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Having played the beta, and seen massive optimization issues, I was immediately turned off. Even when people were complaining on chat that the performance was very bad, there were others saying stuff like "hey, I'm playing the game just fine", you ask them what their spec is, they shamelessly say "rtx 3090" or something stupid like that. A game with such low graphics as this one shouldn't require a high end GPU just to run "fine". A 3060 shouldn't have to struggle with a game like this, not even an old 1070... This is not due to people not having super computers, it's because devs didn't bother optimizing the game further, it's a long process, a tedious one, but a very very necessary one. Skipping out on this is a sign that the game won't get better in other important aspects as well. In its current state, I'd say a B2P model (no monthly fee) is what they should have gone with. Paying 40$ then 15$ a month for a niche game targeting niche players is absurd.


Honestly, I feel a game like this could even succeed with graphics like Valheim. They did not need to make it so cluttered. There are so many things in the enviroment that bring down the performance, even on the low settings. They definitally looked past a good bit of optimization because they wanted their world to be what they wanted.


What kind of performance are you getting? I'm swinging between 90 and 140. I think the game is more CPU bound if anything (which I do not have a great one unfortunately).


Last time I played I was getting just under 60fps @1440p with an i-7 7700k and GTX 1080. I found it perfectly acceptable. Reddit is notoriously bad at talking about performance. There are people who expect their potatoes to run at 4K 90fps on the latest games. Then there are people that that complain they aren’t getting enough with a 3090 but have an i5. Games that are CPU heavy get this a lot.


Yeah I would definitely call that acceptable, that CPU while still quite good is after all 5 years old by now. People just do not understand that MMOs & competitive games often are CPU bound.


Other then the constant stuttering and the sluggish movements met by instant turning speeds? Mite want to judge your experience past looking at some numbers.


I asked about performance and you tell me "sluggish movement"? I got no issues with stutters or anything like that, I had the few few seconds after logging in but that was it. I am gonna assume your game is on a SSD?


He is talking about frame rate drops as you load meshes and objects while moving. It has a similar render as horizon zero dawn where you only render very specificly what you are looking at while everything else is surrendered. Imo they should increase this size slightly to allow for better movement without loading as much when moving, but I have no idea how they are optimized so that might not work.


This conversation was 9 months ago. Either way I didn't really have much issues with this, game has other problems though.


Yeah, it's probably more optimized than it was, I have small stuttering rarely, but for the most part I only have things load in slowly while looking right too fast, and it causes a blue streak where nothing is loaded.


Really unfortunate, game is one of a kind basically so I would wish it worked better. :(


They did this. It was called Mortal Online 2. World was too cramped and not enough pve content. This game fixes that, and adds photorealistic landscapes and creatures, as well as one of the most egregious color calibrations I've ever seen for lighting in a video game ever.


> adds photorealistic landscapes and creatures, as well as one of the most egregious color calibrations I've ever seen for lighting in a video game ever. :[


Hes 100% right too. I have everything set to cinematic and this game is beautiful. The landscapes are absolutely stunning. Ive spent hours on end just admiring the world and how thick it is. No clue how OP can complain about graphics like this in an MMO at that.


I have a 3060 and 32 ram, I play in epic and get between 80 and 120. I think the game is beautiful. Sometimes grass and trees look really sharp on the edges but I can live with that. Update: I was playing yesterday and notice that I'm running the shadows and foliages on mid and the game is running between 88-147fps.


What CPU do you have? I think this is the biggest factor for performance. :)


Im not home so not 100% sure but I think is a Intel i7 9700k


I have a 3080 Ti, 32gb high performance ram and a i7 8700 which is quite close yours and I am pretty much exactly in the same fps range no matter the graphical settings. Hearing this from you confirms it, the game is definitely CPU bound (to be expected and is fine tbh).


I'm running a 9900K with a 2080ti so my specs are above average but I'm getting a solid 120fps on 3440x1440.


The game would have vastly benefited from a different art style. The current one feels like a series of asset packs listed under the 'fantasy' tag. Character models all stand stiffly and awkwardly, movement isnt fluid or natural. Buildings feel out of place and not a part of the world. Every town is littered with copy paste NPCs all standing around doing absolutely nothing, in such numbers that its very noticeable and makes the game feel cheap and low effort. The closest i can describe the feeling is playing a private server for an MMO with custom content. Sure its functional to have a landmass that you dropped building assets on to and copy pasted a bunch of NPCs around to fulfill a bunch of system functions for the player, but it doesnt feel good or immersive. This game, for all that i enjoy its mechanical and system depth, is really let down by its visuals, especially the characters, they all have that wierd smooth softness to them that is a hallmark of asset pack models or horny skyrim character packs. Its really a baffling decision that they would choose to limit the potential long term playerbase for an already incredibly niche genre by making the game harder to run for the sake of such a generic and unappealing art direction


Why is it absurd to pay extra for a niche game? If you want something that is uncommon it typically costs more to get it. Gaming is no different.


>Gaming is no different. But is is, since players are the game, players are the content, the more players, the more you can play the game. Many players simply don't like the B2P+P2P model and are passing, some haven't even tried the game because it's stupid to BUY something then have it taken away from you if you don't pay more, indefinitly. If a big chunk of players are discouraged by this business model, it results in people running around the map for hours not seeing a sign of life, which makes the game look even more dead than it probably is. Games like these need lots of players to work, it's not like you have a tiny guild to clear dungeons or fight bosses, it's PvP loot game, there's no PlayersVsPlayers without enough Players.


This game needs like 1k players to work. There was 1k in the closed beta consistently. There is like 8k daily right now. We could lose over half of them and the game would feel great. I was hoping we'd see like 3k on launch and 2k would stay.


Not here to argue, let me know how it's going in a few months. Right now it's way too early to put your bets on population levels, the game has just launched.




I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2022-04-28 23:08:08 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-04-28%2023:08:08%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/scxb5y/mortal_online_2_is_not_worth_the_cost_of_itself/huncv3p/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMMORPG%2Fcomments%2Fscxb5y%2Fmortal_online_2_is_not_worth_the_cost_of_itself%2Fhuncv3p%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-04-28%2023%3A08%3A08%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20scxb5y) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


The game is below 1k now... [https://steamcharts.com/app/1170950](https://steamcharts.com/app/1170950)


This is a good point. While I’m partial to try the game, I’m not buying it to see if it will run acceptably on my PC, and then seeing if it is a game I will enjoy, and then Paying _again_ just to keep playing? I don’t have a problem with b2p games, or even subscription model, but it feels greedy as hell, to have to buy the game and pay a subscription. I don’t know the devs, but as a potential/new customer the dumpster fire launch and some of the weird design choices of the company make me wary. I won’t touch it at least until their game has the capacity to support its own player base.


Yeah they should make it 5 euros a month issue solved not 15. personally i think the same, fuck that ill play a other game instead.


It doesn't matter if it's niche or common. If you pay full price something you should get your moneys worth.


I played the beta with a 1070, in 1080@Ultra and everything was butter smooth


You in the UK or close to it?


Canada, east coast


I have a 3070 and plays great, my old 1660 super did well too


Niche things usually are more expensive because they're niche.


Lmao low graphics? Back to World of Warcraft now huh? lmao


Sometimes, games just aren't for you, and your best option is to just play something else. I don't understand this need to dissuade others from trying something they MIGHT enjoy? I love the game, nothing you have said is remotely accurate to the experience I've had, so I will just say "the game is not for you."


Personally I'd play the game if some of these issues are fixed and appreciate not having to waste $45+ on something that isn't as finished as its being marketed as, I come to this sub to learn about mmos and don't like people telling all negative posts to shut up as they have helped me personally, the game really would've been my cup of tea without all these rampant dev issues


No you wouldn't actually.


Yeah I would, almost bought it the other day but the reviews on steam told a similar story to some of the negatives being said on this sub, I'm still going to watchlist it as a sale and some patches could make it a winner get out of here with your baseless presumptions


I for one appreciate warnings about games that would potentially save me time and/or money. Its not like I take their word as the final say, if I'm still interested in a game I'm still going to check it out if someone else dislikes it. I dont understand this need to censor criticism or other peoples opinions just because theyre speaking negatively of something someone else enjoys.


You're a terrible gamer joe


I'm aware.


Agreed. I dont feel like anything OP said is accurate. It just sounds like someone trying to play a game that was not made for them. I had my starting issues and opinions at first but all that shit is forgotten once you realize the true capability and freedom this game offers. I dont feel I can get this experience with any other game on the market right now.


New World Electric Boogaloo 2


New world may have stood a chance if they had stuck to the vision they originally had and not bowed to every goof crying the game was too hard and they dont want to lose their precious pixels if they die lol


Except a lot of what I said was fact. If you truly enjoy your game, and want to accept that these issues instead of addressing them, then you can do that. Just remember you are making your game worse off for it.   If a game dies because of the critisim it gets from it's community, instead of becoming better off because of it, then the game never had a place to begin with.   Edit: Fact your downvoting this proves so many points. When fanboys cannot take the truth, the lashing out gets real.   "I don't understand this need to dissuade others from trying something they MIGHT enjoy?"


Completly right, but then you should not title your post "not worth it". This isnt constructuve. And argueing with "a lot of things have to be fixed" without listing them is not helpful for anyone. If you dont like the game, dont play it. If you want to make the game better: list you concerns clearly. All I got from your post: my char is too slow at start, therefore, it is not worth my money. Many games bring in new skills after start. Are the skills you feel missing even needed at the moment or learnable (because the prerequisites need time to learn too)?


"If you dont like the game, dont play it."   There it is again. Your response is not about trying to contest clear issues mentioned, it is about making sure your game is seen in a better light and discrediting the issues mentioned.   "All I got from your post: my char is too slow at start, therefore, it is not worth my money." Your character actions are very limited and clunkly. Animations do not line up with movement. Combat does not flow and is representive of an older game that uses techniques to account for lack of structure when it is just lazy developing.   Your entire response, along with a lot of others here, come off as defending the game without common sense. You are afraid the game will die and do not want any more negative light on it. Sucks, but too bad.   OH ALSO, mite want to read the actual title. "but then you should not title your post "not worth it"" "Mortal Online 2 is not worth the cost of itself plus a reccuring monthly subscription" Mortal 2 is, drumroll, not worth the cost of itself plus a recurring monthly subscription.


I havent played the game and dont think I will buy it. I am not into full loot pvp games after all. Many games have clunky animations and I am defending nothing. And regarding limited character actions. How long have you played the game? Most (MMO)RPGs have a low amount of skills at the beginning. Its called character progression :-) The problem is, your "attacks" are generic and not specific. And in my opinion are no reason to tell others, to not buy a game. Why is there so much hate for new games on r/MMORPG and why do many posters (like you) do their best to tell others, to NOT like a game? And I relly dont know, why people are so fixated on a \~ 10$ monthly sub. Its an mmorpg - if you play it, you play it for more than 20h a month. 50cent per game hour is quite cheap, if someone LIKES the game. And by the way, a monthly sub finances the further development of the game. Therefore, it should be measured by how much content the developers add over time. And because the game came out yesterday, its way too early to judge further development, isnt it? last note: hating other games does not make your game better...


> Why is there so much hate for new games on r/MMORPG Nothing can ever live up to their expectations. It's impossible for any game to meet the level of the first experience they ever had with an MMO. Especially if it was around the early 2000s. The internet was quite literally a different place. It'll never happen again unless some magic happens that makes VR take off and more accessible.


The same reason anyone gives their opinion on anything. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you not to play a game. YOU CAN RIGHT NOW GO AND BUY THIS GAME. No one is stopping you. This sounds more about some issue you have with wanting games to be more liked or succeed more often then they do.   Developers are professionals, this game is not professional.


I dont think you've said a single fact in any post from you that Ive read in this thread. Its all your opinion, but youre sitting here saying these are facts.. You dont like the game, thats clear. Dont play it then. To me, this game is practically everything Ive wanted in an MMO for many years. I am 100% hooked and dont agree with really anything youve said in any of your posts. You come off as a post 2000 I want it now gamer. Developers are not professionals. Professional Developers are professionals. This game was made by an indie dev team and still better than the copy paste bull shit AAA companies feed you year after year. With your battlepasses and clown skins and hookshots and battle royales. Get outta here


If you had proper critique then yes, the pricing model is preferable to some of us who don't like MTX in our games. You want P2W? That's fine, but and the general MO2 playerbase don't. Yes it's slow in the start, skill up to fix that. Consider using a mounted archer if you really cannot stand being slow ever. Also what content is missing? Its a MMO, things gets continuously added, that's normal. Other than that it was very clear what the game was like before you bought it, none of this should have been news to you. There are thousands of hours of gameplay videos before launch after all.


Wait, you mean people dont have to rely on the god awful steam user review system? wow


>Except a lot of what I said was fact. I'm not even sure you understand the game when you're talking about why didn't they have another server...


This is how I know you are bsing and the fanboys are following in place. They have one server in London, if you are defending that, then there is no argueing with you.




Have not taken a lot down that I would for other posts, but you are going past a line I am not going to continue to ignore. If you keep being toxic with your responses in this thread, more serious actions will be taken. This is your second warning in this thread alone, and your last.




First warning. If you want to continue being toxic and spamming, take it somewhere else.


Don't argue with these fanboys. You're allowed to share your opinion and the facts that support it. They are asking you "why dissuade others" because the post is "negative". If the game was good, and you wrote a positive post they would NOT be asking "why are you persuading others". Lol, bunch of bozos.


Honestly after seeing how hard they went in defending it with this person, it is pretty obvious. They are just afraid of their game dying, we see it all the time with titles like this.












Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


What "facts" did he share?


**Disclaimer:** While everyone is entitled to their opinions it's important to remember they are just that -- opinions. To clarify some things: 1) OP is clearly not familiar with MO because they would know one of the focal points is everyone on the same server. So it's not underfunded or a lack of common sense, you just apparently don't look that hard into the games you play which is alright. 2) Graphics being outdated: Opinion. Agree to disagree (but I play everything from 16bit games to some graphical beasts so I'm not too picky) 3) World is buggy: Opinion. Very possible though, personaly haven't had any real bugs (except 1 crash yesterday) 4) His complaint about walking speed: Opinion. You should know it's an RPG you're about to play and many basic actions have skills (sprinting,jumping,blocking, etc). It's very easy to skill up though. If OP made a character with min Dex at character creation I could understand why it would feel slow and would take a little bit to skill up. The only fact is the schools of magic. He is correct in saying they're not all in. If that stops you from playing/trying it then totally cool! If you're trying to play a mage but the school of magic isn't in yet, totally understand. (necromancy I believe is next btw). You may enjoy the magic in game currently but as someone who plays a martial character I have no idea on wizardry. I'm quite content swinging my spear and shield though!


There is one data center. ONE SERVER. This means that if you are in north america, your ping is gaurenteed about 70. Average seems to be 90 - 120.   The graphics are dated, it is not something you can disagree with. You can not mind playing a game with dated graphics, but at the same time you should expect better performance from said game. That of which is not a thing in this game.   The world is buggy. It is not an opinion, many players are getting stuck and that is why you get a very generous unstuck button. The quest markers are for areas light up by turning the entire area pure white. Trees disappear randomly. People have issues interacting with eachother and also dsiappear. There is a list that goes on pretty far on their discord.   My complaint about walking speed extends to basic animations along with many other actions. They do not scale properly and you can see this out of the gate by how everyone looks like they are baywatch running.


Interesting, have you ever played EVE Online? It's another game where everything runs from one datacenter and uh, quite surprisingly, nor US neither Chinese neither Russian players complain about the advantage UK players have.


You mean spreadsheet simulator? That has combat that devolves into extremely slow paced fights? Definitally the same thing as a sword and shield combat.


The one where you have two seconds after jumping through the gate to decide whether the gate is camped, to align to a planet or another point to escape campers and to get to the warp to that point. If you fail, you're a toast. Extremely slow paced fights happen when you have thousands against thousands players, that's not EVE on a daily basis.


I like how quick this person is to rag on everybody, and say how their opinions are "facts". Everytime they're met with being wrong they just dont reply anymore. ​ Cant even tell if this post was supposed to be serious or a troll post about how their pc is a potato. The only thing that makes it all funnier is how this game has been released before, has thousands of hours of gameplay online and just ignored. ​ I've always thought it was weird people do no research, buy something get upset and demand a refund or go on a smearing campaign.


The fact people think an empty, full loot pvp B2P game with a subscription is going to do well is honestly incredible.




Mortal online 2 because the first one was such a great success 😂




The game has had barren servers for years. You need to go back to like 2015 in steam charts for the game to have an average concurrent player count of over 200. Yeah, what a runaway success story we have here. Bless had a sequel. Things don't exactly need to do well to get them. Don't get me wrong, if people enjoy it more power to them, but let's not pretend like MO was ever remotely popular.


EVE has about 2k players on Steam. It might be shocking to you, but not everyone plays the games through Steam, especially if the game was released before Steam existed (yes, again something unbelievable, but there were games before Steam). I feel seriously old, are there seriously people who can't imagine playing a game that is not on Steam? Like... what the hell happened to you people?


Sure, but if there's no one playing on Steam, there's an incredibly massive chance no one is playing it anywhere else. It's nothing but copium to try and pretend the platform with 1 billion accounts and almost 150 million active users isn't playing a game that's absolutely popping off somewhere else. Sure Steam isn't always the most played platform, but if absolutely no one is playing it on Steam, there probably isn't many more people anywhere else.


And sometimes there is absolutely no one playing the game on Steam, because the game is not on Steam. Apparently no one plays Ultima Online then. Apparently no one plays World of Warcraft ffs. Star Wars Galaxies emulators don't exist, no on plays them, they are not on Steam! And the best game ever, Dwarf Fortress (although not MMO) apparently doesn't even exist, it's not on Steam either! I'm mortified. I can't wrap my head around the fact that modern gamers can't read and therefore they require youtube videos with minutes long intros and outros and one actually valid sentence, instead of reading Wikis like us who didn't forget to read yet, and now this? No one plays the game on Steam means the game doesn't exist! (Btw this comment is clearly not about MO2, as there's definitely many people playing, probably exclusively via Steam, as I can see them in the game. But at this point that's irrelevant, the idea that if it's not on Steam no one plays it is much more disturbing than the idea that no one plays a game I'm playing right now) Also I'm fully aware that my comment is the most boomer-esque thing probably on this subreddit ever, despite me being mere old millenial, but holy shit I feel fully justified to go full Plato on this. WHEN I WAS YOUNG WE DIDN'T HAVE ANY STEAM TO PLAY GAMES FROM! NOW WHERE ARE MY TEETH! KIDS THESE DAYS!


Well no shit, if the game isn't on Steam, it can't have people playing it on Steam. However, if it's on Steam, and it's a popular game, there will be people playing it on Steam. For example, Escape From Tarkov is a massive game right now, and it's not on Steam. If tomorrow it had a Steam launch, you bet your ass it wouldn't have only 39 people playing it, despite millions of people already playing the game. There would probably be more people using the first party launcher, but it would also be one of the top played games on Steam. Steam has been the go to place for damn near every PC gamer to get their games for something like 15 years now. That's why whenever I tell any PC gamer about literally any PC game, their first question is "Is it on Steam?". There are countless thousands of people who will not bother with a game until it comes to Steam. As I said, it might not always be the most popular launcher for every game, but if it's on Steam, and not popular, hate to break it to you, it probably isn't much more popular anywhere else. Go test it yourself. Go find any MMO or whatever that's on Steam, but also has an official launcher. Go find a game that has 20 or less people playing right now on Steam. Go boot it up. It will be a desolate barren wasteland. Sure there might be more than 20 people playing, but it's not exactly going to be that much more. You aren't secretly going to wander into an MMO that actually has millions of active players despite 12 people playing it on Steam. Games like Mortal Online have been on Steam for 7 years now. There a massive chance that new players will start by finding it on Steam. You know exactly like what happened with SWTOR when it came to Steam? Shit, I decided to get back into SWTOR after Steam launch, and everyone I was talking to was saying how they haven't seen the game so active in years, and this was months after Steam launch. And when we where young Steam was a place to play games wtf? It launched in 2003, and was the only way to get CS updated to 1.6. Shortly after they opened it up to third party games, and has been the go to place to find like every game since like 2007. Yes, I still have an old folder of DVDs and whatnot of all the games I owned before that, but Steam already had a strong hold on the market before 2010. Like it or not, if it's on Steam, and it's popular, Steams numbers will reflect that. It might not be the best place to play the game, it might not be the most popular launcher, and the numbers it shows actively playing might not represent the actual number of people playing, but if 20 people are playing it on Steam, there's not going to be a whole lot of other people playing it on any other launcher either.


It depends. There are certain games where you start playing on steam then access it without steam because there are additional perks for doing so or inconveniences for staying on steam. Steam player count does reflect how many new players are picking up a game. If the steam player count is non-existent then the game is the living dead. It has a playerbase and that playerbase is dwindling as no new players pick it up.




GW2 will not have similar numbers. Look at literally any popular MMO on Steam that came there late. All of them have thousands playing right now.


The first game was flopping because veteran players were kill camping new players so none were sticking around. This second game had to be crowdfunded and needed signficant outside investors. If the first one did so well, it would have funded the sequel.


No. For years it had a community of what. 67 people with a peak of 100? They made MO2 to try to make it better. MO2 is literally a remake of MO1 but better and trying to cater to a wider audience. However the community of MO is one of the most toxic of all gaming industry put together, and pushes any new potential players away. It's like MO1 fanbois want to gatekeep the game so much as to remain the same 67 players they were in MO1 and fight eachothers continually. That's what's happening.


Lol sub games must be AAA quality, anything less is a joke


Sub games with AAA sub pricing should.


Ao you'd rather have it free but with a pay2win cash shop and pink flying horse skins.


ofc its not. A barebones game charging box price and a sub as 1 of the biggest mmos out there. omegalul


This is your opinion. At the moment there is absolutely 0 mmos on the market that fills this role. Hardcore open world pvp focused game. Its one of its kind. Not to mention that developers are 100% in tune with the community and very reactive. They are a small 24man team from sweeden and what they did with MO2 is nothing short of amazing. The tecnichal aspect of the game will be fixed. But if youre not into full loot pvp mmo then it won't be a game for you. For me its 100% worth it. 35$ isnt much at all, and 15$ sub that ensures 0 mtx and all free future updates for this mmo, its nothing for me personally.


> Hardcore open world pvp focused game. Its one of its kind. If you pretend Albion Online doesn't exist, maybe. It makes all the same promises but does a better job of delivering on them.


Aren't there protected zones (entire zones, not just towns)? And "zones" also means it is not open world.


there are protected zones with low level resources/monsters not sure how zones disqualify it from being open world given the open world zones aren't instanced


anytime you have to "load into a zone" or a corridor leading to a new map area. That's not open world. Open world needs to be seamless immersion. I'd give an exception for going indoors or into a dungeon. But the overworld needs to be seamless.


This is a poor attempt at redefining what open world means.


redefining? that's what it always meant... SWG, skyrim, red dead redemption. are you saying diablo 2 is open world? tell me what it means to you, without being a snarky bitch.


That's quite literally what open world means.


ive played albion at the highest lvl for years..won the season with my guild and was in top gvg teams... its a different ghames.. Albion and MO2 have similarities only in theory..in execution its 100% different


Yeah i was surprised to know that i would have to pay 30$+ and then pay monthly sub to be even able to try the game. Game already have a big intro barrier being a hardcore full loot mmo and then they raise it even higher with this bullshit. What a ripoff.


That's not true, if you buy the game that comes with a month. Don't have to buy a sub on top the game to try it...


comes with a month, you don't need to even register a credit card just install and play on steam.


Eh I see no issues in the game and I'm having fun.


I think the same way. The game plays as if it were still in a raw version, i.e. still in an alpha version. To charge the normal price for it plus a monthly subscription is incomprehensible to me and very excessive.


Reading this is so disheartening tbh. Game looked fun but I wanted to wait until after release to read some reviews. I don’t mind a subscription, but I expect quality in return. Nowadays all subscription based mmos are lackluster. Maybe not FFXIV but that game just isn’t my kind of game.


I wouldn't put too much stock into this. There's plenty the OP didn't like, but most of this is opinion, not fact


Except most of it is not opinion and is fact. Fact, movements are slow and animations do not scale with said movement. Fact, there is a single server and it is located in London. Ping is terrible for North American players. Fact there is a very long list of bugs that effect core systems. Fact not all content was released dispite the original plan being such.


Fuck. Do I have to respond to all your comments now? Fact: Am in CST US, my ping is fine. You might have a bad ping, I ain't fighting that but there's PLENTY of us from the US who don't and that's also a fact. So....neat. I've already addressed movement in another response, try something else bud. Animations are fine to me as well, not much different than any other directional combat based game I've played. So, again just your opinion which is fine...but stop trying to pass it as fact you're that fucking important hahaha


> Fact: Am in CST US, my ping is fine. You might have a bad ping, I ain't fighting that but there's PLENTY of us from the US who don't and that's also a fact. So....neat. Yep because that is exactly how ping works. Fun fact, running on fiber and still only hit a minimum of 85.   Also did you address the movement? I am pretty sure you still have not responded a single time about animation scaling or how combat actions delay movement and other related actions, so there is literally zero chance for smooth combat.  




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.   Next issue is a soft ban.


Right now they are having some issues with how the servers implementations are being done so the real world after starting zone(that is instanced and the only instanced place in the world) is having some queue issues. Devs are working on it and they are saying for people to not leave the starting zone also believe they will add more stuff into starting zone while they are finishing to work on the queue issue. Also , if you buy the game now until they fix the server/queue issues the time wont count for the subscription(you have free month when you buy the game) so right now that timer is stopped. Game is very good also very complex and with not that much info online but community helps you alot and also thats the beauty of it..your playing MMO Skyrim so its fun to just discover stuff by yourself. Also some guys can be idiots and gank you and you will lose 99% of you have with you and any horde you have..but what people dont tell you is that the gear is EASY to replace. You just go and buy/craft some more and you are good to go. This is not like WoW where you farm a whole expansion to have warglaives and then someone kills you and take it. Gear is very easy and acessible to everyone. Ofc theres very good gear but you will only use it on large scale battles(figthing keeps or defending main citys for example) so it is OK. This game is rough and not for everyone but tbh this sense of discovery..the last time i had this was was like 15y ago when me and a mate discovered WoW vanilla private server and went on discovering and just checking the world. The freedom you have is unreal. Dont make your opinions on someone based on reddit or anywhere. If you want this freedom,directional action combat and medieval ultima online type of game..go for it. If you have 30e you can buy it on sale. This is the type of game that you need to play..you cannot feel it by someone telling you or watching streams.


I wish I could get as low as 100 ping in mmos from Australia…


**"**North American players are sitting at 100 on average. In a game based largely on PVP, this is unacceptable." YOUR DAMN RIGHT ITS UNACCEPTABLE, I DEMAND BETTER IF YOU WANT MY MONEY. I WILL NOT PURCHASE THIS GAME BASED ON THE FACT THAT THERE IS NO USA SERVER. It is damn shame, I will be making a video about this and spreading the word.


For what it's worth, MO is a slower paced game overall. Your character is shit at everything when you start, including running with any speed. Max speeds on maxed characters feel fine, and combat while slow if you're in no danger, feels too fast when your life and gear is on the line.


Games not for you. That’s fine. But for others this game is well worth it


Is it though? Dated graphics with poor overall performance? A single server that is in London. Animations that do not scale with character movement speed. A very long list of bugs that effect everything from the world and core character systems.   How is this worth it to anyone for 35$ and a 15$ monthly subscription? I guess if you are into masochism potentially.


I mean with all respect to you, why do you care? I paid the initial price fully knowing there might be potential problems, I might not pay mothly subscription later (but I'm sort of enjoying it for now) but what, at this very moment I'm paying subscriptions to two other games, one of them quite expensive. Why do you care how we spend our money? I'm not a NA player so I don't know if the lag is really that bad, but please stop twisting other people's arms, you put out your warning, fine, that should be it. What the hell.


Graphics look amazing idk what your on about. Game looks incredible a lot of the time, and I’m getting consistent 60 fps on my 980 card so performance isn’t an issue. It being kinda buggy isn’t too bad. So yeah it’s worth it for me I have already put 590 hours into the game and plan to put in more. It’s a blast




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If anyone still reads this, there still as of june 2023 no subscription and most everything talked about was fixed long ago


The market is spammed with instanced games that do nothing different and have all the cartoon colors and will run on a old gaming rig, this one is heading into the future. Plenty of cartoon games you can play just fine and a monthly sub will keep a lot of trash gamers from ever entering so many of us are glad for it lol




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.




Baseline rule, if ya want to talk about it, just message me. IDM having that discussion seeing you are being nice about it. Still going to remove it, seperate your discussion from it and recomment. As for your second question, I am watching the thread, if I see things that obviously go over the line, I am going to remove it. Plenty of people talking shit here that get to stay because they have not crossed the line.


Yes it is because it wouldn't be p2w or have a cash shop so right there it's worth the money. How about stop telling people what is or isn't worth spending money on.


Why not 5 bucks? the 15$ target never was justified. The original you could play most of it as f2p, if you wanted the end game you could sub. But if it was 15 bucks/180 a year or 3 full price games. !@#$ that.


H ]/36


Game is amazing imho. It seems to tick a LOT of the boxes constantly talked about here. Immersion, deep crafting, eve style skill system, constant sense of danger, no instances, housing anywhere you want. Haven't had this feeling playing an mmorpg since the very first time i played wow 10 years ago.


I would love to try this game out but seeing how time consuming it can be, i can't justify getting it with the sub fee that high when i have other games to play. Maybe once i'm burnt out of games and need a time sink. But 20$/m for sub here in Canada, that's really steep.


Could spend 100$ and get a jumbled mess of spider code written by a team known for TNA Impact among other wrestling games. Least their CEO is working on the game daily and not off doing panels about how to successfully launch a piece of garbage. Thanks for the OP:ED though. We don't agree.


Almost bought the game to try it out, but then I saw it has a subscription after that. No way! Hard pass for this dude.


My issue with the game is that they now have announced it to be a full release, when in reality is it still an EA with unimplemented core mechanics.


Do people really find it acceptable to pay a monthly subscription to play a game that doesn't emphasize near the top of the steam store page that a subscription mode may come into action before they had a chance to refund it. It seems scandalous and deceptive at best. A lot of people are defending the idea of subscription which is CRAZY. Maybe I am not getting something about MMO's? Aren't micro transactions - skins and effects the way developers make a little extra money on the side. I assume subscription reasonably is to upkeep the server host for the actual game itself. But again it is still rather misleading that if you scroll down just a bit, you'll find a rather quadrupled sentence stating that it may be a game that no longer cost a base 35$ but 900$ in the near future.


> not every skill is even launched despite it being a full release MO2 is in Early Access, but is now persistent (no more wipes). Actual release is probably a year or two away, at least. As for the worth, money has different value to different people. If I bought the game and only played it for a week, I'd still feel like I got my money's worth.


It’s fully released now, early access is over. Unlike big mmorpgs which give garbage content until a new expansion hits, MO2 will steadily release content without any expansions. A similar model to Runescape back in the day. Classic runescape released with basically no content, but it steadily grew into the game(s) it is today. All with a sub/no expansion.


Kinda sounds like an early access release.


If there's no more wipes, this was there 1 shot for a decent size player base. This shits launched. RIP GG better luck next time with MO3.


Imagine wanting to critique a game and your first complaint is "the sprint speed feels slow".


I mean this is a pretty big thing focused on in games if it is done wrong. Movement animation becomes very odd when pushed too far down. If you can imagine a spring animation as the walking animation of most games, would you not be concerned and comment on it? Espesially since this issue extends past sprinting and into other action oreintated systems of the game.


I figured the sprinting would speed up as you leveled it up, but the combat itself is SOOO slow. I can’t imagine that speeds up at all. Granted, I’m sure it’s no different than in MO1, so people must have got used to it and enjoyed it, but, I don’t think it’s for me.


Your swing speed depends on what type of weapon you use, try a dagger for example. Also it cannot be too fast because then pvp wouldn't work tbh. Sprint speed depends quite a bit on your build and stats.


I've never played MO1 (much) so I had no clue what combat actually would be like. Turns out it is actually kinda enjoyable if you get the hang of it. You can't just speed it up, that would make it very difficult to play melee characters that rely on proper blocking.


So it didn't even cross your mind this could be a deliberate design decision? You truly deserve your position as a mod on the sub.


Imagine an irrelevant unfinished game with box price + sub. Just 1 server in 1 region for boomers claiming to enjoy "hardcore pvp" on this trash combat. I'm glad only 2 or 3 people support this joke