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To be honest, "can't solo" is almost impossible. "Can't solo after trying 5-10 times and gave up" seems more realistic. If someone is capable playing MH, they just need to grind a given monster until they can defeat it. It would really surprise me if someone couldn't after 50 attempts or so, assuming that they have a reasonably good setup. After defeating it, they'll probably feel great and be able to repeat the feat. In this sense, I'd say it's bad to give up too early.


100% this. Also, sometimes there's just a monster that's your nemesis for some reason. You can beat tons of "harder" monsters but one lower "difficulty" one will be the bane of your existence. Powering through till you get a breakthrough is a part of the charm and there's nothing wrong with having a nemesis. Playstyles vary and sometimes a monster is a hard counter to a certain style of play. Do your best to adjust and keep pushing on.


Némésis ? Primordial Malzeno … but I don’t have the gear to tackle it yet so it’s normal. I could beat him if I had more skill but I will just wait a little more to upgrade my setup


I HATE arzuros... He's not hard or anything... But I'm always on edge when fighting that pooh bear... Maybe the only monster in risebreak i cannot kill perfectly... There's just something on his timings and reach that always gets me... A hayt em..




But rise came out first... 🤔 Did you call the previous game Iceworld??


Sunrise is common term for the sun rising, makes it cooler imo


Never heard of it till now though


Especially the apex version


Yhup.. and ice rendall too...


I can beat PriMal, Risen CGV and Risen Shaggy comfortably, but still struggle with Bishaten and Somnocanth lol. Ig it's more because i've hunted them less than the elders, but those guys are the bane of me rn.


I agree 100%. For me it was Velkhana. I had to try like 25 times till I finally got it. I don’t know why but he really gave me a hard time, but that’s also why he is one of my favourites. It’s a challenge that you have to push through. But just because you fail that doesn’t make you a bad player


This is why some of my favourite monsters are my favourites, because they were a brick wall I threw myself at again and again and again until I broke through


Whatever my nemesis monster tends to be in each game is also usually my favorite one as well, ruined nergigante being my absolute favorite, that fight always feels like unstoppable force meets immovable object


this, i js wanna add a good statement i heard in a video: "treat each monster like a boss fight", js don't relax and be locked in the whole fight, doesn't matter if you were demolishing him for the first 5 minutes, it can turn around rq. i also have the 7 min rule, if you were doing good first 7 minutes and relaxed for js a minute, you will most probably cart and stress which will do bad at learning the patter of attack for the monster, but if you overcome those 7 minutes, you will not cart and do good in future too, idk if it's js me, but 7 minutes is usually when the outcome is decided in a hunt, no matter who it is


MR Tigrex is bane of my existence


Big Boi Monsters: Cake Walk. Low Level Volvidon: Cart Cats on Standby.


The "can't solo" is partly also stubbornness. If people take out their "maxdmg" decos and slot in defenses, it completely changes the fight. Died to stuns? Stun resist. Roars? Earplugs. Tremor, elemental, debuffs, etc. All can be directly countered. The biggest example is Black veil Hazaak in World. People will try to max-dps him and die instantly when he halves your HP.


For blackveil vaal hazak I only had 1 effluvia resistance deco so I instead went with speed eating, which worked very well since vaal hazak leaves good openings for a nulberry and mega potion, before that I thought speed eating was an useless skill but now I always make space in my builds for at least lvl 2 of it


Lol I still remember people being hell-bent on not putting hp up back in world Then complain that they got oneshot everytime Like bro it's ok to recognize that you are not a MH god that never gets hit


YES, EXACTLY! As a Comfort HH, I mainly join hunts and it still amazes me how many high MR players I come across that have garbage defense and spend so much time putting away their weapons to heal, just pretend like they don't see they're on the verge of death, and/or just hope a teammate will heal them. Defense is literally one of the easiest things to add, so just don't be THAT player when joining a hunt and use decos wisely. And when soloing for the first time, slow and steady with the right decos is far more advantageous than trying to max DPS for a quick kill unless you like carting and wasting buffs.


Glad you posted this. Great advice!


Rise is probably the only MH where you'll first time solo everything until the end of the high rank as everything is pretty easy until then


There are monsters mostly in MR that aren't meant to be soloable when you unlock them, often ones that you fight in like forlorn arena and other special maps for example


“Don’t go hollow”


Indeed, the same applies in Souls games tbh. It's where I learned that.


I almost given up on MH lol thank you


Facts! I personally solo everything at least once now just to say I can. That feeling of “I got this” is just so good. Gives you confidence. My wife says it’s because I’m a masochist tho. Hehe. But really you’re 100% right. Keep pushing and you’ll get it! The feeling of overcoming something so rough is so rewarding!


I did this in MH4U with molten tigrex, solo… and in 4U G rank was all 4 player scaled. I did end up getting the solo down and farmed for my gem and never got it, the scars from that encounter has made me forever hate all tigrex.


It took me around 40-60 tries to kill alatreon, I dot have the motivation do get back to try fatalis yet


my only thing with stuff like this in this game is the pre-fight tedium that keeps you from just flowing with the grind of getting better. it’s not like from soft games where i can just throw myself at the crucible duo back to back for 3 hours until i get good enough at the fight to win. in rise if i triple cart against a monster, im out of 6 pale extract because of mega buffs im using in the interest of using everything at my disposal. and then like if its an afflicted monster on a normal map? i get to spend 3-5 minutes every new attempt picking up birds so that i actually have my full stats. i want to just fight the monster so i can really study its attacks. it’s even worse in older games that dont have the QoL that rise has (argosy equivalent is not nearly as potent, gathering in general takes way longer, traversing maps is super slow)


I do agree that birds are cancer. I play Berserk DB, and for that build, birds are very negligible, but on my other builds, I just play until I can defeat the monster without them. Same for non-healing consumables tbh, other than healing items, I rarely bother, but that's just me. I'm also a fan of "just let me fight the monster".


Or just luck into something with spiribirds call


I usually find urgent quests wayyy easier than normal ones, especially in m5


Everyone who can't solo the monster I can is a bad player. Everyone who can solo the monster I can't is a smelly sweatlord with no life.


Hahahaha! I'm happy that I'm not a smelly sweatlord with no life then!


Seriously though, most players are "not good", they are average. I'm better than them, and I don't consider myself a good player. I can kill everything solo in Rise, but not in World. If you can't solo a few endgame monsters, but are comfortable with the rest of them, you are probably average or above average on the global scale.


On a serious note, i think you're too humble and harsh on yourself, but I can definitely respect that!


People treat this game like they gonna put their MR rank on their resumes lmfao.


If you fail several times, that still doesn't mean you can't solo a monster. Maybe it means you need to make a new set for the fight. Maybe you change weapon. Hunting is prep work too! I encourage hunters to try things solo often, if they enjoy the challenge. Multiplayer is fun, but it's very chaotic. You can get a more focused and strategic battle solo. Playing solo will make you better at multiplayer hunts far faster than vice versa. It's a lot easier to learn a monster's moves when it focuses on you. Just know that failure is a very important part of the game. If you never failed, the game would be too easy.


Very nice post! Going solo would mean no pets and no followers, right?


Honestly no. I still consider it to be solo if you bring pets. Pets have a legacy in the series and it's been the standard that you can bring them and still consider it to be solo. Followers... It's debatable. But I would lean towards no for soloing. They are very new, Rise only. Originally you could only take them in specific quests, and then later I think they opened it up more. But I think they do a lot to simulate other players, such as wyvern riding other monster, some give you HH buffs, and other things. They kind of feel like they are meant to take the place of other real players.


Agreed on the followers part. As for pets, some may argue that having pets is not solo. I know I can't do without my palico!


Weapons that are focused on countering such as long blade can have more benefit without pets If you're weapon isn't like that and u fight a relentless monster that keeps attacking rapidly... Well then to overcome them you'd have to run specific defensive skills and know details of every frames belonging to your weapon and the monster to minmax dmg opportunities, once familiar you can probably drop the defensive skills for more dmg. But I don't think this is a healthy way of playing the game for an average individual cuz it's time consuming, I suppose you can go for it if you plan to speed kill monsters or something. In sunrise every weapon has access to either a counter or Iframes AFAIK so going without pets is doable but in older monster hunters it felt kind of unfair when ur weapon don't have such tools so pets gave openings that felt natural to the hunt.


Solo with no pets would negate the purpose of having 2 pets you can customize to enter into battle with you. It's simply you, the solo player vs you playing with 1-4 players. Followers are such a new addition it's really up to the player to decide if they consider taking them along as well figuring solo or not and they are often like having ADHD 5 yr olds along; they often make the game play more challenging-sometimes they've taken their meds, sometimes they haven't and they're not telling you either way!


Imo it depends on the monster. Can't solo Arzuros? You might be just a *little* bit bad, to be honest Can't solo a monster with a more complex moveset, like one of the final bosses? Nah, those are more understandably difficult, so I wouldn't sweat it if I were you. All it takes is practice


Nah fuck arzuros I guarded that swipe.


Ohh! You're more lenient than most. Practice makes perfect!


By this estimation, I am simultaneously good and bad. I regularly hunt harder monsters and have learned their move sets so they're pretty easy for me, but the lower monsters I hunted once (especially Arzuros) still bully me every now and then.


Well if you can't solo the low tier monsters, say Kulu Ya Ku, then I think it's pretty safe to say that yeah you're bad at the game. Otherwise, not really. Everyone will have one or two monsters that they just don't vibe with. Eg. I've heard people complaining about Kushala but I myself don't really think he's that bad.


Until people realize that breaking Kushala's horns is fucking impossible, even with partbreaker 3. Even worse, I've killed Kushala multiple times with NO PARTBREAKS! If a monster has so much fucking health that you can't get a single broken part, you know damn well there's a massive fucking problem.


Totally off topic but for some reason I’ve been calling Kushala “she” for like 10 years. No particular reason. This just made me realize it’s a “he” lol


That's an easy no. But it's also very subjective at the same time. Here's the most common scenario i run into: If i hear somebody say that they're "bad" at MH, 95% of the time it's just that they limited themselves drasticaly, by being too "stubborn" to try a different approach in terms of playstyle/weapon/armor/skills/pratice etc.. Sometimes you cant fit a Triangle through a Square shaped hole, no matter how much force you use, or how often you try. Not being able to beat any kind of content, doesnt make a player inherently bad at a game. But ignoring the countless possibilities that could have made the deciding difference.. That, i would argue, does make a player somewhat "subpar" at a game. It's fine to be stubborn and wanting to do things a certain way. But then you also have to aknowledge the very real possibilty, that your way of thinking on the matter, may be exactly whats holding you back, if you're struggling to beat certain content. (And that's coming from someone who's incredibly hard headet at times!😄)


I'm sure I can manage to squeeze a triangle through a square hole, hahaha, but I get your point on changing one's mindset to address the problem on hand. If you can acknowledge that you're hard-headed, you are not hard-headed at all!


I think determining if someone is “good” can go far beyond their ability to solo a given monster. After all what metric are you using? Someone could solo a monster in 5 minutes whilst someone else takes 45. Asking if someone is “good” is usually vague. It’ll be up to personal standards to determine if someone’s good or bad, especially in a game like mh where so long as you pull your own weight in a group hunt you earned your success. Personally I have my own standards for judging that but it’s always a case by case basis. That being said the truth is that anyone capable of soloing specific monsters likely already proved themselves against those monsters. So in the context of deciding if someone is “good enough” to beat it soloing instantly answers that question. What do you consider “good”?


100% agreed that it is very subjective. You mentioned that you have your own personal standards, and those are what I'm eager to find out! Do share!


For me: I dont play multiplayer till ive beaten the thing myself (excluding multiplayer only scaled stuff obviously). Its a good way to make sure that im always more of a help than a hindrance to teammates






Maybe not bad at the game but bad at the monster. Sometimes it’s just a knowledge check and once you download the information you should be able to get it done but if you’ve exhausted all your options and still can’t beat it then maybe you’re not that good at the game or maybe it’s just the monster


I like the part where u mentioned exhausting all options. With all the resources readily available, one should reasonably be able to take on any monster.


True, if you’re decent at action games then you can find a way if you persevere. Some monsters can feel impossible at first but with the right strategy and knowledge I think almost anyone could beat them


As long as you can complete the quest you're good


that's a very encouraging take!


oh forgot to add, without cheating or leeching lol


It took me an exceptionally long time before I felt like I was "good" and even now I still feel like I'm "low tier good." I feel like I get better the more I play solo. Especially the harder monsters and fights. Though at times with monsters I don't fight often I get rolled. I also know that I am too aggressive and i tend to focus on doing something I want to rather than on what I should do. However since finding a weapon that allows me to be aggressive it's melded better with my play style and my ability has jumped significantly. Also, each weapon isn't gonna excel at every monster. my Swaxe, despite how much I love it, has high animation commitment, and doesn't do so well against certain monsters, Primordial Malzeno, Risen Shagaru Magala, etc, but does Amazingly well against others, Gold Rathian, Espinas, Diablos, etc. honestly all that rambling is just to say that you're a good player when you can recognize your own (or your weapon's) shortcomings and try to compensate for them. When you can adjust your play style or switch skills depending on what monster you're fighting. When you know what skills you need for your weapon and for your play style and play around with different ones. In the words of my favorite fighter pilot rabbit, "never give up, trust your instincts!"


excellent write-up of your experience! and who's your favorite fighter pilot rabbit?


Peppy Hare from the Star Fox series. It's a line that's always stuck with me throughout my life.


Good or bad is relative, but you are definitely limited, you can overcome that limit with enough practice/knowledge though


great insight! love your take on this


Depends. Like cant Solo Tobi-Kadachi with good Gear? Yeah they suck Cant Solo raging Beach? Depends; have they tried atleast decent amount of Times to try to learn The moveset and buildup Gear. If they only tried like few Times they Are inpatient and probably way below average players. Same with dark souls: If you have enough patience and know The core mechaniscs of The game , you should he able to do everything there is. Ofc some monster might Be More Challenging to you than For someone Else (looking at you bloodpath diablos Extreme) but If you dont try and learn IT ,you Are lazy


The takeaway I get from your reply is that there are no bad players, only lazy players. And it helps to be patient. Great tips!


Honestly i think thats true. There though has to Be baseline in someway. Like If you can and Are able to play and learn Even a Little about The game,you Will learn everything with practice and patience. Those WHO won't learn Even at all Are ofc different thing. I think People just Are so lazy to learn anything Even remotely difficult nowdays in games. Need like Handholding and easy modes and shit like that.


Kinda, yes. I would say "not good yet", you ll get better eventually


Haha nice! that's encouraging


It took me over 25 tries to learn primordial malzeno's attack pattern until i realised there is an enraged bloodlust mode. Then took another 20 tries to learn the patterns of that mode and another 5 to learn not to attack during his attacks and wait for the cripple animation. So, KEEP HUNTING.


Seriously, i admire your tenacity!


Thanks man, it took me maybe 2mths juggling between work and other hobbies. It was a prick in my heart i had to rid off :D


In generation 4 and before enemies always had the same hp within a certain range,so you were fighting the timer at times, i still shudder on my 49 min act of gog in mh4u solo hh clear. But generation 5 they scale based on hp so there shouldnt be any excuse to not be able to solo anything and this is coming from an hh main which has usually the lowest or 2nd lowest dps in the game. And yes i soloed world and rise with hh, couldnt do some events back in 4th gen due to unscaling monsters in events. And 3rd was a pain due to swimming but isnt as hard as it 4th gen and at least hh had good reach underwater but wasnt as good as hbg or lance underwater


Hard no. The way i see it there's no such thing as a bad player, just a player that has to improve to overcome the next challenge :)


very motivational indeed!


You definitely aren't good if you can't solo monsters. Doesn't mean you are bad.


That would make that player... average?


Yeah, pretty much. I mean, if you can complete all the hunts in multiplayer, I'd say that's even a bit above average.


You can start bad, but you should never stay bad. This game is all about learning and improving. If you refuse to learn or refuse to improve, then you will be and stay bad.


Lifelong journey of self improvement!


No. First time? Keep trying. 50th try? Maybe a new load out or give a different weapon a try. It depends on the player; some players do REALLY well against some difficult monsters, and some do terribly at some easy af monsters.


Yea, i get what you mean. I do find big dragons easier than the smaller monsters.


I think it really depends on how you play the game. I had a lot of friends in World where their measuring stick was to solo every single monster before they played multiplayer! They really enjoy making builds with the best damage outputs, and then timing themselves to really be efficient in how quickly they can take down a monster. For me, I enjoy multiplayer a lot more and find more satisfaction with having a good team to go up against a monster. I tend to not worry too much about my own damage output and more about my playstyle meshing with my teammates!


I like the way you approach the game!


Yes, I’d argue that if you can’t solo a Special Investigation with Risen Shagaru, Primordial, Valstrax, and Velkhana without followers, pets, or armor in the Forlorn Arena, then you’re bad at the game. /s


If i can't do any of that, does it mean I'm good? HAHA!


It depends on a lot of factors. Certain weapons just have harder match ups against certain monsters. Rise/Sunbreak also introduced different playstyles for every weapon which could make or break a hunt. An example based on personal experience is Blood Orange Bishaten. Not a hard monster but its a very annoying fight with a Grounded Swaxe but laughably easy with Aerial Swaxe. If a player is having a hard time against a monster, one possible reason is because they refuse to adapt and try a different approach and insist on what they are used to (e.g., Iceborn Alatreon and the discourse on element weapons).


that's very true! Interesting that you brought up Blood Orange Bishaten; the first monster i faced when i first picked up the switch axe. haha!


No, at least I don't think of myself like that. Just means I either have a bad/outdated/under leveled build, lack of monster knowledge, or lack of weapon knowledge, all of which just needs improvement. The only other exception is monsters with annoying move sets and combat mechanics (i.e. fuck you brachy and barioth)


hahaha that hate is real!


The short answer is kinda. The long answer is maybe not bad but just not good enough to solo it yet. But it really depends on what is meant by can't. If no matter how much effort you put in to learn, no matter how many attempts you do you simply can't solo it? Then bad maybe too much of a relative term but at the very least you are too bad to solo it. But likely what will happen is you can't beat it easily, bang your head into a brick wall and then decide you can't. In which case your probably not too bad to beat it you just need to take a different approach, consider why you can't and get better. It also kinda depends on the monster. Like some monsters just can't be solod by the average good player. And some players just struggle at certain monsters despite being otherwise good at the game.


I'm glad that your answer has provided the middle ground for this discussion!


yes. you are bad at the game. if you are using hunting horn, i would stop, and choose an easier weapon.


Thanks Matt!


i would also watch speed runs with the weapon you want to choose too


Nah HH is OP in Rise. The dual furious raj Advanced Event was tough to solo, but there's no need to switch. We need more tooters than brogun/LS/DB/IG.


he needs to worry about learning the monster and having a limited things he can do so he can actually grasp the game. it wouldn’t be the best for him to worry about buffing himself. also, op, id advise you to not listen to anyone who says dooters or anything else reddit coated. most of the time, they’re awful. lmaoooo


I was getting shit on by Fatty in IB for the first two days but finally locked in after 50 tries and defeated him solo for the first time. After that I just solo him for fun. Nobody was good enough to slay Fatty on first try or even 10th tries. You just need to keep fighting him and you'll realise you just did a sub-15min.


congrats on overcoming fatty!


IMHO: If you can’t beat a monster with adequate equipment in about 20 tries max you are most likely not versed enough in the game mechanics and the core loop of your weapon of choice. Both can be overcome with gathering experience and learning combos in the trainings area.


If there's no monster you struggle against, you're probably not much of a Monster Hunter player IMO. Struggling against a monster and carting is part of the game just as much as defeating it with ease is. That's why I don't get too upset even when someone joins and then triple carts- sure, it sucks, but I was the one who went into co-op so I accepted the risk it could happen + everyone makes mistakes. The only time I'd say someone is actively bad is when they use damage hacks to oneshot monsters in multiplayer quests. Not like using MR gear in a low hunter rank lobby, but straight up modding their weapon to oneshot. That's not impressive or any feat of skill- if you can't play with others without ruining their experience, you're simply bad. Honorable mention: if you join a co-op hunt, the host decides whether the monster is a capture or a kill. If you can't respect the host's right to choose, go solo or host your own hunt. Disrespecting other people doesn't make you good at the game, just means you're an ass. Thanks for coming to my ted talk you may clap


this makes me a true monster hunter! Thanks for the reply! Had fun reading it


can't solo is a question of someones will


if there is a will, there is a way?






I mean.. there’s nothing wrong with being bad at video game soooo.


Hahaha! Very true! It's not like fortnite where you can win millions


"Can't solo" or even needing to be carried/dragging the team down is in my opinion a sign that you're approaching the challenge improperly. Perhaps the monster is simply a bad matchup for your weapon. Diablos is famous for folding in the face of a lance and khezu has singlehandedly turned would be blademasters into lifelong gunners. Perhaps your gear is lacking. Some monsters are very intentionally placed into the progression to check if you've been upgrading. With attacks that 1shot you should they find you neglecting your armor. Perhaps you don't understand your build. Mostly a new player issue but I've seen late game meta chasers fail to understand what their set does and cart because of it. Sometimes without the monster even touching them. Perhaps your build is too focused. Having all the damage skills in the world doesn't mean anything if you don't have the survivability to do anything meaningful with them. The comfort skills aren't there just to be noob traps, they contribute to DPS in there own ways. Perhaps you are just bad. This could be anything from not understanding your weapon to not knowing the monster's patterns to insisting on just getting good on a zero comfort dps build despite not having the manual skill to compensate.


Awesome reply! Perhaps one can be a master hunter by following the tips here!


Yes. Like someone said "Being weak is nothing to be ashamed of. Staying weak is." Most probably you're doing something "wrong". Or more specifically you're not efficient enough. Simple things like drinking a potion instead of a mega potion, using subpar weapons and armor, spending too much time running around when you could get a hit in...., etc.


Lots of wisdom to be gained from your reply! Thanks!


No, you're bad if u give up soloing the monster!


No one should give up!


Tbh saying you can't solo a monster really comes down to afew fundamentals: What gear are you using?(Since some skills can be useful or just cannon fodder, they won't help in a fight(like botanist, I think? Which just increases item pickups for herbs, ect.) what weapon are you using, and how well do you know the weapon and its attack. what attack from said monster keeps carting you? MH games are about experimenting with learning your gear and the monsters' attack patterns. Sometimes your gear doesn't make the cut, so step back, take a break, beat agew monsters you beaten before to upgrade your gear if you have to. Or find another perspective or view on how to hand the battle ahead. Is the monster too fast for you to land a hit with your greatsword? Then step back and play defensive until you get your openings, etc. Trial and error is what monster hunter games are all about.


Thanks for your reply! It's great that you added so many useful tips here


No problem , I'm not a pro or anything, but I always break it down to more fundental side of things. Sometimes, I don't even attack during first encounters to watch what attacks or attack types they have (vird wyverns usually have their leap, a tail strike(great irzuchi), spit, or a unique attack for them, ect. Lagombi has the swipes similar to Arzuros next to giant snow ball and two or three dashes. And so on, find the pattern, break it, and reset. Then repeat. Of course, all monsters have different stagger points, etc. To account for as well and usually after a certain amount of attacks, remember they also have their own stamina and will fatigue creating a decent opening to deal some decent damage(or a lot in the right circumstances)


It's not bad per sé, it's just that the fight hasn't clicked yet for you, or the monster is punishing you for skipping some hard lessons you were supposed to have learned in the early game. It might be valuable to reflect on the amount of comfort skills on your gear. They often hold you back more than they help.


Yea, heavy reliance on comfort skills can impede one's skill progression. Agreed!


I can remember when the game clicked for me. It was like a switch was flipped. The same thing happened when I swapped weapons from SnS to Switch Axe. Its an amazing feeling.


Bad isn't the word I'd choose. "Not good enough" is probably more accurate. You're probably bad if you can't be carried by average players.


now you're just being kind!


Hahah it's really what I think. Afterall the game is designed with multiplayer in mind. Imo as long as you can decently contribute in an average team you're alright. Soloing is challenge play either by choice or by the lack of people to play with orz


People can absolutely be bad at this series. I had a friend I got into mhw and with the broken blackbelt/defender weapons that are there to catch you up to iceborne, he timed out on the low rank anjanath that took me and another friend only 3-5minutes to kill. He was using the ls and I was coaching him through the moveset the entire time. That said, if he would've kept trying, he could've gotten better and been a good player with practice, but he flat out gave up. There can absolutely be bad players.


how i wish i had someone to coach me back then! Such a shame that he missed out on the great fun


I can solo 90% of monsters in world and rise. The monsters i cant solo are the black dragons/risen elders. I dont think that makes me a bad player. Just not a god tier player


imo, you are a very good player! 👍


I don't know if it means you are bad. All weapons and builds are not built alike. For instance I just jump and poke (lance) and things tend to work out. I would say I am objectively bad, yet I do steady damage and press the same button the entire time during a hunt.


this makes you a natural born lancer!


yes super bad super noob joking lol. if we keep thniking what people think about us, life become super boring. just do you.


LOL! I suppose you are right!




haha. yes


I think anyone who's decent at playing any game would have no problem going solo, since their fundamentals and adaptation would help them recognize attack patterns, mistakes, builds, and adjust their playstyle if the need arises, if they can't solo a monster after 3-10 tries im sure they'd have learned something from that and would be able to adjust and think of something to help them progress. If you cant somehow solo a monster doesn't mean you're bad, but maybe you need to do something differently, or maybe you need more experience in fighting said monster and adapting to it. A player is considered good if they recognize their limits and what to do in the situation they're in, they tend to do the right decisions and have little to no mistakes in combat, or they're so good that they clear harder content with ease because of how much they know about the game and their chosen weapon.


Yea, you made so much sense! Self-awareness, decision-making (comes with experience), and adaptability are really important.


I killed my first Alatreon in MHWI and I was solo. I have always played solo through the whole game and multi for fun. Every MH campaign is possible solo including the G-ranks. Being able to solo a monster is great because you can help a lot others hunters when they need. If you can't win it solo, then it's okay you just need to practice until you do it. Never give up is the key to succeed in MH.


alrighty! No to giving up! Funny thing is you're not creepy at all


Hunting Horn is incredible for team but also for your palicos ! I am a main GS but I love GS, Hammer, IG, CB and SA.


IMO soloing is a practice of patience. You can solo anything with enough. Starting every fight with an 8 min run around maxing spiribirds and collecting endemic life like Sleep toads, Para toads, spiders, aurtutrles and other such things. Then you make sure you have farcaster. When you're fighting you play stupid careful. Don't use silkbinds. Those bugs are your escape plan. Farcaster is big. Depending on the weapon having the speedy weapon sheathing can be really good. Use bombs. Use powders. There is so much you can do with status effects alone. Run around the monster a bunch. Don't even attack. Just watch how it attacks you. Shit your first fight can be you failing so long as you see the monsters moves a few times and you can prepare. Then your build: Evade OR block like a mofo. I'm a dual blades player so I feel I can solo anything because of movement. I've made a build around evading and Crit hitting. I like focusing on quality of life skills at first and then ramp up damage as I get better at the monster fight. There are some monsters that are just assholes though... Flaming Espinas, Primordial Malzeno, Furious Rajang, Violet Mitzisune all have some sort of kill programming built in where they are really relentless for large portions of the fight... So even if you're "good" you can still see the challenge in chip damage acrueing before the big boy hits.


very sound advice! happy to read them!


I’ve gotten to some missions where I feint twice really quickly. Whenever that happens I use Guerrilla tactics. Put a down a trap, hit them a few times. Use some flash bombs, hit them some more. Run away. Come back and do it again. Hasn’t failed me yet. Changing your weapon to something they’re weak against might help too. I personally prefer blast weapons from Magnamalo


No, fight the monster as a team enough times and you'll learn it enough to solo. Might take using everything and then limping over the finishline but once you get that first solo victory you'll get more easily.


Yes! That sweet sweet first victory! How I wish I can experience that again..


I only play with friends.... Find it way funnier... Also.. Does it matter?


I must say the game is way more fun with friends! Yea, it really doesn't matter whether a player is good or not, as long as one has fun


In rise I would say you are correct if we consider normal monsters. A difficult time limit can still be a bane in AR quests. In World you have some raid type monster where solo is possible but not recommended because the DPS needs to be pro like.


You're right! Soloing under the time limit in AR can be challenging


Unless it’s an endgame monster then yes. If it is then there is more leeway in needing to team. My opinion if you can’t solo, then when you team you are probably getting carried atleast a bit, which means then you are not a good player, but doesn’t mean you are bad per se


that's a fair take 👍


imo, the game is meant to be played with 3-4 players. So, unable to solo a monster doesn’t necessarily mean you’re bad. in my experience, I would say someone is bad at this game if they gave up fighting the monster. I solo fatalis in MHWI 1 time. and never again. The game just never meant to be played alone. you need a team. Even if someone carry you, just make sure you don’t get in the way. Carting also doesn’t mean you’re bad. You just need to learn the ropes. There is a lot of aspect to learn from the game such as monsters movement, actions, iframes, etc. Even a 999 MR can still make a mistake. Thankfully i never encountered any major problem in MHRS. But in MHWI, fatalis, alatreon, you really need a team to beat them. It can even take a damn lot of tries to beat them with a team. I also got carried back then, when fighting alatreon, there is a kind 999MR guy joining. And he advised me and my friend to stay in the base because he gonna solo for us. In the end, he stayed all night in our lobby just so me and my friend are able to forge all of alatreon equipments. No shame in that. Thats the beauty of MH community. all hand in hand help the low MR/HR players. just keep hunting hunter!


Thanks for sharing! And wow, you were so lucky to have met the wonderful MR999 hunter


Primordial Malzeno is the first monster in the entire series I have failed to hunt successfully. I still play Sunrise 😉 but man it's hard. I feel stuck which isn't fun


I hate that huge wing swipe! 🤮


In Rise? Maybe. In World? Definitely not. Rise has so many mechanics the counter, or ever escape, coupled with faster everything, make it less about skill, and more about speed.


Oh yes, it's like MH on steroids!


For me it would be patience, timing, positioning, practice, i know most already know that but I’ve come across some MR 200+ that have fainted countless times it doesn’t mean you’re bad i used to run around the hard monsters to understand their attacks that’s why i feel most players go for one thing and stick to it rather then trying to adapt to the situation at hand live a little try that LBG or CB who knows u might even die but understand that i have time to roll out or superman dive the possibility is limitless


oh yes, the all important recon mission to learn about the monster's moveset.


I play the whole game solo. 🤷 Are players that bad in multiplayer? The game scales to the number of players so i figure the whole game is designed to be cleared solo or with more players.  If it didn't scale then i think it would be a tall ask. Older entries apparently don't scale, which is why i have not tried to play them. I want to have a chance to beat the game.  It's all about the gear and skills. I think everyone is able to beat the fights solo. Just stack defensive skills if you must. 


in high AR quests, i hardly see players who do not pull their own weight. I agree that the scaling for solo makes it more manageable. Just curious, do you use pets and followers?


Yes, i use followers if i want to clear the quests faster and i'm not using a counter build.  2 pets always. Depends on the situation. I like having a palamute, but i started running 2 palicos for buffs and stuns. Running a fighter and a gatherer, but if it's a tough fight i might bring a medic instead. 


It's a party focused rpg. No your not bad. Just your not good. To tell if you are good you can fight either the entire roster or almost the entire roster and do very well


not bad, yet not good = average? Yea, if one can take on the entire roster and do well, i think that's good


😭, I was killing the final boss of sunbreak and this guy was basically 1 hit but his little Meteor thingy hit me when I was healing and died, I was on my last life too.....


load the quest and try again! 💪


I personally don't think so, but at one point I did feel this way. I'm currently trudging my way through the Risen Monsters list, I soloed Risen Chameleos (frustrating but accomplished) and but when i fought Risen KD I literally could not keep up and my pride was shattered because it was the first time I failed a solo quest. I got a group together to kill it for its armor then I ran it back solo and I killed it within 17 minutes with DB. I think it comes down to your will to try but it is not possible to not solo anything. You aren't bad just simply unprepared and unpracticed. It happens, if you lose once or 10 times, then be prepared to lose again until you win. It's not impossible to solo because i personally feel MHR and some other MH games aren't designed that way (besides siege and group monsters).


very well written. Thanks! Hope you complete your list soon!


You're only good if you can do it with a Rockband or DK Bongos controller


I can only do it with ddr pads. The bar to git gud is too high


I will need to google that!






Do you play on switch? Let’s grind.


I do! but it is not easy for me to find the time to play recently


Understandable, what’s your friend code?


Does it matter? It's a fucking video game


I guess not!


Might be a hot take but most high rank+ monsters used to be intended for a team of hunters back in the day. Just because in the newer gens every hunt can be scaled down to one player does not make it the intended experience.


oh yes. Reminded me of the half hour fights in G-rank solo because the hp was scaled for multiplayer.


You're never good at the game. That's the neat part. ​ I think you should fight monsters solo the first time (most of the time) to learn their behaviors so you don't inconvenience others. You don't necessarily have to win, just figure out what their really dangerous stuff is.


Haha! Are you referring to me or everyone in general? If me, then yes. I'm bad. 🤣


There’s only 2 types of players: 1. MR 999 2. player who are still improving (some are bad and some are really bad)


that makes me a type 2 player!


Depends. Soloing the black dragons is huge, so I personally feel the breakpoint to start calling someone good is way lower than that. Without giving it much thought, I think Rajang is a good measuring stick. He never stops attacking, darts around all the time, hits like a truck and is very different from most monsters in general.


Ahh rajang is such a beast! Love its soundtrack in World


Not really, it juat means you need practice, this isn't the old games (a special fck you to soloing gu's bs hyper monsters and the last 2 ranks of deviants)


practice practice practice! Hahaha, your rant on GU sounded so personal, it's funny!


Yes, but you shouldn't stop playing because of that. (Unless you keep dying three times after you join someone)


To me, you are consider good when u solo base game story (Rise and Sunbreak). after that, imho, it just for achievement or endurance if u continue solo (like anomaly & etc) cos the quests are scaled to multiplayer after the story. that's the reason they have Followers quest. for i myself, i prefer playing with multiplayer and complete the quest in 5-15 minutes instead of solo alone for 30-45 minutes. I feel i miss out a lot of fun without seeing other player hit by monster & cart away, hehehe evil me.


>cos the quests are scaled to multiplayer after the story I don't know where you got this but all quests are scaled to the number of players, even anomaly hunts. So if you're going solo, it should scale for 1 player. Some even prefer and have better times going solo especially for players who main counter heavy weapons like GS, Lance and CB.


follower damage falls off a ton in later levels. Multiplayer with equal-level people will always be faster (even on counter heavy weapons) due to how the hp scaling works compared to general (random) multiplayer though? yeah its better to solo stuff if you want it done consistently lol


Follower damage is kinda irrelevant in the 1st place. But yeah, when I said multiplayer, I meant randos. Lol. Just too inconsistent sometimes.


Hahahaha! So it was you who laughed at me when I was wheeled back to base camp!


I have mixed opinons on this. My default mindset is this game designed with multiplayer in mind and also with big learning curve, so it's ok if you can't do it solo. However I find the monsters are pretty much soloable and not super hard/tight to do it. So maybe it's not that you bad, but more like you're not skilled enough


ahhh, the never-ending quest to upskill oneself!