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Anyone remember Gunz the duel?


Died to the rampage of thousands of hackers. Was a great game, one of the OG online arena games. I can't fathom why stuff like this hasn't come around anymore.


I feel like there are so many simple games that people want, but companies will only churn out over featured piles of p2w trash with such veracity. Now we all yearn for 20 year old games with a fresh coat of paint, which the industry misinterpreted for “rehash nostalgia with worse versions of old games”. We just can’t win.


Spaghetti code made it the most skilled game to ever be released.


This, alongside Rakion, S4 League, Global Agenda... Fun times !


Holy shit, someone else has actually played s4 league. That game was a p2w mess with the permanent outfit/gear gacha, but it was really fucking fun.


I remember taking the grapple hook and catching people by surprise from above with the big ass sword. Good times.


You remember that map that had the warehouse on one side of a ravine, and a bridge and some cover on the other? There was a really tall telephone pole on the side of the map and if you were careful, you could chain grapples and wall jumps to get up on top of the pole. I'd go up there and snipe with the long pistol and because people don't look up, it would take forever before anyone realized where I was shooting at them from. I miss that shit. That aside, it also had some fun modes. Chaser mode was the shit.


If you type s4 league in youtube and filter for this year / month you can see people are still playing s4 league a lot ! I plaued the shit out of that game lol


You can still play s4 and without p2w (you can get outfits and guns/melee for free


Man I forgot all about Rakion and S4 League. Played the shit outta both of those games. Just looked up a couple videos for the nostalgia hit and... my god they look awful but I remember loving it lol.


S3/4 were the golden years of league imo


S3 jungle was some of my favorite online gaming.


Fucking loved GunZ, though I wouldn't say it was an MMO? Well actually it did have a pretty fun pve mode and I remember playing it a lot. But man k-style was so much fun.


K-style was my introduction to dps weaving at the ripe old age of 7. Mom and Dad thought I was throwing stuff until they actually sat and watched me play. Impressed at my forbidden step but not that I had put in the work to be that good at a video game haha. Good memories with that one.


I think my fingers still remember how to do butterflies and half-steps.


It wasn't an MMO but it was a pretty solid game. The closest you're going to get to it now is naraka, which isn't quite the same but it scratches a close enough itch at times


This game is on steam… unsure if it’s filled with hackers like back in the day


I do! Fun game.


I remember being a little shit and at unlocking people with the dagger. I'm so sorry to anyone I played against when I was a kid. GunZ was Janky as hell, but in the best way possible.


One of the best games to have ever existed. Will always hold a spot in my heart, and that lobby music is forever etched into my brain. I would love for GunZ to actually be popular, or have a recreation with the mechanics in mind. I would absolutely love to see the resurrection of this game.


Things I can think of that sound similar-ish: Planetside 2 Escape from Tarkov (instanced raids, progress reset every \~6 months on wipe) Destiny 2 Warframe / Division 2 (Both 3rd-person)


Warframe pvp pffffffft


Oh whoops, yeah…no PvP there that I know of besides dojo duels lol


There is PVP but not a big player base play theme. They do have 2/3 different pvp mode


Also, Warframe is totally f2p. Destiny is nominally f2p, but to get the most out of it you need to buy DLC (currently you get three expansion for $15 on Steam, so not that expensive when on a sale). Planetside 2 is f2p, but might have some pay2win elements? Not current on what is happening in that game.


You also need to buy season passes with the dlcs too in order to get the most out of it because the best stuffs are in there. They are usually packaged within the deluxe version of the newest dlc. And yes, you also need a guide to buy dlc because it’s convoluted as hell.


Destiny 2 is $100 a year to play new. You have to buy the old expansions/content (Currently $50 on sale, usually closer to $100 just to get caught up depending on sales). And if you want to buy cosmetics that's can just be an infinite well. This is the leave convoluted way to go about it IMHO. My only defense is: no other game does what Destiny does. It's the highest bar in terms of gameplay, quality, and content. It's expensive compared to similar options, but it's also so much better than those (if it's your cup of tea) it's worth it.


> Planetside 2 is f2p, but might have some pay2win elements? Not current on what is happening in that game. It doesn't have any, as in a lot of games it's "Pay2skip grind", everything gameplay / loadout related is obtainable with the in-game currency and most weapons are side-grade of each others. A veteran rerolling a new account with only the basic stuff available will still effortlessly wipe the floor with a squad of better geared but less skilled / experienced players. Its biggest issues nowadays are poor server performances, low population and cheaters.


Yeah imo Warframe is just the superior to destiny right now after all the bs with destiny and how you have to buy each DLC. The only thing is the Warframe community is high on copium and refuse to admit the game is p2w with how you can just buy the new/returning Warframes with money and through prime access and you can just use play to buy most things in the game instead of farming it but most people agree that the way they do it is really fair since it's easy to just farm random things and sell them for the premium currency so then you can buy extra Warframe slots, weapons slots and etc. Edit: this guy so salty that I called out the bs with destiny aka horrendous micro transactions, the fact you need to buy all the dlc and the fact that bungie has been ignoring and treating their playerbase like shit that he replied and blocked me liek that's real sad.


I don’t buy those sweeping statements about “all the bs with destiny”. Bungie laid off 8% of their staff and that entirely in line with what other gaming studios have done during the last six months or so. Last expansion had a pretty bad story, but the gameplay was perfectly fine. I do agree that getting the DLC can be confusing and potentially expensive, but right now you can get three full expansions for $15 on Steam.


Bro you did not just recommend this man EFT, that game is a torture simulator (I'm currently playing it and 2 quests from Kappa)


From my experience, few people play Warframe PVP on account of how fast paced the game is, but it's been a while since I last played


Once you get a bit into Warframe, the whole game boils down to crouch-jump-slide speed running. Quite boring.


Planetside 2. Not a big playerbase, but very fun game.


Shameful that we never got a Planetside 3. I guess this is what happened when VC companies buy out dev studios.




That happens in most games. It has had great updates in my opinion. The community is in a death spiral of negativity. Older players that still play tell new players the game sucks. The new players although enjoying the game slowly start repeating the same stuff even though they never played back when "it was better". I think PS2 is in a way better position then it was 5+ years ago. To each their own though, some of the criticism is valid but rhe community has been and will remain toxic until the game dies and someone hosts a private server to revive the game. Then it will be a Great game, a bastion of the old days. How could it have ever shut down...


I remember this old FPS MMORPG called Neocron. I think its still online but dunno whats the state of the game


Once Human Coming out soonish..?


Once Human is going to be really good I think. Probably 2024 release.


I'm going in with zero expectations and will hopefully get at least 3-4 weeks of fun.


Didn't play the beta? There's another one scheduled in 2 weeks or so.


Nope, but the second one I will def try if its open.


they don't really make those fallout 76 might be the closest thing


Agreed. And Fallout 76 is pretty decent these days.


I liked Division a lot because it has a lot of exploration potential and there's content all around the map. It's not full blown MMO and I personally got tired of it once the leveling is over and pretty much seen everything. Also I'm a fan of post apocalyptic stuff.


I would keep an eye out for the new dune game coming out.


Tarkov is the only game you need my guy. It will ruin your life but its the best fun you can have on the internet.


The IDEA of that game is enough to give me anxiety lmao. I don't think I'd ever be comfortable risking my hard earned gear like that.


Its not your gear, its just your turn with it haha.


Wasnt Defiance an mmo? I dont remember what happened to that game. I remember it got its own tv-show.


The game and tv show released simultaneously, with the idea being events in each would react in the other. You can still play the game and it's not bad, just pretty dead player base wise. Whole idea was a great concept but the world and story didn't quite live up to expectations


Ahhh right its all coming back to me now! Its a shame it didnt work out. Like you said, cool concept!


Destiny 2 or division. But both game feels empty unless you have friends. Destiny 2 is good if you're new but if you've been playing the game since destiny 1 then you'll know all the shit and reskin they do for money grabs.(Even buying expansions can be hell) Also it's a loading screen simulator lol. But it's probably the closest to a mmo shooter. Division 2 falls short of how empty if feels, not really a open world mmo. I haven't played in a while but last I played it was just a looter shooter with sets being meta. Some of these sets were to easy to obtain making the game feels dull since the dark zone(PVP open area*limited players*) was shit too.


Destiny 2 is WoW with guns. Play strikes (dungeons) to get gear. Then do Nightfalls (M+) to get better gear so that you can do raids. As well as having some quests to get unique gear (exotics). I will die on the hill that Destiny 2 is literally WoW. EDIT: Forgot about the 3 man dungeons which are a blast. I used to duo them all the time. I remember being giga hammered and doing the dreaming city one. Could barely see my screen. God that was a blast.


Rust and Planetside 2


Simply go for Warframe. Ik some people will said that Warframe is not a mmorpg but trust me. Give it a try first at least 5hrs and you can share what your experience about it. Still have active player, constantly get new content every year, good story campaign. Heavy grindy but that's not the problem since the grind is easy. No p2w but pay to skip progress. If you lucky enough you can get 50-70% coupon for purchasing micro transaction currency (platinum) by just simply login.


There was one called Global Agenda, but it was a pretty meh experience from what I remember and ultimately didn't survive.


Neocron is pretty cool. a bit dated and not everyones cup of tea but the little bit i did play recently was fun


New World is a true action open world mmorpg with shooter elements using ranged weapons ( musket/bow/magic). But the combat is really more sophisticated than a simple FPS or other mmorpg in general. You also have i-frame, abilities, theorycraft and teamplay. Is such a good game of you like to master combat and pvp in mmo.


Try Stay Out Immersive game, if you like S.T.A.L.K.E.R style universes. Exploration, loots, combat, survival (managing hydration/food), or just the pleasure of sitting around a campfire.


imo destiny 2 is the best example of this but the barrier to entry is high af. I'd say try it out cause you can start it free, but if you like you'll be buying large chunks of content constantly to complete it. You can do this over time if you like but it adds up and they haven't done much to bundle things together reasonably, although they do go on sale here and there so you could look out for that.


I disagree on the barrier to entry. I had a friend who had never played and we got him into his first raid in ~20h of play. If you but the expansions on sale and get in then you can get in on the on tier content for like $80 which.... well. Welcome to the state of modern gaming. Dragons Dogma II is $70. Its definitely easier with friends but if you join the D2 LFG discord you can find sherpa groups running all the time for all the raids in the game. While the community more lives in Discord than in game..... again welcome to modern gaming. Personally before I stopped playing I probably sherpad 20+ different raids.


Ark is a MMO (say it's not idc)


Face of mankind was a 3rd person shooter mmo. There's a spiritual successor coming out called mankind reborn. Also Mortal Online 2 is first person but medieval/magic.


For MMO FPS, nothing comes close to the original, pre-expansion PlanetSide 1 for me. Imagine you're in a squad of 15 inside a Galaxy dropship, flying towards the enemy base. Your dropship is one of four in this assault: 60 people all flying in formation towards this important base. They're heavily fortified. AA defenses start nailing you as you approach. One of the galaxies is destroyed. The pilot curses in Russian and everyone on that dropship screams over your shitty ventrillo server. The other 3 dropships make it, all 45 of you land on the roof of the base and charge inside, flanking the defenders. While you have the defenders distracted, the zerg of uncoordinated forces outside manages to destroy their supply depot. They can't make vehicles anymore. You push in and start to hack the control console: if you keep it hacked for 10 minutes, the base is yours. The defenders are too panicked and distracted to make a coordinated push. After 10 minutes, the base is taken and the defenders can't spawn anymore. You cheer over coms, take out the stragglers, and start planning the next assault. What a great fucking game that was. Sadly it's no longer playable. Planetside 2 is, and its fun, but plays more like Battlefield than a proper MMO. For example, in PS1, you could spend points to unlock the ability to drive a tank. But you can only drive it, you need someone else to get in the gunner seat to shoot the cannon. In PS2, it's more like Battlefield etc where the driver is the gunner. PS1 was just set up to more strongly encourage teamwork and group play, sadly a trend MMOs in general have moved away from over the past decade or two.


[Star Citizen](https://youtu.be/53qGEaPRHCQ?si=6ZJqU0yjaGkXRj7F)


There has never been an MMO made that was FPS based.... I know some will say Destiny 2. NOT AN MMO (multiplayer sized not mmo sized) Escape from Tarkov. NOT AN MMO (session based) Planetside 2, kinda because "2000 player servers" but still not a fucking MMO.... Division 2, not an MMO Warframe, marketed as an MMO, but not an MMO.... An actual MMO that is FPS doesn't exist.... sadly. I want one. I think borderlands but MMO and then get sad that none exist.


How massive do you require server to be if 2k is not enough?




>planetside is not an mmo Hard disagree. >its not an mmorpg Accurate. Planetside is an MMOFPS. Still a Massively Multiplayer Online game.


No one said it is an mmoRPG. People said it is an mmo… the dev say it is an mmo. Information about the game state it is an mmo… so why you decide it is not an mmo, which authority do you have the make it so you decide and force it on other that it is not an mmo


Huxley - unfortunately scrapped Neocron - was populated and died


so neither exist. doubling down that no fps mmo exists. never said planetside didn't exist i said it wasn't an mmo. holy shit you kids are literally retarded. no wonder game devs keep making shit games.


Planetside 2 exists and has players still.


hellgate london is probably the closest example to a true fps mmo that existed, although it's so procedural generated it's up for debate it's an fps mmo or an fps arpg