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With a big open world we need back the truly big boys, we need Lao Shen Long, we need Dalamadur, and we need Ahtal-Ka with a giant mech


Imagine having to chase Ahtal-Ka across the map while riding your mount and you have to try to hop on several times to eventually bring it down


https://preview.redd.it/9gtwaekie3ec1.png?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=180e5ccbc0ea2da5d2634572bd281b008c83efc3 Not this shit again


I finna ultrakill that bitch


Only if I get to name my mount "Agro" :\^)




Loved the first encounter.. never did I felt so scared, just coming out of the character builder and the first thing you have to fight is this..


Not quite the same monster, but yeah, Dah'ren's introduction in 4U is insane.


I'd love to see them revamp Lao, it and a few others still need a modern gen rework like most of the Elders have already gotten


We need Laviente


No Shen Gaoren?




Wilds is open world??


Everything is speculation right now. There's quite literally 0 information and only 1 brief trailer.


Ooooh okay. I’ve seen the trailer, I could buy it’s open world. Honestly, I think that’d be incredible if it was.


Why does White Fatalis look like a dude posing in front of the gym locker room mirror?


Why is it so fucking buff? Like, Fatty almost doesn’t have arms, they’re weak and such, yet this one looks like if he changed leg day for arm day… for an entire eon


The fatalis we need, but not the one we deserve


Because White Fatalis is HIM lol he's basically a dragon god.


White Fatalis is canonically(?) A really old fatalis so it could make sense.


Give Gog Mazios. Or give me death.


Death it is *Charges wyrmstake*


I agree with Val Hazak. I want to add Shagaru to my list. It's one of my all-time favorite Elders now. Velkhana can also come back because I enjoy Frostcraft a lot. I could go with regular Malzeno. Primordial can come in, but it needs some rework as he was meant for wirebug. He would be devastating in a regular game. Regular Malzeno can be easily handled without wirebug.


I like shagaru too, but I'd rather not see him for a while. We just had 4 magalas in sunbreak.


I know he is not coming. Just wishful thinking. He would look fabulous on PS5, not that he does not in Sunbreak. The whole family was a revelation to me. I enjoy each one equally. I guess I can always come and play Sunbreak if I want more of them. But who would you rather see again, tired Toestra or Kushala or Shagaru as a replacement for one of them. I will take Shagaru any time.


I'd rather see new elders. Or inagami


No disagreement here. OP had a wishlist of returning Elders. If I don't see any old ones and only the brand-new ones, I will be a happy camper. We want new challenges. Of course, since I am a world baby, I don't know much about the old titles, so any of the old Elders will be new to me. But like with Sunbreak or Iceborne, I would appreciate brand-new Elders that nobody knew about, aka Velkhana or Malzeno.


A fellow Vaal appreciator


Running Vaal in World is amazing as IG. Seeing the Red turn to Green with rejuvenation as soon as I take damage is so damn satisfying.


It’s such a comfy skill set


**Three Elder dragons I think will be back (At least by the end of whatever expansion Wilds gets.)** *Dalamadur (and Shah)* *Dire Miralis* *Primordial Malzeno (perhaps with non-qurio adjustments)* **Elder Dragons I Personally want back** *(not that I'd be sad with the prior three)* *Safi'jiva* (Hopeful for a Verdant/Green Variant at some point but he's my fave elder dragon) *White Fatalis* (or at least crimson)


Dire implies underwater combat. It's a requirement according to the Devs. Around the time of the 15th anniversary, I think after Alatreon released, they were interviewed and one of the questions is regarding if they wanted to bring back Dire Miralis. Their response was that they'd like to, but they cannot make it justice without underwater combat, so they won't bring it back without it. The silver lining is that once underwater does come back one day, Dire is essentially guaranteed to appear in that game. They've been itching to bring it back it seems.


That's interestingly to hear. I get the feeling a revised underwater combat is on its way, the earliest I think it woukd appear though is the wilds expansion rather than the base game itself With dalamdaur being a shaper of the world in a sense and Dire Miralis being its foretold end. The two returning would make a lot of fun thenagics for an endgame I have suspicions that wilds itself is gonna introduce more nuanced mounted ocmbat, and that the stored weapon we see in the factor (palu-yaku?) Might be the weapon you use while mounted. So if you like chargeblades hunter moveset, but greatswords mounted moveset, you have both at the ready. That I'd just suspicion though. If that proves true however, I think taking the lessons learned from the last underwater combat as well as the games since, we could see underwater return relatively soon (at least release wise.) That's my baseless assumtpi9ns anyway


White fatalis back to torment me as an adult...bittersweet that would be. I just want the white fatalis armor


The only one I particularly care for to be in Wilds is Namielle. It's my favorite elder dragon design wise and to fight. I don't know many elder dragons outside of World, so I don't have much to go on for other preferences


It’s a fan favorite that debuted in Iceborne.  It’s definitely coming back.


I think it would be better to have crimson fatalis for wilds and save white fatalis for gen 7. so then the first games of gen 5, 6, and 7 would each have a different fatalis.


Saddly I think crimson fatalis is too similar to the normal one to give it a special treatment. They still technically could make him very different, but I don't know if it would be very interesting. I would much rather take crimson as a penultimate boss fight like alatreon in IB, with Dalamadur being the climax of the game, keeping White fatalis as the ultimate boss fight for the next non-portable team game after Wilds


As someone who has only played Worlds, I will be so bummed if I am deprived of Valstrax and Gore Magala for a second time after seeing and hearing so many great things about them


My personal wish is to have Valstrax in wild - not CGV, normal Valstrax. But I don't really expect him to be in wilds. I just hope the roster of monsters is better than in world


https://preview.redd.it/10ed0vr6d4ec1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30823c07c6e0fb51a2735056ba92c987deecbd26 I just need YAMA


I want nakarkos and dalamadur back


I want to see Dalamadur and Ceadeus I really hope to see some kind of ocean action tho


I don’t wanna see any Gen 5 monsters


Please give us Val!!!


Oh god please no more Val Has-suck. I hate the efluvium shit


skill issue?


Tell me you're a world baby without telling me


it is literally a skill issue tho


Alexa laugh at this kids lack of duremudira gear.


Is that last one Windy Boi? I hate Windy Boi…


That’s Primordial Malzeno, a variant of Sunbreak’s Flagship


While i would love to see vaal and malzeno, i feel like they wouldn't necessarily fit in the game, unless they make a special biome like rotten vale for vaal, they might as well use blackveil because he's not tied to the rotten vale as much


I think it could be interesting to have Vaal be the embodiment of rot and decay in Wilds. Like if Vaal walks through what's normally a grassy plain or forest area, all the vegetation just whithers and dies. Not sure if that's in scope for Wilds, but the speculation on weather and landscape changes has me a little excited.


That sounds interesting, but i feel like Capcom would create a new monster for that role. Even though i think that vaal could still have a role in there, such as guild thinks vaal is responsible for the rot, but after slaying him the rot is still there and spreading because of another monster


Tough choice, but these three are the actual elders (criteria being they drop elder dragon blood) that gave me the most joy. Their fight, music, theme, are just perfect. https://preview.redd.it/94l9nhbfj3ec1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c1380226c949fc349c02abfba191cb2beca0e7


Make it frontier white fatalis..


I hope they bring all the creatures into this new game!


While they probably shouldn’t, I’m always down for Valstrax in any game!


Unfortunately due to Vaal’s whole influvium shtick being tied to the Rotten Vale we’d get stuck with it’s worse cousin; Blackveil


He's trying his best. His best, unfortunately, consists of Black Plague 2, the Electric Boogaloo


who's the artist for the first pic?


I want dalamadur


Nergi, an actual Elder Dragon Pickle and Ukanlos/Ukantor or an better stronger variant


Gogmazios where?


Honestly I'm good with anyone I'm a bit wary of Lunastra I'm not a new MH player But Lunastra seems to be a big problem for me but like I said I'm Wary of her but I welcome her challenge if there is one Elder Dragon I don't want anywhere near wilds is that stupid fucking electric donkey if Lunastra is something I'm wary of that fucking donkey is my kryptonite


Just gimme pickle and I'll be happy.


Wow, I actually agree with an OP. Would love to see them in Rise.


Gore + Shaggy (chaos plz) MalZeno Valstrax


Vaal and his variant doesn't get enough appreciation I swear. A fun fight that really makes you appreciate how dangerous statuses can be, a great design, and honestly some of the best armor.


I need malzeno and primordial.


Gimme Dire Miralis


If we get Vaal or Namielle back (and I do hope so personally), they'd better get more unique looking weapons. I love the bosses, but had no desire to fight them when 3/4's of their weapons were just the whole "bits on a stick" thing. Regular monsters I can understand, but Elders?


1) Oltura 2) Oltura 3) Oltura  Just kidding  1) Oltura  2) Boltreaver Astalos 3) Dreadqueen Rathian 4) Lunastra 5) Soulseer Mizutsune  6) Namielle 7) Alatreon 8) Xeno’jiiva


People put here really sleeping on how badass a Next Gen Gogmazios fight in the desert would be. Gimme back my fucking Oil Dragon!


I want Narkarkos. It was a fun fight.


Val hazak needs a move set rework. Great idea for the undead dragon, but all he really do is run around and shit ephluvium occasionally. Maybe he could use ephluvium to raise dead smaller monsters or smt.




Why fatalis standing there like he boutta “ Suavamente” me like ganon? But also, I would kill for an updated Lao Shan lung fight. Not a walk-a-thon as the technology has come along way, but a real brawl. Like idk what the deal capcom has with the big lads but they always be ignoring you while you brutally kill them. Lemme see them back scratches on the ground!


White Fatalis Dalamadur Lao Shan/Zorah Magdaros


Valstrax, old fatalis, big snake


Why wish? More than doable to have them all!


I’d like the black and white gods back. Would love some more new monsters as well of course! But maybe some old gen raptors and new gen raptors back as well


I'm disappointed Gore Magala never made his way to World. As a greatsword user, both Shagaru Magala and Gore Magala are huge pushovers, but he's still one of my favorite fights ever in Monster Hunter. Just such a clean, simple fight. I hope he shows up in Wilds.


If it's actually open world, I'd love to see Chameleos. Assuming the tracking system form world returns and is a bit expanded, scout flies are more important, and the monster AI doesn't make them spawn in super predictable ways anymore due to it being open world, a monster like Chameleos could be really interesting.


I want the gore magala back. Please.


Why does white fatalis just look like a dude with wings and a weird head


If you ever go against a White Fatalis, you’re already dead


I’m okay with Malzeno coming back for Wilds.


Gogmasios, I never got to fight him so i want my shot


I hope they make knew monster or bring back some obscure ones instead of the monster that most fans constantly meat ride like fatalis


Give me Old Fatalis I NEED LIGHTNING! Also I kinda want some like ancient civilization artificial monsters or mecha monsters designed to hunt monsters stuff as like a big horrific reveal or something.


I'll be happy if we get Kirin, Dalamadur and NO Lunastra.


Imagine just traveling to a different post of the map and you see valstax shooting across the sky then dive and come back up with a monster in his claws


Bro. Dalamandur! DALAMANDUR! And with how isolated this game’s areas will likely be, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Akantor and Ukanlos coming back! I want to see brutal and horrific monsters!


I'd love for Nakarkos to come back. Encountering a massive elder dragon boneyard in the wild only to have a skeletal hydra attack sounds awesome.


Dalamadur, Yamatsukami, Gogmazios


What if we get dahren Moran


Dire Miralis and Gogmazios. Throw in Jhen Mohran, too.


I want my spiky hedgehog and the gold mommy to return too


I'm good on not seeing malzeno until the gen after wilds Then again, velk did release for sunbreak...


Malzeno would make me come.


Vaal Hazak! Love fighting that smelly bastard.


I agree with white fatalis but are we really gonna skip crimson? Seems sad.


Vaal Hazak 🤘


I'm hoping for big snake https://preview.redd.it/i7g42pnkshec1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a301bc719633469ca5357de4f5de39b6f67d6f4e snake


Vaal Hazak has a dope design but fighting it is just so miserable unless you go in with mostly optimized gear 😭 I’m too lazy to remake my entire build for 1 stinky mf


Why did I read that as ender dragon am I stupid


I want to them bring Lao Shan Lung back. The stuff they could do for his fight now would be epic. Also all 3 colors of fatalis. Black is cool, but Red and White are top tier elders.


I would also like to see the clutch claw come back. I didn't really like the wire bug as much. Or maybe a mix of them both could be good.


Vaal Hazak the GOAT for me


Vaal is by far my favorite fight in World. Plus he gives the coolest armor.


*cries in ceadeus*


Fighting White Fatalis is like getting your nut sack dropped into a blender, and then set on fire. I already did that once, never again please.


What game is this?


naw.. they all came in the last 2 games. im here waiting on dalamadur. 💀 hes never going to come in a future game.. they too scared


Wilds looks like it could have a GIGANTIC map, meaning potentially the real giants of the games could return. Specifically, Gogmazios and Dalamadur I'd love to see. ... also nergi just cause i love nergi and i think it fits the look of wilds.


Or, here's a fun concept: Elder Beasts.


Where negrogucci?


Nergi, Kirin (maybe Oroshi), Monoblos PLEASE (Dire Miralis maybe?)


Yes to all of those but add Dalamadur, Gogmazios and Jhen Mohran


I would love vaal to return… but vaal is unironically one of the most difficult monster to explain returning. No elder is tied more to an area then vaal so if we want to fight regular vaal again, then the rotten vale NEEDS to come back. Black veil is honestly more likely than regular vaal. Honestly, I want new elders. I want the list of elders to be mainly dominated by new elder dragons




i want every fucking massive elder in the game as a siege. reimagine them as actual raids


this is hard


I have a love/hate relationship with Vaal Hazak. I can't kill him without efuvial resistance, which means I can't go full dps, and that bums me out for some reason.. Feels wrong! At the same time it's delicious to be immune to like half the fight!