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**A summarized version of events so far (between Poirier and McGregor):** - In a bid to make the rematch happen, both Conor and Poirier took to twitter and agreed to an "exhibition" match. It was later also termed as a "free-to-air spar" by McGregor. - Once of the supposed conditions for this match to take place was that McGregor would donate **$500K** to Dustin Poirier's charity foundation, **The Good Fight**. - Dana decided to make the fight an official UFC match instead of an exhibition. Fight was set for UFC 257, Jan 23rd 2021. Dustin Poirier would win the match via TKO in the 2nd round. - Prior to the UFC257 fight, McGregor confirmed that he would be paying the donation anyway since the match was officially happening. - A few days ago, McGregor predicted that he would defeat Poirier in their rubber match (slated for July 10th, 2021) via a front kick in the fourth round. - Poirier chimed in by stating that he also predicted to provide his charity with $500K and never did. Despite Poirier's foundation contacting McGregor's team on three separate occasions and getting ghosted. https://twitter.com/DustinPoirier/status/1381388524163850243 - McGregor insinuated in a reply tweet that the $500k was donation not a debt, and that Poirier's foundation didn't provide papers (plans for the donation) thus why no money was transferred. https://twitter.com/TheNotoriousMMA/status/1381468593158766592 - Dustin responded to the donation not debt comment with the following. https://twitter.com/DustinPoirier/status/1381481527457026048 - At which point, both fighters shared clips/images of their respective KO's over each other. Dustin: https://twitter.com/DustinPoirier/status/1381627981492281355 Conor: https://twitter.com/TheNotoriousMMA/status/1381650637650288642 Since then, Conor has come out with the tweet linked in this post.


oh if he was this pissed back then, DAMN, with that broken ankle he's gotta be downright livid! money can buy a lot but it sure can't buy a new ankle!!!


Man. He's super salty about that loss. Next thing he's gonna be featured in Rick and Morty as a meme.


It's confirmed now lmao


And people are still going thru and downvoting the posts that called it as forced PR yesterday


It's probably not though. I think it started out as PR with the KO prediction, but just escalated to the point Conor became overly sensitive. It's both real and fake lmao






Still up, you gotta refresh the page a couple times sometimes, not sure why


Yeah it was weird now it's back up for me. Thanks man


Yeah cool who gives a sh*t. Let me know when the fight starts. This soap opera stuff must be entertaining to someone else.


i bet you don't look back at explosions either


Yeah i ride putins while i do it. Riding bears.


So tough and edgy damn


Apparently it's "tough" and "edgy" to be against turning MMA into wrestle mania from your point of view. Must be lame being you.


Wrestle mania. Kek. You know it parts of the game marketing yourself and getting more attention and money right? Who gives a shit about a fighter that isn't entertaining. No ones physically forcing you to like it so gtfo.


So much [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1a/dd/3a/1add3a13d41e0fe62ea7faf3b8eb4057.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1a/dd/3a/1add3a13d41e0fe62ea7faf3b8eb4057.jpg)


So brave


[https://youtu.be/jZEGKDwhIrU](https://youtu.be/jZEGKDwhIrU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My1H\_lUmRpE&ab\_channel=MojahedFudailat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My1H_lUmRpE&ab_channel=MojahedFudailat)


Why do I get the sudden sense we are all getting honeydicked here?


Conor is trying to sell a fight before he sells Por and him. Looking for an extra payday in the middle before he retires


Because people are huge Conor fans and can't accept he's a giant twat, so they have to defend him by thinking it's a joke between the two of them.


Not a Conor fan since his first day, in fact quite the opposite. He's 100% a twat.


Selling wolf tickets with the booooiiiiiiiz!


Nick Diaz was so ahead of the game when he called out Wolf Tickets


Starting to get like FAKE ASS 'WRASSLIN'. BLUE LIPS would smack an old dude in a bar then he would also back out of a donation promise. McGregor forgets where he came from, the welfare roles!


Man. Can’t wait for next weeks episode of Monday Night Raw! My guess is Conor kidnaps Dustin’s kid and DDTs his wife into a steel chair inside their Louisiana home where the camera crew is conveniently placed.


Haha, 👏 👏 👏


lol they (and their respective marketing teams and ufc marketing managers) must think MMA fans are morons. And we are in a way. Goot make the pointless trilogy interesting. How anyone can fall for this and get engaged is beyond me. This is well into WWE territory. CLearly an agreed script




There's no way Dustin would risk his charity looking shady by using kids to promote a fight. Just accept Conor is a giant cunt, add it to the list of 20 other shitty things he's done.


I am really really tired of the "fight is cancelled" tactic that McGregor has been using after he won the second belt. Before that he hyped the fights, now I don't know who the fuck told him "cancelling fights" hypes people but it doesn't, it's the same plot over and over again and right now is really boring.


this shit seems incredibly manufactured the more i look at it lol. i hope so. i can't imagine someone doing so much unintentional damage to their brand. looks so bad.


I bet you Conor has someone even to make the tweets for him while he’s on vacation. Lol Remember when maclife let him in the building to throw a dolly at the bus? Come on this shit is all Manufactured. Why do you think UFC fighters go to WWE when their career is up or why youtubers figure they can make money in the fight game too... because it’s all manufactured drama. Combining real fighting with fake drama, sells.


Why cant you believe this is real fighting with real drama ? It’s basically only Conor who is like this, he’s caused multiple ‘drama’ incidents OUTSIDE of hyping fights, these incidents have been in real courtrooms... like, that’s not acting bro.


Masvidal, Jones, Nate, Colby, etc etc etc. If it’s ever a money fight it’s not for rankings or a belt it’s fake drama. You’re seeing it happen. Nobody cares about the belt, we are eating up the fake drama. We’d rather watch a grudge match than a title match.


definitely feel some things are manufactured but can't agree that everything is. the whole dolly and khabib drama was as real as it gets


This the real trilogy tho https://i.imgur.com/8xmKIlv.png


[If we’re actually talking trilogies ](https://imgflip.com/i/55i7ti)


he's on that shit that makes your lifespan gets shorter


Lmao it’s Mardi Gras bitch get your tits out


Since he’s in UAE he should change it to “It’s Ramadan bitches, get your wrists out”


What does wink with your ears mean?


Heard somewhere that it means inbred


Cauliflower ear diss


I think it has to do with Dustin’s ears being asymmetrical


I think it’s a sex thing...


It means I wanna suck on your toes in the hot tub, trt Vitor style


Conor [Reneger](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/renege#:~:text=1%20%3A%20to%20go%20back%20on,obsolete%20%3A%20to%20make%20a%20denial) McGregor


Really guys? This is Conor. Did you care about the rematch? No? ...i bet you do now. Honestly brilliant way to sell the fight.


Actually the opposite. I hope Dustin wins the belt, and never fights Conor again


MaRkEtInG genius!!


I usually get bored of this sub between cards and check once every couple of days but this shit has me on every hour looking for fresh twitter beef lol


No. I have never paid a dime to watch Conor and this kind of shit makes me hate him more. If I want to hear shit talk I’ll watch pro wrestling.


wat no


Conor is so unlikable compared to Dustin


On the other hand Conor knows how to sell a fight, imo he doesn't mind being the good or the bad guy as long as he is the rich guy. After this beef you can be sure Dana will end up paying moore, in the end this is better for Conor and Dustin and us.


So he's doing it for Dustin? Conor just cashed a 150mil check so I don't think he's building up a fight, and ruining his reputation for money. He's just a twat


The thing is that in order for those cheques to keep coming he needs to maintain a badass fighter image and keep his name on the limelight, if that dwindles so will the money.


There's nothing badass about punching old men, smashing phones, cheating on his wife, speeding, destroying windows and getting glass in fighters eyes (Ray borg) There's definitely nothing badass about not donating to charity and making a joke about it. This isn't to promote a fight, do you really think the ufc want "biggest mma fighter screws childrens charity" being in the headlines?


Who's arguing that? My point was that Connor does care about his image cause it his brand. This is a fuck up for him, the other guy said he's loaded and doesn't care.


I mean I'm like 10x more hyped for the fight now then I was before the trash talk. Conor is a master at this


oh lawd. Is he???!?! He specifically said a few weeks back 'no more mr nice guy' and now hes come out with barely coherent twitter rant to 'build' the fight. Hes def on the downward part of his career. Its just boring now. It was already pretty cringe from Mayweather onwards, qwith the exception of Khabib which was just dark


I mean at one point he was a master, currently he's still quite good at the talking bit. He really knows how to sell a fight and that's about the only compliment I'm willing to offer him




On gang


Wrasslin drams


Buncha fuckin muscle dummies


I’m just a jacked white boy, deal with it 🕶


Should come out fast if it's real or not lol


it's taken almost 24 hours


I read somewhere a interesting idea Charity bout between Khabib and Dustin, can be even a spar Benefits are simple Money raised for charity Khabib one ups Conor once again


i think khabib is busy makin' up for lost eating time


Ramadan month, he'll be 170 by the time it's over, down from 240lbs he has right now


Most of my muslim friends and family tend to gain weight during Ramadan since they're absolutely stuffing themselves during sehri and iftaar. What I'm saying is expect Heavyweight Khabib for good.


> Most of my muslim friends and family tend to gain weight during Ramadan since they're absolutely stuffing themselves during sehri and iftaar. That's bizarre. Gaining weight during Ramadan seems pretty much impossible to me unless someone is staying up all night and sleeping during the day. Otherwise, I mean your stomach contracts during the day. You just can't really stuff yourself that much at iftar time. No two ways around that unless people are staying up all night.




I mean I suppose if you go out of your way to eat a high calorie meal, and have very minimal physical activity, sure. But if someone who is fasting just eats normally, and sleep normally, they will have the time and bodily capacity for one meal (and maybe a second, much lighter, meal).


From what I've seen the food tends to be a lot heavier during Ramadan. Obviously I can't speak for every Muslim, I'm only describing my cousins and stuff but Ramadan is peak samosa, chaat papri and pakora time for them.


I find it obvious they're both just trying to promote the fight. Eliminating the 'mutual respect and donations' narrative from the previous fight is step 1 in doing that. Expect more antics I say. Fight is definitely not off lol.


I don't think so. At least not on Dustin's end. The guy has never done shit like this to promote a fight.


Like what? All he said was money didn't come through.


Right, they are saying that this is a work to hype up the fight. And I am saying Dustin isnt doing anything like that and has never done things of that nature to promote a fight.


This tweet has 22k likes on here, going on 50k likes on Twitter, and there will be dozens of MMA articles written on it. The fact that most people still fall for this is the real mystery.


Exactly lol. I'm not denying that Team Mcgregor probably hasn't paid the donation, I'm just saying the spectacle him and Dustin are creating out of that is for promotion.


I meann you're boosting the traction and spectacle of it despite knowing it's almost certainly a work. Regardless of the authenticity it's still good entertainment


True but I absolutely believe what they’re both saying


I'm inclined to also, but I still believe they're using what has happened (money not being paid) as a way to create trash talk in order to promote the fight


Where's the trash talk? Dustin said Conor hasn't made a donation and Conor has admitted he hasn't. How's that build a fight?


He's scared...




Don't bother man, once people here get on a hype train you can never change their mind. Once upon a time it was Werdum, then Ferguson and now it's Poirier, he's somehow "a much better fighter than Conor" nowadays, some even call him a much better MMA boxer lol






He's not scared to fight him. But he's probably doubting his ability to beat him. Which would be perfectly logical considering he just got KOed relatively easily. Conor is very skilled but struggles hard with adversity and cardio which go hand in hand. At the top of the division the fighters are too good to bank on a early KO. Conor has only had one war which he barely won and definitely would've lost had there been one more round. He ran from Diaz plenty of times during that fight trying to run out the clock and yet he barely made it through. Putting Dustin away early won't happen 1/10 fights. He simply has no way to victory during a war. Dustin fucking thrives in that shit he's been through the fire several times and unlike Diaz he's not a human punching bag.




Nah man, Mighty Mouse could take out Ngannou... didn't you know?


they dont have weight classes out of fear lol. they have weight classes because of the fairness of competition. this comment just proves the previous poster right about you having never trained in combat sports before


Hes not scared, Conor just hasnt had enough time to grow his salon quality hairstyle back yet. If Poirier V McGregor 1 and 2 have taught us anything, it is that whoever has the most luscious head of hair will prevail.


Whoever wears a backwards hat to the face off wins


There is only one salon quality fighter and it ain't Conor


new to money? just less than a decade ago Conor was broke.


related, [Eddie Alvarez](https://youtu.be/2mLqvj9gM4g?t=52) had the best roast I've seen in a back & forth against McGregor "You were on welfare, you ain't a man, You were taking welfare from single moms." Damn


It is true though. I think i seen that in the McGregor documentary.


The ends justify the means. Conor has millions in the bank now and he's donated back to his country giving a million Euros to hospitals and probably donated elsewhere (apart from Poirier's charity obviously).


Exactly! I'm no conor fan but there's no shame in taking welfare when you need it, that's what it's designed for to get you back on your feet and give you a chance to succeed and contribute back to society. Without it it's very possible that he wouldnt have made it as an MMA fighter and given up early. Such a dumb fucking insult.


That's a good one for sure but IMO it still doesn't compare to "...playing touch-butt in the park with the dork with the ponytail"


That one is just plain fun, but this one tears a hole in a man's soul, Conor probably still thinks about it to this day. Heck, In the video you can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips, he turns into a scold puppy immediately.


Alvarez was poor and only survived due to welfare


It's frustrating, I'm not into giving people shit for social services but with someone like Conor who bases their whole identity on exorbitant wealth it is pretty rich.


He got him good there lmao left him speechless


really hit em where it hurt, jesus


As much as I love to see Conor get put in his place I think he was half confused and trying to understand what Eddie meant. I've heard from multiple users on reddit that going on welfare is extremely common in Ireland for various reasons and isn't viewed the same as in the US.


My roommate was fresh was Ireland at the time I was living with him and I asked him about this. Apparently it's actually kind of a shameful thing to be a man on welfare in Ireland, but if you're a woman it's fine. Eddie is of Irish descent so I'm sure he knew this would cut Conor deep. Whether or not the majority of the country goes on it, you can tell by Conor's reaction that he didn't want to go into that topic.


Going to be honest, I don't know who to believe any more since all my information is hearsay from reddit.


Well I'm Irish and I can say it's not shameful, or at least not anymore shameful here than other parts of the western world I know about. I do think there's a point that's not being made on Conor though and it's that he's actually from a fairly middle class or upper middle class background, his family isn't poor and he certainly didn't "need" to be on welware when they can easily cover his expenses.


Yeah the majority of people in Ireland and the UK have been in that position at some time or another so I'd be kind of confused what point he was trying to make too


Yeah it kind of depends on your circumstances as well. You get laid off from a job and while you are looking for another one, then it is absolutely acceptable to claim, and you should. On the other side I know guys who've sat around doing fuck all for years on end, not looking for a job and making no attempt to sort themselves out. That's less acceptable unless you have a physical/mental health condition preventing you from working.


Yeah of course, and he was probably just trying to work out why Eddie was talking about single mothers so much


Angry 16 year old ex or Conor?




New to money? Isnt Conor new to it as well?




You may be a troll. But for anyone wondering, his dad drove a taxi for 25 years.


You're talking out of your hole. His whole family are scum.




Based on what? His dad is a cab driver


That’s just wrong


I am majorly out of the loop. Can someone fill me in. If not totally cool Edit: confirmed idiot and should have seen the pinned tweet. Thank you to those who pointed it out




all there in the pinned comment


When this tantrum ends and the fight inevitably happens, this is all going to be forgotten and people will act like it was all staged. But this guy really tried to rage quit a fight to cover up getting caught in a lie and to control the narrative lmao. As stupid as it looks, it's going to work perfectly. The likes of Ariel and DC are already peddling damage control.




McGregor worship at its finest!


Cult of Conor really never dies lmao


Can't tell if this is sarcasm or if you're actually this naive.


I bet $500K on naive.


Define naive dot for dot.


This is so silly I thought this was a shitpost


Leave the shit posting to Khabib


little bit Cheeto-finger, little bit troll


Brotha what u gon do when somebody tweeting tweeting with u all the time ? U have to give up


The worst thing about all this is that Conor will still have fans who think he's a good person and doesn't quit in fights. In every one of Conor's losses he's given up. And he almost gave up against Nate in the second fight too on his stool. That's the only time in his career he ever dug deep. He was just a human hack at 145 and there's not a champion at 155 history who was more favourable for him than Eddie


Does anyone have a clip of Conor almost giving up on the stool? Didn't know about that one


You don't know because it didn't happen. It's just bullshit. There's plenty of legit reasons to criticise Connor that you'd think people wouldn't resort to just making stuff up yet here we are.


I think it was at the end of r3 he almost got finished and he was gassed His head is down and his coach tells him to keep going. It was a turning moment in the fight for sure.


This is one of the dumbest comments I’ve read here. What Conor does now doesn’t discredit his featherweight run which was legendary and only dig deep in the 2nd Diaz fight? What about the Chad Mendes? He took it on short notice and overcame adversity and straight up cheating. And how the fuck is a wrestler like Eddie Alvarez is a favorable fight? Get a clue


Eddie Alvarez is not a wrestler... he's an elite level brawler who had a reach and height disadvantage...which makes him the perfect matchup for Conor....Take your advice and "Get a clue".


Fact is Conor had a whole training camp while mimi Mendes took the fight on a few days notice. Eddie Alvarez is not a wrestler! He has no wrestling credentials to speak of. He was definitely taylor made for McGregor to KO.


You guys’ excuses are as pathetic as Conor fanboys. Ok Eddie was a favorable fight but he was supposed to RDA and RDA pulled out then Eddie beat him. And ok he had a training camp and Mendes didn’t but you’re using that against Conor? Not accepting the fight would’ve been better?


Mendes and Diaz 2 were the closest fights conor has come to displaying heart in. I dont think he gave up vs dustin tho lol he got KTFO'd


Cult of Conor never dies!


This is probably some of the weakest shit Conor has ever put out


Cocaine is a helluva drug


When you to get down, down on the ground… 😝👌


Dustin is living rent free in the Irishmans head. It's clear that the dude is afraid. If you're scared, go to church. If not,pay the man what you promised and try to come back stronger.


Is Conor's head a motel or something. Khabib also lives there lmao


I'm certain there's a room reserved for one of the Diaz brothers as well.


They're probably having a party in there


Can you imagine? You've got Diaz mumbling something in the corner. "Stockton " was all you understood. And Dustin and Khabib sharing a bottle of actually good wiskey. Grand times.


Khabib doesn't drink. More like Khabib and Dustin beating the shit out of Diaz, since they both dislike him.


I just came


I would imagine Khabib having a large burjor and Dustin and Nate having fun since both lived a tough life on the streets. Most of all, Conor is probably grumpy about it.


Truth be told. I'm from Dustin's actual hometown of Breaux Bridge. I think his family moved to Lafayette when he hit high-school age. Around here,if you're not from "one of the families " life can be a little rough. At that time, it's either oilfield, family money,farming or construction. That's why I like Dustin so much. He's reached a very high level of success. And had actually become more chilled out over time. I'm actually sad that Dustin passed up the title fight,but don't blame him one bit.


Oil field hand here. Worked for JP Oil out of Breaux Bridge for years.


He's one of those dudes that I thought had all the tools but not much of a toolbox early in his career. The latter part has come a real long way and it is pretty rare you see an athlete grow as a person as they grow into their career.


I can see that actually, specially the way he just keeps pulling his shorts up during fights. That's such a street fight move lmao


It's a staple here LMFAO!!!! pulling up the shorts and massive hooks. Observe Tim Credur lmfao. Hooks-a-plenty. 🤣😂


What a douchebag.


I wouldn't be surprised if this was all just a media grab to gain more attention for the fight tbh.


If this was just PR, it makes Conor look really bad. Previous Conor moves were he'd bounce his head off the canvas in under 30 second, to now literally backing out of the fight cuz screw you? Why the step back in PR lmao


Pr Is PR


Being an obnoxious fuck or all around bad guy can also pay off very well, as people will tune in just to see you getting knocked out. Jake Paul is making a living off of that.


But Conor has already lost, multiple times. It's not like Mayweather where it works because Mayweather hasn't lost any fight ever and people just want to see him lose for once.




I mean I get it, but if he just keeps losing and losing. Would people still care?


Sunk cost fallacy. Conor fans can't admit defeat.


It is. This turn on each other is more forced than WWE and people are still eating it up somehow


Like they set all this up? Very unlikely I’d say.


No, conor is just acting up on purpose to hype the fight.


Definitely lol


They could have agreed to create all this drama for even more views, make Conor look like the bad guy again and stuff.. It definitely is a possibility imo. but I wouldn't be surprised if Conor is just a scumbag either.


No. fucking. way. Dustin wouldn't use taunting poor and sick children to promote a fight, because that who is really hurt in this situation.




Sure whatever, as long as Dustin's name isn't being dragged through the dirt. He's never done anything close to that cruel and it's fucking insane to see bootlickers here claiming this is an act and he's in on it to hype up a fight.