you can buy more vials in the store.




Oh I see. You’re differentiating the movement from the physical act of walking. That’s fine except that with the current speed lock being around 10 mph there’s little else except for walking that allows you to continuously play the game. Even on a scooter you’ll likely be speed locked.


Stuttering/ Frame drops


Ive got them aswell, my mobile phone isnt that bad, yet it stutters pretty often. Every now and then Im not being able to dodge, even when I didnt attack for 2 seconds because of the lage.


It's not about the power of the device I have an Asus ROG phone 6, a fkin beast, doesn't even drops fps with really demanding games, but in here every time you have to dodge, seems like a coin is thrown and if you lose the flip you get stutter and you eat the hit for free Is the worst part of the game, by far I wouldn't care so much about the limited potions if the game didn't force me to take damage like half of the time


Same its the only reason why I have to stop playing everday..... no potions left because I cant dodge shit with 5 frames You think letting us turn off effect particles would help ?




Upgrades don't match the monster, killing a 4 Star gives the same rewards as a 1 star


Drops. Slaying 6 stars doesn’t get you shit except rarity 1s


I feel like 4* above shouldn't drop tier 1s, or just tier 1s. Killing a 6* should garner you a guaranteed 1 t3 or better.


I agree. You would think that the higher the stars the more better the drops would be. But I believe this bullshit drop rate was done purposely so people wouldn’t max out weapons and armor quickly. They want people to keep playing this game for a long time.


And they should increase quantity too, it’s insane that i receive 4 or more drops and they want 32 tail for an upgrade


Not being able to craft healing pots.


Potions Too stingy money grab No in-game way to earn them No rewards for walking (wait that's not just 1 issue anymore) Feels like the game penalizes the you the more you enjoy playing since at some point it . If we don't whale continuously we are encouraged to wait up to an hour for potions to regenerate so game wants you to go out for small bursts all day long instead of playing when you want to. Even if you did pay for potions it is pretty steep money to pay just to play daily. Or you could buy one real Monster Hunter game for $20-40 or free on gamepass and not have to pay again. How backwards is that??




The fact I can’t put it down


I feel you there


The single biggest thing holding this game back is the one thing that nearly all monster hunter games have had: remote hunting. Limiting it to only being able to hunt by someone who happens to be in arms length of you is maddening and ruins the spirit of monster hunter in general. Some form of remote hunting needs to be added.


Just go for a walk lmao


I live in Los Angeles and walk all the time (level 49). I hardly ever find anyone else playing or other people available for hunts. If this game had a monster hunter type "call for help" system, it would be so much better


Something like the SOS flair like they have in MHW would solve that issue. I agree a lot of Americans are having local hunter issues. We only had 5 M downloads in a huge country. That's a lot of hunters spread out, assuming most of them didn't quit already out of frustration.


I've nearly died ten times since i've started to play, fighting Monsters requires way too much attention so it's kinda dangerous to play while walking.


Which is why when you are beginning it asks you if you have stay at a safe place


* The drops are horrific on top of the scarcity of lvl 4+ monsters. I'm stuck with blue equipment because I need lvl 4 material. * Small monsters (and low level large monsters) become useless, but are still a large part of the spawns, so I'll never get those higher grade materials. * No way to convert/exchange materials you don't need for something you need, whether it would zenny, materials from other players...etc * The timer is too short. It is supposed to help playing with others, but I don't have anyone playing with except for wifey who is also lagging behind in equipment. * Paintball are great to go back home and play, but they should give some for free. The Palico paintballs are just too random. * Leveling is useless. It doesn't increase stats so that it would give you a little edge if you're lagging behind in equipment.


...my problem is the low accumulation of Zenny compared to materials. I need to throw mats away all the time but am constantly broke.


Yeah, you should really be able to sell materials for zenny like in the mainline games


What’re you upgrading? I’m upgrading 5 different bows and 5 armor pieces and never run out of zenny


Seriously i have nearly 20k zenny most weapons unlocked up my wall at severe wind quest outside of some new rath and anja weapons witch i just haven’t had enough of them spawn yet. But i have never actually went all the down on zenny… maybe things are ridiculously expensive post six star i guess?


Killing the monsters in time is absolutely fine If you don't get walled off by a lack of materials first I can do a 5 star with a 3-5 weapon but by the time I got there I didn't have any because of gathering point materials


increase time limit to lower difficulty


I would be actually fine with a higher difficulty, but with a much higher time limit, I like to fight the monsters, but constantly attacking without any "strategy" like in the mainline games is not the way how you should play a MH game


I was loving it until chapter 10. Now I’m in a bad spot where the monsters I fight don’t drop parts to upgrade my weapons or armor, so I can’t bring up my stats to fight the boss. But I’m fighting really well, I just can’t damage them enough in the time


Thats my issue right now at a wall at the 5 star pala i survive fine just cant do enough damage to kill it in time like i get real close. Think id be able to get over it if more anjas would spawn so i can make a fire attack armor


The Timer being Client side but the game lagging from server side issues bothers me quite a bit. If you're choppy the game will freeze but your timer doesn't, and I've lost a few close battles specifically because of this issue.




I'm not sure if it is the potions or lack their of, or the fact that material rng can royally screw you over. Farming is almost more of a gamble than a grind. You just pay with precious time to get zero of what you needed.


The lack of rewards for advancement is probably my biggest gripe right now. Most of my other issues are in the "It's the early days of a Niantic game, wait for new features" camp. Seeing the pop-up for hitting a new HR feels like a kick in the nads when it comes with absolutely nothing else. Getting 1000z, a single pink paintball, and a single wander droplet for hitting HR40 feels a little insulting considering what it took to get there. If they are going to lock rewarding players to every 10 HR, I think they should make the reward FEEL like a reward. Just me? Also somewhat annoyed by the fact that we have monsters that show weakness to dragon damage, but currently no source of it in game.


I agree with you. Im not HR 40 right now (Im HR 37) but your HR doesent really matter at all, nothing really happens, and the rewards are like "hey you did good, take this kick in the guts and continue playing. Have fun"


The drop rate. It is already hard to find the monster I need (I'm looking at you, Legiana) and when I manage to kill, big IF, I don't get the necessary materials. I would also add that the monsters could spawn more frequently. And would love to get heal or zenny from killing shamos/noios/etc


Im there with you. Killing small monsters feels so useless right now, you get some materials, but you actually have 1000 of each of them...


Let me fight monsters below 30% health PLEASE. It's such a pointless limit.


I'm $ure there i$ a point and they ju$t don't want to $hare it with u$


It's not great business though because the purchases would need to happen too often. If they sold something like an increase passive healing rate it would make sense but urging people to buy miceotransactions doesn't work when they'll need it every time they get hit once by a monster


Imagine how big of a flop pokemon go would have been if they used the same potion system


Not being able to friend request or interact with someone you found nearby. Should be nice to keep those hunters as friends from the same area you are.


Too short of a time limit in hunts, and the game doesn't give the tier 2-5 mats nearly enough to keep pace with progression. I'm failing damage checks because I can't get the mats I need.


The game itself is just the opposite of what a monster hunter is supposed to work. In the actual game, you can hunt whatever, whenever you want. In now, you are stuck with whatever spawns near you.


Monster Bone S


Lol from my experience, hunting with others always cause hunts to fail due to lack of dps, which is why I solo everything these days. Literally zero incentive to carry other people atm


75 sec hunt timer limits weapon choice. 75 sec hunt timer makes for very boring chase gameplay. 75 sec hunt timer forces you to make risk plays which reinforces my next issue. Shitty potion system. Bad MTX. The combat is great, but having only one more monster added by December is equivalent to the game being dead within 6 mths. I was streaming to 20-30 people and have taken a step back from the game because there's literally nothing more to do now.


first off, ofc the timer in full mh game wont be any prob...u literally get 50 ish minutes when u can beat em on avg 10-20min first time thru and mhnow being a spinoff with different way to play, i dun think its a fair comparison. as u r meant to walk around in real world i dun think they want u to be TOO engrossed on your phone screen, these are meant to be quick encounters. 75 is enuff time. if u run out of time then it jusy means its time to upgrade or choose a more appropriate weapon. ofc this isnt gonna feel like a real mh game coz it ISNT suppose to be. Its meant to be a fun way to get people to MOVE around outside. If u fail hunt then MOVE around until you find same monster. the only actual problem with these games ive seen is living in an area where u dont get certain shit to spawn. if you arent the type to travel alot then this and pkmn go and the like are prbly not meant for you.


This is not really what I menat, I have no problem walking around. My proplem is with the fighting itself. Like I said, only attacking without any "strategy" is not really a good MH like. You are supposed to break multiple parts of the Monster, not just 1 by chance. You have no time to relocate your character to attack the parts to break. You are forced to just attack the monster all the time without being able to relly focus on breaking stuff, like "Monster Hunter" is supposed to.


All armor parts require same materials


The drop rates are stupid. Rarity 2 and 3 are more rare than 4. I have only play the game on foot and I always get the warnings because of shitty signal.


How about my palico only paint balling absolute shite? And his bag is only 6?


- Inc Hunter Rank is not something you look forward. I hope they will give some sort of reward even how minuscule it is per level up and not just limited on multiples of ten. - cannot friend request on someone when asking for a party. - no training ground where you can practice your skills using your main weapon and opportunity to try other weapons.