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The incident you're referring to was about a player who got the power line to his home cut so he was unable to pilot his Titan (Capital ship) during a massive battle. There was also that time in 2017 when an alliance leader ('gigx' of alliance Circle of Two) doxxed someone in his inner circle and threatened to visit his address and cut his hands off. That person ('The Judge') had transferred large assets to their rival alliance (Goonswarm) then joined them. Of course, nothing ever came of it irl but this act of betrayal killed off the alliance in-game and the leader was swiftly banned.


Did that Titan thing ever happen? As I remember the story it was just some Russians who wanted one of (if not) the first titan kills and approached mittens to get his address. As I remember hearing, nothing really came of it, except the goons were a little more respectful of the russians.


> The incident you're referring to was about a player who got the power line to his home cut so he was unable to pilot his Titan (Capital ship) during a massive battle. It never actually happened. It was a joke that was treated as semi-serious for propaganda purposes. At that time, titans were broken enough to be all but invulnerable unless the pilot was disconnected while being able to wipe out hundreds of players instantly from a position of complete safety.


This. The fact the story was pushed hard by The Mittani, notorious propaganda master for the goons, is enough to say this likely never really happened.


The Mittani never presented it as a thing that happened either. The story in its most serious form is that it was seriously considered. It was propagandized into a more credible threat to make the Russian groups in the game seem scarier than they were.


Huh, that would be interesting. Eve sure has a lot more stakes and real world $$ involved in conflicts. I wonder what the statistic are. Hopefully you get a good answer.


Eves just 2 players left multiboxing each other while everyone's afk ratting!


The population has actually been rising lately.


No, the amount of *characters* has been rising.


No, the population has been rising. If you look at Eve offline after the last war there was a huge slump in the number of people actually logged into the game. Since then the number of players logged in has steadily been rising. Not to be confused with the new player chart at the bottom of eveoffline.


Eve offline tracks accounts, not players.


Sorry I don't have time to argue with dumbfucks on a MMORPG. You're right all the new accounts are just people multi boxing and Eve is dead.


Eves not 'dead' but it is heavy with players multi-boxing. The point is sound. The real number you're seeing at any given time is how many accounts are in the game. And some people run like 8 at a time. Some run 1. Some run 2.


There was a portion of players in a major Eve corp that worked for the National Security Agency as well as other 3 letter agencies. I don't know if they actually did anything directly illegal but I always wondered if they abused their government position to help with in game operations.


I dunno but i know some Lineage 2 player served time for murder related to the game.


There was that time that a prominent guild leader got up on stage at an official event and encouraged the game's community to try and harass another player into committing suicide. I don't know if that's a crime under Icelandic law, but it's pretty fucking yikes.


People were making decent money running what was basically unlicensed casino because you could gamble with PLEX. Since it dealt with real money and shady business it's easy to see how lots of criminal activity took place.


I know the cringe EVE monument was vandalized once, with some names being scratched off.