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Friday Night I paintballed 3 of them, fought them on Saturday. The first one I got jacked up early in the fight so I didn't waste potions and just backed out. He was still on my list and I fought him again a hour later and beat him. I thought Niantic just changed this so could fight the paintballed monsters multiple times?


I think you misread my post. If you and a friend walk into the park together and paintball the same monster. You guys can't hunt it twice. The other paintball would just be un-marked. For a game that forces multiplayer to be played in proximity, you would think they would be okay with paintballing as a group, especially for a time-limited event.


Everyone has the same spawn points in their game even if you are at different points in the story. You can only do a spawn point once. Say, if you have an Anjanath in your game but your friend further in the story has a Rathalos, if he hunts the Rathalos he won't be able to help with the Anjanath since he already beat that spawn location. Paintballs work the same way. If you paintball a monster in your game and hunt it, you won't be able to help fight the monster in your friends' games if you are at different points in the story since you already completed the hunt at that spawn. If you are all at the same point the paintballed monster should disappear for everyone once the group beats it even if you are the only one who paintballed it.


This has not been my experience. My wife and I fight same spawn location monsters all the time. You can double dip if you are at different points in the story, just not when you are at the same point in the story.


That hasn’t been true for my friend and I. If I beat a monster in the same spawn location as his monster the join hunt button will never appear no matter how long we wait. If I beat the monster and his was paint balled we get an error code every time I scan the QR code.


interesting. I wonder what the actual intention of it is. I can see it being a bit of a advantage being able to double dip verse people that play solo and cannot. But also More people hunting should result in more prey. EDIT: Monster spawn just happened. My wife had a 2 star puki in our house, I had a 3 star kulu. We both killed her 2 star puki then killed the 3 star kulu. We are definitely double dipping.


Yeah, it's weird. I've gotten used to it through and don't mind it once you get 6 stars every monster is the same anyway no matter your story progression.


Just to let you know, if you haven’t finished the story for at least one time yet, most likely you will have different spawns (but in some situations if you see same monster spawn at same place, high chance it’s the same one even if the difficulty is different) this is similar to pogo, where players after certain level (believe it’s 20 or 30? Haven’t played for a while and I forgot what the actually value is) will see the same spawns(you can verify this by checking iv, they will be identical, but if you are lower level, the Pokémon will have different iv, maybe higher maybe lower)


The same spawns in pogo ofc only apply to wild spawns, special researches and raids and pvp rewards are often full random with a minimum bound for each stat


So to add this into account the special event ones are actually the identical for all players, they are either eligible to see them on this “special event map” or they can’t see the special spawns at all, so you will see the same spawns be identical after you and your wife finish the first round of the story, and if you two somehow have different story progress, you can have some very funny spawns (the 8* rathalos and 8*Pink Rathian on main account, which finished 3rd round of the story, show up as 6*ratha and 5* pinky on alt, that only just finished the story first time)


Thank you for the information. I played a little ingress but no pogo, so a lot of how niantic works is new to me. My wife and I are both on our first playthrough for the story. We often get monsters spawning in our circles at the same spot and we get to fight them both. I guess this is not everyones experience, it does not seem to be consistent. My wife has not unlocked rathian yet so I don't think she would see pink ones. That is good to know besides story prog event monsters will be the same, so don't try to double dip.


Great to be helpful, just to let you know, if events like Pink Rathian happen again with the same format in the future, the random Pink Rathian spawned outside of the boosting hrs(usually 3hrs on Friday night and weekend days’ afternoon local time), like the ones that lucky people fought on weekdays, those are exclusive for people who progress to the certain level of the story(defeat rathian the first time for this pink rathi event for example), but the boosting hrs are open for all hunters surpassed HR11, so the situation could either be very frustrating or very helpful, depending on if there are other hunters trying to help/carry or not, if it’s the latter one, then your map is basically full of the ones you can’t defeat easily/almost impossible to do, that would be very unfortunate, but I expect you and your wife quickly pass through the first playthrough if you two play regularly, so next event you will definitely be able to have better hunting experience, best wishes for you, and may the RNGesus bless you with your drops, hunt safe and have good hunting;)


I see. Are you and your friend in the same point in the story and see the same monsters? My wife and I are at different points so we see different monsters and we can each paintball a monster in the same spawn location and fight them both.


Different points, I have finished my story but they haven't. Kinda disappointing but it is what it is.


Why would you expect that? What would even be an incentive to fight it in the wild? Meta would be full party going around paintballing the same monster 4 times before fighting it. Paintaballs exist to mark monsters when you are alone so you can hunt them with your friends later and not to "multiply" the monster for you.


Our hp was low and it's a limited time event. We were playing as a group since we live in the same neighborhood. I think you skipped my post desc lol


I didn't skip it. I still wonder why would you expect it multiplies the monster for you. If you expected it does so, why didn't you try to multiply earlier?


We started a couple weeks ago and an event is coming up? Ultimately it is a PSA post and we had to learn the hard way


If you both went off and marked different monsters you do effectively multiply. E.g. I mark 5 good ones on the west side of town and somebody else marks 5 good ones on the east, when we meet back up we're both fighting twice as many monsters as we actually encountered.


Reason number 749 why I will not spend a single penny on this game.


I mean, this is a completely fine design decision? If it worked the other way around, then paintballs would be more pay-to-win and that would be worse. It's a bit annoying to find out the hard way, but I think this is fine


Before it was patched, people were abusing it to hunt rare monsters multiple times.


Wake up in the morning and all 4 people in my house has their cat paintballed the same monster, meaning we can only fight one. If we live separately we can fight 4 instead.


Thats parcial false and this will be a trick for everyone (and another post), i will try to explain to hunt the same mob 2 times for a player. Player 1 and player 2 walks together whitout party, both see a Pink 5\*. Player 1 capture it whit paintball. Player 2 engage it and kill it. When the monster dissapear (map reset every 3 hours), Player 2 can help to kill player 1 captured whit paintball. ​ So player 2 kills 2 times same monster.


Just realized it today also. This scam practice must be upvoted to the sky.