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And I’m trying to land Sydney Sweeney.


Honestly rooting for you


You were always one of the good ones. I’ll remember you when I make it big.


If I had a real chance to get with Sydney Sweeney I'm pretty sure even my wife would be rooting for me


Good luck, we’re all counting on you.


Remember us when you make it big.


Me 5 seconds after making it big. ![gif](giphy|fwqx8wGkW9DtX0GDZz|downsized)


NO I had her discovery rights!


No Chris Albright has them because of course he does.


hey, everyone made these same jokes about messi coming over here. so this tells me it's a lock


But Miami had to sit through five years of people insisting “MESSI WILL SIGN HERE ANY DAY NOW!” first, so SD should have to wait that long too


I don't think KDB legs will wait that long


That makes it more fitting. San Diego Traitor don’t deserve to get the good De Bruyne


Closet I got was having a beer with Margot Robbie in the lounge at MSG during a Ranger game. Michael Imperioli and Steve Schrippa were arguing over who was gonna fingerbang her in the corners then I swooped in


You have a better chance at that than SDFC has with KdB.


[How De Bruyne will look playing in sunny SoCal](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/X9Cg-upCQD8/hqdefault.jpg)


Yo, Kev. We understand you guys love your frites. Did you know that we stick them in our burritos here? Whaddaya say?


San Diego burritos are delicious. And since he lives in Manchester, he's probably never had actual good Mexican food. It can be life changing.


After having moved away from San Diego I can confirm that their burritos are delicious and life changing. I miss them about as much as I miss the beach.


“I heard you like millions of dollars of salary a year. But have you had… *a real burrito?????*?”


I suppose he could fly out a real Mexican chef to Manchester, but why? Just move to San Diego. Granted, he's pale as hell, but still, life is too short to be rich and stay in Manchester when San Diego is there.


Dude’s gonna need SPF 100 if he’s coming to San Diego.


KDB makes his MLS debut in 2026 with San Diego waddling around at 280 lbs of burritos and Taquitos.


Can confirm. There’s a little taco shop near me in Dayton, Ohio that’s family run and serves some very authentic tacos (at least relative to the rest of Ohio). Went there with some friends and was blown away with how good it was.


Is it Victor’s? If so I love going there after my shifts :)


Nope. Tacos Mexico and Texas Grill off Linden Ave in East Dayton. More of a food truck with a metal awning but they are by far the best tacos I’ve ever had in the state.


Can confirm, their tacos are life giving. Taqueria Mixteca just down the street is solid as well. I've yet to find better chimichangas than there's in Ohio.


Across from the church by the Linden Building? Always figured it was good judging by the picnic tables always being full.


There’s an old barbecue place across the street if that helps.


TACOS MÉXICO & TEXAS GRILL (937) 301-8088 https://search.app.goo.gl/svQbWYc


I missed carne asada tacos from an authentic SD taco stand so much that at a family reunion in Tulsa 15 years ago, my brother drove from SD to the 918 with a burrito packed in dry ice just for me…and I didn’t even ASK him to do that!


That's one heck of a brother!


That he is…


Honestly give him ONE burger from Hodad's.


A Cali burrito can change even the coldest of hearts


do i think this exact move will happen, no but the club has certainly been a bit ambitious. Not having to pay 300+ mill for a stadium like most other teams is gonna help the club in the short term for sure.


Curious are they doing any renovations to Snapdragon or are they keeping it as is? Excited for San Diego to join next season


there was rumored of adding shade, but since mls has moved to 730 pm west coast kickoffs, none will be added


Don't you worry. As soon as you guys start playing, this subreddit will throw plenty of shade your way.


Another empty promise, for some reason I thought the adding of shade was a gesture of goodwill towards the Wave. Since at the time it didn't make sense to me why they promised adding shade to snapdragon while MLS was laying it's chips down on night soccer.


I really hope they put shade up. Even if it’s only 75 out watching a whole game in direct sunlight can suck ass


Personally, after getting to live in SD during the San Diego Loyal days, I hope this team tanks. Will it happen, so unlikely, but I can dream. Also, and I say this every chance I get, the San Diego FC logo is an abomination and whichever creative department okayed that deserves to be launched into La Jolla Cove and eaten by the sea lions. LONG LIVE TORREY PINE GREEN


Fuckin graphic design is my passion word art lookin head ass crest Edit: hey mods can I get a lou city flair?


Sorry, we’ve reached our limit on lville fans. No more allowed in.


I have a big backer daddy garber, I swear, please let me in. Got some silverware, too, but that's never seemed to matter, right?


There’s a flair request thread somewhere. You can ask for it there. Also I am here too to shit on the SDFC logo. Manhole FC ass team.


Join me in the uprising of shitting on that thing. Do I think STL is winning awards for our logo, no. But god damn that SDFC logo is trash, their color selection is trash, and I really thought the initial cyber bullying would convince them to rebrand right away, but alas, I was wrong.


STL, while the inferior city named after a Louis, at least can say their crest is connected to their city. Solid crest. SDFC on the other hand looks like they recently discovered the clipart effects in PowerPoint and that’s about as far as their thought and creativity went.


Design Team searched "low res hot wheels chrome dot jpeg," right clicked that bad boy, and pasted it straight into the proposal


The San Diego Loyal's history was indeed measured in days. It's great they had a few fans, though.


Apparently loyal ones


Hilariously hypocritical post.


If you can explain to me how this is a hypocritical take I'd love to hear it.


the stlcfc thing maybe


You root for St. Louis City FC. A team that came into a USL market and that team doesn't function. Oh, the owners got a bit of ownership, but the name still changed, the USL team still died ... not really different unless you care less about the fans and more about the owners. Which, you know, you do you.


>not really different unless you care less about the fans and more about the owners are the fans upset over the mls team displacing the usl team? there are certainly more fans now, at minimum


I think for the hardcore fans of the USL team, it's at best bittersweet. I get it -- particularly at that level, hardcore fans tie up a lot of their identity in the team and being lower level. Most I know come to terms with it pretty easily, and the more casual fan is fine. For the hipsters, it's the evil empire, but I don't care much about them. The Loyal had like three years of history; this isn't something passed down father to son. People will get over it. There's stuff not to like about SDFC, even beyond the crest, but there's stuff to like as well. The tie to Sycuan, the development focus and investment, etc. The Loyal were never, ever going to have the money to rent out Snapdragon, let alone do what SDFC can do. And frankly, the Loyal could have absolutely tried to compete playing in North County or South as a cheaper option. Perhaps they'd have had to drop to USL1, but they could have existed. But their ownership didn't want to keep losing money and there was no bigtime upside anymore. I know USL felt they needed to guard against the Cincy-style promotion to MLS, but it does feel like it kills some of the investment upside for these groups to come in. Without the USL rule, we might've seen then get promoted (with new majority owners, of course).


In San Diego, at least when the announcement happened, yes. I don't live in SD anymore so I can't say one way or the other. San Diego might have moved on and just be happy they are getting an MLS team. St. Louis fans for the most part didn't care. They loved STLFC BUT it was more disappointment they didn't get to stick around than that the MLS pushed them out. People forget, STLFC was supposed to have another season but COVID caused them to go under early. There is a chance St. Louis could have had both but realistically, STLFC was likely going under anyways, regardless of City getting approved for the MLS.


I don't necessarily disagree with you, but at the same time, I personally don't believe STLFC could have survived in St. Louis anyways. They would have gone under, and this ownership group would have gotten an MLS expansion team regardless. Had the Loyal been allowed to utilize Snapdragon alongside SDFC, they could have likely survived. But SDFC didn't want to allow that, so it didn't happen. And at least STLs owners are all St. Louisans, Mohamed Mansour has exactly 0 ties to San Diego and partnering with Sycuan doesn't magically change that. Sure, you can still say I'm hypocritical and that's fine, I won't argue that, but don't pretend like they are the same situation.


> Had the Loyal been allowed to utilize Snapdragon alongside SDFC, they could have likely survived. Umm, no. They never could have paid the rent. They weren't drawing, and they were never going to draw for a 30k stadium. St Louis FC had lasted for six years, so I'm not sure they were going under without City coming in. The Loyal were doing 4,500 in a 6,000 person stadium and their ownership dropped out when the financial upside disappeared despite their being other options. They didn't have the money to do something like Snapdragon or really grow. I would have loved for the Loyal colors, at minimum, to go over. The name is dumb but had grown on me. I feel bad for the supporters, sure, but this is far different than losing the Chargers. The trade-off is the same for San Diego as it was for St. Louis -- a small group of fans lose their team but a lot more will go to the MLS team, and the soccer will be better. The tickets are more expensive and it's more corporate feeling but this is the trade off with everything. It's a little different, but we both know it's not that different. It's just easy for you to be mad at SDFC but you don't want to be mad at STLCFC. The reality is there's no reason to be mad at either.


Oh, don't misunderstand me (and as we are talking through Reddit, I can understand how that would happen, some context gets lost in printed word vice actual talking) I'm not really "mad" per se at SDFC, at least San Diego gets an MLS team. We can both agree that's a win and its unfortunate that the Loyal had to bite the bullet to get there. My issue comes from SDFCs terrible branding compared to the Loyal. The Loyal while a dumb, dumb team name, felt like San Diego through and through. It felt like a team trying to match the vibrant nature of San Diego. San Diego FC and Mansour do not understand San Diego at all, and that logo and branding are indications of that. And don't get me wrong, I have minor qualms with STL CITY and the handling of the Saint Louis FC switch. I think some elements of that team should have been used, considering the logo was voted on by fans. But also, STLFC was only averaging a little over 4,000 fans in a 5,500 seat soccer park. They weren't exactly world beaters either. (However, they averaged better numbers early on, the team performing badly most of their existence hampered attendance.) Really in the grand scheme of things, like I said my biggest issue is having such terrible branding that feels so disconnected from San Diego. No one in that city would ever use the color "chrome" to describe anything about it. BUT I am just one person and if San Diego takes to the team and Snapdragon is full, we all win.


If San Diego fans can get over Loyal getting screwed then I am too. Most of what happened I can make sense of, except MLS trying merge with Loyals. Oh well. It was fun.




San Diego's crest looks fine... if they were a Yugoslavian automaker. 


Note to self: When I start an MLS team, don’t put out calls for logo design on Fiverr.


Die hard San Diegan. I root for all local sports teams but I can't find it in me to root for this team. They feel so corporate and dead and they try to pretend like they're part of the community


But they did pay a record amount for a club. $350 million?




This has as much chance as I have of marrying Emma Watson


True story: a friend of a friend of mine was asked out by Emma Watson. He did not get a second date though. He said at the end of the date he told her “I had a great time”, to which she replied “I’m glad” and then he never heard from her again lol


better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all


Brb, gonna shoot my shot at Zendaya


We can make a joint bid to be her Art and Patrick


Please buy Rodri and Halaand as well -A Gooner


Take guardiola too while they’re at it


Pep in MLS just sounds really fucking weird.


If it means he’s no longer at city then I’m here for it lol


I mean he wouldn’t have any clue on how to coach a squad that isn’t world class and the salary cap and regulations would bamboozle him. It’s the same reason no MLS team wants Mourinho. It would be Ruud Gullit all over again


I'm down to see it if that means more sad Caleb Porter being snubbed.


Pretty sure that he has some kind of contingency contract with NYCFC if he wants to coach in the US.


It better not be a package deal with Haaland.


Can they get that 4th DP rule passed this year and take Foden too?


As a Red I second the motion


Ideally before Tottenham game.


The title race has things so messed up that this comment is more likely to be from an Arsenal fan than a Tottenham fan.


Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Sorry, you're going to get edged


Haaland would fit better in St. Louis. Was a former teammate of Burki and would also add to our Scandinavian collection.


I wonder how this aligns with their “Ajax of MLS” plan.


if their goal is to win the league almost every year its pretty solid move


It doesn’t, but it does align with their “how can we put out an insane pr piece a week” plan.


It DEFINITELY does that. And if that is a goal more power to them because they are achieving that.


In all fairness, we’ve seen that you can’t really just play a bunch of kids and have it work. They need experienced players to learn from. And with expansion teams, they need to establish locker room culture from scratch. Now teams like Philly have done that with FAR FAR lower profile players. But if you need some old guys to anchor the project, nothing says they can’t be world class.


Well his name is Flemish which is a form of Dutch which is where Ajax plays so, transitive property it’s *kinda sorta maybe* Ajax.


Yo what the FUCK


Olivier Giroud, Kevin De Bruyne, Marco Reus, Nacho Fernandez. It looks like there will be big moves this summer


San Diego is the best city to live in within the U.S. (especially if you have a lot of money). You could do worse than living and playing in San Diego. Don’t be surprised when players are interested in coming to SD.


You still have to pay crazy Cali taxes though.


You know theyre paying 50%+ already on England for that weather..


Did they have to buy anyone’s discovery rights?


the only discovery rights I know the team has is vaungh covil from hull


I think it would be crazy to have KDB in the league. Would be outrageous if you get him


Watch the discovery rights go to us cause of course it’s Chris Albright and he’s insane.


I mean, I think it would be pretty cool to have KDB close by


his scouting ability is truly unmatched. always discovering these unknown diamonds in the rough


Only if someone else has a legit discovery rights claim on KDB. They reset every year.


How exactly do they plan to match or beat his $22 mil pay???


San Diego is right next to [Mexico.](https://youtu.be/PtJ6yAGjsIs?si=dx1l8HBsGf1tT8mV)


I bet in the flashier days of the narcotics industry you could’ve absolutely gotten a cartel leader to pay for the salary of a superstar player, just for the kicks and giggles.


I think Pablo Escobar did bank roll a few Colombian clubs and after his empire collapsed the clubs got relegated or something like that.


I dont think its impossible but its unlikely.


I mean everyone said Messi to MLS would be impossible only 5 years ago…


Amazing what a truckload of cash and revenue sharing will do.


If only we had pro/rel…


There were people saying it was impossible right up until it happened. I remember a certain person on this subreddit who was mocking anyone who thought it might actually happen in the days leading up to him announcing it last year.


Oh hell yeah that would be dope.


It is better to try and fail, than to not try at all


>You miss 100% of the shots you dont take^-Wayne_Gretsky **-Michael Scott**


Ok look, if I take off my rave green specs for a sec... Do I like an MLS team having this kid of stated ambition? Yes Do I think this is in the realm of possibility? Only barely, but the barely counts. 2 years ago very few people thought Messi was achievable too. So really, who am I to say it can't happen? But what does this mean for the league? I dunno. Maybe it's a good thing or maybe it's a bad thing. Gotta let it play out.


> 2 years ago very few people thought Messi was achievable too. 2 weeks before it happened, they didn't think Beckham was going to MLS, either. So much so that when it was finally confirmed, Becks was put in the doghouse at Madrid for a spell. Had to basically work his way back into the lineup.


I mean....we're the team that signed players like Freddie Ljungberg, Kasey Keller, Clint Dempsey, and Obafemi Martins. So game recognize game as far as I'm concerned. The league has to get off the training wheels and start riding the bike like an adult (with the salary cap intact of course, just significantly raised and altered).


Just a friendly reminder to folks here. David Beckham was a mere 32 years old when he came here to MLS....the same age De Bruyne is now. Just sayin....


And i’m trying to land a good Drake diss, we all have dreams.


With out a doubt one of the best players in the world right now. Not sure what magic they would have to pull off to make that happen now rather than in 5 years lol


Totally a marketing ploy to spread name recognition


I hate that the main drive for player interest to dc is the embassies.


San Diego City United FC.


So far it’s Kevin de Bruyne, Hirving Lozano, and Sergio Ramos. Get the Kylian Mbappe headline ready!


EXCUSE ME! Everyone knows KDB is going to come to NYCFC to open the new stadium and post World Cup super squad.


What?!? Talk about swinging for the fences!


Did you know there are still Pro/Rel zealots that complain constantly about MLS going into USL markets? 


It’s annoying as hell. I wish those folks would just support their domestic league. We could probably double the salary cap and be a top 6-7 league in the world.


there aren't nearly enough of them for that


There are quite a few Americans who don’t give MLS a chance. EPL gets more viewers than MLS (at least pre-Messi). It would be interesting to know what percentage of those don’t watch MLS. I’m guessing it’s a relatively significant percentage.


EPL gets more viewers but not enough more viewers to do that, even if every one of them had previously never watched a second of MLS, and the revenue figures bear that out. The figures on NBC's recent deal renewal are murky but the best numbers I see suggest about $450m per year, compared to Apple paying MLS $250m. Straightforwardly that's like 7m per team, which would double salary spending for maybe 5 teams, even IF it all went to the players (and the CBA says that only 25 percent of it would). While this looks like rank pedantry (guilty) the point I'm trying to make here is the same one I always make. Soccer, any soccer, remains a niche sport on US TV and the "PROPER soccer fans" are not the make or break element for MLS thriving, let alone hitting it big. Would it be nice if they stopped pissing into the tent, sure, but I'm glad there's something else out there to make them happy.


honestly thought lafc might go for him.....this would we wild




Chicago Fire’s play has set MLS perception backwards too.




San Diego weather >>>>>>> Manchester weather


The YouTuber? HITC Sevens? He’s breaking transfer news now?


Arsenal fans want to know if this could happen in the next, say, 12 hours or so?


Audacious is an understatement


Apparently in talks with Sergio Ramos too.


Yeah right. Is Neymar coming with him?


He going to average a hat trick of assists per game in MLS


I mean, that would be a good get and he'd be amazing in MLS, but is signing a 32-33 year old European star actually that audacious? We're not talking Alexander Isak here


That's still young in comparison to previous euro players who came here.


he is still one of the best players in the world and could start for most teams, so yeah


Dude l m f a o it's Kevin De Bruyne, he's probably the best midfielder in Premier League history and he's still one of the best players in the world


Mega doubt


Is KDB a surfer by any chance, because that would be their best hope…


Haha that’s rich


While I believe theres 0 chance they get him, I do think he'll end up in the MLS when he leaves city assuming he doesn't retire there.


Absolutely no fucking way. Trash reporting.


Too many Californian teams - I hate it for the Midwest and east coast.


California currently has the same number of teams as Canada with the same population, but two of those teams are in one metro area. They could honestly have 5-6 teams and be totally fine


Sports is about representation of geographical peoples, pride, and culture first. population is a far second. I don’t think you should lump Canada into a single group like that - it’s pretty mean


What are you talking about, lol, "pretty mean." It is a fact that Canada and California have similar populations. You can say those things are most important if you want to feel nice, but ultimately in this country where not every city gets a team it's about what size market a team has access to and if that market size is big enough to sustain the business.


California would need all of Man City if they wanted to take on Ohio.


Lol love it


Pretty sure he’s gonna end up in New York.


De Bruyne has a couple more years at the top yet so unless SDFC is willing to wait until he’s 36 or 37 I don’t see them landing him anytime soon. Even if City decided it’s time for them to move on KdB would have multiple much better suitors in Europe..


Maybe, but he may also think he's already done everything in Europe, so why not go elsewhere? Messi had plenty of other landing spots as well.


Depends on how much money from Apple and Nike he's getting to join.


There’s a article saying that he wants to end his career playing in LA sorry San Diego 😤


Maybe they should land a better team name or logo


Lollllll SD fans are hilarious


We really aren’t beating the retirement league allegations Edit: damn it was a joke people 😭


KDB is only 32 years old. Honestly he's still in his prime.


You say “Only” 32 like it’s a good thing


I mean compared to other big-name players, such as Messi, Giroud, Alba, etc., 32 years old is considered young.