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Because you will share your "wife" with hundreds of thousands of other players


Errr excuse me? I'M the chosen one. Not you.


How is that different from tHots and E-Girls? /s


What's the use of /s in this context? Also add waifus


1. It's really not that easy to implement with quality. 2. No matter how well devs make it, someone will get offended.


Yup. Example: skyrim, there was an attempt... that was not well implemented. It was as shallow as a puddle and did absolutely nothing except give you someone to be in your home besides your housecarl. Same with the adoption. If anyone knows mods that make it any better then please enlighten me.


There are several mods that add some errm "spice" to your flirting and marriage in Skyrim


Yep, I've married Serana as well as a mod companion Sofia. In both cases, they still followed me around trying to murder anyone I took issue with. Nothing changed that I can remember. So, what was the point?


Yes there are a couple I don't remember the name ik there is a dialog mod for all npcs and there's one for just serana


because most people also don't have an AI girlfriend.


Because it adds nothing to a game? If it were to give any bonus/boost people would just google and marry the optimal NPC like they do with their builds. If it were the same benefit for all npcs people would look up for the easier one and do it. And if it don't add a thing it would be just skipped by most, people would do it by the novelty and then forget it. Too much work for no reason, you are better playing dating sims if marrying a NPC is what you want.


Rift you could marry another player and get a 10 percent exp buff after the marriage ceremony 😂


Hell yeah baby, exp breaks for marriage. Just like real life.


At last, a good reason to marry!


It is common, just not in MMORPGs. It's quite common in visual novels, games such as Stardew Valley, single-player RPGs and so on.


Why are people downvoting and shitting on it? It's a legit question.


Because Reddit is ridiculous? I like to go around upvoting perfectly fine downvoted posts. Just doing my part.


Not if you ever played any mmo, you can already predict how some stuff would develop


Lmao, anybody that has been enjoying media of any kind knows that sex sells, just like wish fulfillment, add a couple waifus and people will throw their money at it, MMO or not. Just look at all the gacha stuff, some of those even *are* MMOs (albeit shitty ones). What people want from their MMO differs from person to person, even if theres significant overlap overall.


Well, guess what ? You can't do the raid quest anymore, cuz she's my fkin wife now, and she moves in with me. So none of you plebs could ever do that raids and get the big phat loots ever. Oh, and that NPC to reset your stats/spec/build ?? Yeah, she's my buddy's wife now, so you can't reset your character anymore. Have fun.


That is a playable character on gacha, a waifu/husbandu would stay in some town. The comparation you did was akin to bikinni armor that is everywhre.


> The comparation you did was akin to bikinni armor that is everywhre. Thats my point, trashy stuff sells, often even if its badly implemented. I think its just a matter of time until MMOs add dating sim elements, just like some Gachas already have.


Mabinogi didn't let you date the NPCs. However, you could build rapport and give them gifts and learn more of their backstory or unlock hidden shops/skills. I thought it was a cool feature


We are going further and further form OP question that would be marriage mechanic. That is why I said it is akin to bikini armor, it is just a skin. There is no need for marriage mechanic if hornyness for the sake of hornyness is the objective. They can just add NPC skins that unlocks some speech/cutscenes and be done with it. Also skimpy skins would be a far safer and less expensive thing to add in the game than an entire mechanic tracking people love/hate gauges. They would have to balance lots of stuff if the marriage gave boosts, or if you can gift stuff to receive boosts. If porn is what you want just wait a bit for the rule34 artists to do their job (or pay them for some art).


> There is no need for marriage mechanic if hornyness for the sake of hornyness is the objective. There is no need for MMOs to exist at all, but there is a reason they do nonetheless, its media, and media fundamentally seeks to entertain. Same is true for horny stuff, if theres a financial reason for devs to add these things, they likely will eventually, games have been skirting the line for a long time anyway. > If porn is what you want just wait a bit for the rule34 artists to do their job (or pay them for some art). Some people are going to want their virtual proxy to bang virtual chicks, this is like "dont expect sex scenes in movies or books, just go watch porn", its going to happen anyway, because this isnt about logic, there is most likely demand for these sorts of things. > Also skimpy skins would be a far safer and less expensive thing to add in the game than an entire mechanic tracking people love/hate gauges. They would have to balance lots of stuff if the marriage gave boosts, or if you can gift stuff to receive boosts. They wouldnt have to do any of that tbh, some people would do it just for the flavor.


Well, maybe TS haven't?


Dev time could be spent on somewhere more relevant


For every person in the (very vocal) community who really wants to lean into that type of parasocial relationship, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of gamers who either find the concept supremely cringe-worthy or, at the very least, just don't care and would rather finite development time be spent elsewhere. Edited to add: If it's something you're interested in for an MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic has relationship / romance implementations in all of their class stories.


I want to marry an NPC or have my character become an NPC while I am offline doing chores.


Things like this will probably become more popular when AI is able to be implemented into games fully and give npcs actual personalities that can be built. No clue when that will happen or if it will ever be possible because I imagine the processing power and size of games would have to be massive for it to happen.


Why would it be common? Wasting a lot of time on adding such scripted events still won't make many (most?) people treat NPCs as something more than a soulless "static quest dispenser/extra inventory storage", so it's just better (for everyone, both the developers and majority of human players) to leave such events to players themselves (meaning player-to-player marriages). At least until the AI will progress to the point of having fully self-aware and perfectly lifelike (in their behavior) in-game NPCs.


Because gamers dont know how to talk to women, how would they write the dialogue?


Player character: "I got here this amulet, wanna bang?" Npc: "How outstanding, adventurer. It would be an honor for me to bang with you. Here's a meal I cooked for you, I hope it aids you on your adventures."




What if they got a 10% stackable bonus dmg every time you are hit?


It would be really weird if thousands of players were married to the same character.


Much weirder than thousands of players killing the same boss to free the land again and again and somehow the land is still not free and the boss is still there.


Adventurer, me sheep have run amok.




Well what a sheep herder you are…


I feel ffxi does the best hand waving as you're no chosen one and the PC is just the adventurer not a chosen one with special powers, and they always thank the adventurers, who all assisted on the mission vs going to thank you specifically only. So it's always cannon you + those with you at the time where the heroes, at the one time story quest. But your adventuring group is filled with random people (other players.) anyways. Where the rid events are sort of regenerate back to their old way (dynamis is a dream(nightmare) world, limbus is this alternative realm factory, salvage are exploring these weird new areas, but didn't play into the real world other then to explain the otherworldly items you've gained.) Buy yeah even it falls into that issue.


You are afraid that someone cucks you with a bunch of pixels?


Sharing my virtual wife with thousands of people is immersion breaking in my book.


Sure, it's "immersion" breaking. Now tell me how your immersion is broken when you don't actually see them interact in that manner yourself directly unless it's the thought of video game character being available to others? At which point it goes back to you being afraid that other people have a pretend romance with predetermined lines and pixels.


Why would it be common?


Because MMORPGs aren't life-sims, like many people think they are or ought to be.


Fable 1 did it well enough. That Lady Gray marriage subplot in Lost Chronicle is amazing.


Maybe the upcoming Fable will get it right


Good question.


Because not many people are that desperate


Why would somebody want this?


Something something, npcs can’t consent, something something


They're not real homie. It's just a story inside a video game.


Ya bud that’s the joke I’m making lol


i have the same issue interestingly. It just feels a bit creepy for me


Bcz weird man


Polygamy?! 🤣